Member Reviews

Well, I love graphic novels and this one was great and attractive. Furthermore, it talks about important topics (REALLY WELL WRITEN btw) like queer identities.

I think it is a good book, because it is really easy to read. I love that in graphic novels and the way can talk about different issues in our society in simply and interesting ways, that leave us addicted until the end. This one wasn´t different and because of that was a nice read.

About the plot, I liked it, and the way it shifts between the past and present. Furthermore, I could identify myself in some situations of the stories which made me like it even more.

I cannot not talk about the art style, it’s so pretty and the colours… I loved it so much, it’s so beautiful.

So, as you can tell I recommed it to everyone!!

Thank you Netgalley for the opportuny.

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Paper Planes by Jennie Wood is a poignant and moving coming-of-age story that explores the complexities of friendship, self-discovery, and the aftermath of tragedy. The novel follows high schoolers Leighton Worthington and Dylan Render, who are sent to a summer camp for troubled youth after a tragic event. The two have always been inseparable, but the challenges of camp and their personal journeys of self-discovery force them to confront the incident that threatens their futures and explore the type of person they want to be.

The novel is expertly crafted, with well-developed characters and a fast-paced plot that keeps the reader engaged from beginning to end. The author does an excellent job of exploring the dynamics of friendship and the complexities of the teenage experience. The novel is set against the backdrop of a summer camp for troubled youth, which adds an element of tension and suspense to the story.

One of the strengths of Paper Planes is its exploration of the aftermath of tragedy and the impact it can have on young people. The novel does an excellent job of capturing the confusion, pain, and uncertainty that can arise in the wake of a traumatic event. The author also explores the power of self-discovery and the importance of finding one's own path in life.

Overall, Paper Planes is a beautifully written and emotionally resonant novel that will stay with readers long after they've finished reading it. The novel is a testament to the power of friendship, self-discovery, and the human spirit.

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I really enjoyed this graphic novel. The narrative and the message was brilliant. Shifting between past and present, it was a great way to tell the story, it was confusing at some points, but I still enjoyed the story. I really enjoyed how the art tied in with the storytelling.

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The author's poignant writing style evokes many emotions, from heartache to hope. It is a moving tale that reminds us of the extraordinary strength within each of us, urging us to embrace our dreams and never stop reaching for the skies.

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Two teens go to a summer camp for troubled youth after being involved in an incident from their past.

Jennie Wood does an excellent job of meshing past and present day pages in the graphic novel: one has white gutter/margin space, and the other has off white. Not sure if that was just my platform or everyone's, but it worked!!)

Definitely bittersweet for sure! Friendship breakups are the worst, but new friendships that are healthier are the best.

Thank you NetGalley and Mad Cave Studios for the eARC.

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For some reason this was hard for me to get into the story. I think it was more the pace of it though. It made me uneasy that Dylan and Leighton was sent to a therapy program aka "summer camp." I think that set the tone for the story for me. I would like to reread this again in the future. Just to make sure I understood all the references that I may have missed.

I love the illustrations! They were great.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Sadly it was difficult for me to follow through with this book and the reason is kind of sad as well.
I hard a very hard time reading the text and that made the enjoyment of the book decrease considerably.
I like the illustrations but the text was too tiny to follow, or maybe it was the quality of the ARC, or my tablet, hard to tell.
Thank you for sending me a copy regardless! I am happy others have enjoyed it more and it has found its audience!

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I liked “Paper planes”.
I liked the atmosphere of the story, the main characters and the play of colors that continued throughout the book.

What captivated me the most was reading about queer identities, as the book developed this issue so well!

I confess that it was a little difficult to follow the timeline, it required a lot of concentration.
Still, it was a pleasant read and I recommend it!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the free eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Cativante, divertido, contém pautas relevantes. arte inovadora e enredo intrincado. Difícil parar de ler.

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Paper Planes is a coming of age, queer graphic novel featuring a number of queer characters (including a non-binary protagonist). The art style is absolutely gorgeous. The author has an amazing grasp on the way teens communicate and work through finding themselves and going through conflict.

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Queer coming of age graphic novels are truly the key to my heart, and this one was seriously a treat.
Firstly, the art style was lovely. A big part of my enjoyment of graphic novels, naturally, is my enjoyment of the art, and how strongly it makes me want to stop and stare at each panel just a little longer. Paper Planes achieved that.
Now for the substance of the story. I was truly moved by this book. The nuanced exploration of gender, sexuality, emotions, and relationships was wonderfully executed. I will be recommending this title to customers interested in Heartstopper, The Prince and the Dressmaker, Mooncakes, and other queer YA graphic novels.

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I found this book to be a delightful read with its captivating cover and an engaging storyline. It was a fast-paced, enjoyable book that I couldn't put down.

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I love love lived the art style. The story was greattt and it is an overall great read. Would recommend <3

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Couldn’t stop reading. I loved the evolving relationships and emotional dynamics as well as the representation of different sexualities.

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In Paper Planes we follow our two main characters as they attend a summer camp for troubled youth. Dylan and Leighton were best friends who have drifted apart after a traumatic event. This is the same event that led them to be at camp in the first place. Can these two survive camp and come back together?

I really enjoyed this graphic novel. The story was fantastic, and I didn't mind the back and forth in the timeline. Having the flashbacks really helped build a sense of suspense as to what happened to make the girls go to this summer camp for troubled youth. Overall, a fun read and one that I would gladly read again!

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This graphic novel follows Leighton and Dylan, two highschoolers who are sent to a summer camp because of an incident that happened (and that we learn about later in the book).
Overall I think it is a good story and the art is very good (and for me that is a big part of liking a graphic novel). Here the drawing style and the colours relayed the mood of the story very well. Overall though I did expect a more uplifting book, and there were some small things that I found not that well executed.

----- slightly spoilery from here on ------

Things I didn't like that much:
- In general I do like the idea of the flashbacks that over time explain what led to the current situatuion. But the jumps were very quick, and especially when jumping back to the "now" timeline it was not always clear. So I was a bit confused at times and it all felt a bit rushed.
- The ending came very sudden for me and felt like something was still missing. There were some threads of the story that were open, and for me it seemed not like a positive ending after a storyline where the characters had a hard time, but I am afraid their lives will keep being difficult. of course that is probably realistic, I just expected a more uplifting story. Also even though Dylan seems to have grown and be more content with themselves, i feel very sorry for Leighton because she does the opposite, still letting her parents dictate her life (do what they expect of her even if she doesn't like it, her sexuality not being accepted by them, stop contact with Dylan because her parents tell her to)
- I would have liked more explanation at the beginning about where they are, what is the purpose of this camp, how long they have to be there and what they have to do. There was a short info in the blurb, but I still was a bit confused in the beginning what they were doing there, and it only became clearer after a while into the story.
- There were many plot points hinted at (estrangement from family, homophobia, poverty, bullying, overbearing parents, queer identities), but as it is a graphic novel with a shorter story, they didn't all get the time they deserve. This might just be a personal preference, I prefer fewer topics with more depth, maybe you will like it like this better.

Things I did like:
- Realistic portrayal of messy teenagers, trying to navigate life and friendships and parents; and how they learn that their actions have consequences and how to handle that
- The art style was fantastic and fit well with the story
- The likable characters
- The queer representation. I liked that there was a nonbinary character that was (at least by most characters) acceptd. And that there was an ace character, who is confident in her sexulality and clearly tells the other characters when they cross a line and do things she doesn't want

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A beautifully illustrated graphic novel featuring a diverse cast of characters with varying LGBTQIA+ identities (we love to see the ace & non-binary representation)! Unfortunately, the storytelling was super disjointed and the book was left open-ended making it an unsatisfying experience. Overall I appreciate that this exists but wouldn't go out of my way to purchase my own copy.

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Sometimes it's hard to express what you're really feeling to your nearest and dearest, so why not write it all down on a paper plane, and send it to them, hoping they'll read it. Friends Leighton and Dylan have been sent to a summer camp for problem youths after an incident at school. Leighton is missing out on tennis camp and Dylan is missing out on freedom, while they take ownership of what happened, and try to show they are reformed characters who won't cause any further trouble.
Flipping between the past and the present, to explain Leighton and Dylan'd relationship, back story and why they are in the summer camp in the first place, this is a fun easy read.

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3.5+ stars

I liked but didn’t love this one. The premise was cute, the artwork was great, and the story was fun, but I also felt like the story (and especially the ending) was missing something; I still had questions left. Maybe that was intentional, but I was looking for a bit more. Regardless, it was still a fun queer YA graphic novel that represented a range of identities well.

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First thing that comes to mind is aaahhh, I love this book so much. the illustration, the story plot, the characters are just soooo amazon. i dont have the right word to describe how amazing the book is. please read it yourself if you wanna know more about the book.

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