Member Reviews

Wow! What can I say about a sports autobiography that is this good?
I enjoy sports (auto)biographies, and this is one of the best I have read. I really enjoyed learning more about Larry Csonka and all of the other players from his era. I remember all of these names from when I was a kid and my dad watched football.
I am fascinated by how people achieve greatness, which is what Csonka did. He was an Ohio farm boy who became a football legend. He tells his story including major turning points in his life that led him to success. You do not have to be a football fan to appreciate this autobiography. Larry Csonka is a hard-worker and a great personality. His stories are funny and touching and relatable. Of course, there are plenty of interesting football anecdotes told from his first hand perspective.
In the epilogue, he explained what happened to all of the people who played a role in his life on and off the field. This provided perfect closure. I feel that I know Larry Csonka and would like to know him better after reading this book. I am motivated to watch videos of his football games and the Dolphins' undefeated season. A good work of nonfiction gives the reader ability to discuss the subject with others and a desire to learn more. This book does that.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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An audio book entitled “Head On?” An autobiography written by Larry Csonka? A book, when finished reading by me, includes being run over by a 245 pound man in peak athletic condition running at full speed with a forearm shiver to my head? Okay, the last sentence was not literally true but maybe, perhaps, could’ve happened after going to one of the many bars (preferably late, late, late night places that Csonka and some of his football teammates went to during his professional career as a legendary fullback that not only scored touchdowns but also ran purposely into players on the other team.
So his story as a legendary Hall-of- Fame running back that, during his peak years, became nicknamed Sundance to his backfield running partner Jim Kiick (Butch Cassidy), offers a frank view of his life, from quitting football at a young age, to his sometimes good, sometimes not-so-good relationship with his Hall-of-Fame coach Don Shula, to his on-again, the off again relationship with his childhood sweetheart/former wife, to his brazen actions both on and off the football field to…we’ll this sentence is way too long to describe a life “well-lived.”
So you will enjoy his entertaining life and how Csonka tells his story. I came away glad I know the man underneath the face mask. I’m not sure he realizes how selfish he comes across as he tells his story, whether telling about how he required his childhood sweetheart to go along with all the big decisions in his life. He mentions his two sons in passing and then they exit his life “stage” not to be referenced again. And boy does he enjoy chasing that “filthy lucre” money as his primary consideration even if it diminishes his family life, or his professional life.
So I have NetGalley to send thank for the chance to enjoy Csonka share his version of the “The Larry Csonka Story.” For me it was a nostalgic trip down memory lane and recommend that trip for other “classic” football fans all over.

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