Member Reviews

I keep asking myself why I’ve been putting this book on the back burner for a year! It’s the very first book on my NetGalley backlist, but the Goodreads ratings were brutal for this thriller and I kept putting it off. I’m the Queen of DNF’ing books; but I thoroughly enjoyed this one and don’t understand how this book received over twenty 1 star reviews. Like how?! Did we read the same book?

Cheyanne moved away from her hometown of Blue Cliff five years ago because of the superstitions around the small town that the Hickory Man would take small children if they wander too far into the woods.

“Keep silver in your pockets, walk with dirt in your shoes, or he’ll poke your eyeballs from their sockets, and boil your bones in stew.”

Children have been disappearing for 100 years, and no one can quite figure out who or what is responsible for all the murders. Cheyanne left without saying goodbye to her two best friends Natalie and Jack, but she doesn’t regret leaving.

Fast forward to the present where Cheyanne receives a call from the chief of police begging her to come back to take care of her ma because another child has gone missing and she’s in a catatonic state which only Cheyanne can fix. Cheyanne is back but there’s tension between her, Natalie, and Jack. There’s secrets spilling all over town about the Hickory Man and it’s up to Cheyanne, Natalie, and Jack to find out the truth…if they survive the bogey man.

I INHALED this book in one day! I fell in love all the characters, the storyline was nicely paced, the twists surprised me, and the ending blew me away! After devouring this book I jumped right into Katherine’s newest book, The Lake of Lost Girls, which publishes later this year and I love it so far.

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I love books with Appalachia as a setting! This was creepy, atmospheric, and suspenseful-a true slow burn mystery that kept me guessing.

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Being a big time Lisa Jewell fan, this one served exactly what I was looking for. The dark atmosphere, slow burn pacing, well built characters had me hooked from the start. I didn’t want to put it down! And believe me the first line had me screaming in silence.

Absolutely a solid read for lovers of slow burn, scary, mysteries with supernatural vibes!

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2.5 stars, rounded up.

A slowburn paranormal mystery set in the Appalachian Mountains. I found this rather far fetched and thought the characters were underdeveloped, and therefore I had a really hard time getting into this. There were also a number of plot holes that took away from the story as well. I thought the concept of the book sounded really interesting, it was the execution of it that was lacking.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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DNF’D this book pretty early on as it was just too slow paced for me.

Thank you NetGalley and to the publishers for giving me this arc in exchange for my honest review!

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Anything that has to do with the Appalachian mountains always intrigues me the most. This book was unpredictable and definitely so CREEPY. Kids going missing in a small town, where the woods are the most dangerous place to be. It was a fast read and was so good.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the creepy mysterious vibe of this book right from the start! If you are a fan of a slow burn thriller set in the woods this book is for you. Set in a small town at the foothills of the Appalachian mountains, Cheyenne Ashby left her small town to escape her mentally unstable mother with her superstitions about something evil in the woods that takes the towns children. Five years earlier 3 children's bodies were found in the woods and a man named Jasper Clifton was convicted of the crimes which let the small town rest easier. But when Cheyenne returns home and another child goes missing she is determined to find out what is really happening in her small town.
I love thrillers, and this one had an especially creepy feel with this atmospheric story of someone or something lurking in the woods.
Thank you Netgalley for this ARC in exchange of my honest review.

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I recently had the pleasure of diving into The Woods Are Waiting, an atmospheric read that kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. The author's skillful storytelling and ability to create tension and suspense had me hooked from the very first page. What I particularly enjoyed about this book was the twists and turns that kept me guessing until the very end. The pacing was perfect, making it hard to put the book down once I started reading. Overall, I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a creepy ride filled with suspense, mystery, and unexpected surprises. It's a must-read for fans of the genre!

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The Woods are Waiting is a fast paced thriller, that is well written and tries but doesn't quite succeed to get under your skin. The concept of an entity in the woods, preying on children, is inherently creepy and should work here, but just never quite reaches the level of unease it should. It's also too easy to figure out the twist well in advance of the big reveal, which makes some moments that would be otherwise unsettling fall a bit flat. Again, the writing itself is good and the characters are great; the story just needed to be a little bit stronger for this one to really be a standout thriller for me.

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Thrillers. They’re what’s for breakfast….Seriously though, who doesn’t love a good thriller (besides people who aren’t into thrillers obviously)? I for one, am a huge fan of thrillers. They’re in my top three favorite genres. Honestly, I wasn’t too sure what to expect from this one. I have a really bad habit of choosing a book without reading the synopsis (I know, I know, I’m terrible). I actually tend to go more with the cover and/or the title of the book. I’m not entirely sure why, other than maybe it allows me to open my mind and not have any expectations. It’s a more heightened element of surprise I guess you could say. This one definitely heightened the element of surprise. The premise was very intriguing and while I didn’t get any sort of real connection with the characters, it didn’t hold back from my overall experience. To be honest, I thought that either a ghost or some sort of paranormal entity behind the missing children with all the creepy small town tales that are circulating the community. Very well played. It did take a bit to get into the book and the ending wasn’t as strong as I was expecting, but it was a pretty good book.
Thank you Netgalley, Katherine Green and Crooked Lane Books for the opportunity to read and review this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

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Two best friends who have gone their own ways until one is called back home. That is the story of Cheyenne and Natalie. Cheyenne left and hoped to never return, but she does.
The thing is ever since they were kids, there have been reports of missing kids and kids being killed especially in the woods. Someone had been arrested already, but they had just been released from Prision. Cheyenne and Natalie team up to get to the proof.

Ok things I liked:
Very quick read with a slow build though to bring the reader up to speed
enjoyed the small town feel in this book although that was a good and bad thing
I did like the relationship between the two characters at times.
It did have a sense of thrill to it

Things I didn't like
Plot Holes that never made sense
Easy to sort of figure out. Meaning the twist was not a surprise to me
sometimes things were very over played such as Cheyenne's annoyance of having to come homee

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC

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The Woods are Waiting by Katherine Greene is a slow paranormal thriller set in the Appalachian mountains. In this small little town kids are told do not go into the woods, or the hickory man will get you, but of course kids don't listed. Throughout this towns history kids have ended up dead in the woods, often in pairs of 3. Though that all changed 5 years ago when it turned out a man was arrested for the murder of the kids. It seemed like the mystery was solved and there was no evil prescense in the woods after all. But when the man gets released after new evidence found him innocent, the murders start again. What is happening in these woods?

Overall this wasn't great. The characters were quite flat and one-dimensional. The 2 main PoVs were so incredibly similar that i had a hard time keeping them apart, their voices were basically identical. The insane amount of skepticism and willingness to ignore everything that was happening by basically everyone really bothered me. If kids are disappearing and ending up murdered for almost 200+ years, always in pairs of 3s there must be something going on right? but nobody really went to investigate, no FBI investigations or anything.
The writing was easy to read but nothing really special. I often felt myself reaching towards my phone to check social media instead of continuing this book, which for me is a really bad sign.

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My sincerest apologies for the delayed review! Thank you kindly to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for this ARC! I enjoyed this one and can't believe I waited so long to read it. I love that the author is a duo and these two pair well together. Plus, who doesn't love a creepy, small-town mystery?

This was a quick read, with great characters, but it was definitely darker than I was expecting. Overall an entertaining read! 3.5 stars rounded down.

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A very creepy and atmospheric book from page one. Even the nursery rhyme set me off! Clever writer draws you in straight away whilst also making you guess. I’m a bit of a coward and did find it scary! Recommended to my bracer friends!

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A digital copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.

The Ashby's own the town. The are one of the oldest families in Blue Cliff, Virginia and Cheyenne couldn't wait to leave. But when the sheriff, a dear family friend calls and tells her that her mother, Constance isn't doing well, she comes back. Cheyenne left without a word to her friends and boyfriend.

Five years ago, 3 children were found dead in the woods. The woods, that Constance swears has a mythical beast living in, but a man was put in prison for these murders, and now that he has been released, children are starting to disappear again.

I spent most of this book wondering if this was a paranormal story. But Cheyenne and her best friend Natalie team up and try to put the truth together. I really enjoyed this book. It was a page turner that kept me wondering what was going on, and who could be the killer of these children, and why?

Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books.

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Set against the eerie backdrop of the Appalachian Mountains, the novel beckons readers into the enigmatic world of Blue Cliff, Virginia, but the journey, while intriguing, lacks the shiver-inducing thrill one might expect.

The story centers on Cheyenne Ashby, who returns to her hometown haunted by childhood memories and local legends of an evil entity in the woods. Greene's portrayal of Blue Cliff is atmospheric, painting a town where superstitions are as thick as the forest fog. The premise is tantalizing – a blend of folklore and true crime – but the execution stumbles in its pacing and depth.

Greene's attempt to weave the town's sinister past with the present mystery is ambitious. The narrative, however, often feels caught between wanting to be a deep psychological thriller and a folklore-driven mystery, mastering neither. The characters of Cheyenne and Natalie are well-introduced but their development throughout the story feels superficial, lacking the emotional complexity needed to truly connect with the reader.

The twist of a child's disappearance reawakens the town's fears and secrets, setting the stage for a gripping exploration of the interplay between myth and reality. Yet, as the plot unfolds, it becomes predictable, missing opportunities to delve deeper into the dark folklore that could have given the story a unique edge.

In conclusion, 'The Woods are Waiting' is a decent debut that offers glimpses of potential in its atmospheric setting and the intertwining of superstition and crime. However, it falls short of the gripping, edge-of-your-seat suspense expected from the genre, making it a lukewarm read that scores 2.75 stars. It's a book that brushes the surface of a haunting tale but doesn't quite dive into the depths of darkness that would make it unforgettable.

Thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for the advanced reading copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I really wanted to like this one, but I unfortunately could not get through it. I might pick it up again, but the story telling was a bit choppy for me.

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Slow burn, atmospheric novel twisted up in the local folklore of a small mountain town. I found it hard to believe that in modern-day people would "fall for this", but it was still a good read. Some bits didn't flow together right for me. As I am writing this review, I see that the "author" is actually two authors, and that might be why. I'm not usually a fan of multiple-author books because of the risk of inconsistency.

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A one sitting read. I could not stop turning the pages on this one. Cheyenne returns to her home town following a call from the chief saying that she’s needed by her mother. By Cheyenne is haunted by her home and her past. Cheyenne is forced to confront the legends of the Hickory Man and the numerous confirmed deaths of children in her hometown. When another child goes missing, it sends Cheyenne and her mother back into the past. Cheyenne is forced to reconnect with those she hurt by leaving town without warning including her best friend Natalie and her lover, Jack. As pieces come to light and a one convicted murderer is set free, Cheyenne and her friends are forced to confront the truth of their hometown and the lies before them. A fast paced thriller that I’m going to be recommending all over.

Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This one was a slow burn! I loved the story and can’t wait to read more from her in the future! Creepy Appalachia will always be a favorite of mine!

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