Cover Image: The Only Purple House in Town

The Only Purple House in Town

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This book is nice and fresh, and it is the right one if you want a palate cleanser. It is also the fourth in a series, but I think it's a series of stand-alone books because the plot is self-contained, and I didn't have any problems reading this one and not the others. Sure, now I may go back and see how the other books are because I had quite a nice experience with this one!
Iris and Eli are nice MC, and the found family here is really sweet! And so diverse! Sure, let me tell you something before continuing: Iris is not my favorite kind of character, at least in the beginning, because she let others walk all above her, and this is a thing that usually gets me mad and makes me stop reading, but Iris grows during this story, in so many good ways! And Eli... I really enjoyed him, he is almost the perfect boy but he has a stalkerish side. Sure, in the story, it is all sweet and, to be honest, it did not bother me, because he is not creepy and he is not on the sick side of it, so... maybe not the behavior I should recommend, but here it is not really hurtful toward anyone, so... since it is a book, it could be condoned, sort of.
This is out of the way, let's go back to the found family: you need to meet them! They are the best part of the book, and they all are amazing human beings! And their coming together is heartwarming, really!
Ah, I almost forgot but there was a thing in the story that didn't really sit well with me, there were a couple, really, but one of them was a big problem for me for a while: I understand that it was needed for the story, but the part about the blood test bewildered me to no end: how it is possible that a mother does not know her daughter's blood type???? It is a cultural thing? I mean, here in Italy it is not really a possible thing but maybe in America is it?? I don't know, and I am baffled.

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I really enjoyed this book - Anne Aguirre doesn't disappoint with this series! I loved the paranormal elements and loved all the diverse characters. I also love the way the emotional backstories of the main characters were handled. It's not super necessary to read the first three books in the series, but I do recommend it since I enjoyed those as well.

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I really loved this book! I had only ever read the author's science fiction before but this has me wanting to read her other books as well (especially her witch series as I believe it ties in to this book). I would put this safely in the "cozy fantasy" genre that has taken off recently. The stakes are low, the warmth of the characters is high, and the story is like a fuzzy blanket that enfolds you. I sincerely hope the author continues this as a series because I want more!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC. I wanted to like this book more than I did. The premise sounded great but for me the execution fell flat. I wasn’t impressed by either Eli or Iris and didn’t feel any real chemistry between them. The transitions between Iris’ and Eli’s POVs was abrupt and didn’t flow well. Overall, this book was not for me.

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"From New York Times bestselling author Ann Aguirre comes the magical town of St. Claire, where anything is possible...

Iris Collins is the messy one in her family. The "chaos bunny." Her sisters are all wildly successful, while she can't balance her budget for a single month. It's no wonder she's in debt to her roommates. When she unexpectedly inherits a house from her great aunt, her plan to turn it into a B and B fails - as most of her plans do. She winds up renting rooms like a Victorian spinster, collecting other lost souls...and not all of them are "human."

Eli Reese grew up as the nerdy outcast in school, but he got rich designing apps. Now he's successful by any standards. But he's never had the same luck in finding a real community or people who understand him. Over the years, he's never forgotten his first crush, so when he spots her at a café, he takes it as a sign. Except then he gets sucked into the Iris-verse and somehow ends up renting one of her B and B rooms. As the days pass, Eli grows enchanted by the misfit boarders staying in the house...and even more so by Iris. Could Eli have finally found a person and a place to call "home"?"

I love found family stories, it's like a magical Tales of the City.

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The cover? Cute! Premise? Cute! Did it deliver? No. This was a DNF for me.

I didn’t connect with any of the characters and I wish it were more prominently noted that this is part of the Fix It Witches series/universe. I read the first one, which was cute, but couldn’t make it past the second. The idea that someone would w rent a room because a cute girl spoke to him is even too much for me, and I can suspend my disbelief. Especially when magic is involved.

I wanted so much for this to be good but it just wasn’t. Better luck next time.

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Loved this sweet and soft queer found-family fantasy romance. Ann Aguirre is at her best when she really sinks into the cozy feelings.

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While part of a series, The Only Purple House In Town is a charming cozy read all on its own. We are introduced to Iris as her life is falling apart around her. Then, she receives a quasi-windfall in the form of her grandmother's old house. Slowly, Iris discovers her identity and her purpose as she finds a family of friends to call her own. Throw in a delightful romance with Eli, magic, and SO MUCH miscommunication, and you have this delightful romance. It was cute, fun, and a perfect read with a cup of tea in the evening. I will definitely be checking out more of Ann Aguirre's books soon!

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I didn't know that this was book 4 in a series, but I feel I didn't miss anything by reading this first. Made me want to go read the others!

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The jump into the future was an interesting decision. I wasn't sure how I would feel about it at first but I liked the new cast of characters while still seeing glimpses of the old. I hope if Aguirre continues the series we can see more of both, but if this is the last of the series, it was a lovely way to end.

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Sweet cozy paranormal romance a la Legens & Lattes or Secret Society of Irregular Witches. Dialogue is a bit stilted and I wish the characters had a bit more depth but still darling and worth a read.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This books cover caught my eye first, it’s such a beautiful cover!
The story itself is just as beautiful! If you’re looking for a cozy supernatural found family, this is it!
A bunch of misfit outcasts coming together, a cute love story that spans from childhood to adulthood, and so much LGBTQIA representation even with the romance being a hetero couple. I loved all of the characters so much! Iris, the main female character truly finds her place in the world. Eli, the hawk shifting, rich app entrepreneur/loner. I want Henry Dale, the sweet but grumpy old man to be my grandpa 🥺 he had such words of wisdom, and was just a good man! Rowan, the non-binary artist whose Evangelical family home became toxic and needed a safe place to go. Sally, the bi-curious, recently divorced grandma. Mira, the tech witch who just broke up with her girlfriend and has no where to go.
I love that each character brings something special out in Iris, and all help her to become who she was meant to be.
I absolutely loved this found family story and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a cozy heartwarming book!

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Sweet enoyable. I loved Iris! It was missing something for me though, what that something was, I'm not sure but it just wasn't anything more than enjoyable. I do love a good found family novel though and this certainly delivered

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A delightfully diverse slow burning romance that addresses racism, bigotry, homophobia, and ageism with humor and grace as Aguirre's fantastic gift of storytelling once again shines bright.

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The Only Purple House In Town is a delightfully cozy, found family fantasy that is low stakes, high reward. A gentle romp in a magical world that’s just on the other side of familiar, there’s something for everyone who’s a fan of the found family trope and magic.

Iris is a magnetic force that’s been stuck alongside opposing forces for most of her life. Her family and home life are far from perfect but an unexpected inheritance sets in motion a new beginning that is life-changing for everyone involved.

Eli is a tech mogul with what should be a perfect life. But, like his new landlord Iris, he’s always been on the outside looking in.

Iris fills her new home with a cast of characters that are so different and yet still so similar. When their new balance is threatened, they have to work together to stay together.

This story has complex family dynamics, cozy relationships and magic, and lovely autumn vibes. In the end, I wanted more. More romance. More magic. More time spent in the purple house!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own

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The Only Purple House in Town is my favorite Ann Aguirre book yet. Iris has always been unable to quite reach her dreams. When Iris unexpectedly inherits a house, Violet Gables, she quickly realizes that she’ll need to rent out rooms to make money. Enter Eli Reese, who knew Iris from childhood. He doesn’t really need to rent a room, but finds himself doing so and unexpectedly loving it. He also has a secret- he's a hawk shifter. Iris manages to find a lovable and eclectic bunch of neighbors to rent rooms with her, creating a unique community. But as she succeeds, she learns a shocking revelation about her biological family. With an irritable next-door neighbor, city codes, and a rise of anti-magic sentiment, can the found family of Violet Gables manage to hold onto their home?

The house has a magical feel to it, though only certain characters actually possess magic. It’s reminiscent of Ilona Andrews’ Innkeeper Chronicles, mainly in the found family aspect and how they all find a way to improve the house using their talents. I enjoyed the Fix-It-Witches cameos, from previous Ann Aguirre books. My favorite part of this book was absolutely the LGBTQIA+ rep and found family. It was such a strong theme throughout the entire book, which I loved. I felt just as invested in the other characters as I did in Iris, especially Henry Dale and Rowan. The pacing was a little slow at times, but it had a very cozy feel to it so I didn't mind. I was frustrated at how long Eli waited to tell Iris that he knew her from childhood. However, I really enjoyed the conclusion and hope to see this cast of characters again in a future book!

The Only Purple House in Town would be perfect for readers who love contemporary with a touch of magic, quirky yet lovable characters, and queer found family.

Thank you to Ann Aguirre, Sourcebooks Casablanca, and Netgalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

For publisher: My review will be posted on Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Storygraph, and Barnes & Noble etc

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The was such an adorable cozy fantasy, set in one of my favorite fictional, supernatural, small towns. Iris is the black sheep of her family, never fitting in, until she inherits a house. Eli is rich and successful, but doesn’t allow himself to form lasting attachments to anyone except his Gamma, yet Iris when she was young, managed to make a lasting impression on him. He keeps track of her on socials, hoping someday for the chance to just talk to her, then accidentally gets caught up in renting a room from her. As Iris builds her found family, they all find something they’ve been missing. Each piece of the found family is special and it’s so heartwarming to see how they all fit together. The trans/non-binary/queer rep in this book is outstanding. I especially enjoyed the commentary about how using a person’s preferred pronoun is just good manners- it’s not hard at all for the “grandparents” of the found family to figure it out.
The second half of the book is faster paced than the beginning, revealing some super fun surprises! And while this story does take place in St Clair, it does not center on our fun coven. Though there are plenty of mentions of our favorites to keep us satisfied. This book is also more closed door romance which is a switch from the others in the series.

Thank you netgalley for the arc.

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This was a was an amazing read! I'm so glad that this series is continuing! I love this world, and it's opened wider in this book, which was so fantastic! Because Eli is a shifter, and Iris is from a psychic vampire family. And I loved this found family that gathered around Iris, it was so great!

I honestly teared up a little bit at the beginning. I connected to both of these characters in different ways. Eli is lonely, he doesn't have any friends who would check in if he stopped communicating. And Iris she's the family screw up, that things just go wrong for her. And I related to both of those so much, it hurt to see my own loneliness reflected on the page.

The fact that Iris helped Eli from being bullied when they were children, and he's basically lightly stalked her from then on, his shy and awkwardness making it hard for him to talk to people yeah, I can understand that. The fact that when he works up the nerve, there's a miscommunication and she thinks he's one of the potential renters, that was so cute!

Watching as the group came together, of these people who were down on their luck, who needed a home, and how they formed this family, it was just so adorable! When there was the added pressure of the secrets that Eli was keeping even as he and Iris were falling in love, and her family finding out some difficult truths, and oh, an infuriating neighbour, there was a lot going on! It was just so fantastic to read!

This was an amazing read and I'm so glad that I decided to read it on my birthday, and I can't wait for more!

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This book had the potential to be a five star read.

It’s frustrating that the author had to slip in something about the LGBTQ+ into every little crevice. It felt forced and unnecessary. Like the part where someone drives by and shouts that they forgot the rainbow flag on their “gay” purple house. It had nothing to do with the story line and didn’t increase the plot? And they/them pronouns do not translate well in a book. It just felt like the author was trying really hard to be “tolerant” of all of the things, when the book didn’t really need half of them in the first place. Then they swing completely opposite when it came to a family of Christians. The author acted like they were monsters.

Speaking of monsters, the fantasy element of this book could have been left out entirely. It was barely there at all. If it’s going to be a fantasy, I expect more from it than a “witch” repairing the crack on an iPhone.

Let’s talk about Joe, I mean, Eli. Stalking is not okay. Trying to play off his issues is weird. Let’s not sweep that under the rug. That kind of behavior is unacceptable. When you’ve had ONE encounter with a person and then stalk their social media for YEARS and then move in with them under false pretenses… that deserves a hospital stay.

The twist was ridiculous.

I realized this is the fourth book in a series, only after finishing it. That should’ve been indicated somewhere in bold writing. This book didn’t feel like a continuation, but a starter story.

I enjoyed the characters and the amount of depth they each had, particularly the side characters. I find that a lot of times when a book has a lengthy cast of characters, some just seem bland. This author did a great job of creating their characters personalities.

Kinda makes me wanna live in an old Victorian house with a bunch of quirky roomies.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC copy in exchange for an honest review!

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First of all, this book is forth in a series? It should be highlighted. Until I finished reading it, I thought the writing style was good enough for a first book of an author, as I believed it was. I was shocked to see this author already published few books before this one. The writing style wasn't the worst thing. Worse than that were characters, their relationships and lack of their connections. As this was a clear attempt at cosy fantasy, author should have worked more on the characters, their personalities and making their connections deeper and much more meaningful. But, the worst thing about this book was magic and fantasy element in general. It just doesn't work. The setting is all wrong. It just doesn't feel like it should. It feels like this book should have been contemporary romance novel. It would work much better with the intended plot. If the fantasy element wasn't here, author could have focused more on making at least one other element right.
I would not recommend this book. I love fantasy and I like romance. But this has to be the worst attempt at romantasy I ever read. The only highlight of this book was Eli, who is low-key a stalker and in my head he looked like Noah Sebastian from Bad Omens, but now that I think of it, this book would have been better if Eli turned full on psycho stalker who went and killed everyone at Violet Gables.... that's just it, anything would be better than this book.

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