Member Reviews

Sometimes you just need to take a break from your own world and be in someone else's. And you want to be totally engaged and immersed. His Secret Daughter would be an excellent choice as you can't help but get caught up in the story and want to read it all the way through to find out how it ends.
It's fairly predictable, but that doesn't take away from the fun. A smooth short read that you'll enjoy.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book.

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Bookouture has done it again. Some of the best books I have read in a long time. If you need a book to get you out of a reading slump check out their titles. Their is something for everyone. This one is not my usual genre but the premise which I have listed below was just too intriguing to put down.
This book centers around a small family of three Noah and his wife and their teenage daughter, everything seems picture perfect until they get a knock at the door Noah was involved in a near fatal car accident and is fighting for his life.

Just when that seems to be the worst of it a little girl is beside him who turns out to have been in the car with Noah and another woman. All sorts of questions are raised. Did Noah have another secret family? Will he wake up?

They take the little girl in as she is now orphaned from losing her mom in the accident. It is such a well paced, exciting novel. It’s been A LONG TIME since I found a book I didn’t want to put down and would keep me turning the pages well into the night to see what happens.

This would make an excellent movie or tv series. I could see Reese Witherspoon picking this up to produce it. It was suspenseful, well paced, the writing was great and characters were well developed.

I can’t say enough good things! Thank you Bookouture for the honor. I am so looking forward to reading more of your titles in the future.

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So imagine. It’s cold and wet outdoors, you’re not feeling the best, the household is ill. You’re wrapped up with nothing to do. Except read. However……you’re in one of THE biggest reading slumps of your life. Nothing is grabbing you or hitting that spot. But you know there’s so many books out there that you really want to read!
What do you do when the decision making is too hard??? That’s right! Leave it up to fate!

Close your eyes, run your finger down your kindle and stop! I landed on this one, “His Secret Daughter” by Melissa Wiesner.
She’s not an author I’ve read before, and I didn’t read the synopsis either. I just opened it and jumped on in.
I can tell you now, the Gods of reading were smiling down on me on this day!

His Secret Daughter has everything you want in a book. You want realistic characters, who are good people, but who have flaws. Not just superficial ones either but actual, day-to-day, totally unfiltered flaws. And you love them for it.
Having the police knock on your door is never a good thing, we all know this. Being told there was a car accident that left a woman in the car dead, your husband in a coma and a little girl miraculously survived. But you only know one of them.
This is merely the beginning of Emma Havern’s journey of discovery, and finding out what she is capable of deep down. Especially when the situation you find yourself in is something you’d never imagine would happen to you.
The storyline alternates between the present and the past, whilst Emma thinks through everything that has gone before to get to this point & it’s not all a bed of roses, she has to look at herself and face some uncomfortable home truths.

This book is just everything.
It’s a brilliant storyline, the characters are so well thought out. Not to mention the fact that due to the authors superb writing skills, they come across as completely relatable, which means I was also totally invested in them and the outcome.
At times it felt like the sadness would never end (which actually was perfect as it suited my mood), and let me cry like I didn’t know I needed too.
I just enjoyed every single page of this book from start to finish.
I’m not saying anything about the ending of this book for a reason. The author has clearly put a lot of time, thought and effort into every aspect of this book, in order to create this masterpiece.
It’s not fair for anyone to come along and give hints about it or spoil it completely.
I had no idea where it was going and I loved that. I was so engrossed in the book, that I actually didn’t want it to come to an end.
I went straight onto Amazon and added Melissa Wiesner’s other 3 novels to my “Present Wishlist”.
I haven’t even read the synopsis of them, I know nothing about them.
But based purely on JUST how great THIS one is???? It was a no brainer!
Thank you so much to Melissa Wiesner for this, it’s found itself straight into my Top 5 books of 2022 and on my personal, all time favourites list.
Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for my ARC.
If it could be higher than 5 stars it absolutely would be. Perfection ❤️

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Emma opens her front door to the police to hear that her husband has been in a car accident. When she arrives at the hospital her husband is in a coma.
When Emma finds out that he had a woman and child with him in the car she has to find out what has been going on.
I enjoyed this book and I will be looking out for more books from this author.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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His Secret Daughter by Melissa Wiesner is my first read from this author, but it will certainly not be my last. This one had me enthralled from beginning to end.

Emma is separated from her husband Noah, but is devastated when police knock on her door to tell her that Noah was in a terrible car accident, and that he was not alone. The crash has left Noah's female passenger dead, and a young child is, thankfully, relatively unharmed. Just who were this woman and child to her husband, and why does the little girl bear such a striking resemblance to Noah?

Told from a shifting timeline between past and present, Emma and Noah's story unfolds, holding you emotionally captive for the duration. 4.5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC.

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When Emma finds out her husband Noah has been in a car accident and in a coma she is devastated. How will she tell Maya, but then she finds out Noah isn't what he seems, or the man that she knows.
The book alternates between the past and present. I devoured this in just one day. The book was pure love and a lot of life lessons along the way.

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We all dream of meeting the one and so is Emma. When we first meet her, she has other things on her mind, but that one day in the park is about to change her life. Sometimes something has to go wrong first, before things can get better. And they do.

You can love your partner with all your heart and still feeling like he is holding back. When it's about painful things, you accept he cannot talk about it, but you still want to find out, because you want to help him heal.

When your partner is in a terrible accident, you need to dig into their past, because finding family or friends is crucial for the recovery. And that's when you start wondering. Have you been sharing your life with a complete stranger? Are there things he has been honest about? Why hashe been hiding all these things? Is what Emma suspects going to be confirmed? 

Emma is on a mission. Uncovering the truth is what is on her agenda even if it might be painful, she just needs to know...

I understand peole want to keep things to themselves, because they hurt too much to talk about. Being honest though would be the solution though and keep your loved ones from having their heart broken and their head hurting.  On the other hand, if everybody was always telling the truth, we would not be able to enjoy wonderful books like this one. ;)

A beautiful story where I was about to condemn someone, but you always have to see both sides before you make rash decisions. Not everything is what it seems and we should always keep this in mind. 5

Thank you

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I was attracted to His Secret Daughter initially by the title and I knew it would not be as cut and dried as the title implies. The story goes back and forth between the present where Emma learns that her husband has been in a car accident and her reminiscences of their past as she tries to piece their life back together. Noah hid things from her, lied about his past and led her to face some uncomfortable truths about herself.

The story was compelling and well-written. I figured out some of the ending beforehand but there was a part of the climax I did not like as it seemed to be too pat of a resolution. And it was sad - not the outcome I hope for. However, I do recommend the book for anyone who enjoys family drama, secrets that can't be easily shared, and struggles to find and hold onto the love underneath it all.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Melissa Wiesner for the opportunity to read and review His Secret Daughter. .

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Absolutely fantastic, great story-telling, great characters, a very emotional but lovely read which kept me on the edge of my seat throughout, I couldn't put it down.

The ending was brilliant, everything brought together to a satisfactory but sad conclusion.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this great ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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“His Secret Daughter” is a mystery by Melissa Wiesner. I felt that the overall story was an interesting one - who is Luna, who is the other woman, and who really was Noah? I felt Emma’s confusion, hurt, love, and anger through this book. Emma felt pretty real on the page without over justifying what she’s decided to do. I did suspect, early on in the book, the twist and got very close to it (the statement was one that probably 99% of readers won’t catch), but even suspecting didn’t deter me from enjoying the story and watching it unfold.

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Just finished reading His secret daughter,really good story liked how the chapters went from past to present to give the reader more background material.Loved all the characters and is a real page Turner,

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The main character in this novel is trying to discover her husband’s secrets. He is in a coma after an accident in which a woman was killed, and a little girl left behind. While engrossed in the secrets of her husband, her daughter gives her problems also. Confusing and conflicting stories arise…red herrings…secrets and more secrets. I did discern early on what might have happened with the husband and the mysterious woman. This talented and gifted author has written a cannot put down novel. This book was sent to me electronically by Netgalley for review. Thanks also to the publisher and the author. Do not miss this story of intrigue and family…

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With Noah in a coma and a new young girl by his bedside with his eyes his wife’s head is spinning….. who is this child and who was the woman who died in the car. Lots of family secrets and just the kind of book I adore! Wow!!! Started this book and could not stop reading it until I'd finished!! Every time I thought I had things sussed, along came another surprise!! So rare for a story to catch me out, so well done to the author. I LOVED IT!!!

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