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No One Needs to Know

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ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

I really liked what this book was about! It was incredibly relatable in this age and the environment created by the elite private school parents who would do anything to see their children succeed. There were certain parts that I found fairly predictable and others that shocked me, but all in all it was an enjoyable read. If you like thrillers and mysteries set amongst the well to do in New York society and their kids, definitely check this book out!

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This super-quick and fun psychological suspense/slow burn thriller/social satire is told from the alternating perspectives of three rich (to varying degrees) mothers of 8th graders at a ritzy but competitive private school on the Upper East Side - and who are all posters/lurkers on an anonymous message board for the neighborhood where people post all kinds of questions and secrets that they probably shouldn’t but are drawn in by the anonymous nature. We know from the start that someone is going to end up dead at some point on the book, but it takes most of the book to find out who and what happened - but in the meantime there is plenty of other scandal and bad behavior.

This book was so much fun to read and suspenseful enough that I almost read the whole thing in one day. The characters are all kind of unlikeable, but it’s the kind of book where that doesn’t even matter as you’re too caught up in all the craziness. The message board postings and comments sprinkled throughout were a fun touch as well.

This book gave me vibes of Big Little Lies meets Eliza Starts a Rumor meets Reconstructing Amelia, so if you enjoyed any or all of those books, you’d probably enjoy this one too.

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Real Housewives of the Upper East Side? Okay maybe it’s not quite like that, but that’s the thought that popped into my head while reading this. And while I’m not a fan of those shows, I am a fan of this book, and think it would translate well into a miniseries on Netflix or Amazon. The ladies of the upper east side are all fine with spreading gossip and rumors as long as they can do so anonymously, but when the UrbanMyth app they all use is hacked and suddenly what they’ve said isn’t so anonymous anymore and many of their dirty little secrets are laid bare, that’s when the trouble really starts. This is a delightfully twisting thriller that’s fun from start to finish. You may not find yourself liking many of the characters (which I’m certain is purely intentional), but you’ll love seeing what they’ve gotten up to. Thanks to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Bantam and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review an ARC of No One Needs to Know.

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This book is guaranteed to be an instant hit! Thank you so much for letting me read this early, i couldn’t put this down! I loved every character & their own story/journey… all the twists & turns, on par… great read!

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I’d say this is more of a slow burn domestic suspense than a thriller. I enjoyed the multiple point of views in this story, but didn’t particularly care for any of the characters.

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OK, there are a lot of women who all think they are very different from each other but are way more the same. The men in their lives are worse, though. I admit that this book was a quick read for me because I just really wanted to know what these spoiled people were going to do next.

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Omg DRAMAAAAAAAAA!! This was such a fun read. Full of secrets & lies, this is the story of three Upper East Side mums & the utter shenanigans they pull to ensure their kiddies get into the most elite schools. And when the anonymous confession site UrbanMyth is hacked, their dirty laundry is aired for all to see and all hell breaks loose!!

Told in multiple POV interspersed with emails & confessions on the UrbanMyth website, this one is totally bingeable.

I’ll definitely be giving her book Just One Look a read!

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This story centers around the wealthy parents of students at the Crofton School in New York City where tuition is $50K per year. Students have to work exceptionally hard in hopes of getting into top notch colleges. In addition, many of them strive to win a spot at a boarding school.

The three major couples are:

Heather and Oliver
Norah and Bennett
Poppy and Harris

There is a anonymous chat forum called UrbanMyth where people post their honest thoughts and confessions. That appears to be an innocent enough place to chat…until it gets hacked and people are exposed. We see lies, deceit, affairs, blackmail, bribery and more.

Sadly, the students themselves are the victims of their over-the-top parents. Too bad so many parents spend ridiculous amounts of money and pressure their children so hard to excel. Just let them be themselves and enjoy their childhood instead of trying to make miniature adults out of them as soon as they are born.

All in all, this is a very compelling book that I feel readers are going to really love. Enjoy!

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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UrbanMyths are just that right??? How much money would you give to be in the elite crowd? To have your children attend the most prestigious school? Would you trust a website with your secrets? Especially if someone ends up dead

I loved the multiple POV this book had. The character’s developed over the book at the perfect pace. The twists that just kept coming around every corner were great. If you like a good triller that keeps you wanting more I recommend this book.

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Everyone in the Upper East Side has secrets. So when an anonymous hacker releases the poster information for all posts on their neighborhood forum, residents are left to pick the up the pieces to repair their families, friendships, and marriages. And then when one resident ends up dead, suspicion circulates and police comb through the form for clues.

The book switches between three of the women- Poppy, the queen bee with a huge secret, Heather, who will do anything to get her daughter into the right college, and Norah, the executive who suspects her husband is having an affair. When the future of Heather's daughter is threatened she pulls out all the stops to get revenge and repair her daughter's reputation. For the most part, all the characters were pretty unlikable. Usually I have trouble caring about anyone when this happens, but in this case I had fun watching each character unravel.

This was a fun story. It reminded me of a Big Little Lies meets College Admissions Scandal That said, I would not consider it a thriller as much as a drama with thriller elements, but I think it would be a great beach read. It has juicy stories, secrets, and a murder which is perfect for a quick read at the beach.

Thank you NetGalley for an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This was an interesting domestic mystery, featuring parents of an Upper East Side school. No matter what your personal financial status, I think most parents can recognize the seemingly perfect overly involved parents in this story, as well as the try-hard mom. The only place where they can be honest is a website called Urban Myth where they feel free to post things anonymously. Everyone is keeping up with their façade until one parent is missing without a trace. As things are beginning to fall apart, the parents learn that Urban Myth has been hacked and all their posts can be seen by anyone who has their email address. The repercussions from this hack make a good story when the truth comes out.

Also reviewed on B&N under 1IrishEyes430 and Kobo under IrishEyes430

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This was a slow build for me. I almost gave up, but once I got to about 54%, I didn’t want to put it down.

The characters were equal parts cringe-worthy & relatable. The author did a good job developing them throughout the entire book. I really enjoyed how it was told from multiple viewpoints.

Overall, I enjoyed the book once I got into it. I wish I could give 1/2 stars bc it was nearly a 4.

Thank you NetGalley, RH Ballentine, & Lindsay Cameron for allowing me to read this early.

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It's a refrain I've used often at this point- I love a book about rich people behaving badly. Rich people behaving badly AND being weird competitive jerks about their kids going to boarding school? I loved it. Add in plenty of scandal and a mystery and this book was juicy and enjoyable. Several perspectives from people at different places within the stratosphere of wealth and privilege made it quick moving and interesting. I'd love for more to come from this author.

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HAPPY PUB DAY🥳 to this gripping domestic thriller on May 9 2023! I enjoyed my read of NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW by Lindsay Cameron. Find her on Instagram @lindsaycaneronauthor

Thank you to the author Lindsay Cameron, publishers Bantam Books and Penguin Random House, and as always NetGalley, for an advance audio copy of NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW.

Heather is a power mom who would do anything to protect her daughter, who has been accused of selling drugs at a school event. Poppy is being blackmailed by the man she's sleeping with. And Norah's great business acumen and greater wealth do little to protect her from the cutthroat anonymous posters on their swanky New York City condo association's community board. Each of them are seeking to protect themselves from their own problems, but as they keep running into each other and accusing each other, more information becomes clear -- like maybe they have something in common -- something like an enemy.

This is a super twisty domestic thriller with quite a few unlikable characters whom I enjoyed watching wriggle like worms. This is the best way to write unlikable characters, in my opinion, and the best way to write a plot in which all the characters' lives basically come apart: combine the elements!

It's a bit of a slow burn, but really turns up the gas at about the thirty percent mark. Once it picks up, the pace is solid for the rest of the book.

Somewhat convoluted at points, but overall an enjoyable read! Think you know what's going on? You don't, or at least not for long!

Rating 🏙🏙🏙.75 / 5 big city high rises
Recommend? Yes!
Finished May 6 2023
Format: Advance Digital, NetGalley
Read this if you like:
🔪 Murder mysteries
🏠 Domestic thrillers
🫦 Torrid affairs
🤷‍♀️ Benignly neglected children
🏙 Rich city zipcodes
🕶 Anonymous message board posters

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When I tell you that I devoured this book!

Welcome to the Upper East Side, where acceptance to a prestigious boarding school is, for the children of wealthy families, a necessary stepping stone to an Ivy League education and a high-powered career. The parents compete for these coveted spots just as much as, if not more than, their children do, and there is no limit to how far they will go to secure their offspring are chosen.

There is also no limit to what these parents will share on UrbanMyth, a neighborhood social media platform that claims to be completely anonymous. There are affairs, extortion schemes, and scandals and secrets galore, all posted under the cloak of anonymity. But when a "hacktivist" group exposes the identities behind the platform's users, everyone is scrambling to protect their privacy...and someone ends up dead.

Sometimes you just need a juicy, dramatic read about rich people behaving badly, and No One Needs to Know is just the ticket for those times. Will you like the characters? For the most part, no. Will you even understand the characters? Again, mostly no. But will you be utterly transfixed by every single gossipy word? Definitely yes! I couldn't turn the pages of this book fast enough as Lindsay Cameron immersed me in the world of the 1%.

Told from the alternating points of view of three UES moms -- Heather, Norah, and Poppy -- and including excerpts from the UrbanMyth message board, No One Needs to Know is a compulsively readable, salacious neighborhood drama that is entertaining from beginning to end. It can be read as a lightning-fast, purely fun read, but there's also some interesting commentary about social media culture and some scathing criticism of the privilege that comes with wealth. Cameron weaves the complex, layered threads of her plot with ease, and even though some things are left unresolved in the end, overall I enjoyed (and definitely appreciated) how this wrapped up.

Thanks to Bantam Books and NetGalley for the early reading opportunity -- No One Needs to Know is available today!

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When a hacktivist group hacks into the anonymous forum, UrbanMyth, it releases a firestorm of secrets for many people. But, in one affluent Upper East Side private school, it affects everyone. Some people will kill to keep those secrets under wraps, but who will it be? Is it Heather, the mother, who wants her daughter to become one of the elite? Or will it be Norah, the breadwinner in her family but failing to balance work and home life? Or will it be Poppy, the one everyone looks up to but who has the most to hide? Out of those three, who will kill to keep their secrets safe?

It is well known on this site that I have three children, two in high school and one in elementary school. I am well aware of the school’s social structure. I also find it silly that people compete for the title of PTA president. It is a huge popularity contest; honestly, I want nothing to do with it. I prefer to help the teachers out one-on-one (like volunteering in class) than to listen to a bunch of people argue over who will get what position. Anyway, when I saw that this book would be centered around three moms and their exposed secrets, I knew I wanted to read it. And I am glad that I did because this book was good.

No One Needs to Know initially captivated me, and I couldn’t put it down. The main storyline centers around Heather, Norah, and Poppy, with appearances by their husbands and children woven into the storyline. This storyline had so many twists and turns that I wondered when UrbanMyth would implode.

There is a secondary storyline that is intertwined with the main storyline. There are two parts to it. The first part is that Heather’s daughter has her picture taken with a vape at a school dance where no cameras are allowed. She is then painted as a drug dealer, and a few parents are on UrbanMyth spreading the lie. The second part is that Norah’s husband is sleeping with Poppy and blackmailing her. Those two parts are closely intertwined and linked to the main storyline.

As I stated in the previous paragraph, this book is twisty. If you aren’t paying attention, it can be easy to miss something. It didn’t bother me because I took notes (that you Kindle Scribe for that built-in feature), but it might be bothersome for some people.

I loved the characters in No One Needs to Know. I connected with the main ones (and the secondary ones) in a way that surprised even me. Those connections made the book so much better to read.

Heather reminded me of some moms I have encountered during my kids’ years at school. She wanted so badly to be accepted and would do anything to get into the inner circles. In the book, I wanted to shake her and say, “Lady, your kid is miserable.” By the end of the book, though, I was starting not to like her. She had lied to everyone, including her husband, about something significant. I understood why her husband freaked out. But Heather did surprise me. She threatened someone actively trying to get her daughter expelled (oh boy, that was a great scene) and secured her daughter’s future with another person.

Norah was an enigma to me. She wasn’t a huge presence in the book until about halfway through. I felt terrible for her and her poor daughter once I realized what was happening. She was a wreck when she told Norah what she captured on camera and how it tied into Poppy’s storyline. No child should have been put into that situation. I was glad that Norah took immediate action and got a little laugh (which then turned into a no way) when Norah’s mother offered to “help.” When Norah called to report her husband missing, she wasn’t expecting everything to blow up the way it did.

I didn’t like Poppy. She lived in her high tower, doing whatever she wanted without caring about who she hurt. She curried favors with people and treated them like they were dispensable. It didn’t surprise me with what she did to Norah. What did surprise me was that she almost felt guilty about it. I loved seeing her character decline mentally because of what she did. It was a perfect punishment!!

I loved that the author chose brief excerpts from UrbanMyth (before and after) and interactions with the police/faculty members (emails mainly) at the beginning of each chapter. It was like an adult burn book (remember those from high school!!) I almost want something like UrbanMyth to exist, but at the same time, I don’t.

The end of No One Needs to Know shook me up. I did not see anything coming, and it took me by surprise. Because of spoilers, I will not say anything else except that everyone got what they deserved.

I recommend No One Needs to Know to anyone over 21. There is violence, language, and nongraphic sexual situations.

Many thanks to Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Bantam, NetGalley, and Lindsay Cameron for allowing me to read and review No One Needs to Know. All opinions stated in this review are mine.

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Read if you like:
🔪 Thrillers
😩 Unlikable Characters
🗽 NY Elite
🔥 Slow Burn
🤫 Secrets
🍿 Popcorn Thrillers

This one is the definition of a popcorn thriller and I’m here for it! I loved the unlikable characters as part of this story since I feel like I enjoy thrillers more with unlikable characters.

All the secrets was also a point that I really really enjoyed in this one! This one has 3 POV and I feel like that really helped the movement of the story even more than if it had been a single pov.

If you want to read about the Elite’s darkest secrets getting out definitely pick this thriller up! Thank you Ballentine for my ARC of this one!

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I love rich people drama, so this was great in that aspect. It wasn't perfect but I did find it to be compulsively readable and had a pretty good time with it. Family certain it's inspired by certain recent/past events and I ate that up, to be quite honest. A pretty good time.

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This private school, rich family novel had me hooked. The kids suffered at the hands of their parents actions which is very realistic. Also, it makes you step back and consider what you're doing and posting online. I got such a heart drop feeling when the site was hacked!

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Well this was an interesting yet annoying story!

So how do those things go together? It’s simple - the story was interesting while the characters were annoying. The thing is - I can guarantee that was the point. These characters were not supposed to be likable, and they certainly weren’t.

We follow parents of 8th graders at a fancy private school in NYC. They’re all gunning to get their kids into the best high schools so they can then get into the best colleges. The conniving methods and absolute drama that unfolds is insane but then the real twist occurs - one of the parents goes missing and several other parents have had interactions that make them a person of interest in this disappearance. It’s a wild ride with a pretty predictable storyline (for me anyway).

This is an incredibly quick read, very fast paced with the twists and turns in predictable spots. There were some loose ends I’d have preferred were tied up but the ambiguous ending for those threads is typical of a novel that likes to keep the reader guessing.

Overall we have a solid 4⭐️ read with this one. Its fast pace and completely unlikable characters really give this story its punch to keep the reader turning pages.

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