Member Reviews

I usually always enjoy stories of wealthy people behaving badly, but unfortunately this one missed the mark for me. It took a long time for anything significant to happen and the twists weren't very surprising. I appreciate the opportunity to read an advanced copy and do look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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No One Needs To Know is about three upper-class, spoiled women who are all using a gossip site called "Urban Myth", along with the rest of their neighborhood. As shared secrets become public Affairs, blackmail, scandalous photos all are revealed once Urban Myth is hacked.

I felt like there was a lot of build up and background laid before anything of significance happened and the "twist" didn't pay off for me in the end. I have a hard time with books where none of the characters have any redeeming qualities so I did struggle with this. If you want a fun read, with a lot of drama rather than a thriller this book is for you.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in advance of publication.

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Loved this book. My 2nd from this author and I was hooked. Loved the school/mom/pta setting. Couldn't figure it all out and was pleasantly surprised with the ending! Highly recommend! Thank you NetGalley for this ARC

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I loved this book! The main characters weren't exactly likable but their lives were so interesting that I read this book in two sittings. This was my first book by Lindsay Cameron and it definitely won't be the last. Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the ARC.

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This book follows the POV of 3 mothers of 8th graders and it starts off with them trying desperately to get them into elite social events to get into the IT schools. No phones allowed - but someone sneaks in and posts a compromising photo on Instagram.. and the drama begins.. and someone winds up dead.

It has gossip girl (parents edition) vibes for me as there’s also a page that gets posts anonymously (xoxo) ranging from minuscule gossip to dark thoughts and secrets. And then that gets hacked. Thank you NetGalley and Pushkin

It was a quick read that kept me engaged with a few twists! If you’re a fan of big little lies or gossip girl this one’s for you. Thank you du

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC copy to read and review. All of these thoughts and opinions are my own.

This book follows three moms who all have a kid at the same school. Poppy, Heather, and Norah who all have “beef” with one another because of a dumb school. This book is really just a lot of drama too be honest lol. I didn’t really find it “thrilling” at all. I felt like it ended weirdly because they all formed an alliance after having drama with each other the whole book because the maid “accidentally” killed one of their husbands. I don’t know. It was just random to me.

Also I don’t feel like one issue “the bullying of violet” was solved. It was talked about a lot and then nothing really except Heather black mailing Gretchen. I just feel like there were a lot of loose ends and the book was wrapped up in a hurry. I wouldn’t even put this in a thriller category because it was lacking in that department.

It was a bit of a struggle to keep reading because it just fell flat for me. I think this book could have been written better and had better potential.

3ish stars.

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The scoop: An *anonymous* neighborhood forum gets hacked and all of the darkest secrets of New York’s wealthy elite are exposed. Everyone has something to hide and some of these secrets are definitely worth killing for. 🤫

This book is Gossip Girl meets College Admissions Scandal meets murder mystery. Imagine all of the wealthiest Upper East Siders having their deepest secrets revealed… and not enough money in the world to stop it.

For the first half, I truly could not put it down. Every chapter is written in short, packed-with-a-punch writing… leaving you with a mini cliffhanger, wondering what will happen next.

There were many characters and they all overlapped—I had to keep notes for who was married to who, sleeping with who, working with you. Get those 📝 ready!

Read for:
💡 Multiple perspectives
💰 Lifestyles of the rich & elite
🏫 School admission pressure
🤫 High school scandals
💬 Social media secrets exposed

The murder was not a focus of this book. I was expecting a little bit more from that aspect but overall really enjoyed this book & would definitely recommend it as a must-read for 2023!

TL;DR: Must read for 2023. Released in May!

Thank you so much to @netgalley and @penguinrandomhouse for granting my wish for this eARC!

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JUICY!!! No better way to describe this peek into the upper crust New York social life than this novel. Characters are hilarious and over the top and the story is the best soap opera you could want. Really enjoyed this one!

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Thank you to NetGalley for a digital ARC. It took me about a third of the book to really get into it, but overall I enjoyed this. Very entertaining and I loved how all three women were so different. Kept me guessing and wanting to turn the pages. The reason for 3 stars is because some transitions from a scene or memory were confusing and I had to reread to be sure I was following. I will be reviweing this book on Goodreads, will be posted today.

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Five incredible stars for this lovely book, and cover! Riveted from the very first page. Loved just one look, and this was even better. Definitely had a gossip girl vibe. Loved it! Thanks for my copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I wish I could read this again for the first time. I really enjoyed this read!

I almost felt bad at first that I didn’t like the characters and I kept waiting for the shoe to drop for them and then realized that it was the point.

The app dang near brings it all down, you might wanna think again about what you post and where, even if it’s…anonymous.

The book is in 3 POVs and it does a really good job keeping them apart and really diving into each one….and watching them fall apart. Don’t miss out on this one!!

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley & Random House Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review. Thank you so much.

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Wow!!! If you LOVE and miss Gossip Girl and love Big Little Lies then read this ASAP. I loved the setting and premise for this mystery! I love the way this author writes and I will definitely be reading all of her books! I will also be recommending this to ALL my friends!!

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No One Needs To Know is my second book by Lindsay Cameron. I couldn't imagine enjoying NONTK more than Just One Look- but I did!!!! I absolutely loved this peek into an elite NYC private school, from the parent's point of view. Cameron alternates between three moms (with one exception), overlapping their stories in a way that is just genius! I came for the premise, but I stayed for the believable characters and unpredictable twists. Highly recommend!!!

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I would recommend this book to anyone who is new or starting the mystery/thriller genre.

Is it just me or does every thriller with rich characters have the same plot?

But did I continue to read it, yes. Did I know what was going to happen 40% in, yes, was i right, yes. The writing was easy to go through but the characters did not stand out.
I never expected Heathers secret to be that....
Urbanmyth is something I need in my life, like for real.

Thank you to netgalley and the author for eARC in exchange for a honest review.

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Thank you to Net Galley for an ARC of this book! This was a fun page turner and definitely had major gossip girl vibes. Set on the upper east side of NYC, this book follows a few private school parents and their drama. To add to the fun, they all seem to dabble in using an “anonymous” local message board to spill their secrets.

I thought this was a really fun read and kept me guessing without being too unrealistic with the twists. I was slightly let down by the ending because the “mystery” unfolded very quickly and was a little bit anticlimactic, but overall I enjoyed the book and finished it in a few days!

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Big Little Lies Meets Gossip Girl

3.5 stars

No One Needs to Know is part thriller, part women’s fiction/drama about a group of wealthy women who live on the Upper East Side and reveal their secrets anonymously on an app. The gossip site turns into a warzone ending in murder.

Urban Myth, an app, allows the rich and elite to anonymously post. Users feel comfortable enough to post about their affairs, share fantasies about killing their spouses, and the thrill of shoplifting. When the app is used to target a 13-year-old private school student, all hell breaks loose.

The narrative alternates between the perspectives of the three women:

Heather: A helicopter parent who will do anything for her daughter’s success.

Poppy: The queen bee who is hiding a dirty secret.

Norah: An executive whose head is buried in the sand.

Most of the characters are unlikable, but a few good ones are mixed in. As awful as the characters were, I had fun watching their lives implode.

This book is so much fun. Don’t take it too seriously--it's a mindless, entertaining read with some strong commentary on people’s willingness to share copious amounts of private information about their lives on social media without blinking an eye. But when their user information becomes public, they must scramble to face the truth.

No One Needs to Know is a page-turner. I got caught up in the scandals and chaos the app created, and I was invested in the two mysteries at play. The last chapter was a bit of a drag, but appropriate. I just feel like this book deserves a juicier ending.

Overall, this was a deliciously fun read!

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review.

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This is my first DNF for the year :(
I’m a third of the way through the book and I still can’t keep all the characters straight, I feel invested in none of them, and nothing has really happened to move the plot forward. I was excited to read this one but it fell flat for me.

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I struggled to read this book, but then again these type dramas aren’t really my thing. It does show the dangers of posting things online, that they don’t always remain anonymous. Lots of private school drama, cheating, and blackmailing. So if you like LOTS of drama, this book is for you

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No One Needs to Know by Lindsey Cameron took an insiders look into the dark and competitive side of New York Cities high society and the lengths they will go to to make sure their children get into the best schools. Although this is fiction, you feel like you are getting an actual look into what it is really like. Told from three main characters point of view, Heather, Norah, and Poppy. When an anonymous website is hacked and secrets are revealed, how far will they go to protect themselves and their children? Quick, exciting. Read with lots of twists and turns!

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Ah, the drama. Definitely not my cup of tea, as I try to avoid parental drama whenever I can. But definitely made me feel uncomfortable and I think that was the point!

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