Member Reviews

I started No One Needs To Know anticipating a Gossip Girl gone wrong vibe. Unfortunately, the characters all seemed to fall flat for me and the book never seemed to catch my attention enough. I think the idea of the storyline is fun but it just wasn’t executed in a way I enjoyed.

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3.5 stars

This book was written well enough to capture my interest however I find that the further I get removed from it the hazier the details get.

I remember that it was about three moms of kids in private school who were trying to get their kids into some fancy boarding school and on the Ivy League path. There is some anonymous site where they vent about their issues and somehow someone in their circle ends up missing, who did it...

The book was put together well it unfolded nicely with all these secrets that eventually come to light. If I remember correctly I figured out what occurred before the reveal which happens a lot but that's okay... Lots of drama which makes for an enjoyable time.

Thank you Bantam and Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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I absolutely loved this book! I read it in one sitting I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. I’m excited to see what this author comes out with next!

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Thank you #Netgalley for the copy.

Poppy, Heather and Nora would do anything to get their children into the best most well respected schooling systems. When a social media platform, Urban Myth, reveals the owners of the posts, which were previously all anonymous, leaves each parent vulnerable and unsure who to trust. So many secrets revealed and to what length will the parents go to protect their child?

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I find it difficult to like a book when I dislike all the characters. Dislike is not strong enough - every character was entitled, narcissistic, dismissive, wheedling, dishonest and that is just for a warm-up. Despite this, I read the book - I really did not care what happened to anyone and I should have closed it and put it down but thinking there had to be some positive resolution I played the fool and finished it. And I felt exactly the same.

This obviously wasn’t the book for me but I must applaud Ms. Cameron’s writing which was better than good and her idea and plot development was interesting. Thank you Bantam Books and NetGalley for a copy.

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No One Needs to Know - Lindsay Cameron
Rating: 4.5/5

“When an anonymous neighborhood forum gets hacked, the darkest secrets of New York’s wealthiest residents come to light—including some worth killing for—in this gripping suspense novel from the author of Just One Look.

“Big Little Lies meets Gossip Girl in this unputdownable read as smart and witty as it is delectable . . . I raced through it!”—Liv Constantine, author of The Last Mrs. Parrish”

I was hooked on this one from the first chapter! I loved the multiple POVs and seeing everyone’s story and background. It’s told from the story of 3 wealthy women who are trying to get their kids into an elite boarding high school - they were all kind of terrible and boy, did I feel bad for the kids in this story! I loved the idea of everyone sharing their secrets on this “anonymous” website - definitely think that added to the story! I feel like it’s almost a warning for people who get too confident online - nothing is as safe as you think! I enjoyed seeing all the women come together in an act of solidarity in the end - as messed up as it was!

Recommend if you like:
- Domestic thrillers
- Multiple POVs
- Private school parent drama
- Imagining how the 1% live
- Hidden secrets

I listened to the audiobook -thanks @prhaudio for the copy- and the narration by Brittany Pressley and Rebecca Lowman was excellent! Thanks @netgalley and @penguinrandomhouse for the e-copy!

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.Take one part combo of Reddit's AITA mixed with any Neighborhood app, three parts rich Upper East Side wives, a dash of school drama mixed with future plans and sprinkle with a hunky man who's up to no good, Bake for as ever long as it takes to read it in the summer sun and boom - the perfect fluffy summer read....

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The first quote and opening sentences immediately drew me in but from there, the story was a very slow burn for me. I think it was likely because it was more character-driven than a lot of psychological thrillers are (which isn't a bad thing!), but I didn't really care for any of the characters. I found myself skimming through the book quite a bit but feel this is more of a me thing than a reflection on the author or her writing.

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Heather is a social climber. Plain and simple. She'll do anything for her daughter to be the creme de la creme of society in New York City. Does this make her a terrible person? As it turns out, she's not any worse than any of the socialites she aspires to be. They all have too much money, too much time, and generally are just terrible humans who left alone, would probably just tear each other apart.

But this is civilized society. So everything must be said behind someone else's back. That is until the super secret platform where you can post what you really think is hacked, and everyone's identities are revealed. Everyone's secrets are laid bare - who is sleeping with whose husband, who is actually bankrupt, and there are even some leads for the police into who murdered one of their own.

I really enjoyed No One Needs to Know. It's a juicy satisfying read and the pages really turned themselves. Sure, there were times where certain situations seem outlandish. But, as a mom in the suburbs, I've seen how people behave. I can only imagine how much worse the backstabbing and gossip are when everyone is a millionaire and everyone is competing for the best private school for their child. This novel might be tamer than the truth.

Special thanks to Random House and Netgalley for an advanced e-galley in exchange for my honest review. This one is out now.

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I came into this book expecting it to go a lot harder on digital privacy and responsibility. I also think the ending felt pretty unearned - Maya was not really a character, and I understand that that was because none of the narrators even thought of her, but it made it so that I felt like 90% of the book was unnecessary. I think the kids didn't even actually need to be in it - again, the point is that the kids were basically accessories for their wealthy parents, but I was interested and wanted to know more. The thing about writing about the vapidity and narrow-sightedness of insular, wealthy communities is that as a reader, I know interesting things were happening beyond the scope of our unreliable narrators, but I didn't get to see any of them.

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No One Needs to Know is an entertaining read with some really unlikable characters! In a privileged neighborhood, the story follows three women and the drama that unfolds in their community. The plot felt a little choppy with a new chapter being a new character perspective, but it was not hard to follow. Complete with an anonymous social media platform, a college admissions scandal, affairs, blackmail, high-society parties, and a body count - this book had it all!

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I LOVE the outsider trope, especially when set in a wealthy, glamorous community FULL of secrets. NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW is a masterful thriller that will keep you up late turning the pages.

This book is just so good, I received a free e-copy and bought a physical because I just KNOW I'll re-read this one. An instant favorite.

Lindsay's voice on the page draws you in and refuses to let go. As a writer myself, I love learning from the greats, and Lindsay Cameron is one of them! This is a MUST read.

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I was sadly disappointed in this novel. I had high expectations going into it, but it just didn't live up to the hype. I'm also struggling to see how this book is labeled as a thriller. I guess if you consider unseasoned chicken to be thrilling, it makes sense. But otherwise it is a stretch. I found myself really bored throughout this novel. It felt like most of it was simply filler and lacked any kind of depth. I've read far worse, and far better novels, and the fact I wanted to love this one is what makes it even more disappointing to me.

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I enjoyed this thriller from Lindsay Cameron! Great storyline and the twists and turns had me second guessing right until the very end! Highly recommend!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I picked this up because I really wanted to read a thriller, and I regret to state that I didn't find it nearly stressful or mysterious enough to satisfy my cravings. However, I think this is due to the fact that the description gives way too much away. I'd recommend going into this blind, because there were some elements I liked:

- I liked how the story was told in multiple POVs.
- I'm not sure what it is, but I've always loved stories about ultra-wealthy people's secrets causing their lives to fall apart. Maybe I'm just a sucker for gossip, but this book delivers heavily on that front.
- The book is snarky and sarcastic in a lot of ways, and the mystery is definitely a slow burn.
- It feels a bit more like a women's fiction novel than a standard thriller, as the story does allow for introspection. This is especially because all the protagonists are mothers, and their relationships with their husbands/children are deeply explored.

Overall, I'd give my reading experience a 3.5-star rating because reading the description beforehand took out a lot of the fun for me. That being said, it would probably be closer to 4 stars if I'd gone in blind, so I would ultimately recommend this.

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The title of this book was very intriguing to me and that is what made me decide to request it. I also liked to imagine myself in this book because I am in one of these neighborhood forums and there is always so much drama. We all know people love to hide behind a screen and say what they really think when nobody knows who is really typing. When murder gets thrown into the plot it makes it all that much more juicy! I really enjoyed reading this book and seeing what people will do to cover themselves. This book was completely entertaining and I will be recommending it to my family who also love mystery! Zoomed right through this book!

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I received a free copy from NetGalley. The characters say a lot of things maybe they shouldn't when they think their posts are anonymous. The characters were hard to like and feel sorry for but the mystery was page turning.

Date is for the review, not the reading.

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this one was kinda a miss for me. this book has so much potential to be such a great book, but somewhere along the way, the entire plot seemed to shift and there was a new problem. overall not the best..

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NetGalley had asked me to give this book a read since I had read the author's debut book. So, I'd like to thank the publisher for giving me another go with this author!

No One Needs to Know is one of those books that is perfect for a beach read, a real popcorn flick of book. Not bad by any means, but not one that will make you give up on it or re-read it in the future. The story focuses on a group of women who all are connected due to their statuses in their socialite / off-spring schools. A photo taken at one of the dances starts a chain reaction that winds its way through four families. And, an interesting gossip forum that allows them all to post on it anon.

The book had me in for a spin and there are many twists and turns that you think you know something but you really don't.

The downfall is the characters are very surface and do not seem to lend themselves much to the plot as being nothing but shallow plot devices.

Again. A good beach read, but nothing more than that,

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I had high hopes for this book starting out, but as I got closer to the end it sort of ended on a flat note for me. There was a lot of build up only to have the twist/end happen quickly at the end. It felt like there was too much story building for the ending. Overall, it was a quick, easy read - I just wish there was more to it.

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