Member Reviews

I’ll be the first to tell you that Horror is not my usual read and I wasn’t sure what to expect from Whisper of a Gypsy and going in blind made it that much more fun. J.T. Patten is known for writing hard hitting, gritty action thrillers and that was on full display in this one. The pacing and violence was on full throttle, but wIth a bit of the supernatural added in, the stakes and danger come at you at a unique angle, making this one heck of a read.

Dwight Skinner, a neurodivergent child, believes he has superpowers. While the rest of the world sees his mental challenges as something to be overcome, there are those who know it’s the blood in his veins that gives him his power. When a tragic death and subsequent attack brings a strange older man into Dwight’s life, the dark secrets of the past begin to reveal themselves. With death and mayhem following Mr. Mortimer, or so the old man is called, Dwight and his mother are swept up in a world of magic and mystery that only true Gypsies are privy to.

The inclusion of details from past events, particularly those parts that are often not merely glossed over, but have been completely excluded from history classes, was a welcome inclusion and increased the angst and anxiety I felt throughout. Patten should be applauded for bringing attention to this matter. While dark and vicious at times, this is a book for fans of history, action, and horror.

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One of the best horror novels I've read. A supernatural thrill from start to finish. Good characters, Romani folklore and well written. Let's hope JT Patten writes more like this.
I received this book from Hellbound productions and Netgalley for a review.

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Interesting take on the horrors of the holocaust but from a different angle than is usually used. I haven't seen many people mentioning the horrors of the Romani people in fiction or even non fiction for that matter. Definitely a gem.

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Scary, Thrilling and well written book, this takes the horror genre to a new level. Most books take a while to build up the scene so it is scary but the way Patten wrote this is very impressive. Definitely the Horror book for me for 2023!

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Grand Guignol, gruesome and grotesque - a new voice has arrived on the horror fiction scene: J.T. Patten.
Shocking and thoroughly terrifying, and written with such skill that one can see, hear and smell the rancid stench of decomposing flesh. This is one of the scariest novels I have read in years.
Using the tropes of Jewish and Romani folklore and the horrific genetic experiments of the Nazis, and the visual imagery of a young boy in a mask and snorkel (something which has terrified me ever since seeing Hammer's classic The Snorkel) the fear factor permeates every single page. Sleep with the light on after reading this!

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J. T. Patten is a former government intelligence and special mission advisor, and it clearly shows in his writing. Whispers of a Gypsy is more than a horror story. It's both a historical in its scope and contemporary in its tone. It's both a spy thriller and a commentary on modern society. It's both a "whodunnit" and a supernatural horror show. It's a blend of genres, beholden to none, and I loved every page of it.

The plot is complex and spans decades from the horrors of Auschwitz and Josef Mengele to the modern-day Chicago suburbs. It touches on both Jewish and Romani folklore with references to both dybbuk and golem legends and even blends a little Shelley's Frankenstein and zombies into the supernatural aspects to create a truly unique version of an anti-hero. Told in alternating timelines of past and present as well as multiple points of view, the overall effect is a dark tale rooted in historical fact with far too plausible outcomes.

Whispers of a Gypsy is a thought-provoking novel that treats one of the most horrific episodes of human history with care and the reverence it deserves while also spinning a yarn of contemporary fantastical horror and international intrigue. Any fan of dark fiction will be delighted by J. T. Patten's work, and I look forward to his next book.

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First a huge thanks for the arc of this book, it was a great introduction to a new (possibly) favourite writer!
I haven't yet read books on gypsy lore, which is why i was excited to read this one.
The story takes place in a concentration camp, which is a grim dark setting, and it explores the nature of monsters, blurring the lines between good and evil.
The book was well written and came together as a brilliant horror story.
Would definitely recommend it.

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Whispers of a Gypsy is an intense read that dives in and out of historical facts, nonfiction, and folklore. . Patten does a spectacular job weaving through several different timelines. The main character is a young man with the mentality of a child that thinks he has super powers.

The main character comes from a special bloodline that might cause the family some ups and downs after the death of his grandfather. This being said we are introduced to more characters that are there to protect and others with other intentions.

Throughout is psychological horror novel we try to find out who or what is the evilest of them or is all!

Overall a great read with some frightening cringy (in a good way) situations. At times this novel can get intense, but I found myself not being able to stop reading it.

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This was such a well-written suspenseful novel. I can't wait to read more by this author. Whispers of a Gypsy blurs the lines between good and evil and what really makes a monster. This was a page turner that I read in almost one sitting.

trigger warnings for abuse

Thank you @netgalley for my ARC.

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A story of the horrors and ordeals of the concentration camps, the experiments and procedures undertaken by the powers that be, on the innocent and vulnerable. The results of these experiments, many years later, come home to roost, and the horrors erupt yet again. Who is the true monster here?

A good amalgamation of imagination and history.

A macabre story, definitely not for the faint hearted!

Thank you NetGalley.

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This was a good read with Romani/Jewish folklore, a man who is more monster than human, and a special needs child caught up in circumstances he doesn't understand.

I loved the characters. You don't find many horror books that has a mentally challenged protagonist, much less a kid, and the author did a fantastic job with this character.

Mr. Mortimer is the "monster" here but he's also a victim of experimental nazi procedures at the concentration camp where he was held. And even though his motives are less than pure, you can't help but cheer as he protects the boy from those who want to harm him.

The way he dispatches people is terrifyingly brutal and he does so with no regrets.

I really enjoyed the lore and fictionalised history at the beginning of the novel. The author mixes reality of the holocaust with his own creativity to show us how Mr. Mortimer became what he is giving the monster a unique human touch.

I recommend this book!

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Whispers of a Gypsy by J.T. Patten.
Purity is a short-lived gift
Neurodivergent, young Dwight Skinner considers his mental challenges to be a super power, but it’s a pure bloodline that will put him in danger.
When a tragic event brings a mysterious Romani neighbor, Mr. Mortimer, out of seclusion and into the Skinner family’s lives, Dwight and his emotionally overloaded mother find an unsuspecting protector in this dark whisperer.
Death and horrific secrets trail the unfolding life of Mr. Mortimer’s past, and questions soon arise as to who has the more sinister of intentions, Dwight or the “Gypsy” he unconditionally trusts.
The whispers have the answer.
A brilliant read. I loved the skull and bones at the start of each chapter. I liked Esther. And Mr Mortimer and Dwight. I do hope there is more to come. 5*.

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this had such a great tense and spooky atmosphere, J.T. Patten really does a great job in telling the story that it needed to. I was invested in what was going on and thought it was a great concept for a horror novel. The characters worked in this setting and I enjoyed what I read. I hope to read more horror novels from J.T. Patten.

“Buried. Florida.” Esther sniffed hard. “Hurricane statistic. I mean, it happens. It’s on the news. But who really knows someone who dies?” Esther started sobbing again. “It follows us. Death. Everywhere.”

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