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The Puzzle Master

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I really enjoyed this read!! The pace of the action and the intrigue of the actions kept me engaged and turning pages. I really liked the whole puzzle aspect of the story.

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Whatever you think this story is going to be, it isn't, in the best way possible. This is a rollercoaster ride of a novel, just strap yourself in and enjoy the ride. This has echoes of one of my favorite novels, Marisha Pessl's Night Film, because of its desperate search into the unknown, the hidden crevices of New York City, where we can believe that magic is real, it's pressing up against our world, and the characters we meet along the way are fascinating and endearing. In short: I devoured this!

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The Puzzle Master, the latest book by Danielle Trussoni, can be summarized in one word: fantastic. It's a puzzle book that expertly weaves together elements of mystery, thriller, horror, science fiction, and science with a mix of reality and the supernatural. The book covers a wide range of topics, and the author's thorough research and deft writing style had me wanting to learn more about several areas that I didn't have a background in.

The book's protagonist is Mike Brink, a celebrated and ingenious puzzle constructor with acquired savant syndrome who understands patterns like no one else. He is summoned to an upstate New York women's prison where Jess Price, a detainee and presumed murderer, has drawn a puzzle with Mike's name on it. Jess, a promising writer, allegedly killed her boyfriend while house-sitting in a Gothic mansion that had a creepy doll collection, including a very valuable and very Chucky-like doll. The prison psychiatrist asks for Mike's help, as what Jess has drawn is a puzzle that he can't solve immediately. However, the bigger puzzle is Jess herself: is she another puzzle master who has been imprisoned for other reasons, or the victim of psychic malevolence?

Mike's puzzle search takes him on a ride that spans centuries, belief systems, and dimensions. It includes secret rooms in the J.P. Morgan Library, golems in Prague, and modern-day Jewish mysticism, all intertwined in a fascinating story that had me turning pages.

The research done by the author is mind-boggling, and I appreciated the illustrated puzzles included in the book. They helped me fully imagine the puzzles described in the story. Mike Brink is a likable character who deserves to be played by a young Tom Hanks-like actor in the film versions of the sequels that should be written after this book.

“The Puzzle Master” will fill the longing of Dan Brown fans who desperately want to experience another mesmerizing “DaVinci Code” and have the appeal of a chase as clues are discovered, solved, and then point to another clue. This book is absolutely amazing, layered, haunting, mystical, beguiling, horrifying, and twisted.

I loved Ms. Trussoni's “Angelology” many years ago, and I'm delighted she's back writing in this mystical sort of genre. The Puzzle Master is highly recommended and is set for release in June of 2023. I urge you to preorder it now; you won't regret it.

In conclusion, The Puzzle Master is a masterfully written book that seamlessly weaves together different genres, creating an enthralling and unforgettable story. It's a puzzle book that is not just about solving riddles but also about uncovering the mysteries of the human mind and the supernatural. I give this book five stars and thank Random House and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Looking for a clever mystery that moves fast and has a weird, weird plotline? This is for you. Trussoni is known for unusual interpretations of mythical beings (check out her Angelology series) and here she tackles one of the most terrifying, the golem. There’s one scene involving a living doll parting the curtains in a room that literally gave me nightmares!

The last third of the story becomes supremely metaphysical and requires some close reading to keep track of the complicated mysticism that drives the plot. This unique blend of ancient mysticism, mythology, and religion with modern day quantum computing is fascinating and could spark some lively discussions.

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This is a unique story, clever, interesting and exciting. I really enjoyed Mike and the crazy puzzle he finds himself pulled into. I don't want to give anything away, but it was deeply woven through with history and religion, both fascinating.

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Hi, it's you, you're the problem it's you.

This one is toted as THE SILENT PATIENT meets THE DA VINCI CODE and that's what is. Almost exactly. Oh there is a freaking romance between the puzzle master and the inmate that refuses to talk. It felt forced and really unnecessary.

While I did enjoy the puzzles, clues and brain teasers- some of it just went over my head. I mean I understand that the guy is a savant and that his mind is on a completely different plane to us 'plebeians' but wow did it make me feel stupid.

And not in the good Blake Crouch way.

So while I wanted to love this one because of the way it was described... I just can't.

Oh and btw- there's a dog and I may have skipped to the end to make sure nothing happened to her. Stupid horror and thriller books make a nasty habit of including dogs just to kill them off- like we're not emotionally damaged enough!

Mashups: The Silent Patient, The Da Vinci Code, crosswords, sudoku, word puzzles, ciphers and random romance.

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An incredibly epic and genius read, I couldn't put down The Puzzle Master! From the first page I was sucked into the murder and secrets of this book, and it didn't let up until the very last page. From intricate puzzles to ancient religious rites, AI to art history, it's immediately clear that Trussoni dove deep in her research to bring us not just an action-packed story, but one that goes deeper than you could possibly imagine. ⁠
My advice to readers is to not let the knowledge of this book overwhelm you. Don't rush through reading this, but also know that you'll be able to follow along and understand the concepts to follow this story just fine.

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Wow, was this book terrible. It always felt somewhat disconnected from itself, most likely brought on by the several genre changes. But the last 1-1/2 hours made me roll my eyes so many times.


Do you literally believe in everything that’s believed in the Judeo-Christian faiths? If so, congratulations. This book is for you. If not, though, this book will undoubtedly annoy you again and again.

I thought the MC’s traumatic brain injury and resulting brilliance at puzzles was fascinating. What wasn’t fascinating, though, was the fact that all of the religious mythology actually took place in modern times. There was a golem that really worked (but this isn’t a horror novel), there was the existence of Lilith (as evil, by the way — despite the book trying to have some feminist things to say), and there was the God Puzzle that — once solved — provides eternal life (but without a body).

We’re supposed to believe that a book rooted in reality actually has golems, Lilith, etc.? Get out of here. The romance was also ridiculous. There were tons of scenes where the two were in serious trouble but just couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, regardless. I’m talking while running through a prison — supposedly scared for their lives — they stopped multiple times to kiss. WTF?

It’s beyond rare for me to say this, but this book truly sucked. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC. This review contains my honest, unbiased opinion.

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I was excited by the description of this book. The premise was exciting, a man with n amazing way of solving puzzles and seeing patterns is called to a prison to meet with a silent prisoner. The prisoner, Jess Price, was found guilty of an odd murder with mystic overtones. There is a spooky house, a room full of dolls, ancient codes. It started out well but lost me in some detailed descriptions of codes. I think someone who enjoys in depth puzzle explanations would be thrilled with this book. I found it to be tough going at times.
This is a review of an e-Galley provided by NetGalley.

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I was beyond ecstatic to receive an ARC copy of this book after seeing a few fellow bookstagramers rave about this book….and let me tell you, the hype does not disappoint.

A few others have said that, THE PUZZLE MASTER is reminiscent of the Da Vinici Code series with the combined flare of a Stephen King novel; and I would have to say that I agree. This book has all the best qualities of your favorite mystery, thriller, horror and science fiction novels.

The author, Danielle Trussoni, wrote a brilliant novel that is filled with mystery, suspense, and lore. This story weaves together history, puzzles, ancient secrets, creepy dolls, the supernatural, ciphers and hidden messages, danger and murder. Honestly, I haven’t read a fictional book so intriguing and captivating since the last Dan Brown novel I read. promise It will keep you on the edge of your seat and you will not see the ending coming.

If you love puzzles, mysteries, and thrillers this book is for you. If you are a fan of the writings of Dan Brown or Stephen King, this book is for you. If you want a book that will consume you for a couple of days as you get lost in a story, then grab a bowl of your favorite snack and grab a copy of THE PUZZLE MASTER, because you won’t be disappointed.

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The Puzzle Master by Danielle Trussoni
Other Books by This Author I Read/Enjoyed: The Ancestor
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Release Date: June 13th, 2023
BISAC Categories: Historical - General, Literary, Thrillers - Suspense

Subgenre/Themes: Historical Fiction, Mind Bender, Mystery, Romance, Religion, Puzzles, Creepy Dolls, Haunted House, Astral Projection, Obsession, Secret Societies
Writing Style: Very, very intricately plotted, sophisticated yet accessible prose, richly detailed descriptive language, cinematic, fast pace, suspenseful

What You Need to Know: This book cannot be forced into any one genre, or even two. It’s a mystery-thriller, while also being a historical fiction novel leaning into elements of horror, with an air of romance; genre-defying, just like The Ancestor. I love it. The Puzzle Master checks off a lot of boxes for me and I suspect it will for a wide variety of readers.

My Reading Experience: I read something somewhere that said, and this is loosely translated, but it said good writers tell stories in such a way that makes their readers feel smart, not them.
I thought about that while I was reading this book because at first, I was intimidated by the synopsis, I’m not good at puzzles. I was the kid in math class that would see one of those word problems about a train traveling at x miles per hour passing a town every x hours and stopping x amount of times and picking up 10 passengers and what is the maximum occupancy if the train blah blah blah whatever, I can literally feel my brain turning its back on me. My brain rejects those “solve for x” problems or any other kind of puzzle. I don’t like puzzles because I feel like I’m not good at them.

But Danielle Trussoni wrote a book about solving puzzles and she made it fun and exciting and easy to follow while at the same time, giving the story all the intricacy, and sophistication it demands in order for it to feel special. This book is so special. The main character, Mike Brink had a professional football career ahead of him but suffered a head injury that changed his life. He has a mind for puzzles; solving them and creating them.
Trussoni’s superpower here is unfolding this story like a magic trick. The art of deception and distraction. I’m just along for this ride. I love that this puzzle master is brought in to solve a cipher created by a mysterious woman in prison. They have this electric chemistry and he becomes obsessed with her life. Then, there’s her ‘haunted house & creepy dolls’ story nestled within the larger narrative–at one point in the story, I find myself immersed in some story about a doll maker, the history of porcelain, and secret societies, ancient religious texts, oh, and even a golem! Just like I experienced with The Ancestor, Trussoni has this way of drawing me into her world with richly detailed descriptions of the setting; as I type this, I can see everything. I know the way the characters look, the prison, the big house with the creepy doll collection, all of it.
The only complaint I have is that there is a large cast of characters that I lost track of a few times and toward the end when the mystery is unraveling, I got a bit overwhelmed by it, but again–I’m not good at puzzles. Once I got there though, in the end, it was very emotional. A powerful, gripping ending with a profound message that I loved so much.

Final Recommendation: At the end of the day, The Puzzle Master is entertaining, exciting, and capable of capturing its audience for an epic magic trick with a big reveal; intricately detailed, and impressive craftsmanship. It is such a joy to place oneself in the hands of a very capable writer. Highly recommend.
Comps: Stephen King’s The Dead Zone + elements of Clive Barker’s The Hellbound Heart + Agatha Christie + Shirley Jackson. That’s this book.

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This was an enjoyable and engaging thriller, which is what I've come to expect from Danielle Trussoni. The main character's puzzle skills and his acquired savant syndrome are interesting quirks that fuel the story and dovetail nicely with both the golem legend and the mysterious woman accused of murder who needs his help. Trussoni writes so well that it's hard for me to find many flaws with this one except for an unnecessary character or two, and also the fact that Mike's dog was in several dangerous situations but always got away and never got hurt. Thanks to Netgalley and to Random House for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Ok, so maybe I'm in the minority here, but this book came off as a hot mess.

The cover is so pretty and well designed. Kudos for that! And while the blurb didn't necessarily lie, there was just so much that came after that it feels dishonest?

I totally get the comparison this book has received to The DaVinci Code. But where that came off as a master class, this came off as a lesson in "throw everything at it and see what sticks"

What I was expecting:
• Man with amazing abilities to solve puzzles
• Using those abilities to solve a cold case

What I was not expecting:
• Religion and religious references, something I tend to stay away from as a personal preference
• Haunted Dolls, like that doll was totally causing destruction in that house and it was promptly forgotten and never brought up again
• Jewish Mysticism aka Kabbalah aka that weird culty group Madonna was (is?) a part of
• Not just haunted dolls, but Golems
• Anarchy groups
• Quantum computers uploading digital likenesses of people
• Demonic possession
• Multiple angelic/demonic planes/dimensions
I"m probably missing a few, but I stopped paying close attention because it was getting out of control!

I found the writing to be mediocre with some SAT words thrown in for good measure. And can we talk about the dog? What was the point of the dog? It served no purpose, didn't move the plot. Never helped with anything. You could take out all mention of the dog and no one would notice.

If the setup at the end was for a sequel, count me out.

Thank you NetGalley for a digital copy in return for an honest review.

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4 stars

I loved this! This book was totally not what I was expecting. It had a very Di Vinci Code feel, and the puzzles were fun! I read it over the course of a day and I can’t wait to check out more by Trussoni!

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Special thanks to Random Publishing Group and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

I really liked this book. It was different. The puzzles in it were doable and didn't leave me feeling less than.

Mike Brink sustains a football injury and be ones a savant solving and seeing puzzles. He is asked to help Jess, an inmate who writes a puzzle just for him to solve.

Then the story veers off into Judaism and horror, but doesn't read like a horror. I wish it did. It will really remind you of DaVinci Code and Silent Patient as promised. It has different POVs which I like always in a book.

I would recommend this book so 4 stars! I wish it had more horror in it though.

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The Puzzle Master is utterly brilliant! Angie Kim describes this book as “The DaVinci Code + The Silent Patient + sprinkle of Stephen King,” and honestly nothing I can think of describes it better. There’s the mystery, the puzzles, the mathematics, the divine, and the history, plus an incarcerated woman who refuses to speak in her own defense. I loved this book!! It’s got exactly the right amount of mystery mixed with a bit of horror. Like any of Dan Brown’s books, you’re asked to suspend your own beliefs and go along for the ride. This was extremely clever and the addition of Mike Brink’s savant syndrome made it easier to understand the ways in which he was able to come to his conclusions. I liked how the author seamlessly included her rationale for the puzzle’s solutions without making them daunting or condescending. Plus, her writing is so beautiful and immersive. The Puzzle Master will keep you up at night as you furiously race to the thrilling end. I cannot recommend this book enough!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Book : The Puzzle Master
Author : Danielle Trussoni

Thanks so much Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for an advance read in exchange for this review!

This book was surely not a typical read for me but I am glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone. I had never read anything from this author and I was very pleased! I read it in a 24hr period. This book gave me big The Da Vinci Code and Silent Patient vibes which I loved.

This storyline is gripping and fast paced, keeps you on your toes. Multiple POV is present in this book which I do truly love. I love when an author mixes elements and there were some supernatural and religion mixing going on and I was there for it.

The characters were well built and the world building/character dialogue was spot on.

I love a good fast paced page turner and this had be wanting more of it. This book is a must read should be on everybody’s TBR.

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The premise of this book sounded really good so I jumped at the chance for an early read.

The puzzle parts of the story were very fascinating and at the heart of all of it was Kabbalah, only posed as being possible to do Divine works.

I enjoyed the characters and the unfolding of the story. Unfortunately, when I hit 97% read on my Kindle, the story, to me as a Christian, fell into total blasphemy and I was done. So, no idea how it all turned out in the end and it is sad because I think this ending was the main goal of the book. I should have known when the adverts mentioned it was part Da Vinci Code, one of the most inaccurate and anti-Catholic books ever written. (not to mention written at a third grade level.)

I wish I could end this on a good note, but the ending of the book made that impossible. What could have been a 5 star review is squeaking through as a 3, only because the majority of the story was good.

I do thank Random House and NetGalley for this early read in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Mike's life is changed forever when he suffers a brain injury as a senior in high school. the result is that he now is a mathematical savant who can see codes and solve puzzles too hard for others to tackle. When he is called into a murder investigation and asked to interview the supposed perpetrator, Jess in a State prison, he is set upon a trail of murder and intrigue revolving around an antique doll and a missing letter. The letter gives clues to a mysterious and ancient code which may or may not hold the power of life and death. As a powerful man goes after the code and the doll, Mike's life is in danger. Can he solve the puzzle of the code, save an innocent woman from death and prevent the wealthy and delusional Jameson from attaining immortality?
The puzzles included were beyond my comprehension but one doesn't need to be a puzzle master to enjoy the tension and fast-paced action in this book. Check out Mike's dog's name too!

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Mike Brink had a traumatic brain injury in high school that transformed how he sees the world. He can now solve puzzles few other people on Earth can. So, when a woman sentenced to prison who stopped talking for five years creates an inexplicable puzzle, her doctor reaches out to him to see if he can finally reach Jess Price.

This is gripping and fast-paced. After seeing the puzzle, Mike’s life is suddenly in peril, but he still wants to help Jess. Parts of this reminded me of The Da Vinci Code, specifically the intersection of science with the divine and unknowable.

I really enjoyed this. The Puzzle Master is definitely worth a read.

NetGalley provided an advance copy of this novel, which RELEASES JUNE 13, 2023.

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