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I Will Find You

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Member Reviews

This was my very first Coben novel, and now i want to read them all! I went into this almost blind, I read part of the synopsis then decided I would read it regardless because it sounded so good! And man was I! So much fast-paced, surprising moments. A great thriller! We will defi be purchasing this novel for our library!

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Dollycas's Thoughts

Receiving a life sentence 5 years ago for murdering his son, a crime he asserts that he didn't commit, David Burroughs has accepted his fate. He is grieving and guilty for not being able to protect his son. The child was killed just down the hall from where he was sleeping. He has had no visitors by his choice but believes no one would want to visit him anyway.  He assumes his ex-wife Cheryl has moved on with her life like the rest of the world.

Then one day Cheryl's sister Rachel comes to visit him. Reluctant at first to see her, he decides he has nothing to lose and they were pretty close before his whole world collapsed. He never expected she would show him a picture that would change everything. It's a shot taken in an amusement park by one of her friends. If you look closely in the background there is a boy about 8 years old that looks just like his son. It can't be . . . can it? Could Matthew really be alive?

David just has to find out for himself. He comes up with a convoluted plan to escape. He has to get out to find and save his son. Then he can clear his name. But as an escaped felon the FBI is on his tail. Will he be able to find Matthew or will he be back behind bars before he has the chance?


I love Harlan Coben's stories and it is easy to see why so many are made into movies or television series. They are always impactful and mind-bending. I Will Find You is my new favorite Coben thriller.

David Burroughs is a flawed individual but he was a devoted dad who not only had to endure the horrific loss of his son but was accused and convicted of committing the murder. Of course, he divorced his wife. And of course, he withdrew into himself. Within the first few paragraphs, I was all in with David Burroughs. This man has layers and he is grieving. I have lost a son and I feel that pain every day. That is why I was so excited that his son really could still be alive. I would rally behind any effort for that to be true. Even when I know this story could never happen the way written in real life, it was a home run for me. Yes, readers have to step outside of reality but it is so worth it.

This story is a wild ride. Intense, riveting, thrilling, set at breakneck speed, and impossible to put down. With monster twists and turns, Mr. Coben captured this reader and held on tight. There was one twist that I hated, a mere coincidence, it had to be there to set other parts of the story in motion but in my heart, I wished it would not have happened. I was so caught up in the action, I had that "oh ****, you better hurry up" moment, and was thrilled at the way David could think on the fly.

I really enjoyed the way Rachel, also a flawed individual with her own issues had David's back no matter what. She also had an excellent lawyer helping her out. The FBI agents drove me a little crazy but I didn't allow their behavior to detract from my enjoyment of the story.

I Will Find You is full of suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I read the entire book in one sitting. This is not the first time a book by Harlan Coben has given me a book hangover by staying up too late to finish a fabulous story and I know it won't be the last. I look forward to whatever he has in store for us next year. You will find I Will Find You on my 2023 Best Reads List as it receives my Paradise Rating.

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David was charged for murdering his son. He didn't fight it because he felt his life was over since his son was dead.
Now Rachel, his sister in law shows him a photo with his son in it.
David escapes to find his son and what that leads to will have you hoping he gets to his son and we find out why he was taken which has a twist at the end. I
I would have given this book 5 stars but the things that David does to dodge police sometimes seemed a little far fetched.
Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for this book.

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I Will Find You
By Harlan Coben

David is serving life in prison, despite being innocent, for the murder of his son. His sister in law visits him in prison with picture that proves his son is alive. What happens next is a wild ride. David must escape prison, try to find his son, prove his innocence, and reveal the truth of what happened that night.
I’ve read a few books by Coben. I think this one is my favorite so far. It was well paced and tense. The different perspectives made sense. The plot was interesting despite being able to predict the outcome.
Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an advance copy in exchange for my honest review

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest thriller by Harlan Coben - of course it's a 5 star read!

David is serving life in prison for killing his 3-year-old son Matthew. He doesn't believe he did it but there's strong evidence to say he did. When his ex-sister-in-law, Rachel, comes to visit him for the first time, she shows him a picture taken at an amusement park by a friend that shows Matthew alive and well. With the help of the warden, a family friend, he breaks out of prison to try and find his son.

While you may have to suspend belief a bit, this is a book that's tough to put down until you see how it all plays out. You can't help but root for David as he tries to find his son while eluding the FBI and police. Highly entertaining so don't miss this one if you are a Harlan Coben fan!

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This book was fine for a quick, entertaining read! There was action and twists and turns on every page. Not the most plausible story but a compelling one!

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Convicted of killing his son David escapes to prove that his son is still alive. The twists and turns in this book will keep you guessing and keep the pages turning. Fast paced and surprising this book will suck you in, you will be unable to put it down.

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I absolute LOVE all things Harlan Coben and this one did not disappoint.

David Burroughs is in prison service time for killing his son. After 5 years his ex sister in law comes to visit him with a picture.

The picture shows a young boy who looks an awful lot like David’s son. David and Rachel soon realize they need to do something with this information. They are both willing to do whatever it takes to figure out what actually happened the night his son was killed.

This book takes you for a ride!

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I Will Find You

This five star Harlan Coben suspense thriller will have you racing to the end to see what happens. My thanks to #NetGalley and #GrandCentralPublishing for this ARC for my review.

David Burroughs is five years into a life sentence for killing his three year old son, Matthew. His first visitor in all that time is his sister-in-law Rachel who comes to show him a photograph which will shake up his life.

Coven’s characters are rich and well developed. Although the readers know the story line, they must wait for important nuggets of information as the intense drama unfolds. Anyone who looks for an exciting story will love I Will Find You.

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Fast pace, can read in one sitting type of book. Harlan does it again with this book. Hooked from the start, and I love the sarcasm his characters always have. Thought I called the twist 50% in but was proven wrong at the very end!

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What I love about a Harlan Coben book is that I never see the twists coming. I have my AHA! moment, and then even that isn't the truth. I audibly gasped when I figured out the twist.. only to have another twist happen. I found myself rooting for David through this whole book, on the edge of my seat wondering if this was just a trick or if it was real. I especially loved the FBI agents and the banter that went back and forth between them. There were so many characters and so many twists. It was a great thriller!
Thank you to Grand Central, Netgalley and Harlan Coben for an early copy.

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The book was definitely different and seemed almost beyond belief. David lost his son when the toddler was murdered in his bed. Then, to make matters worse, David is accused and convicted of the toddler’s murder, though he knows he is innocent. Thus, he is surprised when his sister-in-law visits him in prison to tell him the child may be alive. Naturally, Davis wants to move heaven and hell to find his son, if he is alive. This is where the disbelief begins. David manages to get out of prison with the help of his godfather. He then, with his sister-in-law follows many twists and turns to figure out that the truth is.

I enjoyed reading the book but had hold myself in disbelief as the plot evolved. There were just too man coincidences for me. However, the author, who writes well, managed to pull it off with his well done work. I found myself wondering time and again if David would ever find the truth, and what that truth would be if and when he found it. The book is full of exciting adventures as the reader follows David through the many twists and turns he takes in search of his son. I thin, however, I would have enjoyed it even more were it no so incredible a story, that, to me, defied reality too many times. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

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What a ride! I loved this book! It sucked me in right away and I couldn’t stop reading!

David is five years into serving a life sentence for the horrible crime of murdering his three year old son Matthew. David swears he didn’t do it. He is visited by his sister-in-law Rachel and that visit changed everything. Maybe David really didn’t do it?

I Will Find You is available now.

Thank you netgalley and grand central publishing for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Typical fun Harlan Coben!

I love Harlan Coben standalones that are typically an everyperson thrust into some crazy and unbelievable situation. In I Will Find You, it's a man imprisoned for killing his young son. (I know that for some readers, that is a non-starter, so just putting it out there.) He swears he is innocent, and then one day someone comes to visit him with proof that he might just be ...

This is fast-paced and twisty. To me, it felt like an homage to one of my favorite movies, The Fugitive. Yes, it requires some suspension of disbelief, but if you're looking for a book that's plot driven and escapist, check it out!

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A suspenseful, action packed thriller that had me flying though the pages. Never a dull moment with this story. Highly recommend!

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I Will Find You by Harlan Coben

It’s been five years since David Burroughs was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his three-year-old son Matthew. Eyewitness testimony claiming to have witnessed him burying the murder weapon and his own hazy memories of the night contributed to his conviction, though David has consistently maintained that he is innocent. Since then his marriage to his high school sweetheart, Matthew’s mother Cheryl has ended and she has moved on. He has refused to accept visitors and has cut himself off from friends and family. Then his sister in law shows up with a picture that looks just like David's son Mathew.

This book was so engaging and keep me turning the pages from the start. It did drag a little bit towards the end but overall this was a good story. With a baseball bat in hand and a witness David is in prison for the death of his son. He just wants to whittle away from the guilt he feels for everything. Rachel who is Cheryl's sister adds to the story with the picture. From that point forward the story unravels until its conclusion. Is Mathew still alive? Did David kill him? All these questions will be answered. Hold onto your seat for this one. I would recommend this thriller to people who like fast paced heart pumping thrillers.

Thank you to Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for a free copy of I Will Find You for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own.

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4.5 stars --- every single time I start a Harlan Coben book I know to set aside a few hours because nothing else is getting accomplished until I read it cover to cover. I Will Find You was no different -- Coben takes a plot that would be improbable and wild if written by anyone else and spins it into a tale of gold.

David is serving a life sentence for the murder of his three year old son. He awoke one night five years ago to find his son beaten to death in his room. His family members begin to doubt his innocence when damning evidence is revealed at trial -- thinking he may have done it in a fugue state. David knows he did not kill his son but can't find any reason to care about what happens to him now that he's gone.

Until his ex sister-in-law shows up out of the blue with a picture from a friend's day at the amusement park with her family -- and the eight year old boy in the background looks eerily like his dead son Matthew.

Knowing that he won't get anyone to believe his son is still alive, David must find a way out of prison to track down where his son is all these years later. Of course, many things align in his favor, such as the prison warden being an old family friend. David is quickly putting pieces together to find out who could have possibly framed him for such a horrific crime, but he needs to do it before he is recaptured.

My jaw was literally on the ground at the conclusion of this book. A crazy ride with a stunning finish, just as I have come to expect from Coben's books.

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I own a whole shelf of Harlan Coben's books so was excited when NetGalley gave me the chance to read another one. David has been imprisoned for five years for the murder of his young son, while he keeps proclaiming his innocence. Finally, his sister-in-law finds something that gives her pause and believes that maybe there is some proof that he wasn't guilty. How can they prove it, though?

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Five years ago, David woke to the scent of blood and discovered his three-year-old son Matt murdered in his bed. He was convicted of the crime and sent to prison. Heartbroken and grieving, he doesn't even have the heart left to fight it. Life has moved on without him, his father on his deathbed, his wife divorced him and remarried, and all the while David had refused all visitors. But then his sister-in-law Rachel shows up with a picture of a boy that looks unbelievably looks like son. Finally able to hope again, David plots his escape in a desperate attempt to find Matt before he's recaptured.
This story was heartbreaking and real, full of twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. It's about an innocent grieving father willing to risk everything, even his life, to believe in the impossible. I loved everything about this story except for the banter between the two investigators Max and Sarah. It just seemed awkward and over-the-top to me. Still a five star read for me though.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was incredibly exciting right from the start! I have been a huge fan of Harlan Coben’s work for a very long time. I was really eager to read this book and went into the book with incredibly high expectations. I am happy to report that those expectations were all met. This was the kind of story that grabs you right away and doesn’t let go and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I couldn’t imagine finding myself in David’s situation. To not only lose a child but to be serving time for that child’s murder when you know that you didn’t do it. When he learns that his son may actually be alive, he will stop at nothing to find him. I found this book almost impossible to put down and I loved the fact that it kept me guessing until the end.

I had so many questions as I worked my way through this story. I hoped that David would actually find that his son was still alive but then that raised the question of who was actually killed. Every time I thought that I had things figured out, something would happen and I would realize that I had been wrong. I really liked the characters and wanted to see things work out for them. I am not sure that everything that occurred in the book was entirely possible but it was entertaining so it works for me.

I would highly recommend this book to others. I loved the twists and turns of the story that kept me glued to the pages. I thought that the characters were easy to like and I felt invested in the outcome of the story. I cannot wait to read more of this talented author’s writing.

I received a review copy of this book from Grand Central Publishing.

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