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I Will Find You

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David Burroughs is in prison for his son’s murder, but he knows deep down he didn’t do it. Unfortunately, no one else believes David is innocent. That is until five years after his conviction when his sister-in-law, Rachel shows up for a visit. David hasn’t had any visitors for the past five years and isn’t really wanting them. However, when Rachel shows him proof that his son might be alive David will stop at nothing to find his son.

Harlan Coben certainly has a way with thrillers and this one definitely did not disappoint. The way it was written from various characters point’s of view helped further the story and made it suspenseful. I couldn’t imagine finding myself in David’s situation, but Coben makes him a very likable character. Even when he does wrong, you just have to forgive David because he is so desperate to find his son. I found this book almost impossible to put down. Although I did predict many parts, Coben’s suspenseful writing kept me engaged in the storyline to find out if I was right. I highly recommend it to any thriller fans! I give it 4/5 stars.

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Harlan Coben knocks it out of the park again. A mystery fief the ages with a twist you do not see coming

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As a long-time fan of Harlan Coben, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. It's somewhat a return to form for him - a standalone novel of an ordinary man trapped in extraordinary circumstances. The plot is fast-paced, and twisty, but never hard to follow. The characterization is humane and real. Is it far-fetched? Sure....but most of Mr. Coben's books are. All in all a reliably fun ride from a solid author.

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This book starts off in prison, which is not conducive to my idea of entertainment. I almost quit reading but am so glad I didn't. It became a nail-biting adventure. Granted, one has to go with the flow and enjoy the run without the necessity of reality. Some situations had results that were too good to be true. Of course, one is counting on that being the case. An engaging read that has a few surprises to keep one guessing.

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Happy Pub Day @harlancoben! I have pinch me moments as a bookstagrammer and receiving this ARC from @grandcentralpub was one of them. I know I can always count on Harlan Coben to deliver a fast-faced engrossing book and per usual - he delivered. This was a WILD ride…think action packed suspenseful drama that feels like a Netflix special series waiting to happen. I honestly could not put it down once I started and would’ve done some things for the audiobook version so I could’ve switched back and forth while I had to adult. Perhaps my only critique is that if you take a step back perhaps some of the story elements are a little far-fetched but this is fiction for a reason, right? It’s not true crime non-fiction so keep that in mind and I think you’ll find it just as entertaining and enjoyable as I did.

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I Will Find You is a fast-paced, action-packed novel about a father who was sentenced to prison for the violent murder of his son. During his five years in prison, he has not received a single visitor until one day his former sister-in-law shows up with a picture of his dead son seemingly alive and well.

I Will Find You is an adrenaline rush from the start. The novel was well-plotted and complex, yet easy to follow. The storyline was a fun, twisty ride I couldn’t put down. (I always pick up a Coben novel when I know I have enough time to finish it in one sitting.) Once again, I was left asking how Coben comes up with these plots. I love that I can never guess exactly how his novels will end, this one included.

While reading I Will Find You, I could not help but cheer for the characters, despite their flaws and questionable innocence. Coben somehow makes an old mob boss loveable. Moreover, I love when Coben sneaks into an old, familiar character or two in his stories. And in this one, Hester Crimstein, my favorite fictional lawyer, shows up to the rescue – iykyk. Coben includes these delightful Easter eggs that are a treat for his avid readers but do not affect your enjoyment if you are unfamiliar with his fictional universe.

I will say that I found the two FBI investigators’ banter to be a bit annoying . I am guessing that it was supposed to be funny, but I thought it was very cliched and eye-roll inducing. However, it was not plentiful and did not taint my reading experience.

While Coben’s writing is not literary, it still manages to be descriptive enough, and without a doubt, propulsive. Coben has a knack for telling stories that are completely absorbing and just on the edge of believable.

Overall, I really enjoyed I Will Find You. Sticklers for believability may not love this book, but if you are looking for a fun escape, look no further. I Will Find You ranks among my favorite Coben books.

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David Burroughs is serving a life sentence for the murder of his 3 year old son. He says he would not do such a thing but he did not contest the charges - he had been in a liquor induced haze and blames himself, guilty or not. Five years into his sentence in a high security prison, he has refused any visitors. Without notice, his sister-in-law, Rachel, comes to the prison and manages to see him though. She shows him a picture taken at an event at an amusement park where a boy in the background just might be his son - so perhaps he is not guilty after all. But he has to escape from prison to find out if his son is really alive. Thus begins a fast-paced story with plenty of twists and surprises (some of which are really reaching but they don’t hurt the story). Coben has once again created a story that will grab you from the very beginning to the very end. I suspect most readers will have a good idea how the story will end but getting there is a fun ride. Not Coben’s best book I have read, but worth your time. My thanks to Hachette Book Group and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart

Review copy was received from NetGalley, Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

4.5 hearts

I'm a fan of Harlan Coben and his books. I have read both series and standalones. The character development as usual is very well done and it easily feels like these could be real people. They have depth in their flaws, and their wants and needs, their rationalizations and dreams.

The primary character is David. He is in prison, having been convicted of killing his son 5 years ago. He has shut himself off from everyone in his life. Nothing matters to him since his son is dead.

Then Rachel, his formal sister-in-law, finds a photo and they think the son, Matthew, is still alive. In addition to needing to get out of prison to find his son, some inmates with the help of guards are now trying to kill him.

I won't spoil the fast paced, dangerous action, clever investigation which follows. There are so many forces at work here. It's not just the FBI trying to chase down David. There's the people who saw to his false conviction in the first place. At least David gets to see his father, who is dying, and his beloved aunt who raised him after his mother died.

David has the support and help of Rachel. His ex-wife Cheryl, Rachel's sister has other things happening. She's a surgeon at a hospital. Rachel gets some help from an old college friend also. There are so many details of the past and present which all make up the web of deceit which changed their lives.

The ending was satisfying but getting there was terrifying. David and Rachel took a lot of risks. The truth was shocking but enjoyable to learn.

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Fans of Harlan Coben will not be disappointed – definitely one of my favorites in the long list of his enjoyable books. I gave it the following SCORE:
Setting: Current day in various cities along the east coast of the US
Characters: An interesting and varied cast of players including the imprisoned innocent man and his family, the wealthy dynasty you love to hate, the standard prison hard cases, and the spectrum of legal personal in the classic hunt. There are two exceptional Special Agents – Max and Sarah - that have the most creative, entertaining dialog on a recurring basis and move the story along.
Overview: David Burroughs has been unjustly accused of murdering his own 3-year-old son and is five years into his desolate prison term when questionable evidence shows his boy may still be alive. In a second minor stretch of credibility, he is assisted in breaking out of prison and, with help from unlikely sources, starts the formidable task of proving his innocence while being hunted down by the law.
Recommendation: I rate this book 4 stars. It has everything to appeal to fans of suspense stories including a few curious twists, fortuitous coincidences, and unexpectedly likeable antagonists.
Extras: It would be wonderful to have a screen version of Special Agents Max and Sarah played by Judd Hirsch and Geena Davis in their prime.
In summary, a thorough recommendation for an excellent story.
Thanx to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for the opportunity to provide this unbiased review.

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Harlan Coben delivers another blockbuster thriller with I Will Find You, the story of a man wrongly convicted for the brutal slaying of his own son. Five years into his sentence, David Burroughs receives his first and only prison visitor, his former sister in law, Rachel. Rachel drops a bomb into David's lap, a photo of a child they both agree is Matthew, David's son, alive and well, 5 years older. David will stop at nothing to find his son and so plans his escape from prison. But is David willing to pay the price for the answers he so desperately seeks?

This was a non-stop thrill ride that hooked me from the very first sentence. Harlan Coben is a master of suspense, and he has finely honed his craft here. Some suspension of disbelief is required, but the over-the-top action just adds to the overall experience. Grab yourself a copy of I Will Find You today, everywhere books are sold. Thank you to Grand Central Publishing and Netgalley for the chance to review this advance copy.

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David never believed that he killed his beloved son Matthew as he lay in his bed but now now he's even more convinced because his sister in law Rachel has just shown him a photo of a boy who could be an older Matthew. One problem- he's in prison for Matthew's murder. One plus - the warden is his father's best friend and is willing to help him with a highly implausible escape. An escape that sees the FBI (great FBI SAs here) hopping in and bringing its resources to bear to find him as he sets out to uncover the truth. Is that really Matthew? And where has he been all this time? His birth mark makes him identifiable but there's another mystery afoot here (and one which was more than a little convoluted to be honest). Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Good characters (including Cheryl and her new husband, btw) made this a good read which is quite the page turner.

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One constant about Harlan Coben novels is that they grab you on page one and don't let go until you've finished. I Will Find You is no exception. I read this in one setting. It is fast paced, with great characters and unexpected twists. Highly recommended

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David Burroughs is serving a life sentence for killing his three years old son Matthew five years ago. That particular night is a blur. He deserved to be where he is or so he thinks. He takes no visitors in prison. He relives that night over and over, but he doesn't know what really happened. Then one day a visitor shows up and changes everything he thought he knew and believed to have happened. His ex-sister-in-law Rachel tries to help figure out what happened all the while trying to keep some secrets of her own. What would you do if you thought your son was still alive, and your now unable to do anything about it.
Harlan Coben is known for his twists and turns and mysteries that keep you coming back for more. I have read many of his books and I have always enjoyed them. Some books more than others. TELL NOONE was my first book that got me started reading his novels. They are a thrill ride and adventure that keeps you guessing to the very end. It's what you love about this author. Although I really loved the premise of this story and I really enjoyed David's character, some parts left me wanting a little more. I didn't feel the usual tension that keeps me wanting to turn the page. I did like this story and it was a solid one, but the end felt rushed. For once, I thought this story could use a little more detail to explain a few gaps. I would recommend this one since it was an enjoyable read. If you haven't read any of his works than start with reading TELL NOONE.

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I really love Harlen Coben’s books. I’ve read a few now and have loved every one of them.

This one was action packed. There was a twist and new information around every corner. It kept me coming back for more. I liked the character dynamics in this one, as well.

I feel like Coben’s style is a mix between the thriller and suspense genre. I’m not sure if their a sub genre for that, but that’s what it is.

I would read anything he writes!

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I have read all of Harlan Coben's books so I was thrilled to be able to receive an advanced copy of I Will Find You. Like his other books, this was a quick and enjoyable read. It is not a fully plausible storyline but fiction not supposed to be, IMHO. The story follows a father who was charged with killing his three year old son and his resignation that he would spend his life in jail. That is until his former sister-in-law shows up at the prison, his first visitor in five year. Put this on your vacation reading list.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy.

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Harlan Coben is an auto-buy/read author for me. I think I started reading his books back in high school and I've never stopped.
He is a master at adventure, thrills, keeping you on the edge of your seat and suspense at its finest. This is no different. Set aside time because you won't be able to put this down once you start it.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced digital copy of this book.

Three years into life sentence without parole for the murder of his three-year old son, David Burroughs is just killing time until he dies. Unable to remember the horrific crime, he assumes, as does everyone else, that he was drunk and in a fugue state when he committed it.

But then, his ex-sister-in-law visits and shows him a picture that looks just like his dead son, but was taken only a few months ago. Is he actually alive? Who was the boy who died that night?

Thus begins an unlikely adventure, but somehow it all fits together and makes sense. Harlan Coben is the master of the almost unbelievable story and this is one of his best, and most unbelievable, but somehow you believe it.

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I Will Find You by Harlan Coben is a standalone thriller. To enjoy this book, you will definitely have to suspend disbelief. I love the fast pace of the book and the main character of David Burroughs who is serving a life sentence for killing his young son. David has always maintained his innocence, but five years after Matthew's death, his ex-sister-in-law, Rachel, brings him evidence that Matthew may actually be alive. Now David needs to figure out how to escape from prison so he can find Matthew and get to the truth of what really happened to his son.

David and Rachel have to deal with several unlikable people in his quest for the truth. Unfortunately, two of the detectives on the case are really hard to take. Their banter which I suppose was supposed to be amusing had me skipping ahead until the next scene. One detective proved to actually care about justice, but I wish the personalities of this duo would have been toned down. In spite of some of the less appealing characters, I enjoyed the book overall. The complex plot of the story is often far-fetched, but the book is action-packed from beginning to end, with several unexpected twists to keep you guessing.

I received an advance copy of this ebook from NetGalley and Grand Central at no cost. My review is voluntary and unbiased.

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I was so excited to read another from one of my favorite authors and it did not disappoint! Full of twists and turns- very suspenseful and great premise!

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I was hooked from the premise and it didn't disappoint! Face paced and pulse pounding- another hit from Coben!

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