Member Reviews

3 ⭐️ Nutcracker Retelling

This book was engaging and interesting enough, but it was riddled with spelling and grammatical errors and was entirely too long – unnecessarily so. The story was cute, and by the end I surely was invested in seeing where the characters ended up, but it was extremely frustrating to read.

As I said, this is a re-imagining of the story in the Nutcracker, so there are many similarities with some new additions to keep it interesting and not too predictable. It was a little spicy, and very much romance filled which I can always appreciate.

Overall, though, it felt like I was reading a very long fanfic – and I usually don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way, but… it's not good, really.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5
🌶️.5 / 5

*Thank you Net Galley for the eARC*

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I’m sorry, I really tried but I just couldn’t get into this book. I really didn’t like how the main character spoke and I couldn’t get the plot into my head properly.

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I've been obsessed with all things Nutcracker since a child. So when I saw this book I quickly requested to review it. As luck would have it, here I am lol. I read a lot of fantasy/romance and they all pull from very similar myths. Fae, vampires, werewolves, witches. This book, while still being full of magic, did it in a way that made it unique. I really enjoyed that. I loved the story. There was action, a curse, and great sex. The characters were well developed. I was rooting for Jaemis and Klara once they locked eyes.

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I loved the cover and the premise of this book.

However, that is where my love ended. I couldn't force myself past the first chapter. It was riddled with formatting errors, grammatical errors, and was in need of more proofreading/editing. There were sentences that I had to read multiple times to get the author's meaning.

As it stands, I can't, in good faith, recommend recommend this book, so I will refrain from posting my review outside of NetGalley.

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I’m wondering if I read the same book as everyone else because I’m just not feeling this! The NutCracker was one of my favorite films to watch when I was younger, and growing up, I attended many re-enactments. Therefore, I thought it’d be a given that I’d love this story but I was bored throughout and not even the curse cast upon Prince Jaemis gave me pause. Klara’s powers felt very convenient, and I normally love when seemingly ordinary humans discover they have magical powers, but I felt her elemental magic to be a cheapskate, rather than genuine. It felt a bit gimmicky, like a Disney special. I do think the book improved from beginning to end, however.

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I would give this book 3.5 stars. I found Jaemis’ dialect/way of speaking a little to jilting. It got better as the book progressed but every once in awhile stuck out. I would have given it 4 stars otherwise.

I really enjoyed this book. The story was unique. I read a lot of fantasy/romanatsy and they all pull from very similar myths. Fae, vampires, werewolves, witches. This book, while still being full of magic, did it in a way that made it unique. I really enjoyed that. I loved the story. There was action, a curse, and great sex. The characters were well developed. I was rooting for Jaemis and Klara once they locked eyes.

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Beautifully written story. I enjoyed the characters and the story. I look forward for more from the author!

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I really enjoyed what Verika Sloane wrote, it worked so well as a fantasy novel and as a nutcracker retelling. It had a great story that was beautifully done, I enjoyed the world that was created and that the cover was gorgeous. I enjoyed getting to know the characters and was invested in their story. I can't wait for more from Verika Sloane.

"It’d be a pity if his last kiss was one drunken night at a ball, when a widowed duchess and he stumbled to the terrace for privacy. This kiss itself been a bit awkward, and they’d laughed at their clumsy attempt, realizing that although they were fine dance partners, there was no passion between them."

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