Member Reviews

Legal thrillers are not my favorite, but Gigl approaches tough topics in a wonderful, sensitive, and readable way.

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An electrifying legal thriller featuring Erin McCabe as she is accused of murder I-love how Erin’s mother always supports her in her endeavors.
Many thanks to Kensington and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was my first book by this author and I enjoyed it. I’d definitely recommend it to other readers and will read another in the future. I’d never read a book with these issues before so it was a nice change and very enjoyable. Also I liked the style of writing. Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to read and review the book. #netgalley.

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Remain Silent is the third book in the Erin McCabe series, and it does not disappoint. Gigl does not disappoint when it come to confronting the prejudice faced by the LGBTQ+ community. There is no dancing around the issue. Instead, it is met head on. This, however, does not stop it from being a story with a fast-paced and enjoyable plot. You will dislike the bad guys and find yourself rooting for the good guys. Though it took me longer to read this book than the prior two in the series, I still found it to be an enjoyable read. Thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books, and the author for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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"Remain Silent: A Chilling Legal Thriller from an Acclaimed Author" by Robyn Gigl is a spine-tingling legal thriller that'll have you questioning every twist and turn.

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Erin McCabe is a criminal defense attorney who finds herself accused of murdering Brad Montgomery. The police claim she was the last person to see him alive and therefore their main suspect. However, Erin is sure this is related to a previous case involving politician Townsend, who is running for governor. As they try and pin the crime on Erin, Erin and her law Duane investigate who was really behind the murder and getting themselves deeper in the web of dirty politics. Meanwhile Erin is asked to represent a mother accused of abducting her own child, which Erin feels compelled to help with since the case involves transgender rights. As the story unfolds, the two cases converge and Erin is determined to continue her work, while trying to keep herself and everyone else safe. Overall, a gripping legal mystery with a focus on the issues transgender people experience. This is the third book in the series and can be read as a standalone, but readers would benefit from reading the first two as it explains more of Erin's background. At first there were a lot of characters and plotlines to keep track of, but they were all explained and tied up in the end.

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I am officially a Robyn Gigl fan. Remain Silent was absolutely excellent. I can’t wait for the next book in the series.

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I did not realize that this is the 3rd book in a series, so I will be seeking out the first two. It is a legal thriller that features a transgender woman who is framed for murder by a dirty politician. In addition she takes on a case to protect a transgender girl from being forced to live as a boy. The author is an attorney and an activist and is able to bring a credible realism to the issues in the story. Entertaining & educational. 4/5 stars.

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I love love love how Gigl shares LGTBQ issues large and small, societal and personal, in stories with real complex characters and a mystery/thriller plot that leaves you gasping. I highly recommend that you go back and start the series from the beginning.

If you like the Joe DeMarco series by Mike Lawson, you will enjoy this series.

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Remain Silent by Robyn Gigl
Erin McCabe Mysteries #3

Interesting and sometimes difficult to read story of social, political, and personal issues that intertwine to provide readers with a different look at life and in the reading, may open a few eyes.

What I liked:
* Erin: intelligent, professional, good friend, true to self, loves her family, takes on tough cases, in law partnership with longtime friend, under the spotlight, in a relationship with Mark, has much to deal with in this book.
* Mark: Erin’s boyfriend, educator, supportive, has made difficult decisions to be with the woman he loves
* Duane Swisher: Erin’s law partner and friend, intelligent, ex-FBI, supportive, husband, father, a good person and friend
* Peg: Erin’s mother, loving, kind, compassionate, wise, there for all of her family
* Michelle & Hannah: mother and transgender daughter who face some difficult times in this book
* The family aspects of the story and how people in families react to LGBTQIA issues
* That it paralleled what is happening in the news – at last in some ways
* The way all the threads were tied up in the end with more than one having a happy ending
* That I could thoroughly dislike the bad guys and was thrilled when they met their comeuppance at the end of the book

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* That there are people as evil, bigoted, intolerant, and phobic as some of the ones in this book
* Wondering if people are as verbally and physically abusive in real life as they were in this book

Did I like this book? Yes – though it took me longer to read than the previous two
Would I read more in this series? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

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Robin jiggle has broke the mold with Aaron McCabe a transgender woman Who is the defense attorney for the rich and influential she still has problems with her family coming to terms with who she is But has the support of her mother and some good friends. In the book she is accused of murder after she goes to see a political rivals employee and he winds up dead because of the politicians views and pictures that were found by the victim they accuse her of blackmail and more Bing found guilty of murder isn’t the only danger she find herself in this is a smart plot intelligent dialogue and an all-around awesome book I found it to be believable and a book that was hard to put down they say these are headlines rip straight out of the newspaper and if you read between the lines you know exactly what they’re talking about I truly enjoyed the spoken highly recommend it I’ve never read a book by this author before but will definitely read more from her in the future and would be so interested to read another book with Aaron McCain attorney-at-law I received this book from NetGalley and Kensington books but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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I think this book is really important and impactful. It’s an educational piece of work that demonstrates the lived experiences of transgender people. It also educates the reader on the use of incorrect/correct language, effects on transgender people and the many issues transgender people experience on a daily basis. It’s definitely hard to read at times because I feel so bad for the characters because I know that the issues covered in this book are a reality for so many people 😔

However, I didn’t enjoy the American politics setting which is really prominent and I also didn’t like how it changes pov so quickly without any indication which I found disorientating 🥴

I recommend reading this book if you want to gain more knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ+ social issues 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Read if you like reading about:
- American politics
- Corrupt governments
- Social issues
- Criminal defence lawyers
- LGBTQ+ representation
- Multiple POV’s

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This is the first book I read in this series and I loved it. There's a solid legal thriller, advocacy, and a fast paced plot.
I appreciated the characters and the fast paced tightly knitted plot.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

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A terrific addition to a series that blends legal thriller mystery elements with LGBTQI themes and advocacy. Erin has grown over the course of the novels but know that she's still somewhat of a cipher at times,. In this installment she's accused of the murder of her new client- a crime she did not commit- and she experiences the criminal justice system in a new way. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read,

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I have never read this series before, but wanted to because I occasionally enjoy LGBTQ+ mysteries and thrillers. The book was well put together and I appreciated the author's treatment of the main character's experience in the world and how others reacted to her. However, I did not feel like I got to know Erin McCabe the person as opposed to Erin McCabe the cause. She was more of a pamphlet. Similarly, the descriptions of the locations in Jersey were cursory. You really didn't get a feel for the place. The legal pieces were good, with several clear explanations of the issues at play and the factors leading to the decisions.

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This is the third Erin McCabe legal thriller, but I read it as a standalone and didn’t have any issues following the story. Although there are definitely some plot lines that were continued from other books. This book starts with a bang with the main narrator and protagonist attorney Erin McCabe being a suspect for murder of a client she met with the day he died. I have to admit that at times this book was hard to read, but not because it was poorly written (it wasn’t) but because it is unflinchingly honest about the hatred towards queer people, especially transgender people. The treatment that Erin received as she was investigated was hard to watch, but I know it was an honest take. I liked the secondary plot of a little girl whose absent father returns just to oppose her changing her name as she was assigned male at birth. The murder mystery and conspiracy was fun and while it was hard to watch the characters go more slowly than me it was a wild ride and I really enjoyed it. I’ll definitely need to read the first two books in this series.

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The Erin McCabe series never fails to confront the prejudice faced by the LGBTQ+ community, and the latest is no different. I'm glad that the book takes place in the recent past (2009) because I'd like to hope that things have improved (though I'm worried that they haven't, even considering that the book is set in New Jersey which is considered to be more liberal than many states). A great thriller that I read in one sitting, as well as a social commentary that should open one's eyes to the overt and covert discrimination present in our world.

Thanks to Kensington Books for access to a digital ARC on NetGalley.

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Remain Silent is the third and latest installment in Robyn Gigl's Erin McCabe Mysteries, series. Each of Gigl's three books (By Way of Sorrow and Survivor's Guild) are fun, well-written reads whose stories are led by protagonist Erin McCabe, a female lawyer who is trans and who lives and works in New Jersey. Gigl artfully threads the needle of developing her plots and thoughtfully explaining LGBTQ issues. Readers of legal thrillers, crime dramas, and mysteries will not be disappointed. Each of Gigl's books include strong, thoughtful character and story development, good pacing, and fun story arcs. This series is so much fun to read and brings me such enjoyment. I can't wait to see what additional adventures McCabe will go on in Gigl's future books!

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Many thanks to both Kensington and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of Remain Silent.

Expected publication May 23, 2023

The Erin McCabe Mysteries have enthralled (and educated me) as Erin McCabe has tackled the complexities of gender, race, power, and public perception. In Remain Silent, this time it's Erin who is accused of murder! As she battles one prosecutor who wants to see her charged with murder, and another determined to send her to jail for refusing to divulge the location of a mother who has been charged with abducting her child.

I absolutely loved the first two books in this series, and I requested Remain Silent from NetGalley the moment I knew it was available. It, therefore, saddens me to say I'm rating this one 3 stars. On the positive side, I still love Erin and her boyfriend, Mark. Also, I still love the way Erin's mother always has her back! On the negative side, the plot of Remain Silent felt overly complicated and convoluted to me. Also, the number of times information about being transgender was covered in detail seemed to contribute to my inability to follow the aforementioned convoluted plot. Does this mean I won't be reading any future books in this series? POSITIVELY NOT! I love this series and I'm not giving up on it!!

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Erin is a transgender lawyer, she finds herself of the other side of the table now. Accused of murder.
This book has some very touchy subjects, thank goodness for my daughter on educating me already.
You could feel all the emotions brought up in this and it was an edge of your seat read. I really enjoyed reading this one.
Many thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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