Member Reviews

In the beginning, work was called good by God. It was given to mankind after creation, to tend and take care of what God had made. Sin changed that and now work is often considered to be close to punishment. Robert Tribken believes that this mindset needs to change and can change if we realize the true value of work in God's eyes.

Tribken begins with outlining his intentions and what our goals in work should be and then tells what stops these from coming about. He then goes into ways to bring about a change in how we see and do work. Overall, he shows how our jobs are not removed from God, but tasks that we should do for God. Though it is written for those who have at least a passing interest in being spiritual, those who do not consider themselves spiritual can find help, and maybe more, in the book.

I received a free copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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