Member Reviews

After so many years of bad dates and her love life going pretty much NOWHERE, Tanya decides to sign up for a matchmaking website. After all, this is a website that is super expensive, so they'll find her the correct soulmate, and everything will turn out okay for her in the love department, right? WRONG. What does the website end up doing? They end up setting Tanya up with Simon, and it's not just any Simon. It's her EX Simon. So, Tanya is not pleased at all, and wants her refund. HOWEVER, after messing up with Tanya, Simon has been begging for years to have a second chance with Tanya. Now that he sort of has it, he's not letting go without a fight. He tells Tanya to date him for a month, and if they're still not meant to be, he'll make sure she gets a refund. So, as they spend the next month together, what happens? Well, you'll have to read this book to find out😏

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(Rounded up)

Tayla Murphy is ready to find her soulmate, so she pays a large fee, to a cutting edge software, to pair her with them. When there’s a glitch, and Tayla is paired with her nightmare of an ex, she gets a second chance at love.

Simon tells Tayla, he can try to get her a refund, but letting them know the match won’t work. Instead, they decide to date for a month to prove they aren’t a match….

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In an age where online dating has become the norm, this story provided a fresh and fun perspective to this new norm. I loved the dynamic between Tayla and Simon, and was so invested in their story up until the very end! Such a fun and cute story that really highlights the ups and downs of second chances.

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the synopsis for this book was CALLING my name! The book did not disappoint. This was a really cute story that I enjoyed reading!I think that the second chance aspect of this book was done really well. I cannot wait to read more from Wendy!

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This was a really adorable book of lovers to enemies to lovers. I also love the failed dating app aspect since I've been on some really horrible dates from dating apps in the past. Tayla is very much relatable and I saw myself in her.

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4 and 1/2 Stars
When I started Miss Matched I didn't know what to expect, I've never read anything from Wendy Million but after I started it I was hooked. I thought it was a great story about second chances, accepting the mistakes you made, and owning up to the truth. On the surface, lot of this was for the male lead, Simon, but it also applied to the female lead Tayla. Simon has to admit to all the things he didn't let himself say when he broke up with Tayla years ago, and all the white lies he's told since convincing her to to just meet with him. Tayla has to admit to herself that he might have been pressuring him for things he wasn't ready for when they dated previously, that she truly still loves Simon and she never stopped loving him even when she hated him.
Throughout the book you watch the back and forth that Tayla feels for Simon. She hates him because he broke her heart, she tolerates him by spending time with him, he falls for him again, she hates him again because of lies and then she realizes how much she has always loved him. Simon on the other hand has only had one goal, get Tayla back. He realizes he messed up royally by ending things and all he wants is a shot to win her back, even if he has to essentially blackmail her just to get to spend time with her, for her to give him a shot.

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I wasn't able to read this book because life has been extremely busy, so I will rate this 5 stars to compensate. The blurb looked very promising though, and I will read this when I get the chance and I will edit my review

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Mis Matched wasn’t my cup of tea. It was too slow paced and I unfortunately didn’t enjoy it. I wish the book has more banter in it.

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When you are grasping for the last straw to find your other half, or maybe even your soulmate, and let some matchmaking technology find it for you.
In that process Tayla got matched with Simon. Her ex, her worst ex by the way. She thought they could be it till forever but he left her and broke her heart and trust.
And now that guy should be her soulmate. Never.
Simon regretted his decision six years ago to break up with Tayla, and after bad experiences and issues with the company who is so bad at matchmaking, at least for him, now he maybe got his second chance after all.
But Tayla has already plans and Simon fails with words when it comes to explaining.
Tayla doesn’t forgive easily and he has to prove himself. A hard way to a happy end, with lots of tears, laughter and, of course, a second chance.

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2.5 ⭐️

Missed Matched by Wendy Million had the potential to be a 4 star at least but unfortunately it fell flat for me. I feel like a lot of the “problems” that happened in this book could have been avoided.

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I completely forgot to write a review for this book. Thankfully I did NOT forget about it, which to me is a great sign of a good book.

I like the premise of soul mates, and I am all up for a second chance romance, especially when the main characters show growth that makes me believe they could work this time around. Tayla and Simon were clearly like that, although sometimes I got a little frustrated with Tayla, I quickly recovered because heartache can really be something tough to get over. But Simon really did try, and it really came across that he was truly sorry about how things went.

I was really impressed with the maturity of the monologue these two had in their heads. That made me want to root for them from the start. Good read, perfect for a weekend read.

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I can't say I loved this one. I find a soulmate topic not my favorite because I associate it with insta-love trope. It ended up being a second chance romance which can be great if well done and I'm not sure this one hit the spot for me. I had a huge problem with Simons maturity level. The ending was cute though and I do think this would make a fun little audiobook listen.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of Miss Matched by Wendy Million.

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This book was cute. It was a great second chance romance novel that was such an easy read, especially when I was on my lunch break. It did feel a little predicatable at times, but I really enjoyed the aspect to the plot where it all re-started because of a match making service - felt very in tune with the world of online dating now.

This would be a type of book I'd read if I was looking for something quick, easy and to potentially get out of a slump.

Thanks to NetGalley and W by Wattled Books, I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Miss Matched is a second chance romance with a healthy dose of miscommunication. It was a bit frustrating at times with how the characters just could not seem to sit down and have a grown up discussion about everything. But I still enjoyed the book and it was a fast read with lots of chemistry between Simon and Tayla, plus good dog content

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Wendy Million has outdone herself! She has written many books that I have totally enjoyed but, Miss Matched was total fun. This book is unique. The premise of the dating game is a little twisted and I think you will have as much fun with this book as I did. I don’t think you can go wrong. This is a perfect beach read! I didn’t go to the beach and enjoyed it anyway.

The one thing I found really interesting is the setting. It is Grand Rapids, Michigan which I will be visiting very soon. I’m from the area and excited to go for a visit. There is also a part of the book that takes place in Scotland. I have a little Scottish blood and it seems any book that takes place there is a draw for me. 

The main characters in the book are Tayla and Simon. Tayla is a Veterinarian and Simon is a nurse. The book is told from both of their points of view. They rotate chapters and the story moves along giving you the viewpoint of each of them. I found this really helpful. I liked knowing the man’s point of view. Tayla is very grounded and trying to make wise decisions but, women often navigate with the heart.

There were times I wanted to knock both characters in the head to see if I could straighten out their thought processes. You know, I think we have all been there. Some life decisions are hard and you have to go with the flow until you know exactly the path you want to take.

A little warning…there are some romantic scenes in the book. If you’ve read anything by Wendy Million, you know what I mean. They were downright dirty. More on the adult romantic side. 

If you like books that pull your heartstrings and yet are fun to read, this might just be your next read. I sometimes like lighthearted books for spring and summer. This one did the trick and I highly recommend it. Until next time…Happy Reading!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. Opinions express in this review are completely my own.

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"Miss Matched" by Wendy Million is a heartwarming and delightful romance that captures the essence of second chances. Million crafts a charming story filled with relatable characters and genuine emotions. The book's endearing portrayal of unexpected connections and personal growth makes it a feel-good read for romance enthusiasts. With its engaging plot and Million's ability to tug at the heartstrings, "Miss Matched" is a tale that reminds us that love can bloom in the most unexpected places, and that sometimes, the best things come when we least expect them.

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✨Review ✨
Thank you to W. Milion for the ARC to review.
Miss Matched was amazing. I loved Tayla and Simon. Their chemistry was off the charts and their story was so good. Simon was amazing. He owned up to his mistakes(after a few tries) and did everything to get Tayla back. The characters were awesome and the story so sweet. I loved the second chance trope as well as all the adorable pups. The ending was amazing. It made my heart so happy to see both characters living their best life.
Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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You all know I love reading Canadian authors. And I love me some romance. So when I came across Miss Matched by Wendy Million, it didn’t take much to convince me I should read it. Plus, it was a second chance romance and those always have the potential to be fun and angsty. Alas, I did not enjoy Miss Matched. The romance didn’t make sense and I was far too distracted by the con of a dating service to find any reason to care about the story. And I hate that!

Here’s the book’s description:
When matchmaking software pairs a woman with her worst ex, she gets a unique second chance to connect with the love of her life.
After years of bad dates, Tayla Murphy has decided it’s finally time she found her ideal partner, so she pays a hefty fee for a cutting-edge “soulmate” matching service. But the infallible algorithm must have a serious glitch, because it pairs her with the one man on Earth she never wants to see Simon―the man who left her heart in pieces when he broke off their engagement six years ago. Tayla would rather cut her losses, but if she’s going to move forward with her life, she needs the money back.
Then Simon shows up on her doorstep, promising Tayla he can get her a refund by showing the service that the match was wrong. But he wants her to really prove they aren’t meant to be―by dating him for the next month. Even though he thinks the service is a fraud, Simon has been desperate for a second chance with Tayla ever since he messed up their shot at happily-ever-after. They still have an amazing connection, but a lot has happened in the time they were apart. So is this a mismatch or a perfect match?
I admit that I was judging Tayla right off the hop for spending all of her life savings on a dating service. Is it because I’m happily coupled up that I can’t understand what someone would do to find their one true love? Sure, I suppose that could be part of it. Million didn’t say how much it cost or how much Tayla was actually putting into the purchase but the way it was described, I had to assume it was a freaking ton of money and I just thought that was so incredibly irresponsible of Tayla.

I also just could NOT buy Tayla and Simon’s previous break up. It made absolutely NO sense and I thought Simon was a total asshole. He barely redeemed himself in my eyes which does not make for a good romance. I could tell he wasn’t actually a dick but he pulled such a dick move that I just had to assume he was one. It can be really hard to pull off a second chance romance well and I don’t think Million achieved it - at least not for me.

And the whole matchmaking service? And that Tayla and Simon were trying to dupe them and expose them? I just…couldn’t. Sure, I wanted them to win. Down with mega corporations that are stealing money from unsuspecting people (especially women)! But even that storyline was confusing and immensely unsatisfying.

I take no pleasure at all in writing this review. I wanted to like Miss Matched. I even saw Wendy Million at this year’s Word on the Street festival and was even more excited than I was before so to be let down so much by the book makes me really sad. I might try reading whatever she writes next but it’ll be a library borrow for sure.

*An egalley of this novel was provided by the publisher, Wattpad, via NetGalley, in exchange for review consideration. All opinions are honest and my own.*

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Fun, amazing & gorgeous!

Thank you soooooo much netgalley, the author and the publisher for the advanced review copy if this book💗
"I voluntarily read and reviewed the book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”

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