Member Reviews

Immortal Longings was my very first book by Chloe Gong and therefore, I didn't really know what to expect from this author. But I was so pleasantly surprised!
There wasn't anything about the book that I didn't love. From the plot and characters which were irresistible to me, to the author's writing style which transported me in the amazing world that Chloe Gong created. Also, the setting was so detailed, I could see it all and that's definitely my favorite thing.
I do not have much else to say for now but I highly recommend this book and I really want to read more of her books now. It was a solid read with power plays, a complex world-building, morally grey characters and so much more, don't miss out and mark the date (July 25)!

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If you could swap bodies with other people – would you want to?

I would love to live a day in a body that isn’t constantly tired or sore! Can we say I’m getting older and crazy busy – ha!

Every year thousands flock to San-Er for a set of “games”. These games showcase those who can jump between bodies, and the prize, if they survive death, is unimaginable riches.

Princess Calla is hiding because a few years ago she massacred her entire family. She is now destined to take down the monarchy that rules San-Er by participating in the games.

Anton is an exiled aristocrat who excels at jumping. He teams up with Princess Calla to help her win the games.

Will Princess Calla and Anton, and an unlikely friend, be able to win the games and take down the monarchy once and for all?

What a delightful high fantasy dystopian type novel. I was immediately immersed in the story and rooting for Princess Calla. All the characters caught and held my attention. I loved the world building in this one. It was close enough, yet quite different, than the world we currently live in – and that worked well for me. The romance that was present was not forced and flowed beautifully. Just be careful with the ending!

This was my first book by this author, and her first adult fantasy – I expect great things to come!

Grab your copy July 25th!

Thank you so much to Gallery Books, @gallerybooks, and Netgalley, @Netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for this honest review.

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Immortal Longings is one of those books that builds a whole new world around you, without you leaving the couch. The sci-fi esque aspects and the city of San-Er create a complicated backdrop for the equally complicated characters. Watching Calla and Anton navigate their complex feelings for each other and the city in which they call home, will intrigue any reader. Chloe Gong wields her words like a freshly sharpened sword, holding all readers captive and desperate to know what will happen.

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Immortal Longings is one of my highly anticipated reads and Chloe Gong does not disappoint!! This is such a rich world with lovable characters.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Saga Press / Gallery books for the E-Arc!

So Immortal Longings was my most anticipated book of the year and honestly now I don't know what to do with my life until the next book comes out. I will not know peace until I can read it. That for sure.

Let's start with the review cause I have a lot to say. First of all, I'm utterly delighted with this book. Everything Chloe Gong writes, I know I'm going to love it. And with Immortal longings she delivered once again.

The book is interesting from the beginning, it is impossible for the characters not to catch your attention. With a double plot that has you intrigued and making theories all the time, this book is impossible to put down.

The book's pacing, unlike her other YA books, is medium-fast because the book is packed with action. There's always something going on. The worldbuilding is carefully crafted, complex and a little hard to understand at first but I loved it.

I love when an author writes so well that you can be easily transported to the place where the story takes place. I really like that about Chloe Gong's writing. With her young adult books I loved the highly detailed setting of Shanghai in the 20s/30s. In immortal longings I found an equally detailed setting. I could imagine the place without any problem, I could feel myself walking the crowded streets of San-Er with the characters.

But my problem started in the middle of the book. The characters are what disappointed me the most here. From the beginning Anton, Calla and August are introduced to us as 3 psychopaths who have no problem killing anyone to achieve their goals. But throughout the book that image was only maintained by August, Calla loses the anti-hero image a bit and plays a lot with the role of a selfless hero. And Anton ended up being a very underdeveloped character except towards the end where we see more of him.

Calla reminded me a lot of Juliette (These violent delights) but at the same time there is something very unique about her character. I always love Chloe's female characters and Calla was no exception. She's a complex character that has a lot to offer throughout the book. I am very curious to see where the author is going to take this character.

Regarding the romance plot, I have to say that the dynamic between Anton and Calla had me mesmerized. I recognize a good enemies to reluctant allies to lovers when I see one. But my only complaint is that I feel like their relationship takes place mostly off page. They start out as enemies to allies, and end up reaching a point in the book where they care for each other. I feel like as a reader I missed something there. I get the point that the relationship between them is codependent and obsessive and I don't have a problem with that but most of their relationship is developed off page. And I didn't like that. In this case I would have liked a longer book for the sake of character development more than a short book for the sake of pacing. That is a completely personal taste but it is what I feel.

As a political science student, I can't help but not mention the aspect of power in this book. I really love how the author discusses political power in a society that at first seems dystopian but is not far from the reality of a large part of the countries of the East. If I have to highlight something in this book above all else, it would be the power games. Calla and Anton are characters immersed in a deadly game where one has to survive by killing everyone else.

Something that blows my mind in the story is how well the meaning of the games is portrayed. The games are a key piece to keep the masses contained and focused on a game on the television and not on the social inequality that is the main characteristic of the kingdom of Talin. By giving the people something bloody, something deadly, something that is entertaining, King Kasa makes sure to appease the political turmoil that comes from the prolonged social discontent over the miserable living conditions of the people of Talin.

So, despite the fact that it's a book that lacks a lot in terms of characters, it's still an incredible job what the author does with this book. It's a book that shows us Chloe's versatility as a writer.

Putting aside the fact that the ending ripped me apart, I can't help but think it's an amazing ending. Truly. It leaves the reader craving for more, it leaves many open questions and many possibilities.

Overall, I think Immortal longings is a powerful start of a trilogy, this book promises much more for its next two books and I have no doubt that Chloe Gong is going to outdo herself throughout this trilogy.

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Thank you to Saga Books/ Gallery Press for sending me an advanced copy of my most anticipated read of the year.

Where do I begin? This story is fast paced, with political intrigue, morally grey characters and a princess you’ll want to root for. And don’t forget the ROMANCE. The romance. the world the story. I couldn’t put this down.

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Such a unique book, I loved the plot, and oh my god the characters we're so amazing!! I definitely will be recommending it!! Chloe Gong never disappoints.

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I stopped at 5%. If you liked the writing style of Chloe Gong’s other books, you’re likely to enjoy the writing style of this one. I find it an information overload of things I just don’t yet care about, and I don’t feel inspired by the writing to start caring. It’s a cool idea, jumping bodies. The world building is cool but not paced well.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the ARC.

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3/5 stars! I have really enjoyed Chloe Gong's previous works, so I was excited to read this venture into adult science fiction. I think she did a great job creating relatable characters and making me care about them. However, the writing still felt very YA, not adult and the world-building didn't work for me. Will definitely still read future entries by this author.

I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

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