Member Reviews

While not familiar with Shakespeare's Anthony and Cleopatra, I was immediately sucked into the world of San-Er and the deadly tournament. Calla, Anton, and August made an interesting triad. I did find it a bit jarring when they were suddenly speaking in paraphrased Shakespearean about 75% of the way through. I'm definitely interested in the sequel and seeing how the world continues to grow.

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I wasn't sure how I felt about this book at first, but it quickly became a GREAT read for me! I love the concept, and having never read Cleopatra & Antony before, I didn't know the references, other than the 2 main characters' names, so it was a journey for me! I'm looking forward to the next ones!

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I’m so disappointed.

Immortal Longings was one of my most anticipated summer reads. I was thrilled when I received a beautiful hardcover copy from the publisher.


First, I’m not even sure what kind of world this is supposed to be. Is it sci-fi (body jumping), historical fantasy (Olympic-like games, kingdoms, rulers), or some modern infusion of all of it (computers, pagers)? I just couldn’t picture this place at all.

Then we have the characters, who are not likable, but also don’t have enough personality to dislike. They’re just sort of people on a page.

And the body jumping. How does that even work? All I could picture was random bodies lying around alleys and city streets, lifeless, because the person inhabiting that body had jumped into someone else’s body and taken over.

Finally, the info dumping is way too much. Ugh. Pacing is agonizing, at least in the first quarter, which was all I could manage.

Life is short. My reading list is long. I’m moving on.


*My thanks and apologies to the publisher!*

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This was a really really good, creative story. The most compelling aspect was the bleak place that Chloe Gong wrote, which was based off of a real place. I’d never heard of the Kowloon Walled City, but have looked it up since reading the book and it was so unreal and surprising. And Gong did such a good job describing it in the book, that it felt familiar when I looked at pictures of the real place. Gong showed us a community full of complex people who don’t always do the right thing and are trying to survive, but they take care of people around them. It’s dark, tragic, and tense. Not to mention the more fantastical elements of the book which involves the ability to jump from body to body, with some people being completely lost from their original body. It was a really cool element, because it made everything feel so unmoored and chaotic.

This is only my second book I’ve read by Chloe Gong, but I’m already sensing similarities that I imagine are across her other work as well. And I’m already thinking Immortal Longing might be her best work yet. If you can’t tell, I recommend this book.

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I enjoyed this book and I could not put it down. I really enjoyed the characters and the writing was really well done. It made you want to keep reading.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read one of my most anticipated books of the year!

As someone who had trouble getting into Gong's previous duology, I was pleased with the more mature, well-fleshed out world-building and characterisation in this new foray into adult fantasy. This exciting new sci-fi fantasy reimagines the classic story of love, betrayal, and heartbreak of Anthony and Cleopatra in a futuristic dystopia. Fast-paced, sleek, and sexy, past fans of Chloe Gong will not be disappointed and new fans will find the tension excellent.

For fans of other sci-fi Shakespeare retellings like The Stars Undying, this is one not to miss.

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Took me a little while to get into this book because I haven’t read fantasy in a while. Chloe Gong is so good at world building that it makes reading fantasy so manageable and still so fun.

Set in a dystopian future or past this is a book that’s hunger games meets a court of thorns and roses with sci fi elements. The characters are so good and fleshed out.

Thanks Net Galley for the ARC

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy of this book.
I loved the setting of this book, the world building was beautifully done. and I enjoyed the characters, though since this is a planned trilogy, this book didn't go too in depth yet. I look forward to learning about, and growing to enjoy more, the characters.

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Immortal Longings is a refreshingly unique urban fantasy with an immersive setting, strong characters, political intrigue that sucks you right in. Moreover, that writing style is solid. I loved Gong’ world-building. Couldn’t get enough of it

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I’ve yet to meet a Chloe Gong book that didn’t sweep me away; Immortal Longings is no exception. Though I will admit that the sweeping did take a bit longer to occur than in any of her Secret Shanghai novels.

Take Antony and Cleopatra, add in the (creepy) ability to send one’s soul into another’s body, wrap it up with a competition that ends with a fight to the death in an arena strongly resembling the Roman Colosseum, and there you have it. There’s of course a taste of foolhardy romance, royal vs. rural politics, and a mysterious supernatural force threatening to ruin everything. While slightly reminiscent of a lot of different things, I have to say that Immortal Longings does come across as its own thing. (At least from the books I’ve personally consumed.)

This retelling seems much less copy-paste than Gong’s takes on Romeo & Juliet or As You Like It; though I’m admittedly less familiar with this particular source material, the main inspiration seems to come from character arcs as opposed to plot points. The world building is EXTENSIVE – sometimes coming off a bit dense as it is frontloaded – you just kinda gotta go along with it, but once you have, and all has been revealed, everything does click into place and I had a hard time putting it down. There is a sense that the dynamics of San-Er are about to be upended (and the world of the novel is much larger than we are led to believe), but I have to assume that will be further explored in the next two books of the trilogy.

I really enjoyed the revolving 3rd person POV; there’s the bloodthirsty (former) Princess Calla, desperate-to-win Anton, and the sly and surprising Prince August. How they interact and oppose and support is a constantly shifting battle, full of twists that I most certainly did not expect, but there was no one perspective that I dreaded stumbling upon, as is often the case with multiple POV novels. I’m very intrigued to see how they will continue to play out in book 2.

With a mix of urban fantasy feel and SciFi-ish paranormal elements, I think this would appeal to a wide variety of readers. Just be prepared for a slower start, character-focused action, plenty of subterfuge, and an ending that will shake absolutely everything up.

Content warning (taken from author’s website): on-page death, death of a child, blood, explicit violence, explicit sex, mass death, gore, description of corpses, description of bodily harm, weapon use, alcohol consumption, body-swapping, description of torture.

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I was so excited to get an arc of Immortal Longings. It was a good book but there were things I did not like. The narration and plot at times were confusing and hard to grasp. The pacing also was an issue with wanting to keep reading.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for honest feedback. Looking forward to the sequel.

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Chloe gong creating a adult fantasy setting was exactly what we needed. After my major obsession of these violent delights and foul lady fortune, I expected nothing less from this incredible author. To create a world filled with magic, romance, and culture. Badass fmc and a story to always remeber. It was just perfect.
Thank you NetGalley!

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“Do not mistake my tolerance for weakness, August,” she says quietly. “Do not forget who you’re talking to. You’ve gotten used to ordering people around, I know. Day in and day out, they must heed what you say, because you are the crown prince, and they cannot offend such a man.” Her eyes flicker back to him. “But I am Calla Tuoleimi…I am a princess who sacrificed my own throne for this kingdom. You do not order me around.”

IMMORTAL LONGINGS is unlike anything I’ve ever read, and I absolutely loved it. It's tough to write a review without spoilers, but I'll say that the book took me by surprise more than once. I felt that there was a perfect balance of action and emotion, with sections creating tension and others allowing the reader to get to know the characters. Told from Calla, Anton, and August's POV, I didn't feel that the story ever lagged. Additionally, I haven't ever read the original Anthony and Cleopatra story, but I quickly Googled the plot summary and felt that it was more than sufficient for my understanding and enjoyment of the story.

The only thing that wasn't perfect for me was the way that consent was handled, especially when it came to intimacy. Gong briefly addresses it in a sentence or two, but I had so many questions about unwanted consequences. I truly hope a map of both San-Er and all of Talin is available with book two (a true shocker to everyone that knows me). A massive thank you to Gallery/Saga Press for the complimentary copy in exchange an honest review. I've already added this to my "2023 Favorites" shelf on Goodreads, and I have no doubt that it will be in my top 10 at the end of the year.

This was a #fantasyfrenemies selection, and I can't wait for our discussion!
As a side note, I wanted to address the negative reviews, which I found extremely disheartening. I get that not all books are for everyone, and IMMORTAL LONGINGS will probably be a bit more divisive than others. That said, there are several lengthy reviews that seem to extend beyond a thoughtful, constructive review into a territory that could be deemed unkind. My hope is that those will not serve as a deterrent to those thinking about picking this one up, but rather, formulate their own opinion(s).

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I’ve read several YA books by Gong, so I was curious to see if I’d enjoy her adult debut just as much. Spoiler alert – I very much did.

This competition is very Hunger Gamesish, which I loved. What makes it even more challenging is that some competitors have the ability to jump into other bodies – so you may not even know that innocent-appearing citizen on the street is playing the game until they stab you. Calla must remain on alert nearly 24/7. Luckily, she receives help from her cousin, Prince August. You know, since they share the same goal of killing the king. Which Calla promises to do when she wins. The king is the opposite of a benevolent ruler. August wants to take the throne, and Calla has a personal reason for wanting him dead.

Enter Anton, a cunning and worthy opponent who may be the best jumper in the kingdom. When he and Calla meet, it’s clear they’re evenly matched. They decide to enter into an alliance until only the two of them remain for the final battle. What they don’t count on is their relationship turning from an alliance into a romance. But Anton is also desperate to win, which forces Calla into a corner. She must decide between Anton and her kingdom.

I suspected what might happen at the end, but still let out a gasp when I read it. The second book can’t get here fast enough! I’d recommend this to readers who enjoy deadly competitions, enemies to lovers (literally) romance, and political maneuvers.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I was a little worried going into this book that I wouldn't like it; the reason I'm such a big fan of Chloe's YA novels is more to do with the historical setting than the magic elements. But I didn't have to worry too much; Immortal Longings is a delicious start to what I'm sure will be a thrilling series. The magic system made me immensely uncomfortable, but I do think that might have been the intent, and I'm curious to see what will transpire in future installments.

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Well, that was fantastic. I’ll be honest, it starts out super strong and intriguing. In the middle, there was a bit of a lull and I was hoping the pace picked up. I should have known my girl wouldn’t do us like that, because the ending is explosive and leaves us wanting more.

Calla! Anton! August! I cared for them all and they’re all at odds with one another. I am so intensely curious to see what is going to happen in the next book because of how this ended.

Gong’s foray from YA to Adult is effortless. I feel like she’s always straddled the line with her YA books, so it was no feat for her to take the pining and sexual tension between her characters a bit further. I love that you can still see her Shakespearean influences mixed with the Chinese culture. The magic system is heavily influenced by Chinese beliefs and Qi, it was simply fascinating and brilliant.

Her writing never fails to keep me breathless. The chemistry between her characters always equals sherr perfection. The magic systems are unique and intelligent in the way they make absolute sense. The realistic Worldbuilding is rich yet not needlessly complex. Most importantly, the twists are delicious and promise more drama as the series continues.

Gong is absolutely an auto-buy author for me! Now I’ll be patiently (but eagerly) awaiting the next installment.

I ended up with three copies of this book (a BOTM, a signed copy, and one courtesy of the publisher) and I have no regrets.

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Thank you Netgalley for a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I liked this book well enough to where I maybe will read the next ones. It was a bit rough. Now this is Chloe Gong’s first adult book and she can definitely improve overtime so maybe the next books will be better. I didn’t connect very much with the characters. None of the plot twists really had be gasping at all. I kind of had a bland reaction to everything 😂 The romance wasn’t that great either. They kind of just got together because they could and it was convenient. There were a decent amount of POVs and some of them felt unnecessary but thankfully those weren’t used that often. Overall I just feel like this book was lacking something. It had bland world building, bland characters, and a mostly bland plot. I feel like the writing was decent and there was good dialogue but it just didn’t give me what I had hoped for. Now I’ve tried other Chloe Gong books and I haven’t been able to finish those so this is a step in the right direction that I was able to finish this 😂 3.5 out of 5 stars

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This book was everything I ever dreamed of…and yet nothing at all in some points. Chloe Gong has such a vivid way of describing things that it feels as if you were transported right into the action. This book was stunning and beautiful. The story did have some week points (the games, the government….) that really made the story flat in aspects. There were chapters I skimmed and sections I skipped. The characters were very straight forward, but I enjoyed them immensely.

Overall, I wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend this book, but I also wouldn’t discourage a person from picking it up.

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I’m walking away from this just feeling meh. It was fast paced, well-written enough, sure, but I just wasn’t into it. Characters are everything to me and these were very one dimensional. I didn’t end up caring about them, not even to dislike, and that normally means the book just isn’t going to work for me. I saw the ending coming, the romance was fine but then characters had no spark to me.

I do not think this is a bad book or poorly written, it just wasn’t for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery/Saga Press for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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