Member Reviews

An Inspiring Devotional for Men

This is a great 365 Day Devotional for men. The author states that they (men) are to hold fast to the Word of God, and states that there are several different Greek words to capture the idea of holding fast that have a range of meanings, and they are:
1. To glue
2. Tto adhere
3. To bind
4. To arrest
5. To grasp
6. To possess.

Hr goes on to say that these are aggressive words, and the New Testament writers give a list of things we are to hang on to, and they are:
1. What is good (Romans 12: 9)
2. The gospel (1 Corinthians 15: 2)
3. One’s wife (Ephesians 5: 31)
4. The word of life (Philippians 2: 16)
5. Christ (Colossians 2 :19)
6. And the confession of our hope (Hebrews 10: 23).

The author provides a quote from Sheridan Voysey which reads: "Today we push out from the shore into new, uncharted waters. Whatever we face, our Lord is with us— and He has the power to calm the waves. Only in His power can we stand fast."

This is just one of the reminders that the author provides demonstrating that we should not fear because God is always with Us, His children.

The author further provides instances whereas in 1722, American theologian Jonathan Edwards drew up a list of seventy resolutions , dedicating himself to live in harmony with God and others. Some of those resolutions, which are listed below gives a picture of the serious purpose with which Edwards approached his relationship with God:
1. To do whatever is most to God’s glory.
2. To do my duty, for the good of mankind in general.
3. Never to do anything which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life.
4. To study the Scriptures steadily, constantly, and frequently.
5. To ask myself at the end of every day, week, month, and year if I could possibly have done better.
6. Until I die, not to act as if I were my own, but entirely and altogether God’s.

The author states that our resolutions need not be as serious as that Jonathan Edwards, but as Marvin Williams once wrote, "Any resolution to follow God is not a casual promise, rather, it is a solemn and serious declaration that— with the help of the Holy Spirit— we can renew every day."

The above quotes are but a few provided by the author. Each of the 365 day, the author(s) of Our Daily Bread provides a different top each day and a different topic, whereas, the author discusses and provides a biblical scripture and a quote from a great or well-known man of God.

This is a fantastic devotional for men, and I highly recommend this book.

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