Cover Image: Tilly in Technicolor

Tilly in Technicolor

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Came here for the incredible cover, stayed for the previous neurodivergent love story. I really enjoyed the journeys that the characters in this story went on in finding each other and navigating their relationship.

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I LOVE MAZEY EDDINGS!!!! She writes the most beautiful, and inclusive romance stories. Tilly and Oliver may have just become my new favorite couple that she has written. She shows its important to not see people as abnormal, but to see them as INDIVIDUAL.

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I love Mazey Edding books and this one was the warmest hug. Being dual POV, this soothed my soul. I loved Oliver immediately in how you can feel his passion. What's more relatable than a disastrous first impression? Tilly in Technicolor is about the ways we guard ourselves and the beautiful process of being vulnerable, being brave, and being open. I also loved the relationship between Tilly and her sister, talk about a gut punch. All of Tilly's family issues were the biggest gut punch. But seeing the ways it resolves brought tears to my eyes.

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In Mazey Eddings' heartwarming tale, a transformative summer adventure across Europe brings together two neurodivergent teenagers.

Eighteen-year-old Tilly, grappling with ADHD and parental pressure, seizes the opportunity to escape her family's expectations by interning at her sister Mona's environmentally-conscious nail polish business in London. Along the way, she meets Oliver, another intern. As they navigate the complexities of their respective neurodivergences—Tilly with her ADHD and Oliver with autism—they find common ground and support in each other. Throughout their journey, Tilly discovers her passion for writing and embraces her spontaneous creativity, while Oliver explores his fascination with colors and their scientific intricacies. As their friendship deepens into romance, both teens are challenged to step out of their comfort zones and confront their fears.

Author Eddings, who shares her characters' diagnoses, brings a refreshing clarity, humor, and empathy to their experiences. The diverse cast of supporting characters offers a vibrant backdrop of kindness, affection, and acceptance. With its inclusive and optimistic message, this charming romance resonates with readers, celebrating the beauty of diversity and the power of human connection.

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Tilly in Technicolor
Rating: 4/5⭐️
Recommended: Yes!
This was a super cute coming of age romance book. It had a lot of tropes that I really like and I appreciated the neurodiversity representation. I don’t love miscommunication so that was the only downside for me.

Read if you like…
- Neurodiversity Rep
- Opposites Attract
- Coming of Age
- Forced Proximity
- Road Trip
- Only One Bed

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DNF @ like 20%
I had a hard time connecting to the characters. It may have been that they were young, fresh out of high school. I love a neurodiverse representation of people, but this felt over the top. The inclusivity of others felt shoved down my throat rather than just existing in this book. I loved the color references & felt the need. to look up the colors as they were referenced, so that was cool.

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Wow what an adorably perfect YA rom com from Mazey Eddings. Mazey, I think you were made to write neurodivergent youth: Tilly was effervescent and passionate and so full of heart. While Ollie was quirky and passionate and brilliant.

Tilly is thrilled to spend her post high school summer touring Europe, helping her older sister launch her eco-friendly nail polish business. If only she could get her mom to stop making her feel like a burden after her ADHD diagnosis and questioning her decision to forego college when she knows it's not the right path for her. She soon finds out that her co intern is the adorable seat mate she repeatedly made a fool of herself in front of on the flight over. Their prickly relationship soon changes as they discover their shared neurodivergent experiences.

Read if you love:
- YA rom coms
- meet (cute) disaster
- agitation-to-lovers w/hilarious banter
- neurodivergent rep: Autism (him) and ADHD (her)
- open discussion of neurodivergence and stimming
- only one (hotel) bed
- first love ❤️
- adorable sapphic older sibling & best friend sidestory
- European travels
- working through difficult family dynamics
- quirky queer friend group including Ollie's twin sister

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This was cute but really heavy with the internal dialogue of the characters. A lot of information to learn about neurodiversity, but not much plot to the story. I do think teenagers would have a lot more empathy towards their peers to read this story, but I also think they’d pick apart some of the unbelievable parts of the story along with the ending. I see what the author was trying to do but I didn’t connect to the characters the way I hoped to.

I received an advance review copy for free via Netgalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I DNF’d this book and idk why. I couldn’t get into it, which sucked because I love this author.

I will definitely try this in audio format from the library.

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I would love to interview Mazey on my podcast, Raise Your Words. This book made me laugh a lot and I really enjoyed it.

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Mazey Eddings can do no wrong in my mind - she always knocks it out of the park. This may not be my favourite of her writing so far but it's just such a cute foray into the YA genre. She's able to write such effortlessly comical situations and witty characters.

Tilly has ADHD and Oliver is autistic - what a pairing they are, Their story and romance takes them to Europe and everything is just so adorable and swoony. Eddings always creates authentic relationships and atmospheres in her stories because her characters are never suddenly 'fixed' just because they're in love. They're still neurodivergent, they still struggle with personal and interpersonal relationships and have to work to communicate with each other. It just feels so real and I think that's a testament to her to be able to pick up on real life experiences and yet write such swoony romances!

Thank you Wednesday Books for an eARC of this book in exchange for my thoughts!

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I don’t know why I waited so long to read Tilly!! I loved this book so much. As the parent of three children with ADHD I felt so much for Tilly and her struggle and I also saw myself in her mother and my first child when I still didn’t know enough, fourteen years ago, wanting her to go to college thinking that was the only way she could be successful in life. I only wish Mazey Eddings had been around when I was raising my kids so I could’ve known more.

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Mazey Eddings' informative, honest, and poignant approach to neurodiverse characters makes her books engaging, heartfelt, bold, and captivating.

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Eddings handles this love story about two neurodivergent teens with great sensitivity and care, and manages to pack a lot of story into a relatively small package.

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In an attempt to help Tilly settle, she finds herself interning for her sister’s company and traveling across Europe. Oliver’s unique design style lands him a dream summer internship but he’s concerned that his autism will put barriers between himself and those he will be working with. While they appear to be opposites at first, Oliver and Tilly soon find common ground. Tilly (and her sister) begin to have a better understanding of Tilly’s neurodivergence.

Tilly in Technicolor is a stand-alone YA romance.The story follows not only the personal journeys of the MCs but it shows the beautiful bond and relationship that develops between them. I really appreciate the realistic and honest representations of ADHD and autism.

This is the author’s first YA book. I was already in love with her style from reading all of her previous work but I was unsure how it would translate to YA. Overall, I found Tilly in Technicolor to be delightful and I hope to see more YA books from Mazey Eddings in the future.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Wednesday Books and Netgalley!

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Simply put, I love Mazey Eddings! Her foray into YA is so fun and clever! This book is full of heart and light and does a wonderful job portraying teen emotions and love while also sheding a wonderful own voice POV on neurodivergence. Eddings book teaches and inspires while also just giving you a happy dose of love, romance and teenage hope!

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3.5 stars.

This book was an ARC that I requested probably a year ago. 😬 It was a lot cleaner than some of Mazey’s previous works, possibly because the character is younger. It read very YA, but not in a bad way. It has some characters and content that I generally try to avoid, so I can’t say I recommend it, but I was very drawn in by the two neurodivergent main characters. There is a lot of beautiful ADHD and autism representation woven throughout and I was charmed by Tilly and Ollie. As a mother of an autistic child, I find myself so eager to read stories about adult autistic characters. Tilly has the chaotic charm I’ve come to expect from Mazey Edding’s mind. There isn’t a ton of plot. The story is largely introspective. It’s sweet, but a bit slow toward the end. I think the biggest downfall for this story is definitely its length. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC to review!

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LOVED LOVED LOVED. Mazey Eddings does a fantastic job of incorporating different experiences into her stories and characters in a way that feels incredibly authentic and vulnerable (caveat, as a person without these lived experiences). This was such a great YA - silly and fun, but also incredibly heartfelt. Eddings continues to be an auto-buy author for me.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved this book! I read it in one sitting because I could not put it down. The representation was so incredible and so well written, and I remember finishing the book and just sitting there, stunned, by how good it was.

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A sweet YA romance with neurodivergent characters and a lot of European cities. Tilly and Oliver are hilariously charming together. Eddings clearly has deep affection for these characters and the whole book is saturated in rich Pantone colors. I found the ending a bit rushed, as basically all the plot issues that have been building for the entire book are solved in about ten pages.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC to review. All opinions are my own.

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