Cover Image: Tilly in Technicolor

Tilly in Technicolor

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This story was beautifully written with an immense amount of validation for all variants of neurodiverse friends

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Tilly and Oliver were adorable! I loved reading their neurodivergent perspectives. This book was serious but funny and I just loved it! I enjoyed the adventures they had traveling all over while interning for Tilly’s sister Mona. All of the side characters were just so likable too!

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5/5 Stars

I received an Arc from Wednesday Books to review. Thank you to Wednesday books for sending me a copy.

If you know anything about me, you know that my all time favorite book is Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake. So when I say this has tied and I almost thought it topped that you know this was good. The representation for both ADHD and autism was amazing to see. I can’t personally comment on how accurate the Autism rep was but the ADHD rep as someone who has ADHD it was perfect just like Lizzie. I will say the Autism rep didn’t feel stereotypical which was very refreshing and the author is an ownvoice author for both conditions. I think I cried more during this book than Lizzie which is impressive as I cried a lot during Lizzie.

Tilly has ADHD and deals with the complexities the condition causes in relationships and just life in general so when she has a chance to get away from her parents for the summer after she graduates and travel around Europe with her sister she jumps at the chance. Oliver is interning for Tilly’s sister and he is so excited to spend the summer doing what he loves which is color theory. When they meet on a plane ride across the Atlantic Ocean they can’t wait to go their separate ways but when they find out they are both interning for Tilly’s sister they have to figure out how to survive the summer together or maybe do a little more than survive.

I loved the romance in this book and it had me constantly smiling just from the cute moments especially when they finally understood each other their connection feels so real.

I highly recommend this book for those looking for ADHD rep and just a fun summer contemporary romance.

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The way Mazey Eddings writes just speaks to my soul. Tilly and Oliver are so cute I loved seeing them bind and find that one person in the world who truly understands them. The way Oliver describes Tilly and how he sees her just warms my heart so much. I hope Mazey writes more ya because this is sooooooo good.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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I ADORE Tilly and Oliver. There are not enough words to describe how much I love these two. The representation in this book is so inspiring. Two neurodiverse characters on the brink of adulthood learning to navigate the world as they grow and change... and those who read their story can't help but grow and change along with them.

As a mother to a neurodiverse little human, seeing characters like Tilly and Oliver give me such hope for my daughter's future. I know each individual is unique in their abilities and struggles, but it is refreshing to read about characters who are embracing their differences, advocating for themselves, and have people who love them enough to do the same. Isn't that what everyone needs out of life?!

Tilly is hilarious and honest and so darn likable. Oliver is matter-of-fact, passionate, and pretty likable himself. :) I definitely enjoyed the contrast in their personalities - Tilly, the glass case of emotions and Ollie, the stoic, yet kind, quiet soul - individually they were dynamic, and together? captivating! Tilly in Technicolor is a story of finding your voice to communicate, knowing your worth, and surrounding yourself with those who will listen to your words and hear your heart. Definitely a must read!!

Side note: as a YA book, the content completely on-point. There is "language" and some sexual situations, but no explicit or graphic included..

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Let me say this much - if Mazey Eddings rewrote the telephone book I’d read it - I’ve fell in love with Harper & Dan in her first novel and have loved every character since. I also love seeing Mazey branch into the YA space so was elated to receive this digital ARC! (I may I screamed with joy!)

Let’s first start with the title because it truly encompasses who Tilly is and how she’s view by Oliver (Ollie). This book is incredibly sweet, magical and a fun ride (for YA and adult readers). Mazey does such an amazing job capturing neurodiversity and authenticity in these characters. Tilly in Technicolor is about two very complex individuals who are trying to find their proper space in the world without compromising who they are. (And boy can I relate to Tilly).

This book has great banter between all the characters, its well paced, characters are well developed and there is so much comedic relieve it’s utterly brilliant! So many topics ranging from romance, to autism, ADHD and neurodiversity, chaos and color theory of all things (totally fits this story perfectly!)

I never want her books to end! Mazey is truly a gifted writer who we all needed!

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This book ripped me open and put me back together again.
Mazey did such a beautiful job depicting the humans being unabashedly themselves, especially when the world would prefer them to be otherwise. The way she writes neurodiverse characters is with care and grace. They are fully human and fully lovable.
I wish there was this type of representation when I was a kid. Even though this is a YA book, I recommend every person to read it.

Special thanks to Net Galley for sharing this digital reviewer copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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This book was in fact sparkling. Filled to the brim with love and feelings and colors these characters literally stole my heart. I loved the way the communicated with each other, I loved how they were so kind with learning to understand each other, and I loved that Tilly got to find her way through the unknown. This book is certainly special and so fun, sweet and stunning this is the best YA book I have read in a long time. And that cover art! I’m obsessed!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins press for an arc of this book!

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This is an adorable book.

The title Tilly is a person with ADHD who has will intern at her sister's nail polish company around Europe this summer. Both coddled and constantly undermined by her mother, Tilly is itching for some time alone.

On the plane however, she meets the other cute intern, Oliver, who is on the spectrum. Sparks fly, and summer starts to look a lot better for Tilly.

This book was a fresh twist on YA romance and a really fun read. I look forward to more from this author.

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Wow. Mazey Eddings' YA debut was absolutely as vibrant and sparkling as the cover that first hooked me.

Tilly and Oliver are complete opposites. She's a force of nature and he wants everything planned and ordered.

They both intern for Tilly's older sister and her business partner's nail polish company and spend the summer traveling around Europe trying to win over buyers and small boutiques. The gorgeous settings across Europe were so well done and one of my favorite pieces of this story. But I also loved how the overwhelming cities forced Tilly and Oliver to discuss their neurodiversity to each other and begin to rely on each other and forge a deep connection that neither one had really found before.

I also loved the way they both relate to the world through their passions. Tilly is a writer and is very vulnerable about her ADHD through blogging and connects to readers effortlessly. Oliver is passionate about color and photography and has an amazing social media platform where he forges relationships online.

But the best parts of this story were the characters and their relationship. The romance was so sweet and heartfelt.
I loved Tilly and I would absolutely fan cast Millie Bobby Brown to play her in a movie. She's so full of life and excitement and such a vulnerable character that made her easy to relate to and root for.
Oliver's character also blew me away. He's a bit closed off at the beginning - he has the people he's close to and has trouble connecting deeply with others. But as he begins to care for Tilly, he really starts to shine. Guys, he calls her a freaking prism at one point. He totally captured my heart!

Five stars from me!

Thank you to #NetGalley and #MazeyEddings for an advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I am not very well informed on neurodivergence. I try my best to be as informed as I can be because I do want to understand what challenges they face that normally I wouldn’t. It’s very important to be aware of your privileges and how best to use those privileges to help others. With that said, I was beyond excited to read this book. I was reading this in between classes, waiting for the bus, and sometimes on the bus. It was really hard to put down.

To start, Tilly is my favorite character ever. I loved the way she felt everything. I thought it was beautiful. Tilly has ADHD and it seems like people around her don’t understand her that well. She is struggling with figuring out who she is and how best to navigate a world that isn’t meant for her. Oliver was hilarious. He is autistic and I loved that he doesn’t shy away from the things that he loves. These 2 characters are as opposite as they can get. What I loved the most was that the author didn’t allow their status as neurodivergent to be the reason they got together. She made sure it was because they understood each other beyond the same traits they share.

There is a lot of growth in these characters. It wasn’t just the main characters that grew but also the side characters. Tilly and her sister Mona do not seem to be getting along in the beginning and towards the middle, they talk and start appreciating each other. To grow up in a house with expectations is hard. I know what that feels like and I think the author felt that as well because it was such a personal moment of growth for both characters. I was so happy to see everyone grow and understand each other in the end. It felt personal.

The only thing I disliked was how the format/ font didn’t change for Tilly’s Babble posts or texts. I know this sounds extremely petty but I had a hard time figuring it out. Other than that, I think this is a great book that everyone should read. This book can educate you about neurodivergence just as much as a nonfiction book can but in this one there are amazing tropes and great characters.

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*4.5 stars

“She’s the sweetness of cotton candy-blue, the effervescence of gold, and the complexity of copper. She’s deep like emerald and light like lilac. ‘Tilly, you’re the entire rainbow.’”

This novel takes place over a summer in Europe, following two neurodivergent teens as their connection blooms. Tilly, a recent high-school graduate, is ready for a fresh start since receiving an ADHD diagnosis and struggling with her executive function. In comes her older sister to save the day— sort of. Tilly becomes an intern for her sister’s nail polish brand as they pitch at different beauty companies and clothing boutiques across Europe, which opens the door for Tilly in more ways than one. Not to mention, the brand’s photographer, Oliver is an understanding confidant when it comes to neurodivergence, which encourages Tilly to open up with others and decide her next steps for her future and her possible career path.

I want to start my review by saying this is more than a cutesy, summer-before-college-fling, romcom. Eddings provides an unparalleled, true-to-life approach to living with neurodiversity and its challenges. Not only are her characters lovable, strong, and persistent, they are also honest about the challenges that come with neurodivergence; their situations are accurate and informative as well. Working in special education for the last 5+ years, I can attest to the accuracy of such presentation, as well as the beautiful way in which it is portrayed. This type of book is so important and I am so grateful to have been able to read it.

Tilly and Oliver have my whole heart. Both are going through their individual difficult situations and they are able to be there for each other as well. Neither of them fit the mold in the fashion/blogging world and both are providing a fresh take on the scene— and it's wildly successful. I want to hug them both and be their friends. Oliver and his Pantone hyper fixation— I found myself trying to identify colors in my environment while reading. Tilly and her blog posts— she made me want to dust off the ol’ WordPress again. They are both so well written and develop throughout the story in beautiful and heartfelt ways, I wanted to stay wrapped up in their world for days longer.

My number one favorite thing about this book (besides the lovely characters) is the nature of Tilly and Oliver’s relationship and how it evolved over time. They went from not understanding each other, to opening up about their differences, to friendship, to love in such a natural progression. It is unmatched. I loved them wholeheartedly and I loved them even more together.

This is my first Mazey Eddings book, but this most definitely will not be the last!

Thank you again NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, Wednesday Books, and Mazey Eddings for providing me an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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This YA debut of Ms. Eddings has me in a severe chokehold, and they’re to be blamed! Because this was really really cute and adorable. I had so much fun reading it!

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I'm so pleased to have received an ARC for Mazey's new YA story about two neurodivergent teens falling in love! Thank you Wednesday Books and NetGalley!

I enjoyed the summer trip through Europe setting, the forced proximity of sharing a room, and the dual POV windows into one autistic brain and one with ADHD. I felt like we really got into both characters heads and learned how they experience the world well. I also really loved the moment where they finally realized that the one understands the other and vice versa. I also really liked the inclusion of color and visiting so many European locations vicariously through their travels.

Oh, and the meet disaster on the plane was amazing.

4.5 ⭐

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This book was super cute. I love the concept and it was so sweet!

You will want to give these characters hugs! I cried, I swooned, I smiled -- it's just a really great book. Please keep in mind that the characters are neurodivergent - but that just makes the book even better. I love the representation!

Thank you, Publisher & Netgalley for the eARC! It was amazing!

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📚 Tilly in Technicolor
✍ Mazey Eddings
📖 YA romance
🌶️ fade to black

➡ Tilly Twomley is unabashedly herself and for the first time in her life, she's also by herself...sort of. The summer following her high school graduation, she flies to Europe to intern for her successful sister Mona and her innovative nail-polish company as she, her business partner and one other intern travel from city to city to secure business deals. On the flight there, she has a disasterous encounter with her seatmate, Oliver, who turns out to be the company's other intern.

Despite the early hitch in their relationship, the two become friends and as they discover more about each other, begin to explore their shared neurodivergent characteristics while traveling. As friendship develops into something more, they'll have to decide what happens when the summer ends or if their relationships was just shades of the wrong color.

💭Through the story, each of of the MCs learns to lean into the other to celebrate and understand how the way they process the world shapes their experiences and positions them to impact others in a special way. Ultimately, the book is a tribute to advocating for what works for you because at the end of the day, you're the only one living your life.

🙏 Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for the eARC of Tilly in Technicolor in exchange for an honest review.

🎯 What I loved: Like all of Eddings' novels, there was tremendous representation and exploration of the MCs neurodivergent identities. Tilly has ADHD and Oliver is autistic. Through the story, each of of the MCs learns to lean into the other to celebrate and understand how the way they process the world shapes their experiences and positions them to impact others. Ultimately, the book is a tribute to advocating for what works for you because at the end of the day, you're the only one living your life. I loved Oliver and his ability to pinpoint any color by its Pantone name and number- he was such a sweet, charming, creative MMC.

🙅‍♀️ What I didn't: I struggled with Tilly as a character. While I loved her coming into her own narrative, I found some of the things she did cringey (e.g. her plane behavior) and had to take deep calming breaths every time (and there were a lot) she drew her own conclusions without letting people respond to her bold declarations. I was also a little surprised by the shared bed/shared room trope in a YA novel. I'm good with romance but felt like an older sister forcing her younger sister to share a room with a teenage boy as they gallivant across Europe was far-fetched.

Read if you love:
* neurodivergence representation
* forced proximity/workplace(?) romance
* travel romances

See also: Georgie, All Along; Anna and the French Kiss; Better than the Movies

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Tilly in Technicolor is about an ADHD girl and an autistic boy who develop a relationship over a summer. This is a cute book. Tilly and Oliver were adorable and well described. I liked how this book was told in both their POVs. It was nice to see how both characters thought and how they saw each other. I highly recommend this book if you enjoy YA contemporary romance!

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the eArc in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is more than just a swoon-worthy, sweet, and extra cute romance between two young lovers! Mary Eddings' informative, honest, and poignant approach to neurodiverse characters makes her books engaging, heartfelt, bold, and captivating.

Both Tilly and Oliver are amazing characters who you'll want to give millions of hugs to. They both have a hard time fitting into the norms society expects of them. Tilly is diagnosed with ADHD, which has caused heartbreak for her parents. They act extra protective around her, putting pressure on her to make realistic choices about her future, like her highly accomplished, Ivy League-graduated sister, Mona. Tilly is exhausted from being criticized, lectured, and pushed hard to adapt, compared to her sister. She needs her freedom to find out what she wants to do with her life and how she will shape her own future. She's vivid, energetic, colorful, smart, observant, original, creative, and enthusiastic.

The intern position at her sister's new startup nail polish company, Ruhe, provides Tilly with the opportunity to spend three months throughout Europe to work on the company's social media outlets as a hand model. It's part of her graduation and birthday gift, but there are a few catches, including the fact that her sister has no intention of going easy on her, and she has to make arranged calls to her parents, keeping them informed about each step she takes. At the end of the trip, she'll meet with her mother to decide which colleges she's going to apply to, even though she has no intention of going to college.

Tilly has no idea that her path will cross with Oliver Clark's, the same grumpy boy who was her seatmate throughout her flight to London. Oliver is a graphic designer and the other intern who is hired by Tilly's sister and partner. He's organized, focused, and has mapped out his future by being placed in a prestigious design program. This internship will help him to build up his resume and improve his photography and editing skills. He's autistic and perceives the world from a different spectrum, having a hard time interpreting social cues. When he finds out he has to spend three months with the girl who made his flight to London the most tormenting and disastrous experience of his life, he just wants to curse his luck. Unfortunately, that girl starts to awaken feelings he's never experienced before. When he sees her smile, he feels like his heart will explode out of his chest. Why does he feel like that? What is she doing to him?

And Tilly has the same complex feelings she cannot name. She feels drawn to this boy who seems like he cannot stand to share the same space with her. Could she be misunderstanding his reactions? What if her feelings are not unrequited for him?

I adored reading Tilly's blog parts. I enjoyed her brave, unique, intelligent, and emotional voice. She literally poured out her feelings into words, and it was impossible not to hear her inner screams telling the world that she's in pain and that she's lonely in the crowd.

The neurodiverse connection between the characters couldn't be written more realistically and adorably. The confrontation between the sisters was also one of my favorite scenes in the book.

Overall, this book is meaningful, powerful, inspirational, informative, and well-executed. I highly recommend it!

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/Wednesday Books for sharing this lovely book's digital review copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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I laughed! I cried! I swooned! This book resonated with me so much! Having neurodivergent characters and reading about their everyday struggles, it made me feel a little less alone in this world. I cried seeing these characters find their way with one another. Tilly and Oliver were everything to me, I loved them so much! Best book I’ve read this year!

I received this arc from Netgalley for an honest review.

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Tilly in Technicolor was the cutest, most fun reading ride I've been on in a while. Not only was it an adorable romance and coming of age story, it also dealt with huge topics surrounding neurodiversity and living in a world full of neurotypical people while knowing you're different. Tilly had ADHD and Oliver had autism. Understanding how their minds worked was a fun aspect of the story that I think will reach both people who are neurodiverse and help them feel seen and will also open the eyes of neurotypical individuals who maybe don't understand what it's like to have your thinking feel so different from the world around you. My own spouse has ADHD and I finished the book with a strong desire to understand them better and make changes in my own life to accommodate their ADHD. Overall, the book was incredibly inspiring while providing a raw and real look into neurodiversity.

But of course, we can't forget the love story aspect of the book either! Tilly and Oliver were adorable together and I couldn't get enough of them. They were so different and yet so determined to support each other. They also understood each other so well. The characters themselves felt so real and I was rooting for them the entire time. I also loved the relationship they formed. Tilly's conflict with her mom was great as well and it inspired me to hopefully be a better parent to my own kids.

Basically, the book was great and I couldn't put it down. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a sweet YA romcom that makes a perfect spring or summer read!

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