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Ben was a really likable character to me. I'm guessing he is on the autism spectrum. This felt a bit immature to me, but I think teens would enjoy it.

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If you're not new to this site, you're probably aware that I took a less than conventional path to parenting - having stepped in to help raise my niblings after the death of their mom. So I'm no stranger to the complete panic of finding yourself responsible for the complete care & well-being of tiny humans.  But I was a grown woman by the time I had to assume this overwhelming responsibility, and Benjamin Morrison, the main character of Unexpecting by Jen Bailey, is just starting his junior year of high school when he finds out his best friend (and summertime experimental hook-up partner) Maxie, is pregnant with his baby. And faces his own panic about the situation.

Maxie's parents want her to give the baby up for adoption, and have sent her to school with papers for Bennie to sign, to say he agrees to giving up his rights to the baby as well.  Only, once confronted with the papers, he finds that he just... can't. So he spends the whole of the book deciding what he can do, instead.  Along the way, there's a lot of misunderstandings, hurt feelings, teenagers being teenagers, parents (both soon to be and experienced) being clueless, wisdom from unexpected places, & an answer that was in front of them all the whole time.

For the first time since Maxie told me about the pregnancy, I’m scared. Not about what people will think of me, or what Mom wants me to do, or about the changes I have to make. No, I’m not scared about how this affects me. No, I’m afraid for the baby. I’m scared that I won’t be enough. I’m scared that I’ll mess something up and the baby—my baby—will be hurt by it. This baby is not a theory or a concept anymore. It’s a baby, a tiny human baby, with a heartbeat and toes and veins. This might be the realest thing to happen to me, and I don’t know what the hell to think about any of it.

To be honest, Unexpected is kind of a mixed bag for me: It's not exactly treading new ground - teenagers having a surprise baby, not understanding exactly what that will entail for their lives if they decide to keep the baby, how just the fact of getting pregnant changes every single relationship in their lives immediately - but it also is. Because I've never read any of that from the expecting dad's point of view, and I've certainly never read 'expecting teenage dad who wants to keep the baby, and also is gay, and also has a crush on his former stepbrother, who just so happens to show up to help him figure his shit out at exactly the right time' perspective. But that's what you get here, and it's done well.

It's complex and simple, all at the same time.

It's the same old story, but from a different angle, and I think that's an angle that teenagers need to read. And Bailey has told it in an enjoyable & accessible way, and I'm so glad YA literature is a place where these kinds of evolving stories are being told.

My copy of this book was provided free for honest review by NetGalley.

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Many a tear was shed during the reading of this book!
But seriously this was a unique story with a lot of heart and so much pain and passion and emotion. I sobbed for the entire last 25% of the book and I loved every minute of it.
There was good representation in the book including several LGBTQ+ characters, a biracial couple, and adoptive parents etc.
The overarching theme of the book is that family is more than blood and I found that to be included throughout the book in a great way and I was very happy with how everything played out.
I highly recommend this book, it's seriously so sweet and heartwarming - it does deal with some tough situations but it handles them so beautifully.

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Thank you to the publishing and Netgalley for the ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

This was super cute! A fun, easy read and I loved it!

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Thank you Net Galley for an ARC of Unexpecting by Jen Bailey. This is YA at its finest! This is it, a gem of a book. And I enjoyed every word immensely!

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uh what? weird premise. honestly really dumb. but moving on. Ben was so tone deaf it was annoying. like he just kept being an idiot who got rooted in his weird mindset. the reasoning behind him wanting to be a dad WAS ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. how does he not pick up on how to speak to people and like have a conversation? it was a good reminding that men suck. some plot points weren’t developed enough throughout the book.

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This one is something different than I usually would be drawn to. With the story being told from the father’s POV about his daughter’s teen pregnancy, it was a pretty decent book. The one thing that I applaud is that Ben (the father) fought hard for custody. Usually the dad walks away. This was for sure an angsty YA. Check trigger warnings before reading!

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5 stars all the way!


Benjamin Morrison came out to his mom and step-dad 2 months ago. He's gay. Now, he's sitting them down for another heart-to-heart. Why? Because he's gonna be a dad. What? How did the gay kid get a girl pregnant? Science.

Ben is quirky and loves robotics and calculus and science. How can his hypothesis that he's gay be true if he doesn't prove it. So, he and his equally science nerdy best friend Maxie have sex at, where else!:?, science camp. But, oops, the condom was out of date and now Maxie is pregnant.

Maxie's parents want to put all this behind her, so she can go on with her academic plans. Closed adoption, live, and learn. But, Ben has other ideas. He wants to keep his baby.

I thought Ben was the sweetest, most endearing character that I've read in a long time. He is trying so hard to do the right things, even if they don't all come easy to him.

About halfway through, I kinda guessed where this was going to end up - but I don't care because it was all so beautifully written. It's a beautiful day in Florida - the sun is shining, the birds are singing - and I was sitting on my front porch crying over Ben and Maxie's journey.

Thank you so much St. Martin's Press/Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this digital ARC in return for an honest review.

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This was so fresh and fun. It had a great cast of characters, and I truly enjoyed this one. It was like rooting for the underdog. I had no idea what I was going into, but I was so happy that I did.

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3.5 stars

Imagine: you're seventeen, gay (at least, you're pretty sure you are), in love with your ex-step-brother, still don't have your driver's license, and your girl friend (two words, big distinction) is pregnant. With your baby. Such is the situation that our main character Benjamin has found himself in.

A quirky twist on the classic YA coming-of-age. Unexpecting is a fun Carolyn-Mackler-esque novel for this generation of teens. I liked the premise of the story and the quick pace. Although I didn't connect deeply to the characters--especially moody, distant Maxine, whom I wish would have had more involvement--I enjoyed the book throughout and found myself fairly invested!

Unfortunately, I knew how the book would end after one scene about halfway in. The author tried to be subtle, but I knew right away where that moment would lead our main character by the end. Lo and behold, I was right. Further, though flowing and enjoyable, the writing itself is not especially noteworthy. Plot aside, Jen Bailey as a writer doesn't stand out much with this work.

Unexpecting is a funky fresh YA that will be great for fluffing out your summer TBR!

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I found myself so bored most of the time. But the writing was good and I loved the plot idea but the way it was planned out. Written was not just it, it had so much potential but it didn't hit the mark for me.

Thanks to netgalley and the author for an eARC in exchange of a honest review.

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Setting: Wisconsin
Rep: gay MC

This had a lot of potential but unfortunately I found the protagonist incredibly annoying, shortsighted, and immature. He really rubbed me up the wrong way and this kind of book relies on likeable characters. The plot was also so obvious from a million miles off so I was just waiting for characters to come to the obvious realisations. This just wasn't for me unfortunately.

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Would it really be me if I wasn't writing a review for a book not releasing for another 4 months while I have two-year-old arcs gathering dust and ghosted emails from publishers?

I love a good story of single parenthood and resilience, and while this one isn't quite along those same lines, it's deeply impactful and emotional. Ben is gay, but he wanted to ~make sure~ before coming out. The end result? His best friend got pregnant.

This is a YA book about teen pregnancy told from the father's POV, and I think it was done beautifully.

TW: anxiety, panic attacks, vomiting, toxic parents (not MC’s), on-page blood, queerphobia (challenged)
CW: teen pregnancy, adoption process, custody battle, past death of a parent (war), discussion of abortion, divorce

Pitched as Juno meets Heartstopper (which is a perfect comp, BTW) the main core of UNEXPECTING is becoming a teenage parent and the realities of that decision. It's not always easy to read, but it was also refreshing to be in the head of a father who genuinely wants the kid and adores them. So often in stories (and real life) the father is the one who abandons; Ben fought hard for custody.

However, Maxie isn't written off at all. She's given a full arc and agency in the story as the mother, and I loved her. She and Ben are in robotics club, which does play a significant role in the story (unlike most YA books where the hobbies only play a part at the very beginning or end), and there's plenty of angst. It's YA angst, but it's about tricky, adult topics, so I think adult readers would still enjoy the drama and heart of the story.

This book does not meander into its plot and uses each one of its pages meaningfully. There's a romance subplot that is interesting, but doesn't pull too much focus from the main plot. I definitely think Ben is neurodivergent, something I wish the author leaned into a bit more. He has anxiety and panic attacks, but some of the ways he approaches life remind me of myself, someone who is extremely neurodivergent lol. Also, some other reviews point it out too!

I honestly don't remember what didn't exactly work for me, but there was definitely something. I just took bad notes (re: I took zero notes besides content warnings), hence the 4 stars instead of 5. I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone and I look forward to Jenn Bailey's future books because I believe this is a debut!

Sad this book seems to have such a low average rating months before release (3.68), because I think it'll turn off many readers. But then again, I am rare in that I love emotional, heavy, angsty YA books by under the radar and/or debut authors. Those tend to be downplayed on Goodreads.

Rep: gay MC, bisexual MC, Black lesbian sc

Thank you to Wednesday Books for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.

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Thanks NetGalley for the preview!!

I loved this book! It just kept getting better and better. The characters were complex and interesting, the narration was honest and refreshing, and the ending was sweet. Ben and Maxie had such different experiences but Ben truly tried to see things from her perspective. I loved Gio and his wise advice.

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First off, thank you to the publishers for sending me this ARC through NetGalley!
This didn't work for me! None of the characters really felt like they had personalities, and I didn't think that there was anything particularly special about the ways that the themes of pregnancy, family, or queerness were treated.
Maxie's experiences throughout the book are traumatizing and very shallowly explored. Within the story, she is treated as a womb holding Ben's child, and as such is continually dismissed.
The entire journey of the book was about shifting Ben's perspective on parenting and family, there was some strange gender essentialism happening in this, and the way it all resolved felt very clean and strange given the actual events of the book.
I also did not love that the romance (which wasn't actually very romantic) in this book borrowed from the Clueless (1995) school of love interests.
Pregnancy should be addressed in YA because it is an experience that teens have! But, I don't feel like this had much to offer aside from having a gay main character. This just didn't land!

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I received an eARC of this book from NetGalley. I did not read a synopsis before beginning the book, so I had no idea what I was getting into.
I loved it. Ben and Maxie made a decision that will have lasting consequences for them, and we get to follow along as they make the decisions on how to handle the situation. An unexpected baby conceived out of an experiment of curiosity between friends leads to two teenagers being faced with a tough decision: being a single, gay teen parent for Ben or choosing adoption for the baby.
This book brought out so many emotions in me. I laughed, I gasped, I cried. There were parts of the book that I was angry at the main character, Ben, because of how immature he was acting, but then I remembers that he is a child and should be immature in his decisions. Maxie seemed to be an afterthought for much of the book, which I didn't love because she is dealing with just as much as Ben. She deserved to be cared for better by Ben and her family.

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I had some trouble getting into this book. I'm not really sure how to review this, so here are some one liners:
The foreshadowing in this book was so strong that I knew exactly how the ending was going to play out. (now THAT made me smile)
This book would've THRIVED on dual perspective.
Ben and Gio...cute but also weird?
There's a whole lot of talking around and at Ben, but not a lot of explaining.
Someone please, for the love of Pete, just sit Ben down and break down the financial cost of everything happening to him instead of just telling him no.
For knowing so many connections, it really didn't seem like Ben's mom was a help at all.
I just wanted to give Maxie so much love and support through this whole book...

Thank you NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the ARC.

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I loved this book!

I didn’t read the description before I chose it but it didn’t disappoint. I loved getting the father’s perspective on a teen pregnancy, it was refreshing and definitely something you don’t see often.

I myself am adopted and when they were exploring that option I cried and it felt so realistic. I have met my birth father and he described similar feelings to what our main character Ben described.

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Major thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts:

Bailey understands what it's like to be young and go through so much. Though elevated at high stakes, she perfectly captures the very pressures of being a senior in high school. SAT's, mounting tasks too much for a small little body, the overthinking, the friendships we create and destroy as we Sisyphus our way out towards some kind of freedom.

Bailey manages to create a loving cast of characters that make us think we actually have it good. There is someone in my circle that loves me. And maybe I should thank them for being there for me.

Every chapter comes with a fun little jest that makes it completely bingeable in a Netflix kind of way. With the right balance of humor and drama, Bailey captures the resilience of our high school selves. I couldn't help but think of my own high school motto:

Perseverance always wins!!!

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For a book titled “Unexpecting,” I expected just about every plot point of this story. Nothing about it was surprising, and I felt like everything that happened was just a given in one way or another. I did appreciate that this book focused on teen parenthood and sexuality with an intersection that I’ve never seen explored.

As for the characters, I quite frankly did not like the main character, Ben. There are multiple times throughout the book where people tell him that if anyone could be a teen parent, it would be him. I just feel like that’s a blatant lie. This is the least put together kid I’ve ever seen. I think he’d be an awful parent. I appreciated that the author was trying to show how someone with Ben’s drive and ambition could step up and become a better person for his child, but I think he just had too many faults. It felt like the cons list was way longer than the pros and it made rooting for him difficult.

I did not like how Maxie was pretty much discarded until she served a greater purpose in Ben’s growth as a character. I think she was treated very poorly and it left me with a strong distaste for the narrative.

Lastly, I just thought it was weird that Ben’s love interest was his former step-brother. It was odd and I didn’t enjoy it.

Needless to say, this was not my favorite book.

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