Cover Image: How to Keep a Husband for Ten Days

How to Keep a Husband for Ten Days

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Member Reviews

I was intrigued with the plot and was excited for a heartwarming rom-com that I could curl up and relax with.
Unfortunately, the plot felt quite haphazard and was hard to grasp. There were a lot of characters that I didn't feel I could relate to and that took away the magic for me.

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I adored this story. I was drawn in by the title and by love for the Kate Hudson movie! Although it was very different from the movie, i loved it nonetheless. It was a great story that I enjoyed reading. It wasn't as much as a rom-com as expected, but I appreciated it for what it was!

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i almost didn't finish this one but i'm glad that i did.

i wanted more yearning and angst, i wanted more banter, i wanted more everything. i did really like brown though and i wanted to root for lina but i also wanted to slap her.

the ending redeemed the book for me but i wasn't sure it was going to until i finished.

thank you to netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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How to Keep a Husband for Ten Days is my first book by author Jessica Hatch. I was super excited to get a chance to read and review this based on the synopsis and even the title/cover.

However this one didn't work for me. I felt like the writing style was a little bit confusing and all over the place. The pace and flow of the story was very slow, therefore I couldn't finish it.

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"How to Keep a Husband for 10 days" by Jessica Hatch promised to be a laugh out loud second chance romance but sadly I didn't find myself laughing or even really smiling through this book. I hate to give a negative review when the author worked so hard on this book but it just wasn't my style. I found it hard to get invested into the characters, it fell flat in a lot of scenes and I struggled to finish this one. I am sure many people will like this book but it deviated too far from what I like to read.
Thank you so much to NetGalley and the Publishers for allowing me an ARC of this book in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

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It took me a while to get into this book and at first I thought I would have to dnf it as I was really struggling, but I stuck with it and I am glad I did. I ended up enjoying it

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DNF :(

I went into this expecting a light hearted, funny, romantic comedy. I don’t feel like I got any of that. Ended up not finishing at 30%. Wasn’t a big fan of the narration or the authors writing style.

I can’t personally recommend, but doesn’t mean that someone won’t really love it.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions expressed above are completely my own.

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Think Oscar Madison and Felix Unger, from the Odd Couple, only not funny.

The description of this book made it sound as though this would be a ron-com, but it was not.

I hated at least half of this book. The MC was selfish and petty, and her soon-to-be ex was nice, but clueless. The non-binary character was probably the most interesting person in the bunch.

The basic premise was that they had to remain together to fight to keep their old building from being torn down for condos. That was the plot that brought them together, after Lina changed the locks when Brown didn't come home right away after they fought. Changed the fricking locks, after one day. Lina also counted how many times in a row he did not make the bed. Fifty-nine in case you are interested.

Unlovable Main characters. Slogging plot. I hated going back into the book every evening, if nothing else so I could get it done.

I highly do *not* recommend this book, unless, somehow, you too are obsessive compulsive, and everything has to be exactly right, all the time, and you *gasp* sympathize with Lina, and would count how many times the bed wasn't made, as well.

<em>Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.</em>

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I’m going to start this review by saying that the writing style was confusing and at times unengaging. I originally thought the plot described in the blurb sounded cute and thought I would be reading a funny rom-com, since the blurb called it hilarious. Unfortunately, I didn’t find this second-chance romance that funny, but did find the flow and pace to be slow and almost chaotic. Sadly, this book just wasn’t for me.

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“How to Keep a Husband for Ten Days” is by Jessica Hatch. From the cover and publisher’s blurb, it seems to be a laugh-aloud rom-com story. Don’t judge this book by its cover. While there were some rather amusing one-liners, I cannot say that I laughed aloud and the rom-com nature of this book was lacking. Yes, there is an attempt at rekindling a romance between the two main characters - who are in the middle of a divorce - trying to hold it together for the sake of a reunion … but the reason for the divorce was weak (I’m not sure I ever really understood the reason other than a lack of communication) and the reason for pretending to still be together I also found difficult to believe. Regarding the other bits of the story - it was a bit scattered. Aside from the second chance romance part, I think the overall idea of saving the building using different methods was an okay one, but between the pacing and some scattered side bits - including things that were mentioned then dropped, this book just didn’t work for me. I would give this author another chance, however, as maybe it was just this book that didn’t work for me.

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I usually don’t DNF books but I only got about halfway through and couldnt do it anymore. the blurb is so misleading. i expected a romcom, to be laughing and connecting with the characters. This book was NOT for me and i sadly would not recommend. It had a lot of potential.

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It is always frustrating to me when authors tout to have the next "Christina Lauren" or "Ali Hazelwood" novel in their story. If you're going to make a claim like that, I feel like you should be able to substantiate it. This book did not. The cover doesn't match the general depressing, morose, and annoying vibe throughout the story and the MC was extremely unlikeable. It was difficult to get through and really showed more about the shallowness of the majority of the cast, than contemporary romance vibes.

I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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How far would you go to make your friends think you’re still happily married?! Follow Lina and Brown in this novel to see the lengths they will go and maybe find out a couple things about themselves in the process.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you NetGalley, Jessica Hatch and bookouture for hearing my honest review. Looking forward to reading more with you

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This book definitely grew on me as I read it… I didn’t love the side characters and I was pretty confused about the whole divorce storyline - like how could anyone be that far into a divorce without knowing the reasons for it?! But there was definitely chemistry between the two MCs and I’m glad they got their happy ending.

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The blurb had me curious - it sounds roughly like Emily Henry's Happy Place, and given that I read an ARC of that one and absolutely adored it, I thought I'd give How To Keep a Husband for Ten Days a try.
Unfortunately this one didn't work for me. I had a hard time keeping focused as I felt that it was overly descriptive in the beginning, and that it lacked the angst that a second-chance romance would have. This is a dnf for me.
Thanks to the publisher and author for the ARC via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Such a unique book, I loved the plot and oh my god the characters we're so amazing!! I definitely will be recommending it!!

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The blurb about this marriage in crisis romance was interesting and as I started reading the book, the sudden appearance of the side characters and the slow pace was leading me to get less and less interested. I'm going to start off by being very honest, I did not like the writing style because it wasn't very engaging and the dialogues between the characters (except Lina & Brown) felt superficial and unnatural. Though Brown's charcter wasn't very well described, I liked him more than Lina. Lina complicated things for herself and could not see where she was going wrong. What infuriated me the most was when she tried to put half the blame on Brown in front of their mutual friends when he was not at fault. And the flow of the plot was confusing too which is why I feel that if I had not read the blurb first, I would have had no idea about what was actually going on in the book half the time. The only part I liked was the very end where I could actually feel the chemistry and connection between Lina & Brown. Other than that, I wasn't very impressed with this book tbh.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review

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**How to Keep A Husband for 10 Days is the story of a divorcing couple who band together with old friends to try to save the old apartment building they all love. The cover promises lots of laughter, but this reader wasn’t laughing or particularly impressed with how the tale was told. Truth be told I found the book to be a chore to finish. I was happy that a divorce was averted but couldn’t relate to any of the characters. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book from NetGalley.

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The fact this took me 4 attempts to start shouts loudly. I couldn't get into it at all. I'm glad I finished it as it did get better but still wasnt better than 'okay’, the writing flowed well but overall unremarkable. Wouldn’t recommend this one but I would still try anything else by
this author. Overall three stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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“Regardless of whether she was calling it a “project” or “distraction from her divorce” , this was just one more reason Lina wanted to save the building”
“Jesus, Lina, this is getting more elaborate than a Secret Service maneuver”
I read “My Big Fake Wedding” and I thought “Wow this book is good. Truly hope the author is working on something similar” and then this one came up … and I loved this too!!!!
I possibly love it even more !!! There is something about this author writing friends to lovers stories that someone catches my eye in a way usually these stories don’t.
Lina and Brown are going through a divorce. Well Lina has filed the papers but Brown hasn’t signed them yet. So early in the stages of their wedding there’s been some huge miscommunication- that I personally hate - and now they’re at this point. But to keep their closest friends they will pretend to still be blissfully happy and in love in their marriage, while also trying to save a house that has meant so much for them all. Some forced proximity and fake relationship couldn’t change the disastrous outcome of their marriage, could it??
A second chance at love romance book well written in my opinion. One that I really enjoyed. It was sweet, complicated and with good tension between the main characters. Alas it didn’t have spice but the plot and characters’ dynamic more than completed the whole picture.
I also deeply appreciated the fact that there was also a non binary character in the story (minor representation unfortunately but still they were there).
I’m so grateful I had the chance to read this story and you can bet I will try and read any other book this author writes !!!
“She was catching feelings for her husband all over again”
“Life was warmth and honey, and should have forever been that way”

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