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Wild Things

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I need to read more sapphic books. I know I need to read more sapphic books, so I was delighted to receive Wild Things through NetGalley. The premise was interesting enough—queer commune, friends to lovers, so I picked it up.

To be honest, it was just okay.

Initially, I wondered if it was going to be a DNF. The first couple of chapters were a mess. I didn’t understand what was happening until the author finally said what was going on. There were too many things happening at once. Y’all, I was an English major. If I can’t decipher it, I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t be able to, either. Also, first chapters are so important for impressions, so being confused half of the time wasn’t a good start.

The second chapter had a large chunk of typos. In the section where Jamie and Ray were talking about being diversity hires, Ray was referred to with he/him pronouns and at first I thought, “Oh, cool! Gender-nonconforming love interest!” But then Ray was strictly referred to with she/her pronouns again.

With this being in the first couple of chapters, I was worried, and in the end, it was a bit mediocre. There are a few points that I specifically think that could’ve been changed to make it a little bit more intriguing.

1. Incorporate the Wild Year list more.
The Wild Year list was the in inciting action of the story. It’s what set everything in motion, but it’s referred to somewhat loosely. Every once in a while, the author remembers that it exists and refers back to it, but I wish I would’ve saw it more. Maybe the opening scene could’ve been the Wild Year brain baby they had, and then we set forward a few months later.

2. The flashbacks needed to be cut in half.
There are SO many flashbacks. Sometimes it’s hard to decipher between what’s present and past, other than the tense change. Some of the past tense doesn’t need to be, either. It happened in the time period the story takes place. The author could’ve placed the scene somewhere else so there didn’t need to be a flashback in the first place.

3. Ray seemed disinterested until the very end.
A lot of people pointed out that it was a slow burn, but Ray doesn’t even seem remotely interested until she’s leaned Eleanor on the copier, ready to kiss her brains out. It feels somewhat rushed. There should’ve been more subtle hints along the way.

4. Long sentences!!!
That’s about it. Many of these sentences needed to be cut down into multiple, and that’s coming from someone who also uses a LOT of long sentences.

Some other issues I had were that near the end, Eleanor was just annoying. I get being really embarrassed and wanting to put space between yourself and your crush when you admitted feelings, but she was ready to drop a whole friend group? And abandon a house she pitched in to put together? Be for real. I wanted to reach in and shake her.

I think, in the end, I wanted this to do more than it did. It’s a fun idea and there were bits I enjoyed—Jamie, small town feel, the confession scene. However, it fell a little short for me.

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i found this book on netgalley, saw it was a queer romcom and did not hesitate asking for it. i was really glad i got the arc and started reading it immediately.

it was such a cute and light read, perfect for the summer. the characters were lovable, and i loved the friendships so much. i liked how they all decided to move to a small village, and becoming a little queer commune (except will who's straight but still amazing). i also really enjoyed the different lgbtq+ rep.

although i really liked the book, i feel like it's less about the romance between el and ray and more about friendships, and ray finding herself, finding what's best for her in life.

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Absolutely fantastic plot! Could not put the book down once I began reading it. Cannot wait for it to be released. Will recommend it to everyone I know!

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Thank you, Vintage Anchor, Laura Kay, and NetGalley, for the ARC. Spoilers ahead

I felt this book would be better as a friend's book and not a romance. I didn't feel the connection between El and Ray. I have a hard time with books where the main character has a crush and is just dragged through the mud for this crush. It feels too much like real life, and I read to escape. The crush turned into a lover has to be done well for me to like it.

I loved the idea of all of them buying a house and living together. It is what our world has come to know of days. That part of the story was fun to read. One part got on my nerves when El had a panic attack, and Ray made it worse. There were better ways to handle that situation.

Overall it was an okay book. The friendship was enjoyable to read about.

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I tried several times to pick up and read this book. It took me awhile to get through it, and it didn't get better. I couldn't get into the story. I like slow burns, but this was so dull and so boring. I couldn't connect with any of the characters, and I couldn't find any characters to root for.

Thanks to NetGalley and Vintage Anchor for an ARC of this book.

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This was such a cute book. I absolutely adored it!! Thank you netgalley for allowing me to read this early copy in exchange for a review!!

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You ever get so excited for a book and then start reading and you’re just left scratching your head? That’s what this book did for me. It just jumped you in right smack in the middle of what I’m assuming is the storyline with no explanation. I can handle that sometimes, but this book did not work for me. I did ultimately l DNF this one and will not be leaving reviews outside of netgalley for it.

Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity.

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A year of living wild. What a concept, what a path to self discovery. Follow along as El, Ray, Will and Jamie ditch the city life to move to the English countryside and start living out their bucolic dreams in their self built queer commune. Come on! Who can turn down a book with chickens, a local tavern owner, unrequited love and a hot lesbian chopping wood? Pull on your Hunter boots and wade into "Wild Things" by Laura Kay available May 23, 2023

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<b>the dedication:</b> For everyone I’ve ever had a crush on. Thanks for all the material.
<b>the cover:</b> I love a cute cartoon cover- and the chickens!
<b>FMC:</b> El- the shy, timid, keep-your-head-down friend of the group who doesn’t like to take risks… until her forever crush challenges her to a challenge of doing 1 crazy thing a month for the year to bring her out of her shell. I LOVED that at the end of the book we got to read her journal entries 🥰
<b>FMC:</b> Ray- the spunky friend who is effortlessly cool and loves taking risks. She’s all-in when her friends group decides they want to buy a plot of land and start a little gay commune together and live off the land. She takes on a lot of the DIY around the house while seemingly oblivious to El pining after her all along the way.
<b>POV:</b> 1st person, single POV
<b>HEA:</b> yes
<b>spice:</b> mildy steamy. Some flirting and touching but a closed door mostly clean romance
<b>TWs:</b> absent/uninterested parents, cheating (not between MCs),
<b>standalone:</b> yes
<b>final thoughts</b>: I need to buy a commune with my closest friends and live out this fantasy!!! SO CUTE and amazing, loveable side characters

read this book if you love
🌈 LGBT+ representation
🏝️ forced proximity (homeowners in a farming town)
💞 friends-to-lovers
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 great side characters
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 found family
💼 workplace romance (kind of- there are a few workplace scenes but not the main location)

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It was OK, really slow and took alot of time to get to the point, but all in all a decent book.
Thanks netgalley for letting me read this book

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The slowest of burns. So slow I got quite bored. I liked the friendships and the idea behind doing things to find yourself and personal growth. It was just too slow of my taste and the chemistry between El and Ray just wasn’t enough for me to care about them.

Thanks to NetGalley and Vintage Anchor for an eARC.

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One of my favorites of all time. Maybe it was because I literally felt like the author had put up cameras to spy on my friends and me because this was soo spot on to my life lol. Loved the characters soo much. Wow.

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Had a great time reading this book. Its another perfect lazy Sunday read. I laughed, I chuckled, I grinned at all the antics this found family of characters got into at their new house.

Thank You Netgalley and Vintage for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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Oh, what a charmer of a book -- I had the most fun reading this sweet story of Eleanor and her 'wild year' and her semi-impromptu decision to buy a house in the country with her best friends (including the one she's madly in love with) to start a queer commune of sorts. I love a rompy friendship book, particularly when it's chock full of wacky side characters and tons of heart. I was slow to trust Ray, but damn if she didn't win me over. If you're a fan of Josh Thompson's television shows, you'll love this book (or maybe that's just the chicken affinity talking...)

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This was a super cute, easy, lighthearted read! I’m a sucker for the roommates trope so I was a huge fan of El and Ray’s love story! I was actually laughing out loud at times and I enjoyed myself throughout the book! It’s definitely a bit cheesy but I think it’s the kind of cheese you will want to indulge in! I will be checking out more from this author!

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I think what I liked most about this book were the characters. They felt like people I’ve met and the dialogue and humor between them was fun to read. Honestly, I think this would make a great movie or TV series for that reason. And the growing pains of moving from city life to country life complete with chickens and a garden, as well as the colorful community of people in their new village are prime for comedy.

I was really more invested in that part of this book and the development of the main character than the underlying love story. For me, friendship, community, and personal growth were the most important themes of this book. The love story was sort of just background for me.

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I absolutely loved this book. It hooked me and kept me turning pages until I was done. Finished it in two days! The character development was strong, and the premise was unique enough that it didn't feel like anything else I've read.

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Wild Things by Laura Kay was a heart-warming and sweet story laced with self discovery and all the feel good things that makes this book so perfect.
A joyful read full of likeable characters.
They are relatable in their own ways, and I found myself just wanting them to be happy.
This book is absolutely amazing. I genuinely smiled the entire time I was reading this!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You Netgalley and Vintage for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this eARC.

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Wild Things portrays the messy, realistic beauty in contemporary life. (Especially for queer folks.) Friends El, Ray, Jamie, and Will go in on a house together in a village just outside of London. (A very real thought in many young adults heads these days.) The “Lavender House” commune, as it’s affectionately called, is wildest thing El has done during her year of being wild. During El’s wild journey, readers experience her dead-end job, bisexual dating life’s ups and downs, and the messy and real relationships of herself, her friends, and her family.

The characters are fun and relatable. Each character has their own quirks, flaws, emotions, and desires. While the story focuses on the core characters, the side characters that readers are treated to are no less likable and engaging. Readers only get a glimpse of some characters from the village they move into, and it would have been great to meet even more new characters and experience village life surrounding Lavender House.

Readers who appreciate the messes in the beauty of life will gravitate towards this novel.

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This book was so adorable! It was a fun, easy, and quick read and it got me out of the reading slump I had been in.

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