Member Reviews

Katie weaves personal experiences and scripture together to tell stories of trusting God in the midst of anxious times. I enjoyed reading, but didn’t feel particularly inspired by much of the book. Perhaps I am not as anxious of a reader as some.

Katie Davis Majors continues to invite us as a friend to live life with her, as she shares examples and her thoughts as to how she knows God intimately, through His Word, through her prayers, and her trust in His character. She is a mom, living in the US with kids in college and diapers- and she's finding her way with the help of the Holy Spirit! She's a kindred spirit and one who is authentic, vulnerable and led by the Word of God. Great Read!

Safe All Along is the third book by Katie Davis Majors. I’ve read all three of her books. I appreciate her wisdom, her solid relationship with the Lord and the stories she shares. Her writing is at its best when she is telling what God has done in her life through stories.
Spoiler alert…...I will detail my favorite parts of the book and I don’t want to spoil it for you if you plan to read it yourself. The book as a whole is about trusting God. Katie shares that she often struggles with control and anxiety. I loved how she related a story where she was swimming in a river and didn’t know what was around the bend. The possibility of danger around the bend made her anxious. Later on she was able to look down upon the river from a higher vantage point and see that what was ahead was safe, but she didn’t know that when she was in the river. This was such a great analogy about life and faith. We don’t know what’s coming, but we can rest in the goodness of God. He has the whole of our lives in His sights. He knows the beginning and the end. His goodness and mercy follow us (Ps. 23:6) and He has plans to prosper and not to harm us (Jer. 29:11).
I love that she relays what God is teaching her. I’m so here for it when God is specific in His care! She shared, “The Greek word in the New Testament that is translated as “worry” or “anxiety” in a few of the verses above is merimna, and it indicates being pulled apart, divided into parts, or pulled in opposite directions. When I first read this definition, it resonated deeply. That described exactly how I was feeling: torn to pieces. As my mind raced ahead to all the what-ifs of tomorrow, next month, and next year, I was unable to be present in today. My attention was torn away from what God had set in front of me as I tried to control the outcomes of days that had not yet even taken shape, days that are not even promised to me.”
I thought it was very interesting that the Greek word for anxiety means pulled apart and divided. It is destructive to us as individuals. On the other hand, “He [God] himself is our peace. In Greek, this same word is translated eiréné and most often assigned the meaning “complete” or “whole.” When Jesus gave peace to His disciples, to you and me, might He have been saying that He was making us whole and complete by inviting us into salvation and delivering us from sin and death? Whole and complete, the very opposite of pulled apart and divided.” God is for us! He offers us wholeness while we make decisions that cause division within ourselves. God wants us to experience His peace. Katie cites Tara Leigh Cobble who “noted in an episode of the Bible Recap podcast, ‘Fear always magnifies the enemy and diminishes God.’”
To offer a great summary, I quote Katie again, “You know what is so beautiful? All our idols—control, anxiety, approval, comparison—demand more of us. They all compel us to try harder, move faster, achieve. But our God? He asks us for less. He asks us to rest. To lay aside climbing that ladder and working and striving so that we can sit at His feet like Mary, to remember who He is and worship Him for it. To trust Him.”
If you’ve never read one of Katie’s books, I recommend you begin with Kisses From Katie. If you have read her other books you will enjoy this one as well. I received an arc copy from publisher and Netgalley in exchange for me honest review.

“Safe All Along” is an sit down with a highlighter type of book. Very powerful, as is all of Katie Davis Majors’s work. Thank you for sharing more of your story!

This story was rich and compelling. It gives deep insight into how we overcome hardship with Christ and Christian community.

Since learning about Katiie Majors and her testimony, I have wanted to read and glean whatever wisdom I can. This is her second book... and does *not* disappoint. The Lord has a far bigger picture than we could hope for, and He will keep us safe all along.

About this book:
“As a missionary, wife, and mom of fifteen, Katie Davis Majors knows how hard it can be to receive God’s peace instead of giving in to fear and worry. Family emergencies, unexpected life-shifting events, and the busy rhythms of family life have at times left her reeling.
In Safe All Along, Katie offers reflections and stories from around the world and from her own kitchen table about her personal journey toward living from a place of surrendered trust. Every chapter leads us deep into Scripture as we learn what it looks like to break free from anxiety and take hold of peace.
Rich in biblical explorations of lament and praise, forgiveness and hope, service and surrender, Safe All Along asks, What practical choices can we make to experience the peace Jesus promised amid disappointment and uncertainty? How can we live with joy and confidence even when we’re pulled into the rapids of life?
Our God has promised us a peace that transcends all understanding. And we can accept His promise, trusting that in Him we are safe all along.”
Series: A non-fiction book.
Spiritual Content- Each chapter starts with a Scripture and has many Scriptures referenced, quoted, and/or discussed within the chapter; About half of the nineteen chapters end with prayers; All about God, Jesus, trusting Him, knowing Him, making time for Him, being honest with God, anxiety, peace, & laments; 'H's are capital when referring to God (unless the Bible version quoted does not); All about many mentions of those & events in the Bible, books of the Bible, Bible reading, & Bible studies; Mentions of prayers, praying, praising, & worshiping; Mentions of Heaven; Mentions of churches, church going, pastors, & church events; Mentions of hymns & worship songs; Mentions of missionaries, missions, ministries, & service; Mentions of blessings, being Blessed, & miracles; Mentions of sins; A couple mentions of youth groups & Sunday school classes;
*Note: Mentions of the enemy’s lies; Mentions of idols (anything that turns our eyes from Jesus) & fake god statues; Mentions of Christian pastors & speakers (Curt Thompson, J. I. Packer, John Piper, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, Jim Elliot, & C. S. Lewis); A handful of mentions of contemporary Christian authors (Tara Leigh Cobble, Morgan Harper Nichols, Ann Voskamp, & Dr. Bryan Loritts).
Negative Content- Recalling almost drowning & the fear of it (from the author’s perspective, including it almost happening to her daughter as well, up to semi-detailed); Mentions of deaths of loved ones & grief; Mentions of crimes, violence, cattle raiders, being shot and killed by them, gunshots, & stolen cows and items; Mentions of arrests, beatings, torture, being stoned to death, jail, slavery, & slaves (in the Bible); Mentions of threats (in the Bible); Mentions of homelessness; Mentions of lies; A few mentions of injuries & pain; A few mentions of addiction; A couple mentions of abusive or toxic relationships; A couple mentions of animal sacrifice (in the Bible); A couple mentions of wine (one being a mention from the Bible); A mention of the possibility of finding a loved one’s body; A mention of war; A mention of bomb shelters; A mention of racism; A mention of jealousy; A mention of eye rolling;
*Note: Mentions of anxiety, depression, other mental illnesses, seeing a therapist, & taking medication (the author shares “I also want to acknowledge that you may be dealing with a clinical anxiety disorder, depression, or some other real, chemical mental illness. This is not the same thing as worry. There is a difference between situational anxiety or nervousness about the future and a true chemical disorder.” And “If you are struggling in a similar way, I am so sorry. I see you. This is not your fault, and it does not make you less faithful. There is no shame in seeking the help you need through therapy or medication or both. As I venture to share some things God has used to help me with my own battle with anxiety, I would never want to suggest that simply thinking differently or forming new habits will be a “fix-all.” He sends “fishermen” to help us on our journey, and therapists have often been mine.”); Mentions of social media & technology (iPhones, FaceTime, Siri, Google Maps, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Airbnb, & Netflix); A few mentions of stories (Kroger, Target, & Tractor Supply); A few mentions of brand names (Lego); A couple mentions of Helen Keller.
Sexual Content- A couple mentions of affairs and marriage struggles; A mention of pornography;
*Note: A couple mentions of miscarriages & infertility; A couple mentions of nursing.
-Katie Davis Majors
272 pages
Pre Teens- Two Stars
New Teens- Three Stars
Early High School Teens- Four Stars
Older High School Teens- Four Stars
My personal Rating- Four Stars
Non-fiction books have always been hard for me to review—especially with ones like “Safe All Along” which hit so many cords in myself as I read it. There were so many parts I related to and honestly can’t put into words how I felt. Hence why non-fiction books are hard to review. I’d love to leave it just as “It was great. Related to about 80% of what the author was saying. Easy 4 stars.” But I suppose I ought to write a little bit more than that.
I think my only real negative is that when most of the Scriptures are mentioned or quoted, the actual reference is marked as a footnote and they are all listed in the very back of the book. I would have preferred to have them right then and there within the actual Scripture and what Katie was sharing, personally.
I’m touched by this book and heartened in a lot of ways, thanks to the author sharing her personal thoughts and struggles—but yet always pointing back to Christ and your relationship with Him. I love that and really enjoyed this book.
*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
*I received this book for free from the Publisher (Multnomah) for this honest review.

Katie does it again. Her books are amazing & so well thought out. You can clearly see her and her husband's love for the Lord through her books. Continually thankful for the glimpses she gives us into their lives as well as the reminders to cling to Christ.

Safe All Along is a beautiful complement to Katie's first two books, Kisses from Katie and Daring to Hope. Safe All Along spoke to me in such an intimate and endearing way, and I really felt connected to Katie and her feelings of lacking trust and having fears, but then recognizing God's sovereignty and power over all things. Katie shares with a vulnerable spirit of humility, and gives God the Glory in every aspect of her journey through life, even when it has been hard. She gives us encouragement and hope in seeing how God is Faithful and Ever-Present. He walks beside us and gives us the strength and comfort to endure all things. When Katie writes, I literally feel like she is talking right to me, sharing a cup of tea and watching our kids play. Katie gives me that support to know that I can trust in God for all things and through all things. Thank you NetGalley and Multnomah Publishing for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

This book was phenomenal, as is everything Katie Davis Majors' I've read! I read her first two books and could not wait to get my hands on this one. She is a voice of wisdom that is so needed in our society today. Her words are well thought out and her heart for Jesus shines through beautifullly!

In Katie Davis Majors third book, she tackles living intentionally (& hopefully) while facing anxiety and and fears. I love her writing voice and conversation tone. Her gentle spirit shines through her writing. I would caution that it would be beneficial to read her first book (or at least be familiar with her story) before reading this book, as it jumps around from Uganda & the United States a bit. All in all, it was a great read.

It’s real. It’s authentic. Each page had me thinking, “She gets it. She understands. I’m not the only one. I’m not alone.” It truly comes from the heart of a fellow sister in the trenches sharing words of encouragement, truth, and hope. Every chapter serves as a loving reminder that Jesus is with us, that our stories aren’t over, and that there is beauty to be found even in the midst of heartache & uncertainty.

“God is who He says He is, and when we cannot hold on any longer, He will not let go. He will carry us.”
Katie knows her bible and weaves it beautifully into this book. Its clear that her relationship with God isn’t a “to do”; instead, it revolves around “it’s done,” and the all encompassing peace that comes from that.
She lives her faith like I want to. This book is my favorite of hers so far - but all three have been 5 ⭐️ reads for me (👀 excited for book 4 coming soon!)
This book is especially helpful for anyone dealing with general anxiety. It was a comfort to pick this book up every night and offered so much practical encouragement.
A couple things to note - she very openly talks about her medication/therapist. I LOVED the fact that she was so open about this and supported using meds/therapy, if needed. This book doesn’t deal with trauma or extreme hardship. But it’s great for encouragement in the daily anxiety’s of life.
A solid 5 star read that I highly recommend!
Thank you to NetGalley & Katie Davis for the ARC of this incredible book!

Safe All Along was such a beautiful journey of discovering, as the author did, how God covers our uncertainties with His peace, that He is our strength when we’re weak, and that life can still be beautiful even when it’s a far cry from how we hoped the pages of our stories would unfold. There were so many touching moments, heartfelt truths that my heart really needed, and relatable themes. I highlighted so many quotes, and I’d love nothing more than to share all my favorites in my review, but I don’t want to spoil these beautiful nuggets of truth for you if you haven’t read this book yet. So I’ll share one of my top favorites:
“God is who He says He is, and when we cannot hold on any longer, He will not let go. He will carry us.”
What a reminder 🥺🤍
Although Safe All Along wasn’t my favorite of the author’s books, I still loved this book and would highly recommend it!
Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an eARC of Safe All Along. A positive review was not required, only my honest opinion. All thoughts are expressly my own.

I loved Katie Davis Majors' first book, Kisses From Katie, so I was really excited to see that she had written another book. Safe All Along was a book filled with encouragement and understanding. I enjoyed the conversational tone of the book, and how Katie shared how to turn to God when anxious, without sounding overly "preachy". I really enjoyed reading her personal stories, and wish she would have included more of them. Katie is a missionary, a mom of 15, and a wife, so she has a lot that she could be stressed about. Yet, she does not come across as feeling she is superior to anyone or that she has more to worry about than most. She is very relatable and humble, and as someone who struggles with anxiety, I found the book to be very inspiring. Katie goes through 9 practices in the book, to help the readers draw closer to God during difficult times: spending time in His word, spending time in prayer, remembering, learning how to lament, training our hearts to praise, practicing presence, creating space for rest, embracing forgiveness, service, and waiting in hope. Each chapter ends with a heartfelt prayer.
Some quote that stood out to me in this book include:
"I want to call out to Jesus as if my life depends on it, because it does, and I want to do so with the certainty that He will, He has, rescued us."
"When my emotions wanted to take charge, I returned to the Word of God, remembering what is true and picturing Jesus calming the gale-force winds of my feelings."
"He is not a passive or distant God but Immanuel, God who is with us even in our darkest times."
"It's okay to be sad, it's okay to lament, but it's not okay to stay there forever. Lament. Grieve. Cry out. And then turn your heart back to praise. Not because you have everything you want. Not because the circumstance has changed. Not because things are necessarily going your way. But because you can trust in God's unfailing love and because, in Jesus, He has been good to us."
"I want to choose joy not as a feeling but as a lifestyle."
I recommend this book if you enjoyed Kisses from Katie, and if you are struggling with anxiety. It will give you a message of hope, and give you practical advice of how to turn to the One who can truly heal.

In her latest book, Safe All Along, Katie Davis Majors explores how to battle anxiety with the truth of God's Word and rest in the peace He gives us. I thought the book was good but very basic and repetitive at times. I didn't really learn anything I didn't already know, but it served as a good reminder during bouts of anxiety, especially since I read it over an extended period so I could ponder each of the chapters more. 4 stars.

This book is honest and beautiful. Katie gives powerful advice from the heart and it helped me feel validated and less lonely in my desire to control and plan everything. Tons of scripture and Bible truths woven all throughout. Highly recommend reading and taking the tangible advice to heart!

Majors writes, “I want to live in the peace that is dependent not on my circumstances but on the unchanging character of my God.” (194/3375) She shares the lessons she has learned, especially when uncertainty of a world wide pandemic, illness, a family crisis and a move back to the U.S. caused her to be struck with anxiety.
It can happen even when we have been faithful, she writes. She shares helpful insights from the Bible and her own experiences. She reminds us how the enemy tempts us to think God is withholding something good. She shares her struggle with wanting to be in control. She reminds us God is intentional in not letting us see the entire plan.
Majors says she is still learning. She is seeing a counselor and takes anti-depressants. That, combined with intentional habits, it is helping her live in the peace Jesus offers. She gives practical suggestions like spending time in God's Word, reminding ourselves of God's faithfulness in the past, and more. Sidebars add questions for reflection or discussion.
This is a good book containing an honest look at the struggle to live in God's peace and good suggestions on learning to do so.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

🌷 Book Review 🌷
Thank you @netgalley for my free ebook copy of “Safe All Along” by @katieinuganda_ . 🫶🏼
I read Katie’s first book, “Kisses from Katie” as a teenager in 2014. Like so many, I found her testimony and her life in Uganda to be incredibly inspirational and even convicting. I’ve enjoyed following Katie and her family and their story ever since. “Safe All Along” is Katie’s third book, and I was so excited when she announced she was writing it!
“Safe All Along” is a powerful book about anxiety and fear and replacing those with the truths of God and the peace of God. As a believer who’s battled situational anxiety and intense pre + postpartum anxiety over the past several years and pregnancies, I really appreciated both Katie’s vulnerability in sharing her struggle, but also of each truth and reminder of who God is and what He says that she provided. I love the way Katie tells stories that point to deeper truths, and I walked away from this book feeling encouraged. 💕
I would 10/10 recommend “Safe All Along,” and I hope my review encourages you to grab a copy. 🫶🏼

“I don’t want to just know what the peace of Christ is; I want to live in the confidence and security that God has promised me. I want to be both desperate for Him and deeply anchored in His certain peace as the world around me spins in chaos.”
The referenced quote is one of my favorites from Safe All Along by Katie Davis Majors. It is how I want to believe and live, and I am thankful that Majors put this into words. Reading one of Majors’ books is like sitting and talking to an old and trusted friend. She makes me feel like she has just dropped by my home for a visit, and it may take us a short while to catch up as she shares with me all that has gone on in her world since our last visit. As I read, I compare notes to draw parallels with my life and think of questions I wish I could ask. Then, I laugh because Majors usually manages to answer all of these questions by the end of her book!
In this book, Majors tackles what it means to be safe with God.
What does it mean to trust God with your whole heart? Majors reminds us of those precious verses many of us learned as children: Proverbs 3:5-6 She reminded me that when I fix my eyes on God, He makes my path straight. He does not necessarily give me the road map. But when I keep my eyes Fixed On Him, I have noticed I tend to take fewer side trips, fall in fewer potholes, and rarely get lost!
I have read the other books Katie Davis Majors has written, and each of them has caused me to examine my own life and relationship with God, be challenged, grow, and be greatly encouraged. Safe All Along is another beautifully written work that brings readers peace amid chaos.
I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Multnomah & NetGalley. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own and without influence.