Member Reviews

Katie Davis Majors is one of my heroes. She has stepped out in faith as a teenager and left the comfort of her upbringing and moved to Uganda. There she adopted 13 girls and has been raising them ever since. Along the way her life has changed. She is now married and a mom to two more children, both boys. She has matured and at times been battered by the life God has chosen for her. She has wrestled with her faith and her God. She has an ability to create word pictures that help the reader to identify with her struggles and it helps the reader also wrestle with our own struggles. This book reads very much like a memoir. If you ever need to turn your eyes back to Jesus and to know that even in the tumult of life that you are safe in His care, you will learn much from her journey.

My thanks to Multnomah for a copy of this book via Net Galley. The review here is my own.

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This book is such an encouraging and life changing book. Rather than just exploring what it means to be secure in Christ, Majors writes several chapters focusing on practical ways you can safely and peacefully in Christ. Her illustrations are universal and help the reader to grasp the nuances involved in trusting Jesus. I can't wait to read this one again!

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Through stories from her life, Katie Davis Majors writes about anxiety, fear, and peace. She provides practical practices, such as spending time with Him, praise, and rest, to find peace through Christ. This book is good for anyone who struggles with anxiety as it doesn't feel like the author is preaching at you, but showing you through her life that anxiety is real and is not something that can just be turned off. We are all a work in progress.

"We can't ditch anxiety by ourselves. Peace isn't something we can muster up from deep inside. Christ alone makes us whole, and Christ alone offers deliverance and salvation."

"All our vices that rob us of peace- control, distraction, addiction, anxiety- come from a place of fear. And God knows this. God who created us and knows our frame knows that we are scared."

"We are creatures of habit and control is our addiction."

"So often, our anxiety is fueled by the very busyness that we thought might distract us from our worries in the first place!"

"We don't just rest to recharge. We don't just rest because God commanded it. We rest because God commanded it. We rest as a way of saying to Him, 'You are God, and I am not.'"

I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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In her book, Safe All Along, bestselling author Katie Davis Majors walks her readers through the struggles of overcoming anxiety so that they can realize that she did that we have been safe all along. She begins the book by describing a story of swimming in the Nile River with her daughter in a place with fast rapids. When they both got caught in the rapids, Katie thought her daughter would get swept away. When they both came out alright, Katie’s husband took her to a higher vantage point, where she could see that there were several places along the river where her daughter could have swam to safety. This illustration sets up the whole book, encouraging readers to realize that in Christ, we are safe all along. This is hard-earned wisdom for Katie, as she experienced serious anxiety over the last several years between the weight of worrying for her family and loved ones, a global pandemic, and a difficult move from her beloved country of Uganda to the United States. While she has chosen to see a therapist and medication to help with her struggle, Katie has also chosen to process her struggles and anxieties through the lens of Scripture and help her readers do the same. The first half of the book lays the foundation for overcoming the spiritual aspect of anxiety and worry by sharing Scriptures and part of the story of her emotional roller coaster of the last few years. The second half of the book lays out 10 practices based on Scripture that can help readers in their own journey toward finding biblical shalom.

This book is honest, relatable, and full of powerful biblical truth. Katie continues to speak with wisdom beyond her years and a vulnerability that allows readers to find a place in which they relate to her journey. This is a great book that I highly recommend. Get your copy today!

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I've deeply appreciate the faith and stories I've experienced in Katie Davis Majors' earlier books and was glad to see a new title of hers come along. This one felt different in some ways from her previous books. While there were personal struggles and stories shared, there were far less than her other books. In the place of her own story, there was more Scripture and truth shared. I recognize that it might feel harder to share her own stories in this season with more of her children older, and much more of her life shared now with her husband and children. Her stories are less her own than they once were. My favorite parts remained her storytelling, and I would have loved for there to be more of those elements, even if I understand why there might have been less. I appreciated the truth Katie shares and the way she points towards honesty and safety with the Lord. It could have preachy if not for how heartfelt and sincere Katie is in sharing. Lots of good truth shared here, but definitely a different kind of book from her earlier ones.

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I savored this book. I sort of used it alongside my devotion time most days. I would read a chapter or two at a time and soak it in.

I really liked the inserts and prayers. It helps solidify and make the ideas real for your own life.

Katie’s books are like having conversations with a friend over coffee. It’s warm and comforting. She’s sharing lessons learned and lessons lived with no judgement or elitism because she’s also sharing things she’s still learning and going through.

At the end of this book, I’m still hurting. I still have doubts and fears and things I’m wrestling with God about. But the truths Katie shares filled some cracks and soaked into my heart just a little more. What she is saying is not ground-breaking but she says it in a way my heart can receive. I have so many highlights!!!

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own and a favorable review was not required.

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Thank you all for this early gifted copy of Safe All Along!

I have loved Katie and her books since a friend gifted me her first book about 10 years ago. I felt so connected to her, with similar interests, likes, hobbies, passions and beliefs. She had this way of writing that felt like you were sitting with your best friend who knew everything about you and they were talking to your heart.

10+ years later, and I feel the same way with this book. Beautifully written, giving so much insight to the stress and anxiety within our world today. I felt seen, loved, heard, acknowledged.

Already making a list of people who I plan on recommending this book too.

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This is a beautifully written book from Katie’s heart, right reaches right to the heart of the reader. It certainly touched my heart right from the very beginning.

Katie shares the struggles and the blessings of being a missionary and living in a foreign country. At age 23, before she was married, Katie adopted thirteen daughters in Uganda. Later upon her marriage to Benji Majors, three more biological children were added to their family. After living in Uganda for many years it was another huge adjustment to move back to the United States to their home state of Tennessee. It is not easy to find a home to accommodate seventeen people. Repeatedly, God provides their needs and surrounds them with people to come along side them in their ministry as well as helping them love their family.

Katie honestly shares about her fears, and other issues she struggles with as well as the abundant blessings God has bestowed upon her large family through many others. Scriptures are shared throughout this heartfelt book that substantiate her trust in God and His promises.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy! This book by Katie was different than the rest in the fact it was not about Uganda. It was more about anxiety and how to deal with day to day struggles. As always, she uses real life stories and ties them into scripture. Good tool for readers as well as just an enjoyable story.

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Safe All Along by Katie Davis was a fantastic read, much anticipated, and much appreciated perspective! I read Katie's other books and remember hearing of her story in moving to Uganda a decade ago, with such sincerity and joy, effusing with love of Christ and his people and her new home. This book was such an encouragement of a faithful testimony navigating life in ministry and home in the midst of anxieties and troubles that come our way. It is hard as a faithful Christian to admit that we can befall to these but we are exempt from no type of pain in this life. There is a lot of uncertainty, pain, and traumas in her life, which she shares with us in such grace in order to point to Christ through it all. A lot of scary things going on don't distract from the fact that our faces should be pointed to Christ. Even in the chaos and confusion and uncertainty we press in to Him. Katie's book, Safe All Along, was a mindful testimony to this as she navigated shifts in her life and ministry and own transition seasons. If you are in a transition season of uncertainty, or just a difficult season which seems to have no end, let this book comfort you! Thanks to Netgalley for an early copy of the book to review.

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Synopsis: “Beholding the face of God is the antidote to our swirling anxiety. Beholding the face of God gives us the courage to confront what is up ahead, even when we don’t know what it is.” Anxiety, fear, worry: these are all words that are often too familiar to us. But what happens when we turn our gaze elsewhere? What happens when we look to God and see who He is and what He’s doing? In her book, Safe All Along. Katie lovingly leads us through her story of looking to God and teaches us to see that He is the constant source for healing our fearful hearts.

Analysis: I first discovered Katie’s story in college when I read Kisses from Katie. It’s still one of my favorite books today, but when Katie writes a new book, I feel like I’ve just grown up with her. I don’t know her personally (though I did meet her a few years ago! Katie, if you read this, remember when you couldn’t talk and signed books in Franklin? Hi again! I’m so grateful to have met you!). But I feel like I’ve watched her grow in her relationship with Christ and feel so blessed that she would share her wisdom with us. Safe All Along met me in a place I didn’t even realize how badly I needed it. There are a lot of scary things going on in this world today, but Katie points our eyes right where they need to be: the face of Jesus. Do yourself a favor, read this book! But if you really want her whole story, read her other two first 😉

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

*All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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“Peace isn’t a feeling; it’s a promise that finds fulfillment in a Person.”

Everyone struggles with feeling anxious and unsafe, yet for those who are Christians, we have access to a God who provides the ultimate peace and security in Him. Katie’s book provides practical ways to let go of control and stay connected to God when we find ourselves grasping for safety that we can’t find in this life. Using the story of how she and her family uprooted their lives in Uganda and moved to the United States, she shares about how she felt deep anxiety but ultimately, through both counseling and a deeper relationship with God, she found peace in Him. She provides thematic chapters as guides for ways to lean into God’s peace on topics like rest, community, and prayer, using stories from her life and abridged stories from the Bible to illustrate them.

What I really like about Katie’s books are that they feel like a friend is sitting down with you over a cup of coffee to share her experiences. She’s not condescending or overly preachy; she uses her experiences, which are many, to illustrate the wisdom she’s gained from her walk with God. When I read the description for this book, I was interested because this is a relatable topic–I struggle with control and feeling unsafe and anxious in a world that threatens me constantly, and many of the things Katie said I could connect with.

However, what I struggled with in this book was the lack of meat. It’s definitely more of a narrative style book, and a lot of the chapters had little theological or biblical content. She used summarized biblical stories or very short verses taken out of context, which is generally not a good idea, to support her points. Her general points were also very basic. Read your Bible, pray, rest, etc. Some of the points within the chapters were very good, but I felt in general that this book didn’t share anything new. Her stories were what made the book powerful, but the theology and practical sides of the book were lacking. However, if you enjoy more narrative-style books and aren’t looking to go super deep, Katie’s relatable, friendly voice is really a pleasure to read.


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My favorite Katie Davis Majors book yet! Our day-to-day lives look very different, but this book is approachable, heartwarming, challenging, encouraging, and wise. If you struggle with worry or anxiety, put Safe All Along on your TBR list!

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Once again, Katie has delivered a book full of so much truth, wisdom, and conviction straight from God’s Word that I don’t even know where to begin! Like a mentoring big sister, she pulls you in close and invites you to take the journey with her through the desert to discover the priceless treasure of our Prince of Peace.

In short, this book was exactly what my heart desperately needed in this season of transition and uncertainty and loss. I could relate so very much to many of Katie’s deepest worries—of being uprooted, of not knowing what’s coming up ahead, of losing all you know and love. And yet, with gentle love and zero condemnation, she turned my eyes back to Jesus, my true peace, and to all the blessings I have right in front of me.

I cried so many times while reading this book, but they were good, cleansing tears. As with each book I read by Katie, I felt as though I had found a true friend and sister in Christ in her by the end. Katie has such a beautiful heart for people, and that bled through on every page. There were so many gems that I probably ended up highlighting half the book!

Her chapter on surrendering control of our lives to God convicted me deeply. As a bit of a control freak myself, I can relate to the desperate desire to grip tightly to everything in life because of the fear that I might lose it all in a moment. But surrender is worth it because it gives us the peace we can’t have if we’re constantly wanting to take control of our lives.

I appreciated that Katie included several chapters on cultivating a practice of surrender through Bible reading, prayer, remembrance, thanksgiving, lament, mindfulness, rest, forgiveness, service, and hope. Those chapters were some of my favorite because they brought out tangible ways we can work to surrender control and live in the here and now.

While many books have been written on why we should trust God, few delve into the practical, habitual practices we can take to cultivate trust and make it a reality. This is what sets Katie’s book apart as a treasure that I’ll be coming back to again and again.

Dear friend, if you are anxious, afraid, or just plain weary of life’s many trials, this book is for you. It will soothe your worried soul with truth straight from God’s Word, while convicting you of your weakness and equipping you with the tools to cultivate a habit of surrender and trust. This is a resource you’ll want to go back to often. To remind yourself of the truths we can so often forget in the dark.

This is a book that will both challenge you, comfort you, and give you hope as we look forward to a new heaven and earth where loss, sorrow, pain, and tears will be no more. Because with Jesus, you are truly safe all along.

*Thank you to Multnomah and Netgalley for providing me with a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and WaterBrook & Multnomah for the review copy!

“Safe All Along - Trading Our Fears and Anxieties for God's Unshakable Peace” by Katie Davis Majors is a book about leaving your anxousess and fears. It is a book that show just how important that is and helps you on your way to do so.

It is a very beautiful book. It is beautifully written. Also, it is easy to read and understand.

This book feels vry personal, and Katie Davis has written everything so beautifully. I am sure this book will help a lot of people and inspire a lot of people too.

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wonderful book of faith and acceptance. With a lovely writing style that is literate without sounding preachy, Ms Majors puts forth her message to trust in the power of Jesus to get us through our day to day worries and trials. To understand that many of our concerns can be helped through the power of prayer that will allow us to gain perspective over such issues and find out way through them. That said, what I found to be most interesting was that Ms. Majors doesn't discount modern therapy or drugs. She admits that she uses antidepressants and sees a therapist and uses those resources in addition to her faith to see her through the troubles that arise in her day to day living.

This is a thoughtful, relatable and uplifting book told with a voice that feels personal and sincere in it's delivery.

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This book is so appropriate for this time! I was really challenged and convicted to do better at trusting the Lord, which is something He has been working on in my life lately anyway. The first few chapters especially spoke to me, but all of it is great!!
If you struggle with trusting God, or with not being able to see the whole picture, I highly recommend this book!
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance e-copy of this book! All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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I loved Katie’s other two books, and this one didn’t disappoint. This book was like a breath of fresh air & the warm hug of a friend. 💛

It’s real. It’s authentic. Each page had me thinking, “She gets it. She understands. I’m not the only one. I’m not alone.” It truly comes from the heart of a fellow sister in the trenches sharing words of encouragement, truth, and hope. Every chapter serves as a loving reminder that Jesus is with us, that our stories aren’t over, and that there is beauty to be found even in the midst of heartache & uncertainty.

I appreciate the acknowledged difference between worry vs. real anxiety/mental health issues and shares her struggles with both. She reiterates that telling people to “enough faith” isn’t the answer—there should be no shame in needing to take medication or receiving therapy.

So much of this book helped challenge the mentality I’ve picked up of being a “good Christian.” God wants to meet us in our grief, sorrow, and anxiety. He isn’t looking for us to clean our feelings up before coming to Him. We can be honest with Him because He already knows our hearts and won’t turn us away.

Another highlight was the chapter on productivity & hustle culture being the antithesis of rest, and how our addiction to being “needed” can come to define who we are, making us feel we need to earn Gods favour instead of knowing we are beloved for who we are in Jesus—not because of what we do. Plus, how it is possible that the business of busyness can become our idol of control. These things and more definitely hit hard.

As I finished with tears in my eyes, this book was exactly what my heart & my faith needed. I feel certain this will be a top read of 2023, and I cannot wait to purchase a physical copy to annotate with my countless notes & highlights!!

*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts are my honest opinions.

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I love Katie Davis Major’s story, and so I eagerly picked up her latest book. Good stuff! Encouraging and hopeful, each chapter dives into a different truth about why we can trust God. I admit, I wanted more of Katie’s story or day-to-day analogies. The vagueness with which she described moving back to the States from Uganda (because of COVID? An ill family member?) distracted me due to lack of detail.

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After 6 years it was so nice to hear from Katie again. She has a way with words that is very encouraging and makes you feel like you are not alone in whatever you are going through. This book is different from her first two in that it is less about her family and ministry and more about lessons she has learned as a wife, mother of many, and ministry leader. Along the way she has had overwhelming doubts, worries, fears, and anxieties. In other words, she’s human just like the rest of us.
It's easy to look at those we think are spiritually stronger than us and believe that they don’t have problems. Or if they do, they deal with them easily. But Katie shows us that we are all prone to trials and testings and must lean on Jesus as our provider and protector. Although we cannot see what is around the next bend in the road, He has full view. While we do not see the big picture as He does, we can still have peace, knowing all along we are safe in His care. Using scripture as the guide, she shows that peace comes as we practice resting in Him and being still in His presence, even in the midst of our busyness. The second half the of book gives practical ways to form habits that will lead us into and keep us in His perfect peace, no matter what is going on around us.
I recommend this book to anyone looking for peace and security in this unpredictable world. Jesus is the only place to find the comfort and safety you are looking for. And I recommend this book to seasoned Christians, because we can all use a reminder to get our eyes off our circumstances and back onto the only One Who is Peace.
*I received a free copy of this e-book from NetGalley and WaterBrook & Multnomah Publishers. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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