Member Reviews

This is such a beautifully illustrated, thoughtful book on all the ways to hear/see/express kindness in your day. It’s just a really sweet book. The short pages are great to engage the littles with conversation or breeze through when it’s time for bed. I really loved it and will be getting a copy for my kids to have in their little home library!

We have a StoryWalk outside of our library and I think this book would be perfect for that! It's such a great children's book that teaches kindness through different ways. I will definitely recommend my children's librarian look into acquiring this book for our library!

Wonderful book for elementary students about the kindness we see in our world. The illustrations are gorgeous, bright and colorful. I imagine younger students will enjoy looking at the bright illustrations and the simplicity of the language. That said, this would probably be best for younger elementary kids rather than older due to its simplicity. The readers notes at the back give great ideas for making text to life connections and this would make a great read aloud lesson.

This a sweet, gentle, beautiful children’s book. It is a great book to help children listen and understand communication and the wonderful ways we can talk to each other and work together. The pictures are beautiful and colorful and interesting to view the tiny details of the world around us. This is a positive book and one to open different discussion topics with children as we talk about the beauties & wonders around us.

For a book being only 19 pages and a few sentences on the pages, WOW did this make me emotional. Kindness is a verb and this book personified that. The illustrations were absolutely beautiful and I love the situations portrayed on the pages. The reader's guide at the end for adults guiding children through kindness mindfulness practices was spot on and I can see myself using this with the kids in my life. I will definitely be buying this and recommending it to others!
I work in a profession of accessibility (specifically with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community), so the focus on listening and hearing was a bit jarring, but the message was beautiful and can cross ability lines.

A whimsical and beautifully illustrated book about how kindness is all around us in the little things and how it doesn't take much to be kind. It's a bit sparse and I would have loved more content, but it's the perfect feel-good read for kids.

What a lovely, gentle breath of fresh air. This book will help remind readers young abs old of all the good that surrounds us and the kind words we can use with each other that mean so much. Love the idea of a kindness walk.

Take a walk with a grown up through your neighborhood and listen for all the people who are showing kindness to one another! Everything is expressed as they walk along through the neighborhood and the park in all kinds of colors (I love the family in green). At the end is two pages of reader's notes filled with ideas of this and other walks to take together.
The illustrations by Teresa Martinez are fun, colorful, and delightful while making it clear what is happening.
Well suited for reading WITH someone of any age including ESL, and great for gifting to anyone, but especially to a school, doctor's office or your public library!
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from American Psychological Association/Magination Press via NetGalley. Thank you!

Super applicable and aesthetically pleasing lessons on kindness . There are so many children’s books about this subject but this is so authentic and applicable.
I will definitely be buying this for someone friends

A book that teaches children how to be kind. On a walk, a child and father see various expressions of kindness. I love the illustrations too! They are so beautiful!

This is a cute book with simple but beautiful illustrations. Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced copy of this book for review!

You will enjoy this new book of few, simple conversational words, teaching children the simple message that "If you look for something in the world, you have a greater chance of finding it. And so it is with kindness." The main characters in the book take a "kindness walk" around the community, looking for evidence of kindness. Many kind words and acts are found, drawing the reader into the idea of listening and noticing. This book had beautifully detailed illustrations, which my the students in my third-grade class took the time to admire and discuss. The readers are encouraged to take their own kindness walk to focus on conversation and nature. As a teacher, I love this idea. It would be fun to keep a list in the classroom of the kindnesses that student observe each day.

Although I received a copy of this ebook in exchange for my review, all opinions remain my own.
I loved the illustrations in this beautiful story, they kept the eyes busy even as the short story kept you pushing along. It was short but held lots of meaning. The last page of the story held this quote: we hear the sound of kindness when we listen to the day. We fill our world with kindness with the words we choose to say." I think it is something that both parents and little kiddos will like. One thing I especially loved about this book is the reader's note at the end, it gives several suggestions on walks you could take with your own children and ways you could take the book into your own life.
In my opinion, this book would be perfect for younger children and those who need a reminder to look for the kind in the world.

The Sound of Kindness is a book about being kindful (mindful of kindness)
In this book, an adult and a child walk through their neighborhood and observe different acts of kindness, such as a young person helping an older man carry groceries, children sharing toys, and people encouraging one another. The Reader’s note mentions different kinds of kindness walks, which were all interesting concepts.
Kindness is contagious, and this book will plant a seed of kindness in the readers.

The pastel soft beautiful illustrations are perfect for a story about kindness. The Sound of Kindness is written in a unique format. It follows a child and a parent as they stroll around their neighborhood. The story is told in snippets of interactions and conversations they happen to overhear. If you look for it, kindness and compassion are everywhere. Choose kindness because you never know what difference it might make for someone. I will definitely be considering this gorgeous book for our library. 💜
***Thank you to Netgalley and Magination Press for providing me with a review copy.***

Loved the message and illustrations throughout the book. It felt a bit too short but it's great book to teach kindness. My son liked it!
I received a free copy from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

The Sounds of Kindness is a sweet, colorful book about noticing everyday kindnesses all around you. It will be a story to share with young children to prompt a conversation about what kindness is and how it is expressed. The pictures are clear and interesting, with lots of details but not cluttered. This title would also be a good one to share when talking about community.

Super cute book with a lovely message! I love the drawings and short sentences (making it readable for a 2 and 3 year old). This is one I’ll be purchasing a hard copy of!

The Sound of Kindness is a wonderful book. I can't wait to get a hard copy of this book for my 1st grade classroom. The author not only shows children what kindness "looks" like, but what it sounds like in all parts of our day and the real world. I love how Amy Ludwig VanDerwater shows how no matter where you are, if you listen, you will hear kindness. How much better our world would be if more people would stop and listen to "The Sound of Kindness". A huge recommendation for the primary grade classroom! #TheSoundofKindness #NetGalley #amyludwigvanderwater #childrensbook #childrensbookreview #kindnessmatters #readwithmslucy #mslucysliteracycorner
Thank you to NetGalley and Magination Press for giving me the opportunity to read this book!

I love the illustrations with warm and short sentences about kindness. A good book to teach about kindness, and saying good to everyone