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Forged by Blood

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Forged by Blood is a fast-paced fantasy adventure that had me strapped in from the first page.

I had fun reading this! Some of the plot was a little predictable, such as the mates and the overall romance aspect, but there was one reveal that genuinely had me shocked. I liked learning about the lush world, although I would have liked to understand the magic system a little bit more. When I finished, I felt as though I knew barely more than when I had started. I wish we knew more about the system as a whole, the different types of magic, and how it manifests. It felt as though at every turn there was just a new kind of magic there with a brand new name and rules that differ from what the last one was.

The romance plot was well balanced with the adventure side, although it was clear from the beginning who she would "choose" at the end. That being said, I did enjoy the moments shared between the pair, I am a sucker for hurt/comfort.

Overall, I give this book 3.5 stars, and I am excited for the next one!

I received this arc from NetGalley and Harper Voyager in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Harper Voyager and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.

Forged by Blood by is a spectacular adult fantasy debut that takes readers on a thrilling journey through a tyrannical society based on Nigerian mythology. From the very first page, I was hooked by the rich lore and the captivating journey of our main character, Dèmi.

While the tone and characters may have leaned more towards young adult, the enchanting world-building and mythology found throughout the is what really made this book a standout for me. Okosun's ability to create a vivid and immersive setting rooted in Nigerian folklore was nothing short of amazing.

Dèmi, our main character, is a force to be reckoned with, and her fight to survive in the oppressive society she is born into is both gripping and inspiring. Her growth and resilience throughout the narrative make her a compelling protagonist that readers can easily connect with and root for.

While the love triangle may have felt a bit unnecessary and an ending that included one too many grand monologues and reveals by the villains and heroes, the overall journey was still immensely enjoyable. The book's pacing and action-packed sequences kept me engaged, and I find myself eagerly anticipating book two in this duology.

Yet despite these minor flaws, the strength of the world-building, the journey of the main character, and the intriguing lore make this book a must-read for fantasy enthusiasts. I cannot wait to see how the story unfolds in the next installment, and I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a unique and immersive fantasy experience.

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A really interesting story with great world building and character development that has me looking forward to reading the second book! I would recommend to readers who like epic fantasy with lots of action, magic and a love triangle.

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DNF @33%. I really wanted to like this one! The premise sounded amazing: action-packed adventure inspired by Nigerian mythology?! I actually enjoyed the beginning before the time jump; I was very invested in the MC and was excited to see where the story would go. Unfortunately, the plot kind of went wild after that and everything moved so quickly there wasn’t much room left for worldbuilding and actually getting to know the characters. The story also started becoming more predictable and juvenile - there is a love triangle that seems very sudden and forced, which is when I stopped reading.

The worldbuilding and characters were okay and I actually wanted more. However, the plot turns very YA which, combined with a very YA style of writing, led me to stop reading.

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after dèmi’s mother is murdered in front of her, she swears to avenge her and the rest of their murdered people, the oluso. so, when the opportunity arises, she and her friend colin set out to kidnap the aje prince, jonas, and bargain with his life to save the remaining oluso. but dèmi and jonas quickly become attracted to each other, which could mean trouble.

though i haven’t read that many, i don’t think a nigerian mythology-inspired book has disappointed me so far, so i was really excited to pick this one up. this really did not disappoint and i enjoyed reading about the in-depth world building and magic system, as well as the discussions on colonialism. i also loved the characters so much, and enjoyed how complex they all were. i highly recommend this book and i can’t wait to see where book two takes us!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon/Harper Voyager for the eArc. Dèmi’s story begins with a betrayal of trust that ultimately leads to her mother’s death. Prior to reading the book, I was under the impression that this was an adult fantasy debut, however, I feel that it felt more like a YA fantasy instead. The beginning of the novel begins with Dèmi as a child which, at first, explained the younger feel to the writing. As the story progresses, I expected Dèmi to be more mature, more wary of others and more thoughtful of consequences for her actions. I did not enjoy the love triangle, especially when the FMC vacillates between the two love interests. Overall, I am interested in seeing where the sequel takes Dèmi, Colin, and Jonas.

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I’ve been wanting an African inspired fantasy since finishing The Battle Drum, and this book fixed that need. Also, look how beautiful this cover is! ☺️

Inspired by Nigerian mythology, I thought it was an interesting premise of how magic users are hunted/killed for their abilities; it definitely presented similar feelings of European colonization of the Africa and its history with the slave trade. 😔

Where the book really shines for me was with the inclusion of the elemental spirits. I LOVED how Okosun portrays them as benevolent spirits who want to help humanity despite its tendencies to destroy everything. I really hope we get to see more of those in the future! 🧚🏼‍♂️

As for the world building, it was a fascinating array of landscapes that the plot takes the reader to. From the plains, the coast, and then mountains, it was a fun ride to go on for sure! 🗺️

The characters, as much as I like them, did have some flaws for me. Dèmi was such an interesting MC, but at times I felt like she didn’t really think her ideas out all the way making her rather reckless in my opinion. Colin was a great friend and side character, but I felt like he was so loyal that he was blinded by it. Jonas I thought was a very well written character that struggles with fitting the position he’s expected to take on, but trying to find a community for himself. My one small issue was how rushed his and Dèmi’s relationship is rushed at times. But in the end, very interesting main cast for the first novel in the duology! 🗡️

All in all, fantastic Nigerian inspired fantasy, and definitely for those who are looking for an enemies-to-lovers like relationship filled with an interesting magic system and primarily black cast of characters! 🍃

Thank you again to @harpervoyagerus @okosunreads and @netgalley for an eARC for an honest review. It was definitely a fun start to a new series! ✨

Overall: 4.25/5⭐️

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Forged By Blood is the outstanding epic fantasy debut from Ehigbor Okosun. Dèmi was forced to run for her life at a young age when her mother was murdered. Nine years later, she’s ready for vengeance and becomes involved in a plan to kidnap the prince. Dèmi is shocked to discover that she has met the prince before and must untangle the many secrets between them. Dèmi will do anything to protect her people and avenge her mother- but how far will she have to go?

Okosun deftly handles politics, romance, action-packed battle scenes, and a well-designed magic system. I couldn’t put this book down! The pacing was excellent- it felt action-packed with adventures, yet still had moments of deep connection between the characters. Dèmi is such a lovable character who it is impossible not to feel invested in. Dèmi is willing to risk it all for her people and tries to help everyone, even if it places her in danger. I enjoyed Dèmi’s romantic predicament and I think she definitely made the right choice. One of my favorite scenes was with the omioja; the verdict they reached was so heartbreakingly beautiful and moving. I really enjoyed Dèmi’s relationship with the magical creatures of the forest and can’t wait to learn more about them in the sequel.

Readers who seek fated mates with a magical connection, strong heroines, and stunning magic systems will devour Forged Blood. Readers who enjoyed N.E. Davenport (The Blood Gift), Jordan Ifueko (Raybearer), and Deborah Falaye (Blood Scion) will love this book!

Thank you so much to Ehigbor Okosun, Harper Voyager, and Netgalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

For publisher: My review will be posted on Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Storygraph, and Barnes & Noble etc

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This book was so interesting.

I truly enjoyed the way the plot unrolled, the characters, the writing style, and the different myths and culture the author used to help write the story.

The way the Demi had to learn to trust again after a sharp betrayal, understand that she still deserves love, and is able to show mercy to those will not show it to her made her a powerful character. I loved her personality and fearlessness she showed esp when she needed to step in to help others.

I was so sad when I noticed that the second one does not have a release date yet as I just want to keep following Demi’s story and hope that all her questions get answered.

I would recommend this to everyone especially as it talks about race issues in a way that is easy to understand for younger readers as this book is marked YA.

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Wow, this book is so amazingly good. If you’re fond of epic fantasy, political machinations, and soulmates this is a book you should absolutely read!

Dèmi grew up having to keep her abilities secret because just before her birth the kingdom of Ìfe was conquered and all Oluson persecuted for fear of what their abilities could do against the Eingardan. One day, though, a young boy is brought to Dèmi and her mother, poisoned, and the act of saving his life condemns Dèmi’s mother. Dèmi is able to escape with her life and find family and home, but nine years later the events and people who led to Dèmi’s mother’s death are coming back to demand a price.

The writing of Forged by Blood is so beautiful and utterly engrossing. I loved the world and the way magic worked, how much of it is spiritual and a blessing. But also that there is always a price to magic, and rules about how it can be wielded. The family and community aspects were also especially good. There are such complex interpersonal dynamics at play, and so many secrets that keep changing the reality once revealed. Once I got sucked in, I found this hard to put down. And that ending! I cannot wait to see what is going to happen next because big changes have occurred. The political machinations really come to a head in the last quarter, but all the pieces have been moving since the beginning. Which, to me, really shows a strong handle of the world and the goals because for all the moving parts, they create a really amazing whole!

All around this is a fantastic read that I highly encourage picking up!

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Forged By Blood
by Ehigbor Okosun

“We will fight for all, not just those whose lives you deem worthy,”

“They may kill me, but at least I get to choose my death.”

“We are both beautiful, we are both powerful. And come what may, we are both together. It is time for war.”

“She always said a woman could do everything a man could do while wearing a dress carrying twins.”

Forged By Blood is the first of a fantasy duology inspired by Nigerian mythology. We follow Demi on her quest harnessing and using her powers for good as well as revenge. After witnessing her mother’s murder for using forbinding magic (magic that Demi shares with her), Demi has had to start over. After finding her own family of Oluso, she has been training and perfecting the use of her abilities and fighting.

When Demi is asked to kidnap the nephew of the Aje king who made Oluso magic punishable by death, she and her best friend Colin work together to complete this task. If she does not, her found family and her people may have to pay the ultimate price. Demi must use all that she’s learned in order to make the world a better place for all.

“Abidemi. The meaning is cruel, but definite: A girl born without a father. The name my mother gave to sever my destiny from my father’s.”

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Loved this book. Fabulous world building and character growth. Excellent read with an interesting protagonist who experiences great personal growth.

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4.0 out of 5.0 stars.

This story is about Dèmi, who is an Oluso or spirit-born. In the past, everyone was Oluso and had powers derived from the seven tribes. Now, Oluso are hunted and killed for their magic. Dèmi and her mother live in a village, trying to make ends meet. After healing a young boy from poison, she and her mom are betrayed. And *spoilers* her mother is murdered. Nine years pass, Dèmi is living with an adoptive family when she is approached by a man who promises peace for her and her people if she can kidnap the prince. And of course, hijinks ensues.

I really loved the world and magic of this story. It is so refreshing to be fully immersed in a fantasy world. I also really love Dèmi, even though I do not always agree with her.

A few things kept this from being perfect for me. I am a big fan of a slower burn romance, and this book sorta leaps from enemies to lovers. I just wish there was a slower development there. I also struggled with how many reveals, twists, and plot was happening in the third act of the book. Most of it is foreshadowed in some way, but so much is being tossed at the reader it’s difficult to digest. I think additional pages may have been beneficial for the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I will definitely be buying a copy when it comes out (hopefully able to snatch my hands on the Fairyloot edition).

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I have been curious about this one ever since seeing its cover! It’s very eye-catching. I did like a lot of the book but there were some issues I had that ultimately didn’t make me love it.

The book is told from one point-of-view and it comes from Dèmi. We are first introduced to her when a significant event happens in her life that involves the loss of her mother. It takes a toll on her and from that point she is on a mission to make things right, not only for her but for her people as well. Dèmi is very strong, but she can be impulsive. Some of her actions are just so quick and she doesn’t think about the consequences that can follow. I do think that it makes sense since her inexperience is what causes a lot of rifts at the end.

Other characters in the book are fine but I don’t feel like we truly got to know them. Obviously for the more villainous people I felt something because their actions were horrible and you couldn’t help but hate them.

The romance was meh. Their is a forced love triangle. I am usually down for a triangle but it felt like she just used both of them. She would kiss one in front of the other and then get upset when they would fight over things. From the beginning I knew who she would pick. I already have a guess as to what the other guy will end up doing. Everything about the romance was just quick because of the “mate” trope.

I did think that the plot was pretty decent. There were a couple lulls that took me a bit to get through where I didn’t feel like picking it back up again but once you get past the 60% mark it really ramped up and I wanted to finish the rest in one day. There is a lot of talk about colonization and slavery. The author did a good job with the topics and reminded me a lot of what R.F. Kuang has done in her novels. I wouldn’t say its as gruesome but some things were pretty hard to read about. It was just real sad.

Some of the plot twists felt predictable and I feel like I caught all of them before the reveal besides one.

Overall, this was a good read even though I had some issues with it. I am still curious enough to try the sequel since there are a lot of unanswered questions.

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Forged by Blood is book 1 of a YA fantasy duology, and tells the story of a magic-wielding girl fighting to protect her people after a great personal loss.
There is a love triangle, but the fated mates trope was introduced so early that the other love interest never really felt like a possibility. I think that the author has a unique voice and I would love to read more from her- I just struggled to connect with the characters in this book and felt that the plot was lackluster. Thank you NetGalley, Harper

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FORGED BY BLOOD lives up to its promise as a classic YA tale, filled with action, a strong female lead, a love triangle, and Nigerian-inspired magic. The characters and setting are well-crafted, and I enjoyed following Demi's journey. The only drawbacks were the fast pacing and a wish for more Nigerian cultural elements. Still, it's an impressive debut, and I'm excited for the sequel and future works from the author.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC to review!

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC, the opinions that follow are my own.

I had mixed feelings about this book, but overall I did enjoy it! The beginning had me clutching my kindle at 12 PM, begging myself for one more chapter. Then, the story hit a few potholes for lack of a better term that didn’t give me the same feeling. I think it’s more of a mismatch with me as a reader than the book itself. The writing style kept me reading until the end. I am curious to see where the story ends so I will most likely be picking up the sequel!

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1/5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

DNF @ 25%

This one is a no from me, sadly, because I was really excited to read a fantasy novel that incorporated Nigerian mythology. I actually was checking when I reached 25% because it felt unfair to DNF before that, but I really couldn’t do it anymore.

Most of what I read takes place when Demi is young, but even then I noticed plot conveniences and things that simply didn’t work. It makes no sense that she would trust Jonas after a brief conversation, and then she blames him for her mother’s death even though 1) she shouldn’t have trusted someone she just met and acted surprised that he “betrayed” her and 2) it wasn’t even his fault. After the time jump, Demi decides to open the door even though her life is actively in danger, and a stranger just happens to need her for something.

After I learned there were mates and a love triangle, I decided this was no longer something I wanted to read.

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4.75/5 stars

Wow - just wow! Ehigbor Okosun is EXPLOSIVE with this brutal, intricate, elegant debut. Demi is such a great main character - she's broken and flawed and strong and torn; we learn from and with her and watch as the history she thought she knew, based her life on, is flipped on its head. She is forced to confront everything she's grown up thinking and the grief and anger she's carried for 9 years and make decisions that will determine not only her fate, but the fates of the nation and all magic users.

The world building, lore, magic, and Nigerian folklore is stunning in this book - fully immersive, beautiful, and devastating at times I was left reeling by the images rendered by Okosun's descriptions. It never felt info-dumpy but I always felt like I had enough information at the time to understand what was happening and feel apart of the world.

The relationships were just....chefs kiss. The tension and love triangle, further complicated by trust issues and secrets, was done so well. Any frustration was felt on behalf of the characters, not because I felt like Okosun was toying with us or dragging it out. Some of the reveals shocked me, others were expected, and at least one broke my heart to pieces.

Overall, this was a really phenomenal start to a duology I cannot WAIT to complete. The cover is stunning, the writing is outstanding, and it was just so fun to read. Definitely add this one to your TBR and Okosun to your authors-to-watch list!

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Unfortunately I could not get into the writing style or story of this book and ended up not finishing it

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