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Vacation Wars

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Vacation Wars is set in Santorini and Ms Quinn does a wonderful job describing this beautiful Greek Island. This book also has a bit more drama and angst than previous books by this very talented author and maybe that’s why this is not my favourite read, that being said this is still an entertaining friends to lovers romance.
Tessa and her friend made a deal in high school and Tessa is running out of time to find love before her sisters wedding and that’s where Myles a man she has met a few times on her many visits to Santorini comes in.
Myles and Tessa have crushed over each other in secret and it’s only now that they decide to take a chance and act on their feelings. So what does the future hold well you will need to one click to find that out.
Vacation Wars is an entertaining yet emotional read with the perfect mix of passion and drama.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.

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A new favorite. Quinn combines humor with serious and it’s perfect. Imagine going to the same place for a family vacation every year, for almost 30 years, and crushing on a person for the same time. Being a crush it’s like a fantasy so nobody really acts on it. But when Tessa, with her twin and two friends, goes to Greece for a girls trip before a wedding everything changes. Her friends are trying to loosen her up, which always made me a bit upset because they ignored her wishes, and hook her up with any available guy. The intentions were fun but the process was ridiculous. Myles comes to the rescue and actually enjoys Tessa’s quirks and nervous word vomit. They both have to work through some family stuff, the serious part of their story, but their connection is strong. It’s an enjoyable read with something for every one to relate to and either cringe or laugh. I received a copy through NetGalley and hand written this review voluntarily.

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I really wasn’t sure what to expect from this book as it is my first book by Meghan Quinn. Tessa is visiting Santorini Greece with her sister and their best friends to have some girl time ahead of her sisters' wedding. Their family has been coming to this resort since they were kids so it feels like a home away from home. Only Tessa had forgotten all about a contract the girls all signed when they were still teens. With one of the stipulations being “if you have not found your soulmate by the time you turn 30, you forfeit your love life to the group”, Tessa having just turned 30 now finds herself at the mercy of her sister and friends as they try to set her up for romance.

The romance in this book comes in the form of Myles, he has worked at the resort, and through their visits over the years Tessa has grown quite infatuated with him but never gathered up the courage to act on it. As it turns out Myles too has been harbouring feelings for Tessa and one night when she shows up helpless at the mercy of her friends he decides to swoop in to give her a way out.

I really liked the way the relationship between Tessa and Myles developed, and how slowly they revealed moments from their past when they had caught each other's attention. Tessa is a bit of an introvert and babbles when she is nervous which leads to some laugh-out-loud moments but I loved how Myles loves her not in spite of her quirks but because of them.

I will admit I am not a big fan of pranks in general and found the way Tessa treated her sister and their friends … and visa versa seemed really immature and on occasion downright cruel. Did it lead to some funny moments? Absolutely, but in hindsight, it was just mean and hurtful. It is briefly discussed how Tessas' sister's behaviour was inappropriate but I would have liked to see Tessa own up to her part in it as well.

The setting – I LOVE Santorini and have wanted to go back to the Greek Isles for years as it is just so beautiful and Meghan Quinn really captured Santorini and Oia beautifully. From my recollection the resorts there are on the smaller side and I think she really painted a picture of how quaint and intimate it feels to vacation there. My only comment about the description of the beaches is they tend to be either pebbly/rocky or black volcanic sand.

Overall this was a fun book, the perfect vacation read. Myles is such a sweetheart and it just about broke my heart when he thought Tessa was slipping away.

Thank You to Montlake for the gifted eARC provided through NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book and I leave my honest review voluntarily.

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Unfortunately one of my least favourite Meghan Quinn books.

I loved the scenery and atmosphere and I loved the romance between Myles and Tessa.

However, I found there to be a juxtaposition between the romance and the weird friend feud that I did not see as a feud until the first fight between the sisters. I was a bit thrown off by it as I didn't feel there was enough build up in that area. I wanted to see more of the cracks between the friendships beforehand because then it would have made more sense to me.

I still don't understand why Tessa and Myles couldn't date from the get-go.

The weird contract thing was cute up until a point. Then it became very immature and juvenile. It made me cringe to think that the third act conflict was caused by the weight Tessa assigned to this dumb piece of paper.

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From the start, this was a different feel of book for the amazing Meghan Quinn. It had themes of friendship that develops from adolescence to adulthood and how hard it can be to move on, even though you are ageing.

Tessa was a delight! She was uncomfortable in herself for much of the story, but the growth she showed was remarkably drawn. Miles was a squishy cinnamon roll who you just wanted to hug and reassure that everything would be alright.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Montlake for the early copy for review.

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Meghan Quinn never fails to make me laugh out loud while reading!

Tessa and Roxane Doukas are twins. As always there's the outgoing twin - Roxane, and the more demure twin - Tessa.

The twins travel with their two besties to their normal summer vacation spot at a resort in Santorini, which is also where Roxane's wedding will be held. The four besties are spending a week or two together there before the big day.

Myles Cirillo is the son of the man who owns the resort. All through the years, he had a crush on Tessa and she on him, but they never interacted. He's been living in New York for seven years but has returned to try to get his father to accept him into the family business.

Tessa and her twin and friends had a "contract" as teens that included a clause that if one of them wasn't in a relationship by age 30, the other 3 got to take over their choices in romance. Tessa is single as a pringle three months post turning thirty and the other three are working hard to find her a man. It is hilarious and sad at times and lord they have bad taste.

Tessa and Myles team up to beat the others at their own game, and I think you can see where this is headed.

As always, we got the MQ humor, some spice, and some characters that really needed some growth. Such an enjoyable read!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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I really thought that I was going to enjoy this one, but unfortunately not. I was wrong. The MC's annoyed me so much with their decisions. They acted very immature and the story was just not enjoyable at all... Unfortunately...

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Title: Vacation Wars
Author: Meghan Quinn
Status: Release Date 4/18, KU✅

Vibes: Vacay Mode

Gist: I would definitely classify this as a “beach read” and I’ve never been so sad to not have a Greek vacation on the horizon. In true MQ fashion this one was a delight to read, though perhaps not as wild a ride as some of her more recent releases. Usually when I recommend a MQ book to a newer reader I will offer up some of her “traditionally published” titles to check out until we know how they feel about the smut. There was definitely a bit of heat, but certainly not on the level of some of her indie releases.

Overall mood: I loved the vacation vibes, I was really irritated by some of the facets of her friendships, but I feel like I was meant to be as, that’s where the whole premise for the title came from.

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This was a hilarious story about unrequited love and sibling bonds. I found so much humor in the relationship between Tessa and Roxane. The banter and hijinks were fantastic. Myles was the perfect addition, especially with his nickname of the bulge. This book had me dreaming of vacation and how even the best laid plans and intentions are not always what they seem.

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Meghan Quinn is the queen of laugh out loud romantic comedies and Vacation Wars is no exception. Fast paced, an easy read, but super fun and enjoyable. A great vacation/beach read! Highly recommend for your summer tbr!

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This book is definitely different than MQs normal style that I’ve gotten used to. It was just as cute as ever, but there was wayyyy more drama, especially between the friend group. And i have to say, the friends & sister were fcking AWFUL humans. Tessa was such a sweet, quirky character that I really loved, but the way her sister treated her, as well as the other two friends in their friend group, made me so mad for her!!!!!! She deserved so much better. And the way they acted did not seem right for women in their 30s.

Tessa’s sister, Roxanne, is getting married at the Grecian resort they’ve been going to for as long as they can remember. Tessa has always had an eye for an employee, Myles, and this year of attendance makes no difference. She still has majorrrrr heart eyes for him. She wasn’t anticipating for her awkward self to form an alliance with him to get her sister & friends off her back as they try and set Tessa up with literally anyone to just get her a man. The relationship between Tessa & Myles was sooooo sweet & their history made it that much better!!! But again, I was seriously sooooooo annoyed/sad because of the way these girls treated Tessa and it broke my heart for her and the way they disregarded her feelings/thoughts.

I loved Myles though oh my goodness. He was perfect, and I loved seeing his a relationship between him and his baba improve.

The ending made up for the story, and it was a fun, greek-set adventure between two peoples who’s paths have always crossed, and turns out were meant to be!!

Spice: 🌶️

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4 Star Review of Vacation Wars by Meghan Quinn

Vacation Wars was an entertaining story but be prepared it is rather long so you will need to free up some time to read. I enjoyed it but it is not my favourite from Ms. Quinn. Th writing was so descriptive that I could easily imagine myself in Santorini whilst I was reading.

The premise was intriguing but I found Tessa’s friend annoying and there were moments whilst reading that frustrated me and had me shaking my head I was so frustrated. Agreeing to a deal in high school, Tessa is shocked when her sister and friends push her to find love before her sister’s wedding.

I felt that Tessa had a lot of growing to do and I was pleased to see her develop whilst reading. I did like both Tessa and Myles, in fact of the two I liked him more. Tessa and Myles have met each other a number of times in Santorini over the years and although both have crushed on the other, neither have ever acted on it.

Vacation Wars had drama, romance and at times was emotional as both Tessa and Myles tackled family relationships.

I received a copy from the publisher through Net Galley.

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Vacation wars was a fun, drama infused vacation featuring one hot lifeguard and a woman who have been pinning for each other over many summers and vacations. Myles and Tessa are both back in Santorini, Tessa for her sisters wedding and Myles to try and win back the favour of his father, the resort owner.

The antics between Tessa, her sister and their two friends was as entertaining as it was cringey and awkward. Be prepared for some secondhand embarresment Due to a contract signed as young kids, Tessa is forced to subject herself to the whims of her three friends, leading to some laugh out loud vacation wars. The setting for this book was sounds absolutely beautiful, and I enjoyed the family dynamics that you see throughout this book.

The writing had something to be desired, with terms used such as "Tonka Titis" and "the bulge" I felt like I was reading a book written about high schoolers, are not 30 year old women. These women also treated each other as if they were still in high school with rude, and almost cruel pranks, it felt as Tessa lacked support from both her sister and friends.

The romance between Tessa and Myles was cute, and fun to watch unfold. Helping each, opening up emotionally and cute dates that involved gorgeous greek background. I loved watching these two personalities mix, and how well they supported each other, I could have done without the third act breakup, but overall this was a cute love story that I would recommend if you are looking for a fun cheesy summer read.

I rated this three stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Vacation Wars is a standalone, destination romance that spans 20+ years. Tessa Doukas is the "other" twin. The one you notice second, the one that is mostly in the background and falls second to her sister Roxanne. Tessa and her family have visited the same resort for the last 20 years. Myles Cirillo's family owns the resort and has secretly been enamored with Tessa since they were very young. When Tessa, Roxanne and their two best friends return to the resort for Roxanne's wedding. They bring a contract from years ago that states if by the age of 30, one of the friends are not married, the other 3 friends must help them find their soulmate. This is where the Vacation War starts!

I love Meghan's brand of laugh out loud funny romance and this was no exception. Tessa is awkward on a good day but get her in front of "The Bulge" and it gets 1000x worse. The word vomit that comes out of her has me in tears. Myles was everything you wanted in a book boyfriend. He did everything he could to help her against her sister and best friends. From planning escapes from their antics to laxative cupcakes. I loved watching Tessa loosen and open up to Myles and also Myles repairing the relationship with his Baba.

My only issue with the book was Roxanne, while I realized at the end why she acted the way she did, reading through it almost made me cringe. She was just soooo horrible, it was hard to find anything she did redeeming.

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Light beach read.

Good premise, but missed the mark for me. Tessa has always been the quiet twin. Her sister Roxane is outgoing, often overbearing and extroverted. When Tessa, Roxane and their friends Clea and Lois travel to Greece for Roxane’s wedding and stay at the same resort their family frequented for years, they run into Tessa’s crush Myles.

Since Tessa is the only unattached person in the group, the others decide to enforce a childhood contract and find Tessa a love. Tessa secretly invokes vacation wars!

So begins the rest of the story, filled with Tessa and Myles conspiring against the others, and the others pushing Tessa almost to the point of what I consider bullying. Embarrassing your sister and friend is fun for a while but gets old quickly. I think it went too far, and I felt terrible for Tessa. It was fun watching the relationship between her and Myles, but not enough to offset the rest for me.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC of this book.

Sadly I had to DNF 15% in.
I haven’t read a book by the author before but figured this would be a great one to start since I love vacation romances, but it really didn’t work for me.
I found the FMC to be incredibly awkward, she embarrassed herself so many times in the short amount that I read and the things she said really made me feel second-hand embarrassment.

Her friends and her gave off some Mean Girls vibes which I didn’t really enjoy.

I’m sure others will enjoy this book more, I can see this being a nice and fun beach read, but it just didn’t work for me personally.

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Rating: 3.75/5⭐️

Publication Date: April 18th 2023

Author: Meghan Quinn

Review: This is my first @meghanquinnbooks book and I am pleasantly surprised. I have been waiting to read this book for a while now and I’m glad the time has finally come. It Does have some long chapters but you will have that and at time I started to get very irritated with how the sister and friends were treating Tessa I just wanted to scream at them like leave her alone my god! I kind of liked that Myles and Tessa really didn’t have any issues like nobody cheated and nobody lied they just got tied up in distance.
If it’s meant to be it will be

I’m excited to dive into more book by @meghanquinnbooks

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This is the first time I've given a book by Meghan Quinn two stars. It saddens me! The romance itself was very cute, but the humour was not my cup of tea in this one.

Continually crossing paths over many years at a resort in Santorini, Tessa and Myles have both been concealing a crush. But now Tessa is 30 and begrudgingly forced to fulfill a contract created in high school, her love life now in the hands of her sister and friends. With Myles to help fight back, let the vacation wars begin.

I liked the initial concept of the contract, but it was unnerving how mean, inconsiderate, and simply childish these women were. I was reading their antics constantly through an uncomfortable feeling of secondhand embarrassment.

Tessa was over-the-top socially awkward, which didn't help. It definitely calmed down as the story progressed, though—you could feel her slowly relax and find comfort in Myles. It was very sweet how uplifting he was of her quirks. I really liked him!

The setting was fantastic, without a doubt. And I liked the storyline of Myles repairing the relationship with his dad. But like I said, the humour was far too silly for me.

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Tessa and her family vacationed in Greece at Hotel Anissa every summer since she was young. Every year she would see a "hot" worker and crush on him from afar.

Fast forward to the present day when she is on a girl's trip at Anissa’s right before her sister’s wedding. Her sister and friends are taking this opportunity to try and find a guy for Tessa, to the point where they have dug up the contract that they made when they were younger. The contract was something they made as kids that would affect their love life if they were not married at a certain age.

I felt bad for Tessa during this search. I know the girls relatively meant well but they pushed things too far at times. Her sister talking down to her helped make me really feel bad for Tessa.

I was so happy that she stood up for herself and found the courage to talk to her childhood crush, Myles. They both needed each other after dealing with family issues. I loved watching them grow and fall in love.

I also loved the antics that Tessa would pull on her friends to be left alone so she could sneak off with Myles. I was rooting for Tessa throughout the whole book.

By the end of the book, I had gotten so invested in Tessa and Myles's relationship. They were adorable and I was on edge toward the end, I just needed to know how things would end up.

This is a perfect beach read. Meghan Quinn describes the hotel and Greece so perfectly that it is easy to imagine just how beautiful the place and country are.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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"Vacation Wars" by Meghan Quinn is another great rom-com from her. She is the queen of funny, spicy and heart-warming stories. This is an amazing read and you fall in love with the characters.
Tessa, Roxanne and their friends go to Greece for Roxanne's wedding. While there the girls like it would be a good idea to help Tessa with her love life. While dealing with the guys they set her up on she spends more time with Myles her crush of forever. While trying to get out of dates, sparks fly between Tessa and Myles.
This book is is wonderfully written and makes you want to devour the story. Highly recommend to anyone and everyone.

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