Member Reviews

5/5 Stars

I will recommend this to anyone and everyone. The art is stunning, the kind of thing I'd consider framing for a child's bedroom. The story is sweet but also teaches a lesson. I'll probably be purchasing this for children I know now and in the future.

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This book is a love letter to home. A little girl loves the street on which she lives and when people grumble about it, she writes letters to the offending item. Letters that say I love you and this is why. When she has her dark days and wants to grumble, she herself finds a letter. This book comes from the authors own experiences, particularly when her she three-year-old child noticed different things about the street they live on. This book was wonderful and a fantastic idea.

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*received for free from netgalley for honest review* This was a really cute book! I loved the idea and the artwork, great kids book for sure!

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Its about a girl named Alice and she love the street and everything near her home. I love the illustration of this story' with pop up color. 💙

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Dear Street is about the a girl who professes her love for her neighborhood. In the world where people grumble about their inconveniences, this little girl teaches us about gratitude and mindfulness. the author has done an amazing job creating an uplifting story to show how one delightful character can change the mood of a community. In addition to this, Caroline Bonne-Müller's beautiful illustrations add vibrance and good vibes for readers to cherish this book.
Dear Street is a must-have enlightening book that encourages to spread positivity.

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I love this book! What a beautiful idea and one that anyone from the youngest school child to the oldest adults could do. It was an astonishing surprise to discover that the author based this lovely book on her own experiences.
Alice loved her street but she noticed that not everyone did. People grumbled about everything from being too warm, too many leaves to rake, too crowded, and too much snow. Alice, however, knew just what to do. She wrote letters to her street telling how much and why she loved it and left them for people to find. Soon other people began to notice the unique things that Alice did and to write letters of their own. Caroline Bonne-Müller's colorful and detailed illustrations add so much to this story. Each picture has something extra to discover if you look closely enough.
Lindsay Zier-Vogel did the same thing as Alice, writing love letters to places. She then asked other people to do the same. Eventually, she founded The Love Lettering Project, and people from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Brazil have written thousands of letters marked with the word "love" for others to find. What a fabulous way to bring some joy to the world!
Thank you to NetGalley and Kids Can Press for the ARC of this book and to Lindsay Zier-Vogel for an extraordinary idea to begin in my town!

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This is written amazingly well. This is the real picture of childhood presented from the perspective of a girl child. When we were children too we also had very different view towards things and innovative too. We did things that might be look silly now but at that time we too were so excited about these little moments that we created ousrselves.
Same is here for this too as this shows the creativity of a child to keep empathy for everything around her.

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Alice can find something to love about where she lives during every season of the year, so she writes letters about the things she enjoys. When her notes are found and read by others, her simple joy spreads to people who sometimes don't take the time to appreciate their surroundings.

I loved this story of spreading happiness, and the illustrations by Caroline Bonne-Muller are just lovely. This is a beautiful book to treasure, and read again, and again.

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I literally have goosebumps. This little children's book was such an eye opener for a 27 year old adult. Being grateful for bigger things, for things we've been desperate for is easy but being grateful for the little things is often overlooked.

Firstly I loved how children's books are incorporating real important issues instead of preaching fairytales and princes coming to save the day. Gratitude is very important, it changes your perspective and your day and it's very important to teach our little ones that. To help them make it their habit. So kudos to the author for introducing such an important concept in such a fun and colourful way.
Speaking of colourful, I loved the illustrations. They were, like I mentioned, so colourful and bright, and honestly cheered me up.

Secondly I loved how the author added a little something called acceptance and being human to the book as well. Let me explain, our protagonist who is an optimist, who is in love with her street and trying to show people what she's seeing. That same protagonist has a bad day and grumbles like everyone else she was leaving letters for, this little touch was MY FAVOURITE. Life isn't perfect and there are going to be days where one feels their lowest and that's OKAY, that's why this little plot twist ( if I maybe so bold as to call it that ) warmed my heart. As important as gratitude is its also important to know when positivity becomes toxic. To know that even the most colourful people are human and can succumb to negativity and bad days.
Continuing with this point, I want to add that the book also puts emphasis on uplifting each other, helping each other and spreading love.
All of these little things are so important to teach our children.

I know it's a children's book and this review shouldn't sound like its life changing but honestly even for me this book was reassuring, revisiting concepts that we've either forgotten as adults or don't have the time to practice because of our busy schedules.

Its fun and enlightening. It's colourful, easy to read and introduces very important topics that are essential for life. I highly recommend.

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The plot revolves around Alice hearing others complain about her street, so she writes a letter highlighting the things she enjoys and puts it somewhere random for someone else to discover. A lot of people's moods improved as a result of her actions. It's a sweet book with wonderful artwork.

Thanks to Netgalley and Kids Can Press for an ARC.

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In this picture book a little girl overhears people grumbling in her neighbourhood about potholes, snow and other day-to-day nuisances that adults tend to grumble about and decides to write letters to the parts of her neighbourhood that she loves. She leaves the letters around and when the adults find them, they remember to look for the positives in the world around them. It is a cute story that reminds children about the many aspects that make up their neighbourhood and also that showing kindness and care can help people feel better. I would recommend this book for children in the age 4-8 range, and it is perfect for discussions on community in early years social studies classrooms. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read and review this book!

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Dear Street is a unique picture book about how mindfulness and gratitude can transform a community.

Dear Street is inspired by true events. Alice loves her street and couldn't bear people complaining about the construction on her street. She writes her first letter about the beauty of the street and leaves it for someone to find it. Through Alice's eyes, we see how the street transforms in different seasons. Alice writes many more letters about the beauty of her neighborhood and brightens the mood of many people. One fine day, when Alice feels sour, she discovers a surprise that will brighten her day.

The author of this book is the founder of the internationally acclaimed Love Lettering Project, where people from different countries write and hide love letters about their community. The author has been writing and hiding love letters for the past twenty years.

Dear Street is a must-have in homes and libraries to spark ideas that unite people.

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In a hustling, bustling community, Alice sees her neighborhood's beauty, but she also sees lots of grumbling and complaining from her neighbors! So she starts a gratitude practice to share with others. She writes letters to the specific thing the person was complaining about and lists its good qualities, then leaves the letters for another person to find. She does it enough times through a year of seasons that eventually her good deed comes back to help her on her own grumpy day. This story is a wonderful representation of empathy, appreciation, and community. I love that the illustrations are rich with details that are sure to keep a child enchanted.

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I received an ARC of this children's book from Netgally in exchange for an honest review.

This is a wonderful book. The story is fantastic and the pictures are adorable.

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While Netflix's The Watcher may have ruined all love letters to houses for me forever, Dear Street is such a charming book that I may be open to love letters written to streets, parks, flowers.... With beautiful illustrations of a diverse community, this book offers bite-sized moments of appreciation for the little things. What I appreciated most was that the speaker had her own moment of 'grumbles' toward the end of the story, but found a way to reframe and appreciate the world around her again. This book is thoughtful and heartwarming without veering into toxic positivity, and would be a great addition to a school or classroom library looking to build its collection of titles that support social-emotional learning and healthy coping mechanisms. It would also be a great jumping off point for a writing activity, and students may enjoy hearing from the author in her note at the end of the book.

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Dear Street is a sweet and moving story of a little girl who makes a difference in her community. Beautiful and colorful illustrations bring the story to life. Lovely story of looking on the bright side and small acts that bring people together. A good lesson for everyone.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

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What a beautiful book! A story full of beauty and full of warmth from a girl who loves her street where she lives. Although many people complain about the street she still loves the street and writes letters about it. The illustrations in this book are very beautiful depicting a sweet story.

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for accepting my request to read and review this book.

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This is a lovely story about spreading some positivity and happiness but it could have been a bit deeper in its meaning and more elaborate in execution. Overall, a pleasant read.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for letting me read this ahead of publication.
So so beautiful from the passing of the seasons to the showcasing of community and small acts of kindness, perfect for (classroom) libraries and not only. With beautiful illustrations we see our little protagonists love for her neighborhood and the difference that the sense of community can make to the everyday life!

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I LOVE this book! Alice loves her street, but she often overheard others complaining about it. She decides to write a love letter to her street and leave it where someone else can find it. The person who reads the letter is called to appreciate the things we often overlook in the world around us. The things we forget to stop and notice. The book moves through the four seasons, with love letters to the things that Alice appreciates, until one day she needs to read a letter herself. This would make a wonderful read aloud for the classroom and would encourage students to write letters of their own. The illustrations are bright and inviting as well!

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