Member Reviews

If you are heading towards menopause or think you are there, this text may be quite helpful. It does read as a textbook rather than another boring self-help book as it goes into the biology and science of the female anatomy rather than just telling you how you should feel or will feel. There are anecdotal submissions that make it a more enjoyable and relatable read. Overall, there is some good information for those just entering into this stage of life and may help you in navigating this stage of life. I found it to be a good research resource as it does also make suggestions for other books to seek out as well in the supporting information sections when quoting from other sources.

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A book I didn’t know that I needed until I did. An excellent read and one that educated and makes you laugh at the same time.

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I found this book to be quite clinical, scientific, and historical. There was some good information, but overall it went into a lot of depth in areas I didn't find as helpful as I expected.
The book is in 3 parts - What Is Menopause, What Could It Be Like for You, and What Can You Do About It.
It covers female anatomy, the menstrual cycle, and how culture views menopause - things I felt weren't totally necessary. I liked the included quotes from women who have gone through menopause. But I felt like in multiple places, the book gave a cursory overview of something and then a bunch of warnings and said to contact your doctor. All while also saying doctors know very little about menopause and lack proper training.
I wanted a book that was more direct with options and info.

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For us like women is a gib issue to have an understanding of our body and the menstrual cycle and obviously, the menopause and climateric topics

This books shares a detailed and resourceful way to understand and overcome the issues about the menopause stage.

Read it if you are on it, or almost or you can share it to your friends or family.

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Having read the book, I initially had a very different view of this 'companion’, and alas, the book did not meet my expectations all together.

I'm 54 and in the middle of it - night sweats in particular are a recurring problem, making me sometimes not quite my fun self during the day due to chronic sleep deprivation, but where I thought this book mainly contained stories of experience from other menopausal women and how they dealt with it, this is mainly a biological/medical reference book in which everything about the (peri)- menopause can be found.

While the book goes somewhat into how different cultures view this period in a woman's life, some commonly known issues are tapped into, such as anxiety, depression, joint pain, sleep problems, and brain fog.
Furthermore, the book delves a little deeper into the general image of a menopausal woman: she is old, cranky and no longer really sexy. This woman herself also feels that she is invisible, and no longer matters.

This is mainly because culture is very youth-obsessed, in which women are supposed to be young, slim, fit and have long hair.
Old age and its associated problems would rather be swept under the carpet for as long as possible. Any old(er), wise women with short graying hair in literature for example are either witches or fairy-tale queens.

There are several references to other books in the book.
I found it a good read, but it did remind me a bit of my biology book from school, without the additional info on menopause hormones. Initially, it describes a lot about the reproductive organs, and hormones.
Bit of a shame, I would have liked to hear more stories from experience, rather than read all this biophysical, and medical information. I found the scientific approach a bit unfortunate.
Only consolation I have been able to filter out of the book is that, thankfully, it will just pass anyway.

3 stars.
Publication date: June 27, 2023

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this arc. I leave this review voluntarily.

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Because menopause is not talked about often,It's hard finding information. This book is a life savior easy to understand information. This is a book I will recommend to family members and friends.

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This is a great book for anyone approaching or going through Peri-menopause to understand what to expect.
I really liked that this book was very inclusive and felt that hopefully anybody who may experience the peri-menopause would feel comfortable reading this, to get a better understanding of what is to come.
I think it's so important that we know what is likely to happen, so we can assess what is normal and what we may need to get checked out by a medical professional.
This book is very accessible and easy to read and understand, which I think is key.

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The Menopause Companion : A Beginner's Guide to Owning Your Transition, from Peri to Post is a book full of helpful advice for women at this stage of life. There seems to be no end of books appearing on the subject at the moment (like buses, they all come at once !) but this one is accessible and easy to read and digest. It summarises the female reproductive system and how it affects us in various ways. There is lots of good information, advice and resources. Overall a very helpful book.

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A very informative book on menopause. I appreciate the summary of the female reproductive system and how they affect our moods and body. It's filled with anecdotes and I like how it explains rather than lectures you. I don't think there are enough books out there on menopause and this one is welcome addition.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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