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Coming To Find You

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I really enjoyed this book it was set in 2 time periods the present day and during WW2 I especially liked the 1940's parts and I loved how it all came together in the end very enjoyable read

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Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

This book is a tale of two time periods - present day and WW2. The characters are connected and the events that take place have similarities that echo through the years.

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Coming To Find You is a dual time line novel set in Sidmouth in the present day and during the Second World War. In the present day Nancy has escaped to her family's beautiful Regency house Tall Chimneys. in Sidmouth after the murder of her mother and stepfather. In 1941 we follow the story of Nancy's grandmother Adeline and her friend Elizabeth during the war years at Tall Chimneys.
I really enjoy dual timeline novels and especially those with wartime settings and so I absolutely loved the 1941 storyline. I felt that the author gave a really insightful and moving portrayal of the role women played during the war and the emotional toll it took on them and the evacuee storyline was beautifully done. I loved the characters from this timeline and felt that more time was given to the characterisation and plot development in this part of the novel.
I felt that the present day storyline and characterisation was much weaker and although it started off well it did become a little too melodramatic and unbelievable for me. Overall however this was an immersive and compelling read that I enjoyed.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC.
3.5 stars.

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Nancy's parents have been murdered in their farmhouse. At a birthday party she had been reluctant to attend due to things in the past. Her step-brother Martin has been convicted of the crime. Nancy just wants it all to stop, the publicity is endless. So she ups sticks and runs away to the family holiday home in Devon. Also leaving behind ex-fiance Alex. But, as we all know, and indeed, it would be a very short boring pointless book if it weren't, running away from your problems never solved them. Especially when you are also lying to yourself and others about what really happened that night and the time leading up to it... And this book is anything but pointless or boring... Not in the slightest...
But if you think that was enough to keep you going, the author delivers more... Tall Chimneys, the house that Nancy has escaped to, inherited from her grandmother, also has its own past. Set in 1941, during the war. With tales of young evacuees and the resistance...
And then there's flashbacks of what really happened "that night"...
Well... as with all the books I have previously read by this author, this one hit the ground running and didn't let up all the way through. Delivering shock after surprise which only left me wondering how the author would marry the two up... Which, from my star rating, is obvious that she did and it was done so very well...!
To be honest, although the main story was I guess supposed to be the Nancy one from the present, I found the war-time one much more interesting and intriguing. Maybe it's cos it was shiny and different and I learned a few things I did not previously know.
But, that said, the Nancy/Martin thread was just as well crafted and did all come together shockingly at the end too. And very cleverly too! A wee but rushed but I think that's the only way it could have been done so...
All in all, another winner to add to an already impressive back catalogue. Roll on next time. My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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I love all of Jane’s books and this is no exception. The juxtaposition between wartime and current time was really interesting without being too historical orientated.

I read the whole thing in a day and couldn’t put it down! Absolutely loved Adeline and Elizabeth and loved it when the story came together at the end. Just a classic Jane Corry book and I am so glad I read it!

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One of my new favourite books, I have never read something like this before and I am a massive book reader, especially thrillers genre. I love how the book was presented in altered chapters with the history and the current which is perfect to keep me on the edge of my seat. I read this book in one day as I couldn't put it down. The description of everything especially the town, the building etc., was beautiful, and almost made me wish I was in the book 'alive'. Jane Corry, you have outdone yourself in this book, I absolutely love it!

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This book is a page turner for sure. Most chapters end on a cliff hanger as well which obviously will keep people reading. It has 2 story’s one set now and one set in the past but they are mostly the same story apart from the time line. There are a lot of twists and turns to this book which I like. The reason for the 4 stars is because some of the time I can guess what will happen and it was true I like not to be able to guess the story and like being surprised. Apart from that it was a good book and good story line would recommend. The story is about a young lady called Nancy who has got in to trouble and has to runaway from the big city and go to her childhood holiday home. She meets people that are connected to the past story as well so everyone sort of connects to each other in a way.

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Another excellent book by Jane Corry. Thank you for allowing me to review this book.
Nancy escapes to the family holiday home in Sidmouth when she hits the headlines after the murder trial of her mother and stepfather. She soon finds she can not stay hidden for long. Gradually we learn the story behind the murders and about her stepbrother Martin. Alongside this in another timeline the story of the occupants of the house during the 2nd World War. The story is haunting I was drawn in from the beginning and finished it quite quickly. The characters are beautifully written, compassion isshown despite the cruelty exhibited by some. The ending felt good.

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I thought they didn't write good thrillers like this anymore - I was wrong!
I could not put this book down. I have found a brand new favourite author!

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Told through two timelines, the present day and WW2, Corry successfully weaves the two stories to create a wholly engaging read.

In the present, Nancy is dealing with the conviction of her stepbrother for the murder of her mother and stepfather – in order to dodge media attention, she flees to a family-owned house in Devon, Tall Chimneys. But escaping her past proves more difficult than expected

The second timeline takes us back to WW2 when the house was owned by Elizabeth, a friend of Nancy’s grandmother, who is dealing with a husband who is suffering the after effects of having fought in the previous war, and a teenage son who to her dismay has enlisted.

Tall Chimneys proves to be a house full of secrets which gradually unfold as we learn the fascinating story of what went on there during the war, and Nancy’s story and the truth behind the murder is slowly revealed and the stories begin to intertwine.

Corry successfully blends elements of thriller with historical fiction and her ability to bring the setting alive, transporting the reader to the house and the Devon coastline, combined with vivid characterization, ensures that both storylines are truly compelling. Nancy and Elizabeth are both likeable characters whose strength is tested when they are caught up in difficult situations, situations that leave the reader pondering on the choices people make when faced with impossible dilemmas.

It’s a book that keeps you turning the pages as you long to learn more about the truth, with plenty of tension and twists along the way, making for a thoroughly enjoyable read.

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This was such an enjoyable book. I loved the movement between past and present. This book was so well written and the history behind the story over the years of the war and the people living in the town at that time. The modern part of the story was so good and it all came together in the last few chapters.
My thanks as always to NetGalley and publishers for the early read.

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I really enjoyed this book. A story of families and friendships with some well written characters. I particularly enjoyed the WWII setting and loved how the dual timelines tied everything together.

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For me Jane Corry is one of my goto to authors each read a fresh look at domestic noir and this latest book is no exception .
Many twists and turns,compelling and riveting it left me gasping for breath in parts with a hair-raising ending!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this split timeline story. I haven’t read any books by Jane Corry before but I will definitely look for more. The characters come alive and although the story isn’t fast paced I found it really hard to stop reading. Would completely recommend. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for giving me access to an early copy of this book.

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My first read from Jane Corry and it won't be the last.
I really enjoyed the layout of this book, reading present day/not so far past/WW2 past and a good few chapters of each.
Learning about the past of the house aswell.
Did not want to put this book down.
Found it very gripping and fast paced.

Definitely recommend this book

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What a fabulous story set in two timelines ,the 1940's and present day .I really enjoy this in a book as I feel it gives a fuller story Set in Sidmouth Devon Tall Chimneys is the star of this story ,full of secrets and twists ,intrigue and mystery .This is definitely one of those books it is hard to put down .Thank you to NetGalley for my ARC.

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When her stepbrother is convicted of her mother and stepfather’s murder, Nancy retreats to the old family home in Devon to escape the media. But there she discovers there are family secrets from the past as well as the present that need to be uncovered and confronted.
The story unfolds in three timelines, Nancy’s current trauma, her flashbacks to the night of the murder, and the parallel story of her family’s experiences during the Second World War in the house she has now escaped to. The dual/triple timeline works well although it is the historical thread that really grips and convinces. The main characters engage sympathy throughout as they face their demons, especially those in the past. The plot outcomes may ultimately hold no surprises but the journeys to get there are skilfully executed and the whole cleverly brought together. A thriller ideal for summer reading

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The descriptions of fens, mists and bogs were very evocative, some of the characters were difficult to like but overall I enjoyed this book- I didn't work the plot out completely.

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When Nancy's stepbrother Martin is convicted of killing his father and her mother she needs to escape the relentless intrusion of London and the press and where better to go than to her newly inherited house, Tall Chimneys in the seaside town of Sidmouth, Devon. As she begins to settle in she discovers that the house has secrets of its own, dating back to the Second World War and she's intrigued to find out what happened here all those years ago, but first she's met with another dilemma of her own, someone knows exactly what happened that night and they know where to find her...

Coming To Find You is the latest thriller/historical fiction by this author, spanning two timelines starting with the present day and alternating back to life during the harrowing times of the war. It's a well crafted tale and Corry has weaved the two stories together so intricately, with some very complex yet likeable characters, that I found it a joy to read. I first discovered Corry back in 2017 when I read Blood Sisters and really enjoyed it, this is now the sixth book I've read by her and she continues to deliver every time. Another great read and I look forward to her next one.

I'd like to thank Penguin General UK and Netgalley for the approval, I will post my review on Goodreads now and Amazon on publication day.

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I have not read a story so fast for ages!

From the first chapter I was intrigued to find out exactly what happened on ‘the night of the murder’,

Set in the present day, the main character; Nancy’s inherits Tall Chimneys in Sidmouth, Devon.

When exploring the house, she finds a note left in 1941 which lends itself to the dual timeline where we travel back in time to 1941 and meet Elizabeth - the owner of Tall Chimneys.

Flitting between the present day and the past, there are mysteries revealed during both and the courage and bravery held by people in small towns during the war.

Living near Sidmouth, I could picture exactly the type of house Tall Chimneys was, and the occasional drops of Lyme Regis.

Overall, I thought it was brilliant and look forward to reading more from Jane Corry!

Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin UK books for an ARC.

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