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The Doctor's Wife

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Fern knows what her husband Drew doesn’t think she knows about. Those who are in the know hold the power.
This is a wicked read. I snickered at Fern’s plans because sometimes it feels good to side with the wronged, especially when the wronged plots and plans with such finesse.
I guessed partly what would happen and wasn’t surprised when someone else knew what Fern knew too, except it would be costly for that character.
But wait, yet still someone else knows and will Fern be found out??
An entertaining devilish read.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was such a classic domestic mystery, which is hard for me to not like. I did not predict the twist until right before it happened and I love when all the pieces fall together nicely. The twists kept coming after the main twist though and it ended up starting to become just a tiny bit too much. The main character was quickly relatable and her husband was quickly unlikable which went so well with the beginning story line. This was a very easy book to get into right from the beginning and I read it in almost one sitting. This is great for people who like The Last Mrs. Parrish and All The Dangerous Things.

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The Doctor's Wife was so good, I read it in a day. It had excitement and kept me wanting to keep reading. some of the plott I guessed what was going to happen. was a surprise to find out how the doctors wife knew so much to begain with. I say it was very well written and very enjoyable to read.

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Featuring ~ dual 1st person POV, dual timeline, infidelity

*Possible spoilers ahead*

We've got another husband and wife story with secrets and betrayal and this one follows Fern & Drew.

Although Fern wasn't particularly likable I was happy that she wasn't a naive wife and had her own tricks up her sleeve. I did feel bad for her when Drew was saying how much he cared for Alice. He comes off as sleazy as he's supposed to.

This one was super fast paced and kept me engaged. You pretty much know what's going to happen from the prologue, which gives a lot away. I still did not see the twist coming though, but figured it out after the wink. I do like how that all played out. Nice epilogue too!

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Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture, and Daniel Hurst for my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review. I was very excited when I was selected to read this book! I’m new to Daniel Hurst and just finished reading “The Intruder” right before this one, so I’m thrilled to have read another one by this author. Daniel’s writing drew me in from the first page and I was sucked in immediately. I’m impressed with his writing - it didn’t lose momentum throughout the book and is very entertaining from start to finish.
Be sure to check this one out when it releases January 31, 2023!

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Ho hum
Didn't like it, didn't hate it.
Started off strong but kinda lost its umph for me and had a hard time wanting to finish.
Sad I didn't like this book as this authors books usually draw me in.
Though it had some drama to it wasn't my cup of tea.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for an early release of this book.

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Review for 'The Doctor's Wife' by Daniel Hurst.

Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Daniel Hurst, Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous

Publication date 31st January 2023.

This is the first book I have read by this author. It most definitely won't be my last!!

I was originally drawn to this book by its stunning eye catching cover and intriguing sounding synopsis and title. The synopsis stated that this book is 'From the number one bestselling author of The Passenger, an absolutely gripping psychological thriller packed with jaw-dropping twists that will keep you reading late into the night. If you love Behind Closed Doors, Gone Girl and The Housemaid, you’ll be hooked on The Doctor’s Wife.' I am a huge fan of 'Gone Girl' and 'The Housemaid' so am looking forward to seeing if this lives up to this statement. I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Bookouture. I have yet to read a book published by Bookouture that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).

This novel consists of a prologue, 35 chapters and an epilogue. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

This book is based in Aberness and Manchester, England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. The bonus for me of books that are partly or fully based in the UK is that I live in the UK and have sometimes visited places mentioned in the book which makes it easier to picture.

This book is written in first person perspective and the protagonists are Fern Devlin and Doctor Drew Devlin. The benefits of books written in first person perspective are as long as they are well written it makes you feel that you are being spoken to by the protagonist and it can create more of a bond between yourselves and them. If there are several protagonists you also get to see more of what is going on.


Wow!!! This book is fantastically written and had me hook, line and sinker from beginning to end. The descriptions were so in depth and vivid that the hair on my arms was standing on the ends and my heart was pounding throughout. The synopsis, title and cover were perfect for the storyline.

I absolutely loved this unique page turning explosive page turner. I was absolutely absorbed throughout this psychological thriller. It is filled with tension, suspense, lies, secrets, deceit, romance, love, aand omg the twist!!! I DID NOT see the twists coming at all and there were more than one!!! Just when I think everything had been worked out and things were settling down BOOM there was another bombshell!! A MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS Daniel!! It is getting harder and harder to shock me but by God you did that over and over and over!!! What an ending!!! One of the most gripping unputdownable nerve wracking psychological thrillers I have EVER read!!! You have one hell of a talent and I cannot wait to get hold of your previous and future books in this series. I cannot remember the last time I was so hooked by a book but you managed that big time!!! I loved that the book is told from Fern and Drew's perspectives and each of their stories/chapters were perfectly weaved together to show us everything that is going on and how each of them are thinking and feeling throughout. The storyline is filled with crime, shocks, suspense, tension, deceit, and murder. There was so much going on and it was very fast paced and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. This book is absolutely addictive and I read it in one sitting. I absolutely loved the cliff hanging explosive twist at the end that leaves you wanting more! It kept me on the edge of my seat, biting my nails with my heart absolutely pounding throughout especially at the end! I really am looking forward to the next book by this extremely talented author. A gripping, all consuming addictive series.

It is set over multiple time lines. When books show what has happened in the past and what is happening in the present I find it really helps the reader (if it is well done) understand why things are happening and what has lead to the present activities and decisions. It also shows the bigger picture.

Clear your schedule before you start as I read this in one sitting as I could not put it down!! Practically every chapter ended on a cliff hanger so no way could I put it down!! Absolutely hooked!! I would absolutely love to see this turned into a movie!!!!

This is one of the few books that I have listened 100% on Audiobook. If I listen to a book on audiobook I usually also read the physical book between but for the second time I listened to the whole book and I was impressed! I must say a HUGE congratulations to the narrators Sarah Durham and David Wayman who both did an amazing job bringing this story and the characters to life. I have previously listened to Liz Lawler's 'The Nurse's Secret' on audiobook that was also narrated by Sarah Durham and I would highly recommend listening to or reading it as it is an another fantastic page turner from another great author!! I would listen to it in the car and while walking at any opportunity. I'm not only looking forward to reading more books by Daniel but also to listening to more books narrated by both Sarah and David!

The characters were all strong and realistic and thanks to Daniel's absolutely fantastic writing skills and Sarah Dunham and David Wayman's amazing narrative skills they all come to life when you are turning the pages. My heart went out to Fern at the start whose life absolutely crumbled around her when she discovered her husband is being unfaithful. However, my feelings towards her did start to change rather quickly and I did find her to be extremely manipulative. I absolutely hated Doctor Drew who was a horrible piece of work. The way he treated Fern was disgusting and the way he thought he was God's gift to woman made my blood boil. The fact that he neglected one of his patients to get his own way was disgraceful. My feelings changed towards Alice Richardson and Rory Richardson throughout the book going from feeling sorry for one, finding one a disgrace, having respect to being disgusted. It is hard to say too much about the characters as I am worried I will give too much away and I really don't want to spoil it for future readers. Regardless of whether you love or hate the characters they all worked perfectly together to make this an addictive and explosive storyline!!!

Welcome to my favourite author Daniel! An absolute must read author!! I cannot wait to read all your previous and future books!! Here's to your next success 🥂

Overall an absolutely heart racing, suspense filled, unputdownable addictive page turner psychological thriller filled with twists!!

Genres covered in this book include Domestic Thriller, Domestic Fiction, Murder Thriller, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Romantic Suspense, Mystery, Suspense, Crime, Thriller & Mystery Adventures, Psychological Fiction, Crime Fiction and Psychological Thriller amongst others.

I would recommend this book to the fans of the above as well as fans of 'Gone Girl', 'Behind Closed Doors', 'The Housemaid', Shari Lapena, Karin Slaughter, Melinda Leigh, Kendra Elliot, Lisa Regan, Paula Hawkins, Lisa Jewell, Gillian Flynn, Freida McFadden, Rachel Abbot and anyone who loves an explosive ending!!!

260 pages/ 7 hours 20 minutes

This book is just £1.99 to purchase, £7.99 on paperback and £16 for the audiobook via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5 /5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

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The Doctor’s Wife is a true page-turner. There are so many layers to the mystery that are gradually revealed, letting you know just a tiny bit more each time until you eventually get back to the opening scene. Just when you think you know the whole story, there is a twist at the end that leaves you yearning for a sequel.

This book kept me up all night! I couldn’t put it down!

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The Doctor's Wife begins with a prologue. I honestly wished it hadn't in some ways. In the prologue we read about the body on the beach which is Drew. A woman is in the window with a view of the beach, waiting for Drew's body to be found.

The story is then told in then and now time frames. Drew and Fern each have their own voices.

I loved the plot and was satisfied with how it all played out. A few surprises along the way, but a few hints as well.

The characters were well written and easy to dislike. They all have their faults.

Kept me on the edge of my seat through out the book. I liked the easy to read writing style.

Thanks to netgalley and Bookouture for the arc.

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A twisty turny mystery plot that will keep you reading, despite the characters not being particularly likable.

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Fern and her husband, Dr. Drew, seem like the perfect couple, successful, rich, happy but they both hold secrets that could destroy the other! Drew is afraid to leave his wife because she knows things that could ruin his career but he has fallen in love with another woman. After Drew's mistress, Alice, moves away to work on her own marriage, Drew convinces Fern to move to be closer to Alice. Drew thinks that all his problems will be solved with the move, he can be with the woman he loves on the side while still keeping his wife in the dark so she does't ruin him but Fern has her own set of secrets and plans!!

The Doctor's Wife started out strong and full of suspense! As the reader, I found myself intrigued by what Dr. Drew could have done that was so terrible that he had to stay married to a woman that he no longer found himself in love with and what pushed Fern so far that in the opening of the book she is standing by the window as her husbands body is found? However, at about half way through the book, I was bored with the whole story that just kind of drug on and half the story is about making Drew sound like a terrible character but most of what is supposed to be horrific is very tame compared to most psychological thrillers. And, while there were a few minor surprises most of it was pretty predictable. Overall, this book was average, I didn't hate it but it wasn't unputdownable!

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My first book by Hurst and it definitely had me hooked from the first chapter. Fern moves away from the big city she loves to a small beach town to please her husband, Drew (or Dr. Drew to anyone who will listen). It's clear right away that their marriage is anything but perfect. It's not a functional, healthy relationship by any means of the word.

The book is written in the dual POV of Drew and Fern so you get to see right away how they both think they are very clever in convincing the other of their honesty and loyalty to one another. They both do some pretty horrible things and it's very interesting to see how they justify their actions to themselves. I don't want to give away any spoilers so I won't go into a lot of detail, but both husband and wife have set their minds on what they want and don't care about who they hurt to get it.

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Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Dr Drew and his wife, Fern seem like a perfect happy, rich and successful couple. But their marriage is fill with secrets and betrayals. Actually I did gambling with this book. Betrayal at marriage or relationship story is my big no no from my read. But the premise also promised my favourite theme, revenge. The author is new name for me and I am glad I gave this book a chance.

The writing is good and I like the storytelling stye. Told from two POV and dual timeline, this story still easy to follow. The pace is kinda slow for my usually choice but it gave me extra time to know the characters better. Actually both characters wasnt my favorite but their narrative intrigued me enough for engaging into their story till the end. I wish extra plot at the revenge part and less dragging narrative at early chapers. Some part of the plot feel unnecessary expecially the epilogue.

Overall this book is very entertaining, full of twists and fast enough to enjoyed at one sitting.

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for provided my copy. All my opinions and thoughts are my own.

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What did I just read!?! Daniel is starting to climb to the top of my Psychological Thriller author list!!
Did not see that twist! Loved it!

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Drew, or Doctor Drew as he's very keen to point out to anyone that will listen, and his wife Fern have decided to move from their busy lives in Manchester to the very quiet village of Aberness on the English/Scottish border. Drew has persuaded Fern that it will be a better life for them, he won't be working such long hours so they'll be able to spend more time together, but he has an ulterior motive for the move and it's nothing to do with work/life balance! What he's not aware of is that Fern knows the truth and she is just biding her time...

This latest story by Hurst is told from the perspectives of both Drew and Fern in alternating chapters. Right from the prologue you know what has happened but the author then takes you back and forth across timelines previous to the incident and the present day to explain why and how. I took an instant dislike to Drew, considering he was a doctor, which is generally a kind and caring profession, he was an extremely selfish individual! I did feel a little sorry for Fern, who executed her plan perfectly, although I'm not sure if I'd have stuck around that long if I was in her situation. The Doctor's Wife is a fast paced read with very few characters to have to get to grips with and was just what I needed after my previous read. It's a great domestic thriller which has some great twists along the way, especially the final one and, although this is my first read by this author it certainly won't be my last.

I'd like to thank Bookouture and Netgalley for the auto approval, I will post my review on Goodreads now and Amazon on publication day.

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I couldn't get into this. The pace moved too slowly and the characters didn't draw me in. I got about half way through and couldn't finish it,

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This novel was so twisty, that I could not stop reading this one to find out what came next. Two spouses having an affair. One decides she wants to quit the affair and really try to work thing out with her husband. Drew is obsessed Alice and cannot let her go. He is so arrogant but well loved.
Alice moves out of the city and to a small town to try again with her husband. Drew tells his wife Fern, he wants to leave the city and spend more time with her living by the beach. They find a home and then we realize Drew moves to the town Alice moved too. Drew tries to convince Alice he moved for her and wanted to continue their affair.
Unbeknownst to Drew, Fern knows about his affair. What comes next is so delicious, wicked and crazy, that I could not wait to see what unfolded. This was my third novel by this author, and if you like a good psychological thriller I highly recommend Hurst.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and author Daniel Hurst for this advanced copy. Out January 31, 2023

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The Doctor’s Wife by Daniel Hurst

Published: January 31, 2023
Pages: 260
Genre: Psychological Thriller
KKECReads Rating: 5/5
I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily.

Daniel Hurst is the author of several bestselling psychological thrillers, including 'The Passenger,' 'We Used To Live Here,' and 'Til Death Do Us Part.' His books have been the #1 Psychological Thrillers in the UK and Australia and regularly feature in the Amazon Top 100 charts.

“Here’s to plotting.”

Fern isn’t excited to be moving t a small village. But her husband, Drew, is ecstatic about the opportunity. He sells the idea by saying it will give him a better work/life balance. Which Fern knows is a lie. All Drew does is lie.

OKAY, DANIEL HURST. I devoured this book in a single sitting. I could not put it down. This story grabbed me from page one and held me, hostage.

I loved the way this story was told. The alternating narrators and the way the plot was woven together were fantastic. The build-up was so intense.

The twists in this novel were insane. And just when you think you know what is happening- PLOT TWIST. There were several moments when I dropped my book and just stared at it.

The character development was brilliant, and the way the characters were all curated made things more pulse-pounding.

This is an incredibly fast-paced book. It’s impossible to put down and will leave you speechless. I loved every second. I just became a fan of Daniel Hurst. I need more stars!

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Read it in one day. How I love finding a story that keeps me that engrossed! I do so much reading that I find myself being rather picky, so it's always a relief to read a book that survives my "pickiness". One review said the reader couldn't stand the main character. Well, I couldn't, either, but we weren't supposed to like her.

While I was disappointed to have figured out the plot early on, I discovered that I had been wrong in quite a few ways. Book was just the right length and clean enough to recommend to anyone. Thank you, Daniel Hurst for being one of my new favorite authors!

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Woahhhhh! Thank you to Bookoture and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. This one is blurbed as being one for fans of Behind Closed Doors which is one of my favorites that really had me questioning everything, and I can definitely see why!

The amazing part of this book is that you learn pretty quickly on that innocent little Fern is anything but that and actually knows what’s going on right under her nose. This one was pretty quickly moving and then at about 3/4 in we get another bomb drop which honestly, I didn’t see coming. I thought this one was going to flip the switch and see the demise of Fern’s plan, but it seemingly feels like she has everything wrapped up. I’d love to see a continuation with these characters, as once I got going, I didn’t want to stop!

Again, thank you so much to the publishers and NetGalley for this ARC - pub day is 1/31/23, so you can pick this one up in a week or so, it’s definitely a good one!

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