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Bookshop Cinderella

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I really enjoyed Evie and Max's story. It was just so much fun watching these two together! I can't wait for the next one in the series!

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It’s the way Evie and Max really had multiple Taylor Swift song moments in the last 3 chapters. We went from 🎶meet me in the pouring rain🎶 to 🎶you are the kind of guy who should be marrying the wrong girl🎶 to 🎶part the crowd like the Red Sea don’t even get me started🎶 back to 🎶and they said speak now🎶. So obviously 5 stars and I better get more moments of them in “Lady Scandal” when it comes out!

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This was a great read but I didn't love it as much as the other Laura Lee Guhrke books! This was more like a She's All That retelling but in a historical setting with two likeable MCs!

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Thank you Forever and NetGalley for the eARC of Bookshop Cinderella! All opinions in this review are my own.

If you like historical romance and the movie She's All That, you have to read Bookshop Cinderella! It is full of lovable characters and I like that Evie is in on the bet from the beginning. Rather than having her seen as a poor bookish woman who needs to be helped, Evie is a strong character who is able to keep her business afloat and make decisions for herself. I also loved that we had so much of Max's inner thoughts because we got to find out how hard he fell for from the beginning and how jealous he is of her relationship with Rory. I can't wait to read more from this author!

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I was really enjoying this book, but around the middle things started to slow down and I just didn't feel interested anymore. I felt like the buildup didn't really pop when I wanted it to.

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This was so cute! Cinderella with a Belle-esque flair, Evie is the bookshop owner of my dreams, surrounded by rare first editions as far as the eye can see. She's an empowered and independent character, making the most of her circumstances. She's also fiscally savvy, which we love to see. The romance honestly was an added bonus here, I could have done with just a novel about Evie sans boys. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free advance copy.

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Evie Harlow, content with her modest bookshop in London, finds her world turned upside down when Max, Duke of Westbourne, walks in with an audacious proposition. Tasked with turning Evie into the diamond of the season to win a bet, she's initially offended but is forced to accept due to unforeseen circumstances. As their time together unfolds, a connection deepens, challenging the societal norms of their era.

Bookshop Cinderella is a delightful blend of romance and societal intrigue, showcasing the irresistible chemistry between a reserved bookshop owner and a charismatic duke. The tale unfolds with warmth, wit, and a touch of glamour, making it a captivating read for fans of historical romance and those who appreciate the transformative journey of its endearing characters.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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I’m always up to try a Cinderella-retelling/inspired story. Marry that with historical romance and a bookshop? Yes. And I will say that I enjoyed the overall story and vibe. The two leads complemented each other well. However, I needed more tension and chemistry between the two. Everything was easy and fun to read, but I don’t think this is a story that will stick with me. I would definitely like to read some of the author’s other titles.

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This was pure fun in the best ways. Evie is every bit the tenacious, strong-headed independent miss you’d expect in a Cinderella story. She has made her own way overcoming her hardships and surviving in a man’s world, saving and running her father’s business. I appreciated the 90’s film plot, as She’s All That was always a movie I really enjoyed. The premise that a woman would be made over simply because of a drunken wager, is at once comical and insulting and the author truly played that to precision. Capturing both of those reactions in tandem. Watching the Duke continuously set himself up for heartache as he pushed her towards others, was a delightful little bit of angst in an otherwise happy tale. Additionally, we have no ugly step families… but a bright cast of supportive women to guide them along. From Evie’s sister-like friend Anna to Max’s ever-helpful cousin Delia. This story will have you chuckling, and leave you with glow as bright as any glass slipper.

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Don't threaten me with a Cinderella retelling, because I will always have a good time, and Bookshop Cinderella was no exception!

Romances in a historical setting are very hit or miss for me, and I haven't found one I have LOVED in too long of a time. Bookshop Cinderella broke my miss streak and it was an absolute hit!

In this novel, we follow our fmc Evie who is a self-proclaimed spinster. She supports herself by running her late father's bookshop; however, she is slowly but surely working herself into the ground. Enter the Duke of Westbourne--Max. Max makes a bet that he can turn Evie into the Belle of the Season in a few short weeks. In return, Evie gets a much-needed vacation.

I liked this book for a myriad of reasons, but an immediate reason was that Max's bet was never a secret from Evie. He was completely upfront with her about his intentions and I loved that she was never in the dark! I hate that trope.

If you like Brodgerton or Jane Austen novels, I think you'd also enjoy this read!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc for my honest review.

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Evie Harlow runs a little bookshop in London, which is the best an unmarried woman of her age and social standing can expect. When Max, Duke of Westbourne, enters her shop to proposition her to help him win a bet to turn her into the diamond of the season. She's initially insulted, but she has no choice but to accept when some unexpected events occur. As Evie and Max spend more and more time together, their feelings start to change. Will they let society dictate who they love? It's an entertaining historical romance that questions the societal constructs of the time.

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This was a very fun & fast paced read. Great for anyone who liked the movie She’s All That (or obviously Cinderella), but historical and if the main character actually knew about the bet. The romance was above average and it was great to see Evie come out of her shell and push herself to try new things and how Max and Evie fall in love. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

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WOW! This book is SO GOOD! It is romantic, moving, sweet, and so much more! Whenever I picked up "Bookshop Cinderella", I was whisked back in time, and went on such an emotional journey with this Cinderella-esque and Pygmalion-esque story!

Firstly, this book has such a beautiful and lovely cover!

This is the first book I have read by Laura Lee Guhrke, and it certainly will not be my last! Her writing is full of so much heart, visceral, detailed, and unique. I felt truly immersed in the time period the book takes place in, and the author's world-building is spectacular: her storytelling jumps right off of the page, as do the characters in this book.

(Possible Spoilers!)
Oh my goodness, THIS BOOK!!!! Evie owns a bookshop, and, one day, in walks Max. He has made a bet with his friends that involves Evie becoming the "diamond of the season" (quoted from the synopsis of the book). Soon, something happens to the bookshop, and Evie agrees to help Max, and the two work together so he can win. Neither could either have imagined just how much this will change both of their lives.

Evie and Max are truly perfect together, and bring out the best in one another. This friends-to-lovers romance truly is a Cinderella story. The more time they spend together, the deeper their feelings start to become, and I so hope to see them again in a future book!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the ARC of this novel, and to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for sending me a beautiful physical ARC as well, it is incredible! All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Bookshop Cinderella was a cute historical romance. It gave me major She's All That vibes but I'm glad he actually told her that he was going to give her a makeover and why he was doing it. While there were some predictable moments that made my eyes roll, overall it was a sweet story and I'd be curious to check out future works from this author.

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This one fell flat for me. The characters were one dimensional and lifeless. Max wants to save Evie from a life of toil in a bookshop and from being a spinster. The same actions she finds annoying her in family, and yet she humors Max and let's him spoil her. Didn't do it for me.

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This was my first Laura Lee Guhrke and I really enjoyed it. Excellent banter and interactions between the hero and heroine, and bonus points for the heroine owning a book shop. I'll definitely be checking out the rest of the series.

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The thing I love most about her books though, it’s that it’s never just about the romance. There’s always so much more. It always make these characters relatable to me in some way. And I could see myself in these characters. It was beautiful. Plus, the way they love each other was absolutely breathtaking.

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Adorable historical romance love story. This book was a little bit outside of what I am used to but I was pleasantly surprised!

This book fallows the life of Evie who runs a small book store that was left to her by her deceased father. When her bookstore floods and unlikely friendship with a Duke develops. Max offers Evie his help and comes clean about a bet him and his friends made about her.

The more Max and Evie spend time together and get to know one another the more tension builds because they begin falling g for one another without admitting it to each other.

They are from different worlds and Evie does not with to take on the responsibilities of a duchess. But at the end she cannot help how undeniably in love she is with him.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (grand central publishing) for my copy of the book.

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I am so happy that I buddy read this book with @picture_pretty_books @wearecompletelybooked and @sogladtoreadyou 🩷 Thank you lovely ladies for our fun conversations!

Evie is a bookshop owner who has been struggling for awhile to stay afloat, and of course, matters get worse for her as the book progresses. I wish we got more of the bookshop in this book than we did. Unfortunately it was more focused on the romance and the Cinderella plot line of turning her forms rags to riches rather than business owning.

Max’s friends make a bet with him that Evie has to go to a ball and dance every dance that night with society’s most eligible bachelors. I loved that Evie was strong enough and determined enough to see this bet through the end. And I did love that Evie was in the know about the bet the entire time rather than being blindsided by that later.

Bookshop Cinderella wasn’t that long, but I did feel some scenes were a bit wordy and could have been cut in half. But alas, I still enjoyed the story. I liked both Evie and Max’s characters. And I liked the “villain” of the story, although I felt that was sort of added in just to add extra layers to the story and could have been fleshed out more.

Overall, I think the story was super cute and I loved watching Evie grow and mature through the situation and overcome her station. The romance seemed natural and the chemistry was palpable, especially in the short few chapters towards the end that had some spice. So if you’re looking for a cute romance that is both unique and filled with fan favorite tropes, than this is a book you need to add to your TBR!

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Lovers of historical romance, rejoice! Bookshop Cinderella by Laura Lee Guhrke is an absolute delight. This Gilded Era romance is perfect for fans of Lisa Kleypas and Joanna Shupe. Evie Harlow owns a small bookshop and earns a small but adequate income to support herself in London. One day, Maximillian Shaw, Duke of Westbourne walks into her shop, and her life changes forever. After he hears his friends disparaging the shop owner, he and his friends place a bet--can the duke can transform the bookish miss into the belle of the ball?

A vacation at the Savoy Hotel, new clothes, and dance lessons provide Evie with a respite from her ordinary life. The budding friendship with the duke doesn't hurt, either, but when those feelings evolve into something deeper, Evie is faced with question: could a bookshop girl transform into a duchess?

While it definitely indulges in "Romance Math" (how are there so many handsome, single dukes in England?), Bookshop Cinderella is an immensely fun reading experience! It's a wonderful additional to my historical romance shelf.

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