Cover Image: The Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key

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The first part of the book-introducing how the Golden Bones book and mystery-was very intriguing, but the rest of the book was a slog with nothing much happening. I felt that the author was trying to get a certain word count due to the extreme lack of action and same setting. I think I was expecting more of an adventure/mystery and less of family drama, which is my least favorite genre.

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Skeleton Key is a layered tale, part mystery, part family chronicle, part drama. It is engrossing, intriguing, heartwarming, and sad all at once. Told from the perspective of Nell, our narrator, we begin with the 50th anniversary celebration of The Golden Bones, an as yet unsolved treasure hunt book created by Nell's father. Things go awry at the planned unveiling of the final piece of the puzzle and down the rabbit hole we go.

Nell is still emotionally affected by being attacked by an overly enthusiastic searcher/treasure hunter as a teen and avoids the limelight, distancing herself from her family. She reluctantly appears at the celebration and is drawn into the unfolding situation unwillingly. As she explores and attempts to understand what is happening, she learns more about her family than she ever wanted to know.

I enjoyed the story. The mystery was layered, the emotions raw and real. There is an emotional journey with these characters with twists and turns. While not the ending I wanted, the ending makes sense. If you're seeking a psychological mystery, this definitely satisfies.
Thanks to Netgalley and Hatchette for the opportunity. All opinions are mine and freely and honestly given.

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Rating: 2.88 leaves out of 5
Characters: 2/5
Cover: 5/5
Story: 1.5/5
Writing: 3/5
Genre: Gothic/Mystery
Type: Ebook
Worth?: Not for me, maybe not for you

Want to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book. I was really disappointed with this book. I really loved the summary of it and the cover really drew me in. The beginning was good but as it went through it was just very dull. There was nothing rising with the story so there wasn't really a climax. If anything I was left mind numb and not in the good way.

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I recieved this as an eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

I could not get into this story... I tried twice and was a bit bored each time. I will try to give it another chance in the coming month.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this book!
I always enjoy reading books about books. It’s like book-Inception. This book itself was supposedly inspired by a real-life treasure hunting book, and though I’d never heard of it, I can imagine myself as a kid absolutely loving the premise.
This book does not disappoint in its portrayal of the effects of trauma throughout multiple families as they try to recreate the treasure hunt surrounding their legendary book. Not a lot is given away through cheap exposition dialogues, which can make the book a slow burn sometimes, but it really pays off because the twists are that much more surprising. Interesting and very memorable story!

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This novel is not your typical mystery/thriller. There is so much going on. The novel alternates between three timelines…60s and 70s, 90s, and 2021 within the Churcher and Lally families. Unfortunately, I had a hard time keeping part of the story straight with all the back and forth between the three timelines. I also felt the novel was way too long. It seemed to never end. The official synopsis and cover of the book is what made me request it in the first place. I seriously thought I could give a better review; I rarely give reviews under 4 stars. There were some unexpected surprises in the novel, especially towards the end. The mystery of the bones and the folklore surrounding them was awesome too, but I felt there was too much unnecessary family drama in the story.

Thank you NetGalley and Mobius Books for a complimentary copy of this novel. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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For the most part, I enjoyed this book. I enjoyed the premise, I enjoyed the mystery, and I was pretty captivated. However, I had a hard time with our MC; at times I could definitely understand her stresses. But, there were times when I felt she was a bit paranoid and overly focused on things.

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“The Golden Bones” is being reissued for its 50th anniversary. The book derives from an old folk tale involving adultery, murder and dismemberment. The book was so popular it spawned a treasure hunt among crazy fanatics. Now add in two families who have been intertwined for decades, each holding onto devastating secrets. And finally the last piece of the puzzle is a murder investigation. This plot is complex but the results are worth it.

The author writes about the incredibly complex relationships between the Churcher and Lally families as well the bone hunter relationships that have spawned because of their love for “The Golden Bones.” The book is a great mix of those complicated familiar relationships, the unexpected consequences of a parent’s celebrity on their children, and a rabid fan base that doesn’t understand boundaries. All of these pieces are then underlined by the legacy and mystery surrounding “The Golden Bones” and a murder. All of these elements are what make the book so rich and compelling.

Nell is the narrator and throughout the first half of the book she describes high stakes and danger surrounding her and her step daughter. I found her paranoia to be of her own making and had difficulty agreeing with her perspective. Despite that one criticism, the author does an incredible job of weaving so many people and situations together to create this story. I was completely hooked throughout. “The Golden Bones” itself made me think of “Ready Player One” and the relationships brought back memories of “Fates and Furies.” I didn’t want the book to end but truly enjoyed how all the puzzle pieces fit by the end.

Thank you to Hachette Book Group for this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The Skeleton Key by Erin Kelly: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Format: Digital ARC from NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton

It all started, innocently enough, with a book.

Inspired by a lovely record played by a lovely lady, new writer Frank learned of the sad tale of Elinore and Tam, Star crossed lovers from centuries past. Then Frank crafted the book, riddle, and treasure hunt that would become the story of the century- and that would bring his family success and tragedy in droves. The book, Golden Bones, gained traction across the globe, and the hunt for artifacts keyed to the book began. But some fans became fanatics for the hunt, believing that the story was real- even causing grave bodily harm to Frank’s daughter Nell as a child.

Fifty years have passed since the first printing of the book was released. Frank and his family, who’d withdrawn to a more private life after the attack on their daughter, are reentering the spotlight for the landmark anniversary. A global treasure hunt, made possible by a new app developed by Frank’s son, is rekindling the worldwide obsession with Elinore and Tam’s story. But the fanatics of decades past never really went away, and with the release of the app rapidly approaching, Nell knows something is not right. Can Nell get to the bottom of the sinister network of super fans who would do anything to solve the treasure hunt- and keep herself and her daughter safe in the process?

The mystery and suspense in The Skeleton Key are enhanced by domestic drama galore- strained familial relationships and long-held grudges are also coming to light as Golden Bones nears its re-release.

The Skeleton Key is a complex mystery that was well formed by the author. It requires a good amount of attention as you read to make sure that you don’t miss anything! Every interaction plays a role in the plot development. If you are up for the challenge, you won’t want to miss The Skeleton Key!

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The Skeleton Key is a mystery/thriller set in England. It’s narrated by Nell, a 40-something artist who was raised in a very famous family. Her father authored a notorious picture book that led many readers on a treasure hunt that spanned decades. The family’s life has revolved around this book for longer than Nell and her brother Dom have been alive, and it has caused more than its fair share of trauma and grief for the family.

Now it’s the 50th anniversary of the book and Nell’s father Frank has some publicity in the works to put an end to the treasure hunt once and for all. It doesn’t go as planned and the family winds up entangled in a murder mystery.

The Skeleton Key kept me interested to the very end. The characters are well-developed and vibrant, even if their actions are not always sensible. The family dynamics are one of the most interesting parts of the book, seeing how the parents’ actions have shaped their children’s lives.

The mystery in this book is built upon an intriguing premise and the reader sorts through the clues (both past and present) right along with Nell. The stakes are high for her as she works to find a balance between learning the truth and protecting her family.

The solution to the mystery is ultimately explained in detail by one of the characters near the end of the book. It seemed to come out of nowhere, and instead of the solution feeling satisfying, it was uncomfortable and upsetting.

The solution to this mystery is not neat and tidy. The author seems determined to spread the guilt as widely as possible, and that felt like a bit of a cop-out. But perhaps the author’s point is that nobody is blameless in this tangled mess of a mystery? Or maybe the author is trying to show that nobody is perfect, and the wrong combination of imperfections within a group can lead to extremes. Or maybe she just didn’t want to pin it all on one person to make it harder to guess.

Whatever the reason is, the solution to the mystery left me unsatisfied, so I ultimately gave this book 3 stars.

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Alas poor Elinore, I knew her…..

Book Information

The Skeleton Key was written by Erin Kelly. The book was published on September 1, 2022 and is 512 pages. Erin Kelly is the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Poison Tree, The Sick Rose, The Burning Air, The Ties That Bind, He Said/She Said, Stone Mothers and Broadchurch: The Novel, inspired by the mega-hit TV series. Thank you to the author and to Mobius Books for providing an advance reader copy for review.


50 years ago, Sir Frank Churcher wrote The Golden Bones. It was a story about Elinore, a woman who was murdered and whose skeleton was scattered all over England. The book was part picture book and part treasure hunt and captured the attention of a nation. Unfortunately, some among the treasure hunters were unable to tell reality from fantasy which led to stalking, attacks and drove his daughter, Nell, into a very private lifestyle. On this 50th anniversary, the families involved are reunited, the book is reprinted and the treasure hunt is rekindled with a focus on the last bone….the only one never to be found. They are no less dysfunctional than they ever were….and that’s before total and complete chaos ensues……

My Thoughts

Awesome. This is a longer-than-average book that kept me enthralled. It made me look for opportunities to read just a few more pages throughout the day. I found it exceedingly well-written and well-paced.

This is the kind of psychological thriller that I enjoy. You get insights and information from different characters' perspectives and across various timelines. Often seeing outcomes from actions taken decades ago, and then flashing back to dig deeper into what really happened. The characters are well-developed and grow (often more dysfunctional) as we get to know them better. In a lot of ways, this is really the story of two families vs a treasure hunt mystery…but that doesn’t limit the number of twists or surprises. As the chapters progress, your perspective on the story and its characters will as well.

It's a suspenseful, obsession filled, intricately laid out story full of characters that are often not likable, certainly not trustworthy but always intriguing. It covers some hard topics but deals with them well.

It’s a mystery built inside of a mystery. It’s also a very enjoyable read.


If you like psychological thrillers, suspense and can afford to be completely engrossed in a story until the end….this one is for you.


4.5 Skeletal Stars

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An expertly written thriller that will draw you in with beautifully terrible characters and painfully emotional drama. I loved it. The one two punch of great plot and excellent characters is what really sells a book about a book and a public obsession. Fantastic job by author Erin Kelly.

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"This reunion will tear a family apart....

Summer, 2021. Nell has come home at her family's insistence to celebrate an anniversary. Fifty years ago, her father wrote The Golden Bones. Part picture book, part treasure hunt, Sir Frank Churcher created a fairy story about Elinore, a murdered woman whose skeleton was scattered all over England. Clues and puzzles in the pages of The Golden Bones led readers to seven sites where jewels were buried - gold and precious stones, each a different part of a skeleton. One by one, the tiny golden bones were dug up until only Elinore's pelvis remained hidden.

The book was a sensation. A community of treasure hunters called the Bonehunters formed, in frenzied competition, obsessed to a dangerous degree. People sold their homes to travel to England and search for Elinore. Marriages broke down as the quest consumed people. A man died. The book made Frank a rich man. Stalked by fans who could not tell fantasy from reality, his daughter, Nell, became a recluse.

But now the Churchers must be reunited. The book is being reissued along with a new treasure hunt and a documentary crew are charting everything that follows. Nell is appalled, and terrified. During the filming, Frank finally reveals the whereabouts of the missing golden bone. And then all hell breaks loose.

From the bestselling author of He Said/She Said and Watch Her Fall, this is a taut, mesmerizing novel about a daughter haunted by her father's legacy..."

Book within books that contain a treasure hunt, yes please!

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Loved the idea and description of this book but it just didn’t work out for me. Plot was a bit scattered and the characters were extremely hard to connect with. Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to read review this book.

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A treasure hunt of bones centered around a book? I'm in! I loved this cleverly crafted books and its cast of characters!

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This book was a lot. I was thrown when the daughter was given the same name as the character in a book about bones. Maybe that is my issue, but I was not a fan of the parents. You are almost asking for problems when you associate your kid so closely with something so gruesome. I tried to move beyond my feelings concerning the name, but the die was cast. I found myself judging everything and everyone. I had lots of ammo. Ultimately, this is a really interesting book. There is much to unpack and enjoy about this book. I'm sure this novel will resonate with many.

An e-arc was provided by NetGalley and the publisher for an unbiased review.

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This was such a great mystery read - I thought I knew what would happen at least a dozen times, but kept getting surprised by twists and turns and new realizations. I also love books that have others books are the core of their narrative and complex families so there is a mystery (or really multiple mysteries in this book) with family relationship ups and downs intertwined. It was so hard to stop reading this book - I definitely stayed up way too late because I kept allowing myself another chapter.

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Thank you for the arc.

There are a lot of moving parts in this lovely story of family dysfunction and love. I loved Nell's bond with Billie.
She's just being a mom in the way that she is and trying to untangle the mess her family made too.
This was twisty and complex and I loved it.

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I expected this to be one of my favorite books based on the review quotes given. It’s not the best book I’ve read but I really did enjoy it. I liked the characters and the way the mystery unfolded and developed. I wasn’t shocked by anything so if you’re looking for the incredible twists mentioned in some reviews you’ll be disappointed. I really liked the ‘twists’ even if they weren’t a surprise. I do recommend the book - just know it won’t make your top ten list of the year.

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The ARC copy was hard to read on my kindle. But, I was so intrigued and engrossed in the story that I purchased the published version and am so happy I did! Such a great read!

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