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Behold the Monster

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This one just did not work for me. The writing and story were too all over the place for me to latch onto it. There were also times when so much technical information was throw at you in a way that made my eyes gloss over. And this is coming from someone who is a big true crime consumer! It’s an interesting mix of memoir and non-fiction, but it wasn’t quite pulled off.

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I was so intrigued about this book when I read the synopsis, but there was something about it that I just didn’t like.

I didn’t really enjoy the fictionalized retellings of some of the victims, that for me was just a bit much.

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Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication date: July 18, 2023
Jillian Lauren is an interesting character all on her own. The wife of a rockstar (a member of the band Weezer) and a member of MENSA, her personal life is fascinating. One of her previous novels, “My Life in a Harem” tells the real-life story of the time she spent as the mistress to the Sultan of Brunei. Like I said, Lauren’s life is in no way a boring one. So, when she decides to write a book on Sam Little, cousin of Malcom X and murderer of anywhere from sixty to ninety women, I definitely couldn’t turn down the oppourtunity to read it.
“Behold the Monster” has a strong “Mindhunter” vibe, with Lauren sitting face-to-face with Little in his prison cell, discussing the women he strangled and killed. Samuel Little went years without being captured, although he did spend time in jail for much milder offenses, and was one of the only serial killers to cross racial lines. Even though I am a serial killer expert (and proud of it), Little has never crossed my radar.
“Monster” is unique in that it is a non-fiction, true crime novel, but Lauren adds fictional components, as she describes the last minutes of Little’s victims, and tries to capture what is going on in Little’s mind during his stalking and murdering sprees. Lauren is not a police investigator, so she does not have access to inside information, beyond what is provided to her by either Little himself or the many officers of the law involved with him. This provides for a diverse and unconventional read, and it is unlike any true crime novels I’ve read before.
Lauren did a great job of providing insight into Little’s life and upbringing, while still paying proper respect to Little’s victims. “Monster” does not ignore the societal injustices either, bringing the hard-but-true facts of the racial and gender stereotypes of the American legal system. Little started to kill during a time when Black victims were labeled as “non people”, and when no one would look twice at a missing prostitute. Sadly, not much has changed but Lauren does not sugar coat these issues, and she deserves respect and props for the attempt.
Lauren talks about her meetings with Little, her interactions with various police and law enforcement officers and agencies and adds some snippets of her personal life, all in the five hundred odd pages of this fictionally altered true crime novel. Lauren will occasionally bring up characters from agencies, or incidences from her personal life, that I had no background understanding of, so some portions were a little choppy and confusing. That being said, Lauren has earned all of the writing accolades she has received, and I’m excited to see what other infamous serial killer she introduces to us next!

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This book wasn’t horrible, but I really didn’t know much about this serial killer so it was interesting to learn more about him since he was one that you don’t hear of much.

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2 1/2 rounded up.
This nonfiction retelling of the life and crimes of Sam Little was very well written and researched.
However, I found all the dates, huge cast of characters and vast timeline to be overwhelming at time. Sam Little was a disturbing individual so the story was also disturbing at times.
If you're looking for an in-depth dive into a true crime story then this is the book for you. Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for this ARC.

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This chilling true crime book captures the essence of a murderer and the sadness that he brings to so many.
The author gained access to a sick.but clever individual, how he managed to commit the crimes he did is mindboggling. The victims suffered horrific injuries and we pay tribute to their existence.
The story does get very in-depth at times, the specific details give authentication to the crimes committed.
Many of us would not be able to talk to a criminal who admits he committed these atrocities, without any remorse or sympathy for those involved. The research and collection of data is a great achievement by the author.
This book is an extremely useful resource for anyone in authority, a reminder to tick the boxes and to keep digging when instincts urge you on.
A brilliant must read for lovers of true crime, but not for the faint hearted!

Thanks to Sourcebooks, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was such a fascinating read. The book shows interesting insight into the relationship of a journalist writing and talking with a serial killer. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for an ARC.

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A new true crime book about Samuel Little and his victims. I appreciate that the author wanted to bring the victims more to the forefront; however, I think imaging their words and writing through first person of the deceased was not the way to do it. It was super uncomfortable to read. I think she could have just spent more time on who the victims were based on the facts, instead of writing from their perspective.

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A very interesting true crime that centers around the author's investigative relationship with American's most prolific serial killer. At points, this didn't quite hold my attention or lacked some narrative flow, but it was a fascinating read overall.

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What an interesting way to tell a true crime story. I loved the perspective of the victims, and how Lauren was sure that the reader got to know them. They are the true story here, and Lauren makes sure they are at the forefront, even in her descriptions of talks with the serial killer, Little. Loved her style and appreciated getting to know these ladies who lost their lives too soon, and in such a horrific way. If you're a fan of true crime stories, this is a must-read.

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I’m a little perturbed. Not quite sure what kind of a review I want to write. The detail in this book was amazing. The information that Jillian Lauren uncovered during her discussions with Sam Little was so detailed, so disturbing, so unexpected. I struggled a little bit with the POVs. The author alternated between flashbacks, during which she described the various kills, and today, when she was researching the serial killer, or meeting with him.

If you’re a true crime junkie, this book is for you. The author did a marvelous job of getting into the mind of the serial killer, and describing the murderers from his point of you.

Thanks to Sourcebooks for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This is a very in-depth look at the police cold case work in attempting to solve a string of murders all thought to have been committed by Samuel Little who became known as the most prolific serial killer in the United States. Jillian is writing a book about these murders when she contacts the killer and visits him in prison hoping he will tell who the victims were and how he disposed of their bodies. It is gruesome in many of the details but if you are a serious reader of true crime novels this is one you must read. I found it really hard to read in some places but I am not usually drawn to books of this kind. The book was well researched and the author did a good job of weaving the story of all these murders into an interested book. It is amazing he went so long without being captured and convicted.

I wish to thank NetGalley and Sourcebooks Publishing for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book. I have voluntarily read and reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Behold the Moster is a good book for true crime lovers. Sam Little was a serial killer that confessed to killing 93 women and the FBI and law enforcement have confirmed 60 cases. The women Sam killed were alone in this world. He would prey on women without families, prostitues, and drug addicted.

Sam Little talked with the author, Jillian Lauren, and confessed to many murders on a taped lines while he was behind bars.. The author worked with the FBI and law enforcement to find some of the victims. She interviewed family members and was able to find four women that escaped from certain death by Sam Little.

This is a very detailed book and much research went into the writing. Many things about this topic and this case in particular is disturbing. Jillian Lauren has to have nightmares about this guy even though he passed from Covid in 2020.

This book is for lovers of true crime books. There are lots of details in this book. This book is not for the feint hearted.. I would like to thank NetGalley for an advanced copy of Behold the Monster in exchange for an honest review. #NetGalley #JuillianLauren #BeholdtheMonster

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I didn’t finish this one. It just seemed to go on and on and on with nothing actually being said. There have been less than a handful of books I’ve not finished so you know it’s bad. The writing style was really choppy, like some of the pages I had to go back and reread because I thought I missed something but no, it was just all over the place.

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Terrifying, but in a good way. A great meld of journalism and interesting writing. I very much enjoyed it!

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This. was.... okay. Like the opening was fascinating to see this insight into the author's mind and drug addiction. but like it just fell off the rails after - i had to dnf.

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Behold the Monster by Jillian Lauren

Pace: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Writing: 5/5
Overall Enjoyment: 5/5

Jillian Lauren wrote Sam Little in order to find out more information about his years as a serial killer. What she found out though was more than anyone actually expected. Confessing to 93 women and how he was able to evade capture and manipulate the detectives for four decades. The descriptive nature from Sam Little was almost too. Much sometimes because he seemed to remember so much about each woman. Behold the Monster is a gripping true crime that is enriched by deep descriptions. Her conversations with Little were all recreated in a natural way. Sam Little is a Monster and is something nightmares are made of. Lauren is able to obtain information that will ultimately help law enforcement place all of his victims together and ensure his demise.

Release Date July 18, 2023 Can’t wait

Thank you to NetGalley as well as the author and publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.

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Jillian Lauren gets up close and personal with a monster while interviewing the a prolific serial killer Sam Little.

It goes without saying that this book is a difficult read. A shocking and disturbing look into the final moments of the women he killed. The Author interviewed him while he drew pictures of the women and gave account of their final moments. Little has been linked to over 90 murders.
At times I found it confusing as she flip flopped between names and genders on one particular victim.
While I understand she mixed some fiction to try to give a little more perspective, but at times it came across harsh towards the victim.

It was too much for me, to hear all the ugly details of his kills. I was more interested in the trial transcripts and what makes someone capable of such evil. Disgusting to see how he got away with so much even with his extensive rap sheet.

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I had no idea what I was getting into when I chose this book! Wow, Samuel Little, what a piece of work! Given the circumstances and the decades of evil inflicted, it is impressive that his story could be pieced together allowing closure for some families and giving those women who died a name. The details shared, investigate work from departments countrywide and the author's devotion to integrity bring clarity to the many facets of this serial killer's upbringing, choices, thought processes, the women murdered and the trauma remaining for the few who survived. Well written, sad, and disturbing.

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I guess I thought I like non fiction stories more than I did? This really wasn’t for me. I love true crime shows and podcasts I just couldn’t get into reading about it. I think the writing was good I just wanted more from the story.

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