Member Reviews

I’m in disbelief that the author of THE LAST HOUSEWIFE wrote this rom-com! This book, THE BOYFRIEND CANDIDATE coming out on May 9th, is one of my favorite reads of 2023. I loved all of the humor, banter, the friendship development, and the slow burning romance. The characters Alexis and Logan felt real because of all their flaws. These two encouraged each other to achieve their goals while learning about themselves individually. As a former educator, I also appreciated how the topics of librarians, school budgets and book bans were discussed in the book. All of these elements gave the book a very realistic feel, but it is fun because of the chemistry and sparks flying! I devoured this book in one sitting and Logan Arthur… whew! I officially will read everything by Ashley Winstead, she is a talented author! Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Graydon House for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Sweet and cute. I really liked both characters, though found side characters a bit underfleshed out. Wrapped up a bit too neatly at times.

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It is single pov but the pinning is noticeable from both parties. The slowest of all the burns with sprinkled teases, well worth the wait. I loved the growth from both Alexis and Logan, they knew the things they needed to work on but never put themselves down, and encouraged each other.
The second steamy scene could have used a bit more hype or just waited a few more paragraphs to make a bit more sense to the scene.

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I read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Okay... so I've never liked politics, and so put off reading this book. I have to say, I wish I hadn't waited so long, because it was so much fun! As someone who used to be a teacher, I understand about all the issues Alexis was talking about. The wages and the book banning were all things that spoke to me, and I just loved how the characters discussed these issues with conviction! I totally would have voted for him.
I wasn't happy with the Will complication, only because I don't enjoy love triangles, but luckily in the end, it all worked out.
Alexis and Logan had some wonderful chemistry. I can see this book making its way into many hearts.

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An attempted one night stand that goes wrong, to fake dating to well lets me honest, we know they are going to fall in in love at the end.
This was a quick read for me and I loved both Alexis and Logan. But I really would of enjoyed reading from Logans point of view.

Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.

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Alexis Stone wants to reinvent herself—but a failed attempt at a one-night-stand with a gubernatorial candidate is about to toss her into a high-stakes fake dating scheme way outside of her comfort zone.

I have to be honest, I cannot *believe* the audacity of Ashley Winstead, writing me the absolute perfect man and then having him be FICTIONAL?!?!?! I am appalled and, frankly, not okay.

Seriously, list of book boyfriends is long, but Logan Arthur absolutely catapulted himself to the top of it with his absolute perfection. It turns out “British-accented vaguely grumpy Roy Kent types but nerdy and overeducated with a burning hunger to change the world” are EXACTLY my type? Who knew?

Anyway, I absolutely devoured this book in two days, partly because I truly could not get enough Logan, but also because this book is AMAZING—Alexis is one of the most relatable FMCs I’ve encountered in ages, the political drama is perfection, the cameos from the FOOL ME ONCE stars are a delight, and the deep meaningful commentary on finding yourself, chasing your dreams, and healing from grief are so real and raw. Add to that some fake dating shenanigans and absolute heaps of slow burn tension and you’ve got a perfect rom-com, which is exactly what THE BOYFRIEND CANDIDATE happens to be.

CW: Death of parent (off-page); grief

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Out May 9, 2023! [Thank you to author and publisher for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review!]

Rating: 5/5 stars

Alexis Stone wants to reinvent herself—but a failed attempt at a one-night-stand with a gubernatorial candidate is about to toss her into a high-stakes fake dating scheme way outside of her comfort zone.

I have to be honest, I cannot *believe* the audacity of Ashley Winstead, writing me the absolute perfect man and then having him be FICTIONAL?!?!?! I am appalled and, frankly, not okay.

Seriously, list of book boyfriends is long, but Logan Arthur absolutely catapulted himself to the top of it with his absolute perfection. It turns out “British-accented vaguely grumpy Roy Kent types but nerdy and overeducated with a burning hunger to change the world” are EXACTLY my type? Who knew?

Anyway, I absolutely devoured this book in two days (would have been less but staying up till 3am when you’re a working adult is “ill advised” or whatever), partly because I truly could not get enough Logan, but also because this book is AMAZING—Alexis is one of the most relatable FMCs I’ve encountered in ages, the political drama is perfection, the cameos from the FOOL ME ONCE stars are a delight, and the deep meaningful commentary on finding yourself, chasing your dreams, and healing from grief are so real and raw. Add to that some fake dating shenanigans and absolute heaps of slow burn tension and you’ve got a perfect rom-com, which is exactly what THE BOYFRIEND CANDIDATE happens to be.

CW: Death of parent (off-page); grief

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This one was soooo cute!

It took me awhile to get into it, but I was also moving across the country, so I can't say it had anything to do with the story itself.

I heart Ashley Winstead, like a lot, and this is my first of her cutesy rom-coms. It's official - she can do it all. And omg Logan Arthur?! Yes. Yes, please.

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A absolute wonderful feel good romantic comedy that anyone who is a fan of the genre will fall in love with

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This book was so incredibly swoon worthy!

I don't love political-flavored novels most times but the wit and humor of this one stole my heart.

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If Ashley Winstead writes it, I'm going to buy it.

Alexis Stone is enjoying being an elementary librarian and recommending books to students. Yet, when dumped from her long term boyfriend for being (gasp) too shy in bed, she sets her sights on a one-night stand. Little does she know the man that comes into view is the latest governor candidate for the state of Texas.

Logan is a handsome, playboy governor candidate who has his dreams set on making a difference. When the press catches him with Alexis in his arms, he knows that he needs to fix his image. He NEEDS Alexis to pretend to be his girlfriend for the rest of the election period. What could go wrong with that??

The Boyfriend Candidate is one of my favorite books of the first quarter. I loved that Ashley Winstead was not afraid to address political issues, especially with education. Winstead spoke to me, as an educator, to why librarians are so important while telling the story of Alexis and Logan. The fake dating concept in this book worked well and I couldn't wait for these two to come clean with their feelings. The ending of this story is one that I couldn't get enough of! Trust me, just buy the book when it comes out in May!

Thank you Graydon House Publishing and Netgalley for my earc in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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It’s the two year anniversary of when Alexis found out her ex was cheating on her….again. since he told her she was bad in bed, Alexis decides to celebrate by having a one night stand. When a crazy storm sets the hotel on fire, her suitor helps her out of the hotel, but quickly disappears when cameras appear. Little did she know he was running for governor…

Love me fake dating. I really do! Alexis being a school librarian was the best, and I just loved seeing her start to fight for herself and her fellow teachers! Logan certainly had his moments where he ticked me off, but overall I just loved the two of them together and obviously wanted them to get their communication shit together! This was an adorable rom com with a not always fun hint of Texas politics.

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Every single time I read a book from Ashley Winstead, I'm shocked by how talented she is in multiple genres. This was one of the sweetest books I've ever read, while still having a female lead who is smart, independent and full of agency. I absolutely adored going on the journey with Alexis Stone of finding her voice and her own life goals, and her sexy fake-boyfriend Logan made it even more enjoyable. I loved how both Alexis and Logan got to to grow as individual people, not just as a fake couple. And I of course loved getting to spend more time with Lee & Co from Fool Me Once. I will follow Ashley Winstead into whatever genre she tackles next.

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The Boyfriend Candidate was just the book my romcom loving heart needed! Winstead’s fake dating, sloooow burn romance was an utter delight, and the banter and competition between Alexis and Logan were top notch. Logan and Alexis made a quite the dynamic team, and I really loved that how they used their competitive nature to spark social change. It was wonderful to see them strong as individuals with a distinct voices and passions, while also being complementary as they used their platforms and experience to champion teachers and unionized workers, fight against book bans, and spark positive social change.

I found myself identifying with Alexis, having always been more of a wallflower and even felt overshadowed by my more effervescent siblings growing up. I loved the quiet strength and loyalty that radiated from Alexis as she learned to stand her ground, advocate for herself and embrace new adventures. I really enjoyed witnessing Alexis’ growth, but I wish we had seen more from Logan. We KNEW he had BIG feelings for Alexis while also wrestling with past hurt and fear, but how I wish he had been honest earlier on, rather than waiting so we could have avoided some unnecessary drama.

Ultimately, I thoroughly enjoyed that Winstead delivered a romcom with meaningful discussions about relevant social change and I hope it cultivates more discussions on how we can all get involved and make positive change in our communities!

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This was such a fun fake dating romance. Alexis Stone, introverted school librarian (they get into this, but she doesn't have an MLIS degree but I think that happens in schools so it didn't bug me, though I'm sure there are some librarians who are more die-hard than I am who might be like, what??), goes out on the town one night with the express goal of having a one-night stand to prove to herself that she's not boring in bed like her cheating ex claimed. After a rocky start at the bar, she meets a hot guy with a British accent and spends the whole night regaling him with heavily fictionalized accounts of her life. They're just about to hook up when the hotel fire alarm goes off and he ends up carrying her downstairs while they're both still a bit disheveled, and they get caught on camera. He bolts without an explanation but she finds out the next day that he's actually Logan Arthur, young political hotshot and liberal Texas gubernatorial candidate who has worked hard to rehabilitate a playboy image. To save face, his campaign manager/fixer convinces Alexis and Logan that they need to pretend that they've been dating so that the whole thing looks a lot less salacious. They become friends, and Logan agrees to share his platform with Alexis, who turns out to have leadership abilities she never realized and uses them to advocate for educators in Texas. I really liked both Alexis and Logan and was rooting for them the whole time. This is the first book I've read by Winstead (apparently she has another one that features Alexis's sister Lee, also involved in politics), but I'll definitely be on the lookout for more.

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I’ve never read anything by Ashley Winstead, but I was drawn in by the cover and the title. I was pleasantly surprised and will be looking for other titles by this author. The plot started strong and it kept me wondering what was going to happen next. There were a few plot twists, but the characters were so well-developed I felt like I was living in the book. I don’t want to give anything away, but I don’t think you’ll regret picking this book up!

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(4.5 stars) This book was such a fun and fascinating read! I laughed, I swooned, I got butterflies. I loved Lex’s wit and her personality overall. I felt seen in a lot of her internal dialogue. Her and Logan’s story had me captivated from their adorable turned hilarious meet cute to the last page. I absolutely cannot wait to read more by this author.

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Alexis, a librarian, who decides she needs some excitement in her life when she stumbles upon Logan, who is running for governor. After being photographed together they enter a fake dating relationship. This story had many cute and funny moments. We also get to see Alexis go through a journey of self-growth which I really enjoyed.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin, and Graydon House books for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I was very excited for this one as I loved Fool Me Once and it was pretty cute but I just felt like something was missing.

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Fake dating, smoldering chemistry, an engaging plot and two very likable characters. Did I mention the chemistry? Loved this book!

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