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The Boyfriend Candidate

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Ashley Winstead did it again! She has quickly become one of my favorite writers. The Boyfriend Candidate is a "spin-off" to her debut romance novel, Fool Me Once, and it did not disappoint. I LOVED Fool Me Once, so reading about Alexis Stone was such a treat. First things first, The Boyfriend Candidate can be read as a stand alone novel with ease. However, Winstead's previous love birds (Lee & Ben) are the cherry on top! They make more than a few cameo appearances, and references to their "love story" are peppered throughout. If you haven't read their story it is OK. It simply is an IYKYK situation, which I really enjoy.

Winstead is back at it blending a classic romance trope with a touch of Texas politics. It is so evident in her writing that she herself is a lover of books and words. She adds in with purpose two things I am passionate about..., a teacher's room romance book club and standing up for banned books, Let's not forget a few music mentions like Wreckless Eric's song, Whole Wide World, and of course, Amarillo By Morning...a nod to all the cowboys and maybe even the 4-H kiddos (Logan). You need to read the book for that part to make sense. She is so great at effortlessly bringing awareness to hot topics while at the same time teasing readers with an off the chart romance!

Alexis and Logan stole my heart. The both truly came into their own as their stories unfolded.. Their fake dating, political dilemmas, and personal baggage make them so much more than a hot politician running for Governor and a small town school librarian. I loved how Winstead kept their "fake" relationship piping hot with conflict and a whole lot of sexual tension. She created a significant amount of "anticipated steam" that kept the pages turning and turning all day long until I reach the end ...SWOON!. I was DYING for these two to pull-it-together and just get together!!!! .

The Boyfriend Candidate is a must read this spring! I am hoping there is a third book in this Texas romance world Winstead created and I even have bets on who it will be about!!!!

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4 Stars The Boyfriend Candidate by Ashley Winstead was a fun fake dating romance with a political twist. Shy elementary school librarian Alexis Stone decides to challenge her cheat ex-boyfriend’s assertion that she’s timid and boring in bed by going out to have a one night stand. Instead of a one night stand, she get’s an almost one night stand that is interrupted by the fire alarm and her face splashed across the tabloids with a picture of her being carried out by her almost hook up—who happens to be Logan Arthur, the young politician challenging the incumbent Texas governor. In order to change the story that Logan’s a playboy, his team suggests that he and Alexis fake date until the election. Two months of fake dating in front of the cameras, how hard could it be? For an introvert like Alexis, it seems daunting. Especially when the lines between what’s fake and what’s not start to blur.

I’m a fan of the fake dating trope, especially ones where the characters obviously have real feelings for each other and are fighting it so far. It was easy to see that Logan had real feelings for Alexis from the beginning, but was trying to protect himself from experiencing another heartbreak during another election. Logan was such a sweetheart though, despite his fiery temper and swearing about the causes he’s passionate about. Logan and Alexis seemed like such opposites at first, but like Alexis realizes, they are more similar than not. The ending got a little bit predictable, but was satisfying nonetheless. Recommend this one!

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This book was so fun to read. As an educator, in Texas, I had a little laugh at some of inaccuracies of the educational system here and how it’s run and some of the names, but I chalked it up to this is a fun reading piece. Not an official document. That is why I gave it 4 stars. Overall, super cute and I enjoyed the characters.

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I saw this cover, and knew I had to read it. I had a feeling it was going to be adorable. With it being set in Texas, I wanted to read it more. I loved the chemistry between Alexis and Logan. It has a super fun beginning.
The negative, is that I feel it was more political, less romantic storyline than I expected. I read to escape politics and other stressful things in reality. The cover should’ve made it obvious, but I was hoping it’d be more like how Devon Daniels wrote her book Meet Me in the Middle, where it’s romance and a sprinkle of politics. For me, the romance was great, and I pictured Logan in my mind as someone looking/sounding like, Aiden Turner.
He’s a politician, she is a school librarian. Everyone can agree teachers and librarians are important and could use more funding. There’s fake dating and a very brief dating triangle.
I loved how the book started, it was fun and adventurous. I was immediately wanting to know what happened next.
All in all, I think it’s one to grab. I enjoyed it.

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The Boyfriend Candidate builds on the world of Texas politics that Winstead started in ‘Fool Me Once’. Alexis is the MC’s sister, who decides to celebrate the anniversary of a last breakup by having a one night stand at a fancy hotel bar. She meets Logan when he saves her from a creep, and they hit it off. The night goes great until a weather disaster strikes, and a fake dating trope ensues. This was great, and had very relatable issues for both Alexis and Logan.

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I love Ashley Winstead's thrillers. However, both of her romance books I have read have fell flat for me. I will continue to read her thrillers, but I think I need to walk away from her romance. The characters just seem so fake.

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Ashley Winstead is a genius. She goes from the darkest most disturbing thriller (The Last Housewife) to the cutest most amazing romance!

I’ll read absolutely anything she writes.

This book can totally be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend reading Fool Me Once first. We have some characters from that book that I think are important to know about!

Alexis is a shy book lover and her ex-boyfriend said she was boring in bed (!!). She’s determined to change that about her. She goes to a bar to find her her first one night stand.

Little did she know she’d end up meeting Logan Arthur - a hot democrat politician running to be the next Texas governor. The cameras follow him everywhere since he used to be a bit of a…womanizer?

But it’s better for his campaign to become a serious man in a serious relationship. So, Alexis and Logan start fake-dating (My favorite trope!)

The attraction between them is INSANELY (hot). I was 100% invested, and I was reading sooo fast because I just HAD to see them together. And there are sooo many cute moments in this book.

I cannot rave more about it. Just please do yourself a favor and read this book! You’ll fall in love with Logan. It;s impossible not to!

4.5 star

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I really enjoyed the story. I lamented that it stuck with tropes rather than subverting them, as there was a lot of potential to craft something more unique and still authentic, but it still was a great story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC.

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"𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂 𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒌. 𝑾𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒅𝒐 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉 𝒖𝒔 [...] 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍. 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆."

I couldn't have been more excited to learn that Ashley Winstead was writing a companion/sequel novel to her romance debut Fool Me Once. It lived up to my expectations and then some.

I absolutely related to Alexis for so many reasons: her love of books, her passion for education, the fact that (despite her sister) she doesn't follow politics much, her love of rules that make you feel safe and comfortable, alongside her empathy for those around her; I saw her as a female version of myself. I love a fake dating trope and watching Logan and Alexis' relationship grow from work partnership to friends to something more. There were lots of little callbacks to the first book, alongside Lee and her friend group who act as big sisters. The humour is out in full force, including the one night stand that wasn't (hello Ruby Dangerfield!), the Pretty Woman media coaching, the Lee & Ben role play scene and Nora using Ben's fashion sense as inspiration for Logan. The steam builds slowly throughout with a lot of payoff, as Alexis not only learns to love Logan, but most importantly, herself. Winstead's story and writing had me flying through the pages, swooning, laughing out loud, and tearing up.

The Boyfriend Candidate is a story of believing in yourself, fake dating, sisters, going outside your comfort zone, finding where you belong and opening your eyes to see it. It's an unputdownable book with characters you can't help but love. I'm not ready to leave the Stone sisters and their beaus behind - time for the third book with all of them (can we get WIll's story too!?). Thank you to Ashley herself, Graydon House Books, and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Ashley Winstead can do no wrong! I love her writing style and that her romance books are about so much more than girl falling for boy. The Boyfriend Candidate is well-written, funny, and tender. Alexis Stone is a relatable MC that you can’t help but root for. Logan is charming, handsome, and so smitten with Alexis from the beginning that you can’t help but swoon. Add in the fake dating, politics, and slow burn and I was hooked!

My favorite thing was that the story is about Alexis finding herself and realizing what she’s capable of and what she deserves. We can a ll relate to not feeling good enough and needing some encouragement.

Thank you to Ashley Winstead, Harlequin and Graydon Publishing, and NetGalley for an eARC.

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⭐⭐.5/5 -- I went back and forth on my rating for this one so many times.. there's a lot that I liked, but the overall vibe of this rom-com had me rolling my eyes. Can we just get through a romance novel without pandering? Does anyone enjoy having a political debate in their head while trying to read a romance?

- When it comes down to reviewing books - something I’m emphatic about is trying to judge the quality of the writing vs. deciding whether I do or don’t like the book based on the content. Just because I don't like a book doesn't mean it wasn't well written. When it comes to The Boyfriend Candidate, the content was quite frankly annoying and purposefully meant to appeal to a specific type of reader.
- While I am 100% behind the fact that the USA’s educational system is broken, in serious need of reform and higher budgets for teachers, supplies etc. .. that’s something I think feels like a soft no brainer that politicians throw around for clout but usually gets no where right? *climbing off my mini-soap box now lol…* --->>>

The problem I encountered while reading is that when I start coming across more touchy subjects ~ like what kinds of banned literature should be allowed in schools ~ it makes a book realllllly hard to rate. Am I reading a romance novel, or am I reading a poly-sci theoretical dissertation? Do the people who read my reviews think that a good review means I agree with the subject matter? Did I even enjoy it?

The fact that these highly debated political topics made their way into a romance novel meant to be an escapist-style read?? Just didn’t fit the bill for me to consider it truly ‘enjoyable.’ I’d also like to point out the irony of the party the author obviously supported getting mad that the other party was doing objectively shady stuff… while the candidate was LITERALLY doing the same thing to make himself look better. The hypocrisy of politics never ceases to amaze me… lol it comes from BOTH sides of the political spectrum in so many different forms it could be turned into a drinking game.

Maybe this is your thing, and you’ll be totally fine with it? So this is how I’m going to rate this book:
- Writing Style: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 (Super easy to follow and parts were definitely fun. Literally booking the hubs and I’s next weekend getaway for wine country in Fredericksburg, Texas! ) Again, though, while easy to follow the plot, some of the subject matter was a littttle too distracting to really be considered a ‘fun’ read.
- Character Development: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 - While the FMC’s character definitely grew in the ‘learning to stand up for herself category’ - the beginning, where she’s so timid and afraid to speak up, was ~ so cringe ~. That cringe factor persisted in the drama she willingly created herself. The 'I'm so meek and mild and can't stand up for myself' trope is SO overdone.
- Content: ⭐️⭐️.5/5 - The Boyfriend Candidate, while a decent rom-com-Lifetime-movie-in-the-making, felt like an overall pandering mess. I loved that the FMC seems to genuinely care about her students, her role as an educator etc. it was heartwarming to read that because I can still remember the great teachers/librarians that I had! The rest of it though..? Meh, and the storyline has a soft ending that didn’t give me any warm and fuzzies?

I had high hopes for this one, and I think the author has potential! Maybe I’ll like her next work more? If you loved Ali Hazelwood’s Love on The Brain, you’d love The Boyfriend Candidate! 🖤🖤

**Thank you Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon House, and NetGalley for this advance reader copy. I received this book for free, but all thoughts are my own. - SLR 🖤

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Thank you NetGalley, HTP and Ashley Winstead for this early copy of The Boyfriend Candidate!

Ashley Winstead 👏🏻 She literally can do no wrong in my book and this was another winner! After devouring and loving her last rom-com, Fool Me Once, I KNEW I had to read this one as well. And once again, she has gifted us with the best.

Things I love in this book:
-Love triangle
-Same world as Fool Me Once
-Super relatable main character
-Fake dating

This book had me giggles and squealing the whole time, kicking my legs in excitement as it progressed. I’m not usually a fan of of the slow burn, but man did I eat this up.

I plan of buying myself a physical copy of this book and recommending it to literally everyone. Well done, Ashley, well done!

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Thoughts: The Boyfriend Candidate takes us back into the world of Fool Me Once. Our MC Alexis Stone, is the sister of state senator Lee Stone. It was so much fun to not only get to know Alexis and Logan, but to see so many appearance from Lee, Ben, Zoey and Annie.

I have really become a fan of the fake dating/forced proximity trope and loved the way it was used here to create that angsty dynamic between these two total opposites. Alexis is such a relatable character, as is Logan once you get to know him more. Of course, midway through I found myself hardcore rooting for them to have some sort of happy ending (after reading several emotional romances lately, the HEA is apparently not a sure thing anymore).

This felt so timely to me, especially the inclusion of the book banning happening not just in Texas, but really nationwide. It also discusses the lack of funding for our schools which is another very important issue facing our country.

As a former news/politics junkie that gave it up due to the anxiety is was producing, I don’t always love politics in my romance because it brings me back to reality instead of allowing me to escape. If anyone can do it though, Ashley Winstead can. She’s an auto-buy author for me, whether it be for her thrillers or her romance and I will continue to read anything she writes.

Read if you like:
•one night stands turned messy
•forced proximity
•fake dating
•political backdrops
•open door romance

Thank you to Graydon House, HTP Books, and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I absolutely adored this book. I read it all in one sitting, and I could not get enough of it. I truly LOVED Logan's character and the way he grew throughout the book. My only wish is that we got any part from his POV. Alexis was also such a fun character. As someone also in my children's assistant librarian era, I was SO HAPPY to see her talking about library funding and access to books and all of the challenges that libraries are facing. Alexis and Logan together were so cute and I would love an extended epilogue about the two of them.

This book definitely leans into the lack-of-communication trope, so if that is a dealbreaker then this books might not be for you. The Boyfriend Candidate was definitely a slow burn, but oh-so sweet throughout the entirety of it. This is my first book I've read by Ashley Winstead, but I look forward to reading more of her work!

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I am a big fan of Ashley Winstead's thrillers and while I liked this one (and Fool Me Once) I also think the mix of romance and a politics background is just not for me. I liked Alexis and Logan but I didn't like that their issues were largely driven but mis or just flat out no communication. Also, and maybe this is just me, I couldn't fully get into the story knowing that it was a month out from election day. As a candidate for governor Logan would hardly be in Austin, much less in his office and at home every day!

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Gosh I loved this. It's funny and swoony with a great premise: a politician and a school librarian, each sort of pretending to be someone they're not, have a failed one-night stand thwarted by the hotel fire alarm that leads to a fake relationship for political gain.

Alexis's fears about being a small, boring person who doesn't matter feel so real, and seeing her find her voice and realize the impact it could have was so satisfying. Logan is charming and delightful and so gone for her, which I thoroughly enjoyed. And I loved the political element so much.

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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞: Pretty Woman, fake dating, smart FMC energy, have ever wanted to be part of a political scandal, want to make the world a better place or the Obamas

I am a huge Ashley Winstead fan and in my mind, she can do no wrong. From thrillers to romcoms, if she writes it, I will read it. And her second foray into romance does not disappoint!

When Alexis Stone (little sister of Lee Stone, the FMC in Winstead's debut romance Fool Me Once) gets herself into a mess, she does it proper. Of course her failed attempt at a one-night stand would result in her having to be the pretend girlfriend of a Logan Arthur, British-Texan political wannabe with no filter who makes her loins burn. But will he help bring this shy librarian out of her shell?

I was captivated from the very first chapter- Alexis & Logan's opposites-attract chemistry is off the charts- and I was rooting for them to get together from the first time someone uttered 'fake girlfriend'. This books was funny, smart, sexy and sweet! I loved the swoon-worthy leads and the witty banter, steamy chemistry, and political/female empowerment undertones.

This is a book readers want to read. You will want to be smart, sexy librarian turned political savant Alexis. And Logan, the politician with the most f-bombs on record AND a heart of gold, will be your new book boyfriend. Plus there are lots of fluffy kitties, a highlight of the importance of education, and some favourite characters from Fool Me Once make an appearance.

This one stole my heart! Can't wait for everyone to read it when it pubs in May 2023.

Thank you to Ashley Winstead, Harlequin and Graydon Publishing and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I was a political science major during undergrad, so the book's premise spoke to me. I’m also a sucker for fake dating, so that was also a win. Both of those together were amazing. I particularly enjoyed the balance between politics and romance. I loved that the political element didn’t overpower the rest of the book. That said, I loved that we got a lot of flavor from the campaign. Those debates and strategy meetings were 😳😳😳.

Watching Alexis grow was beautiful. I can relate to feeling like you don’t have a voice or are not good enough. Watching her gain confidence and learn to let someone else in without worrying about disappointing them was terrific. You can’t help but root for her throughout the book! 🥰

I also loved the back-and-forth “is the other person into me” dynamic between Alexis and Logan. They kept me on my toes, and I loved the simmering tension. Their ending was well-deserved!

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I feel like the book was a struggle to get through at times. Of the two main characters, I liked Alexis a lot more than Logan. It was great to go on the journey of growth with Alexis. Especially loved the scene between her and Lee. Even though predictable, I liked how she remembered her passion for writing. I didn’t really care for the subplot with her father. I felt the writing for it was just disjointed, which made it hard to connect with.

As for Logan? He has a tendency to go around calling others “prats”. Well, Logan Arthur was a bellend. He had moments where I wondered if he had dissociative identity disorder. His characterization would switch suddenly - from sweet and kind to abrasive and argumentative.

The book felt contradictory at times. Alexis had no problem strolling into the restaurant in the heels; but then remember she can’t walk well in them during the fire alarm. As a reader, it felt like we took one step forward, only to take two steps back

I wish this book had been dual POV. It might have given Logan more depth. It might have helped me believe that he actually loved Alexis. Cause it really seemed like he was more about the lust then love when it came to Alexis. Their steamy scenes were quite great! I really don’t see them as a HEA pairing - they felt more HFN.

All in all, the book isn’t bad but it’s not stellar. Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the ARC.

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Ashley Winstead can do no wrong! While I am still partial to her thrillers, I am forever amazed by her ability to seamlessly switch to the romance genre as well. I will seriously read anything she writes!

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