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The Legacies

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This book was not for me. I was excited to read about an exclusive prep school because that is one of my favorite YA tropes. This one just did not capture my attention. I didn't really care about the Legacy Club and didn't think it was that unique. The writing was little choppy as well and kept throwing me out of the story.

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The Legacies delivers a thrilling ride through the glamorous yet treacherous world of the elite Legacy Club. Set against the backdrop of New York City's high society, I was hooked from the start, especially thanks to the mix of mystery and high-society drama reminiscent of Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars. What really drew me in was the rich atmosphere and the intriguing characters. Bernie, in particular, was a standout with her complex personality. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat (more like my bed but tmi), and I enjoyed trying to piece together the mystery (even tho I couldn't because I'm dumb and I like to be explained everything like I'm five). However, the pacing felt a bit uneven at times, with many secrets revealed towards the end.
The book is told from multiple perspectives, which adds depth but can be a bit confusing with so many characters. Despite this, I know many readers will appreciate the different viewpoints. I’d recommend it to anyone who loves YA thrillers with a mix of mystery, drama, and a touch of romance. If you enjoy stories with intricate plots and unexpected twists, this book is for you.

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This was amazing. Jessica writes the best thrillers with twists and turns. I loved Bernie and Tori's relationship that develops throughout the book. The writing was great and I can't wait to read more by her!

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* Thank you Penguin randomhouse for an e-arc on exchange for an honest review *

Jessica Goodman has done it again! Every time i pick up one of her ya
Thriller mysteries, I'm never disappointed.

Following a group of teens attending the most prestigious high schools of New York, we watch the group dynamics play out amid preparation for the legacy ball which occurs the last week of summer before senior year. With families that know nepotism is just part of the game., there's nothing much to worry about getting in to the elite legacy Club. Except for the dead body the police are investigating the night of the ball.

If you ever loved Gossip Girl, this is the book for you.

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I really enjoyed this one! This one started off seeming a little predictable, but I wound up being so wrong. I can't even count all of the jaw-dropping twists along the way, even up to which of the characters met this terrible fate. It was so fun to get a glimpse into the lives of these young members of the New York elite, and with a dash of danger mixed in, I couldn't have been more excited for this one.

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I liked the high society setting of this book. It made the storyline extremely intriguing. The dual storyline kept me interested and wanting to learn more.

I struggled with connecting to the characters and didn’t really care what happened to them past finding out the main plot.

I had some many questions throughout reading that were all answered and wrapped up nicely in the end.

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This book was beautifully crafted with well written plot twists. The amount of points of views were at times hard to follow and they felt very shallow. I would've loved to have more a focus of the murder/thriller side of the book rather than the teen drama, but that's just a preference, and I'm sure many would have enjoyed that.

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This story is a YA version of rich people behaving poorly and I was all about it! I love a good prep school setting and although I didn’t really like any of the characters (like at all) I did enjoy all of their storylines and was invested in what was going to happen. I liked that this was a quick read and all around a solid YA thriller. The ending left me with a few unanswered questions though and I felt as if it was a little predictable.

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This book was entertaining and is a light, easy read to put between some heavier, lengthier reads. It was fun to recognize actual places in NYC. I thought overall it had more depth than similar books. I liked the assortment of characters. I rounded up from 3.5 because I thought the ending was a bit rushed and I didn’t like how everything worked out. I absolutely hated how the affair partner was treated like a victim, when she chose to start a relationship with the one bf, knowing a) he had gf; b) knowing the gf; and c) continuing the relationship knowing he still had a gf. She was just reaping the consequences of her choices,

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This was YA thriller set in the rich/elite circle in NYC. One student dies. Was it murder or was it an accident?


I was cheering for Tori the entire way through the book. Her dad, siblings, and girlfriend were all wonderful, sweet people!! I was wondering how she got into such an elite school. Don't worry, that question is answered by the end of the book. I went to school with kids like Bernie, Isobel, and Skyler. I didn't care much for them in HS, and I didn't particularly like them in the book. However, we're supposed to like them. They aren't the “good guys" in the story. It was a steady pace and fairly tense throughout the whole book.

There were a few developments I didn't see coming. I appreciated that a lot. Sometimes, it's easier to predict the twist in a YA thriller. The author did a great job with the balance of out of the blue twists, but they were not overly dark. I hope that makes sense.

Again, this is another one I read and listened to simultaneously. I enjoyed both versions and recommend both. There were multi-POV and multiple narrators. I personally enjoy this when I'm listening to an audiobook.

Thank you, @jessicagoodman & and @netgalley, for a gifted e-copy of this book. It is out now!!

Read This Book If:

You liked A Good Girl's Guider to Murder

You want a YA thriller

You want a moderately paced book

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"The Legacies" by Jessica Goodman is an engrossing YA thriller that intricately weaves themes of privilege, mystery, and the burden of expectations against the backdrop of an elite prep school setting. Goodman's novel is a compelling exploration of the lives of the young and privileged, where legacy admissions and familial expectations cast long shadows over the futures of the students at an exclusive institution.

Goodman excels in creating a suspenseful atmosphere that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Her prose is sharp and engaging, effectively drawing readers into the world she's crafted. The setting of the elite prep school is not just a backdrop but a character in its own right, embodying the pressures, secrets, and ambitions that drive the plot forward.

The narrative centers around the protagonist, whose journey through the web of lies, secrets, and expectations is both captivating and relatable. Goodman does a remarkable job of developing her characters, making them multidimensional and real. The protagonist's struggle with the weight of her family's legacy at the school, coupled with the unraveling of a mystery that threatens to expose the dark underbelly of this privileged world, is compellingly portrayed.

One of the novel's strengths is its ability to address the themes of privilege and the moral complexities it entails. Goodman doesn't shy away from examining the consequences of unchecked privilege and the ways in which it can shape, and sometimes warp, the lives of those who bear its weight. The characters are forced to confront their own privileges and prejudices, making for a thought-provoking read.

The plot of "The Legacies" is tightly woven, with twists and turns that are both surprising and satisfying. Goodman masterfully maintains suspense throughout the novel, leading to a climax that is both unexpected and impactful. The resolution of the mystery is handled with skill, providing a satisfying conclusion while also leaving room for deeper reflection on the themes explored throughout the book.

However, the novel is not without its flaws. At times, the pacing can feel uneven, with certain sections dragging a bit in the middle. Additionally, while the exploration of themes like privilege and legacy is commendable, some readers might find the treatment of these issues a bit surface-level, wishing for a deeper dive into their complexities.

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I’m not sure I would consider this a Thriller, it is a YA version of a Gossip Girl/ Pretty Little Girls mash up. This started out with a big bang in the current timeline, and then flipped back and forth between the current timeline and explaining how the Legacy week unfolded. It was a good mystery, but I was never really hooked and driven to finish the story.

The Legacies are the upper crust club that controls everything in the city. Each year, they initiate a new group of Legacies into the Legacy club, which opens doors for literally anything that person can want. But, it’s not just money and knowing the right people, they also have secrets to protect, and will do anything to do so. When a body is found after a fall from the roof of the Legacy Club the night of their big ball, will the police figure out the real story? Or will it be what the Legacies want them to conclude.

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I’ve really loved some Jessica Goodman books, but this one is not one of my favorites. It starts off interesting in the world of the privileged and elite clubs, but I felt like the story became a bit convoluted and a bit too out there and/or unbelievable with respect to the story’s execution and motive. 3 stars ⭐️ rating for this one. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the advanced copy for review.

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"The Legacies" by Jessica Goodman offers a captivating premise with its exploration of a prestigious boarding school's dark secrets. Goodman crafts a suspenseful narrative that keeps readers guessing until the final pages, weaving together mystery, friendship, and betrayal. The characters are well-developed, each with their own motivations and secrets, adding depth to the story. However, some readers may find the pacing inconsistent, with certain plot points feeling rushed or underdeveloped. Additionally, while the twists are intriguing, they may not always land as effectively as intended. Overall, "The Legacies" receives a solid 3/5 rating for its intriguing premise and compelling characters, despite some pacing issues and occasional predictability.

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IThank you to the publisher and netgalley for this review copy

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the twists, this author is very good

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I loved this young adult thriller! I am a sucker for a prep school novel with a secret society. This gave off Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liar vibes which was what originally drew me to the book. This was easily read in one day because I couldn’t put it down! I love a spoiled rich kid setting! Well done Jessica Goodman!

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I love Jessica Goodman's books and I LOVED this one!!

There were so many twists and turns that I wasn't expecting or able to figure out on my own. I loved following several different characters and the jumping back and forth between the Ball prep, and the Ball events themselves.

I don't always think this about thrillers and mysteries, but I would actually really love some follow up about what happened after the epilogue! I think that this would make a really good limited TV series too, so if some streaming service wanted to hop on that, I'd be so sucked in.

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Overall, I liked this one! The chapters were quick and made this a fast read. Commentary on status and wealth was spot on. None of the characters were particularly likeable. Strong Pretty Little Liars vibes.

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The writing style of this book leaves you no room for guessing! You’re sitting on the questions the entire time as this is extremely fast-paced and has you wondering until the very end.

This definitely has the New York ritzy vibe and you can tell by the drama runs through the group of teens.

If you’re looking for a fast-paced, mystery - then I’d absolutely recommend this one!

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I love young adult mystery thrillers. This one had a lot of twists and turns I didn’t see coming, and I loved the mysterious aspect.

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