Member Reviews

When the world is caving in and your career is on the line it's time to head to Paradise Island. If Knox Shepler can find his muse then maybe he can salvage his next album and his career. The plan is simple, hide out for a bit, write a few songs, and revive his career. The only thing he didn't plan on was meeting his muse.

Claudia found escape on Paradise to find herself and escape her past, how long will she be able to keep her secrets? What will happen when she meets the one man whom awakens that piece of her that has been pushed so far back that it might never be found again?

Sometimes a reset button can bring us the one thing we never imagined, will Claudia and Knox be able to trust each other? Everyone needs a group of friends they can lean on that won't push as you work your way through a painful past. How long will it be before others figure out the pieces that neither want to share?

Don't miss a love story that has heart, spice, and a place to call home. Head to Paradise Island and discover your true north, your purpose, and hopefully love.

I am so in love with this book and it's the perfect addition to your next vacation or weekend read this summer. Now that I know it's the second installment in the Cowboys in Paradise series I plan to catch up and hope there will be more adventures headed our way. While this is part of a series, you can absolutely enjoy this as a standalone like I did, and then if you crave more ... grab the first book and dive in!

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Knox and Claudia’s story is mesmerizing. Both have their reasons for being on the island and avoiding the spotlight. As a country singer who has lost his muse and is under pressure to get another album produced, Knox has come to Paradise Island to lay low, collect his thoughts and find some inspiration. Claudia came to the island four years ago, distraught and looking for a place to hide and regroup. She shuns social media and anything to do with celebrity or gossip of making the news. She is definitely not up on who’s who in the music world and doesn’t recognize Knox when he frequents the bar where she works. As far as she knows, he is just someone her boss hired to fix up some bungalows in need of repairs before they can be rented. Knox is happy to let her believe until he begins to see that she is the woman he has been waiting for, his One. After discovering her story and why she has hidden herself away on Paradise Island, he is afraid to tell her his secret for fear of losing her. Knox sets out to help her come to terms with her past and get past it with the hopes that it will help her want to be part of his life. He doesn’t want to choose between his music career and the woman who has his heart. Yet, secrets come out whether we are ready to tell them or not, and when Claudia learns his, will love or heartbreak be the end result?

I loved these two characters, flaws, quirks and all. They make each other better, and they inspire each other. Their story is a bit bumpy like most good ones are, and entertaining as well. This book makes the perfect beach read. I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley and I am voluntarily writing this honest review.


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The plotting of Make Me Yours, Cowboy is a little convoluted, but Dylann Crush, as always, knows how to win over her audience with ease. The romance she gives us is appealing and charming and makes this one well worth reading.

The amazingly-named Knox Shepler is a country music star stuck performing the kind of songs he doesn’t like. He wants to go back to his trad-country roots, but with his label wanting more of the same-old same-old, his agent convinces him to put forth a another pop-country effort. A frustrated Knox is given an out – this album in trade for a single in the style he likes best. So Knox goes off, posing as a handyman named Nolan, to a remote tropical paradise - literally called Paradise Island - hoping to find the peace, quiet and new muse he needs to write his songs.

Cue Claudia Alvarez, who lives on the island trying to appear inconspicuous in her own way. She works at a bar and small resort called A Cowboy in Paradise and has generally been avoiding society since arriving there. Once upon a time, she was a real estate agent with a thriving relationship with an NFL player. Unfortunately, when she dumped him he blamed his losing season on her, causing Claudia to be stalked and harassed into oblivion by angry fans of his team. Her experience with viral fame has left her distrustful of dating in general and suspicious of Nolan’s sudden attention in particular.

The first time they see one another Claudia stumbles upon Knox while he’s showering, so things are off to a hot start. Her boss hires him to fix the bungalows on the bar’s property (Claudia’s idea) to boost their revenues. Salted nut rolls, rides on ATVs and moonlit nights begin to bind them together. But can they find true love - and can Claudia bear the weight of the spotlight on her shoulders again, when she finds out Knox’s true identity?

Make Me Yours, Cowboy has heat, spice and a fun couple at the very heart of it. The romance between Claudia and Knox makes this one worth reading, even if the plot feels a little contrived.

To wit: for this story to work, Knox has to avoid recognizing Claudia from her megaviral disaster. Possible, I suppose, if you don’t like football. But I can’t buy that he wouldn’t - at minimum - recognize her face. When she mentions why she was famous he does put two and two together, which is not conducive to the notion that he wouldn’t passingly recognize her. Claudia has a better excuse when it comes to Knox’s fame; I’m sure there are plenty of people who don’t know or like country music who can’t recognize some of the genre’s biggest faces if they aren’t megastars or don’t have country hits. But Knox is basically a Garth Brooks-level figure; the paparazzi dog his every step. For the general plot to work she has to not only be unaware of country culture but anything to do with the media. This is only partially explained by what happened to her.

Crush, however, does try to make this make sense, and it works, to a degree. The characters are all good people, and the romance is nice and pleasant, except for Knox’s lying (I found his grovel to be a little too brief. But who can blame Claudia for letting him off the hook so easily?  Most people would crumble if someone wrote a song for them, wouldn't they?)

Claudia is enormously brave to jump back into the spotlight after what she’s been through, and being with Knox is a huge act of courage - so I couldn’t help but admire her throughout the book. And Knox is a nice guy who’s true to himself and his form of art, and he just plain wants to be happy.

The secondary characters are great here. I liked Claudia’s boss and friend Chick a lot, especially for having her back. And the setting is well-realized.

Make Me Yours, Cowboy does have a few flaws, but the characters and romance carry it through.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the ARC.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5 stars

Make Me Yours, Cowboy is a sweet, solid celebrity romance set in a dreamy town. When country music star, Knox, escapes to Paradise Island in the hopes of curing his writer’s block, he finds his muse in mysterious bartender, Claudia. The two fall for each other, but will their secrets get in the way of their new romance?

This was an easy, breezy read that is perfect for a day by the pool. I didn’t read the first installment and had no trouble getting into the story. Knox and Claudia were steamy and had a fun meet cute. Overall, this was a fun, quick romcom.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Make Me Yours, Cowboy by Dylann Crush is book #2 in the Cowboys in Paradise series. Claudia Alvarez works at A Cowboy in Paradise on Paradise Island, but she had a much different life before she landed on Paradise Island. Country muusic star Knox Shepler found himself trying to stay incognito while staying on Paradise Island trying to reawaken his muse enough to write songs for a new album. I liked how these two, with hidden backstories, came together and fell in love. Of course, there were plenty of bumps in the road before Claudia and Knox achieved their Happily Ever After. I figured out parts of the storyline ahead of time but I really liked the characters and I enjoyed the story.

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Definitely didn't realize this was the second book in a series when I requested it. That's totally on me though, so I won't take it out on the rating. Overall, this book is such a fun time and has 100% solidified that I am in my cowboy era. Probably would've been slightly more enjoyable if I had read the first book, but again, that one's on me.

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This is the second book by Dylann Crush that I've read and I have to say, I am really enjoying this author's voice. She pulls me into her stories, gives me complex characters I can cheer for, long-standing friendships that warm my heart, and an island hideaway I would love to explore.

Full review to come closer to 27 June 2023 publication date. In the meantime, I recommend reading book one, Kiss Me Now, Cowboy, Justin's and Emmeline's friends-to-lovers story where both Knox (book two hero) and Decker (book three hero) are introduced.

Advance copy received for fair and unbiased review

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