Cover Image: Immortality: A Love Story

Immortality: A Love Story

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I love the characters but the story was a little lacking for me compared to the first where I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Maybe it was because I did this as an audio and I read the last one. Will definitely read it when my copy comes in the mail.

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I struggled with the audiobook because listening at anything over 1x speed sounds very clipped and computerized. I don't think it's the audiobook itself as much as it is the NetGalley app. I'll be reading this, or waiting for its release on audible, rather than listening, because I can't get through this as an enjoyable audiobook. Which makes me very sad, because I was really looking forward to this audiobook.

I'm withholding my review from any public sites until I can actually read the book because this is obviously not due to the storyline, writing, or narrating.

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I was so excited to get this ALC from NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, Macmillan Young Listeners, and the author. I LOVED the first book: Anatomy and have been counting the days for the release of this next book so I was thrilled to be able to listen to it before the official release date.

I loved this second book almost as much as the first. I was expecting some of the characters from the first book to make an appearance much sooner than they did but I think Schwartz made it work for the story. There were some new twists and elements in this novel, even some new villains. I wish one of the characters ending would have been a little better fleshed out but not sure how else it would have worked for the story. I also appreciated that there was a bit of queer representation in this one.

And the ending?! Still mulling that one over. Dark, delightful, creepy, weird, fun? Yes. All the above. But that's all I am going to say because... *SPOILERS!* ;) What I will say is: READ THIS BOOK! Read Anatomy and read Immortality. Both such fabulous reads!

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3.5 Stars
I'm here for the dark atmosphere and Jack!

Well, at least we got one of the two.

If you're going in expecting the novel to have the same atmosphere or feel as the first novel, you'll be sorely mistaken. The storyline wasn't as dark or gloomy. Which was fine, I was mostly here for Jack anyways. Just note that you'll have to get through 60% of the novel before you'll find out what happened to him. I agree with Jessica's Review on Goodreads, most of the novel felt like a filler. This could have been condensed into a novella instead of a full-length novel.

Read this if you want to know what exactly happened to Jack and Hazel. Otherwise, I don't think this was a must-read. I like the open-ending of the first novel a lot more.

***I would like to thank NetGalley, Dana Schwartz (the author), and Macmillan Audio for graciously sending me the audiobook to review. As always, all thoughts are my own.**

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I loved this follow-up to Anatomy. The series as a whole has a gothic, romantic, historical vibe that I am absolutely loving. Hazel is such a favorite character for me : strong and intellectual and I enjoyed following along as she deals with being imprisoned and then thrust into royal life, complete with a secret society with possibly nefarious intentions. I do feel like there is potential for another book so I’m hopeful it comes into fruition because I would read it in a heartbeat . I listened to the audiobook and the narrator was phenomenal!

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for my review copy.

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I listened to the audiobook of Immortality: A Love Story and like Dana Schwartz’s first novel Anatomy: a Love Story, Hazel Sinnett is a force to be reckoned with. She leads us on the is twisty tale that takes us from Scotland to London to the Royal Palace. Hazel is jailed, bailed and eventually finds herself as the personal physician to the Princess of England. Throughout this journey, Hazel never forgets about Jack and the love story between the two of them spills over into Immortality.
The other welcomed turn is that of a secret society; Hazel stumbles upon them one night and is eventually invited to join their group. The society is a group of individuals, who are immortal. My all-time favorite character of the group is the pompous Lord Byron! He’s so over the top with this arrogant, self-absorbed demeanor that it’s comical.
The audiobook is beautifully narrated by Mhaira Morrison, who also did Anatomy. As I’ve said with other audiobook fans: if you don’t have a strong narrator for an audiobook, the whole thing fails, no matter how well written the book is. Morrison is AH-MAZING! She executes the Scottish brogue, as well as a plethora of other accents in the story and makes each of the characters come alive! It’s due to her that I knew I wanted to listen to Immorality, rather than read the book.
One last thing I’d like to say about both these books by Schwartz: Hazel Sinnett is one of my all-time favorite characters! She is right up there with Elizabeth Zott, the main character from Lessons in Chemistry. The reason I hold both these characters in such high regard is due to their tenacity, their intellect and no matter how hard society tries to wrap them up in a box, they break through!
Ok so that wasn’t the last thing…here is the absolute last thing I will say in this post as well as this month regarding this audiobook: PLEASE MAKE A THIRD BOOK DANA! I WANT MORE ADVENTURES WITH HAZEL!
Thank you to #netgalley, MacMillian Audio & Dana Schwartz for the opportunity to listen to an advanced audio arc in exchange for an honest review! This book is scheduled for released on February 28, 2023.

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I loved Anatomy and think Dana Schwartz is a brilliant mind and a talented writer, but Immortality: A Love Story was a step down for me. The beginning was a little slow, with Hazel being put on trial for performing an abortion* and languishing in prison, and then it was resolved a little too quickly. Then Hazel is off to London, where our story really begins.

Although the series relies on science that doesn't exist, the way Schwartz explained everything in Anatomy, it all seemed grounded in truth. It takes a turn for the fantastical in this volume, and she lost me. Severed heads continuing to live despite being detached from their bodies? A secret society full of some of the most highly-regarded minds of their time, all made immortal by this magic potion? A potion that not only grants immortality but allows the attachment and reattachment of limbs? It was a little too inexplicable for my taste.

The pace in the book was a little off--periods of slow, drawn-out action followed by a frenzy of resolutions. I listened to the audiobook (brilliantly narrated once again by Mhairi Morrison, who gets to perform even more accents this time), and when there was a little over an hour left in the run time, I still had no idea where the story was going. So much happens in such a short span of time, and storylines are tied up briskly. Jack spends the entire book determined to get away from Hazel so he doesn't have to watch her grow old and die as he retains his youth, only to flip on a dime.

This volume was announced as 2 of 2, but I do think there's a potential of more story to be told here. Perhaps set 100 years in the future, as the denouement implies? I would like to see where life takes Hazel and Jack, whose love story I'm still completely invested in.

As an aside, A+ for the cover art here. I don't have a physical copy of the book so I can't credit the artist, but bravo.

*Timely inclusion of the abortion storyline by Schwartz. Sad that we're having the same debate 200 years later.

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Immortality is the second novel in the Anatomy duology and I enjoyed it just as much as the first! Hazel’s story continues and not always in the best of ways. After trying to save a life, Hazel finds herself arrested until a turn of events happens: The King wants her to be the doctor to Princess Charlotte. Hmm.. either that or rot in prison? What kind of choice is that?
Hazel finds herself in all kinds of situations she never expected and that even includes a secret society! And of course, possible romances pop up for Hazel.

This duology is quite the mix of historical fiction, gothic, romance and more. I really like Hazel, she is so ahead of the times, and so young as well! Who knows where she might have gone had she been born in modern times. She is very determined and independent.

The novel was slower moving, but as it progresses it does speed up and I was fully involved in all the elements of the story. Immortality answers questions that were left open in Anatomy and we do have an ending to this duology that I was pleased with. Definitely read both of these books if you like historical fiction, YA novels (though Hazel comes off as so much older than her actual age!) Gothic novels, and strong female characters that are way out of their element.

I really enjoyed both Anatomy and Immortality. Many thanks to Macmillian Audio for granting me an audio arc to listen to and review. The only other thing I can say is: These covers are just gorgeous and are worth the price of buying this duology all on its own! If you enjoy these books in the slightest, you will have to own your own copies!

Many thanks to the publisher for granting me an audio-arc that I was able to listen to and review!

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I enjoy the second book way more than the first book because it was a different story and then other ones I've read. The first one reminded me a lot of stalking Jack the ripper and corpse queen

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*4.5 stars*

I loved this sequel to Anatomy: a love story!!! I maybe even liked it more than the first because I was already so invested in the characters and it was a little less gruesome 😂🙈 Hazel is absolutely amazing! I loved the setting for this and the romance brought me tears! It was so good and the audio is FANTASTIC! The way to go for sure! 🙌 She's got a cool accent. Definitely recommend reading this duet!!!!

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I was surprised to learn that Immortality held its own to Anatomy, offering the same character I loved with Hazel and adding a completely fresh set of supporting characters as well as a diverse plot. I think it tied up the plot to its predecessor perfectly and I can say I was engaged throughout the entire book! I'm so glad that Hazel and Jack's story received the closure it deserved.

Thanks so much to Macmillan Audio as well as NetGalley for granting me access to and advanced listener's copy of this book ahead of its release in March 2023!

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A well-narrated audiobook makes a text come to life. I can imagine a Scottish brogue in my head, but hearing Hazel Sinnet’s voice brought to life by Mhairi Morrison provided another layer of depth to this already captivating story. In truth, I wasn’t expecting to like this. The ending of Anatomy left me expecting a wholly different tale. I am so glad my predictions were wrong. The direction of this story kept me captivated through hours and hours of sorting Lego mini-fig body parts. No, the irony of body part sorting wasn’t lost on me.

Dana Schwartz garnered a number of fans in my 9th grade classroom last year, so I felt like my reputation as a recommender of books was on the line with this one. I am happy to say that I think they’ll love the twists and turns of this tale as much as they did those in Anatomy. The historical references always whet my appetite to learn more about topics of which I only have a cursory understanding, and I have many research topics lined up for me this week!

If you’re living in a place where book banners are running rampant at the moment, it bears noting that this does deal with pregnancy termination. I think a reasonable parent would find the inclusion of this storyline to be a rich opportunity for discussion.

Dana Schwartz and Mhairi Morrison nailed it on this one. What a weekend read!

Thanks to @netgalley for this early read & to @macmillan audio for letting me have a listen. I screenshotted the email & shared it with my high school readers as soon as it came through! They’re waiting on my review on Monday!

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Let me be blunt by stating that I LOVE this sequel. I loved Anatomy and I'm not surprised that Immortality has carved it's own place as a favorite into my heart as well. Immortality's tone isn't as dark as the first book but that change in the vibe worked so well for this story. We see Hazel throwing herself into her work after the events of the first book so seeing a lighter turn in the book truly feels like the best outcome for this love story.

We are of course also introduced to some really interesting new characters ! A lot of them are such a breath of fresh air from the men she'd met in her classes in Anatomy. The relationships she builds with these people are definitely my favorite thing about this book. I love seeing Hazel able to express her brilliant mind freely to people who don't undermine her abilities just because she is a woman. She deserves this and so much more !

And the ending to this book is my absolute favorite !! I could hardly tear myself away. Overall this series in general will leave you wanting to read it over and over again. Once is not enough for this duology. This world was so fun to dive into and so beautifully crafted that it's hard to stay away !

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I have to start this by saying how much I love, love, love this duology. I loved Anatomy. And I love Immortality. This sequel doesn't have that curse of not being able to follow up after such a successful first. In fact, I think this one stands just as powerful.

I also need to state to the author: how dare you. A love story? Sure, but you had to go and break my heart how many times to get there? And now it's just done? It's over? I can't. I love these characters. They are perfect. I want to read them forever. But I will hold this perfect duology as it is in my heart and reread it over and over again. Thank you Dana for this love.

In this sequel, we are following Hazel through the events of the last book. She's in her grief. She's in her work. She's the same Hazel we loved in the first book. I love that she is unchanged. Well, if anything she's even more Hazel than before. She's headstrong and stubborn. She's fierce fierce determined. She's still turning what it means to be a woman in this time on its head. She's lost a piece of her heart but she has not lost herself.

She finds herself physician to the beloved Princess in England after being horribly betrayed, jailed and put in trial. While treating a mysterious illness from afar since the Princess trusts no one to examine her any longer, she finds herself in the midst of a secret society. They appear to be everything Hazel has been looking for in a set of peers. She also befriends the Swedish Doctor, Simon who may just may be as enchanted by Hazel as she is with surgery.

This book. I did not and could not put it down. This is a perfectly developed world and story within that combines historical fiction with modern feminist beliefs. It's wocen beautifully together and kept me turning the pages until the end.

My heart is yours. Forever. Beating or still.

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This is the second book in The Anatomy Duology by Dana Schwartz. Scottish Hazel Sinnet is working as a physician, although, as a woman she has not been able to take the medical exam. Through several twists she finds herself as the personal physician to Princess Charlotte in London. This story was immersive and I was quickly drawn in. Hazel is a strong woman who is progressive for the time period. There is a lot of action going on and all the characters are interesting and well created. From Royal politics to the Secret Society of the Companions to the Death, Hazel has a lot to navigate. The ending was very satisfying. I was initially unsure how it could be wrapped up satisfyingly, but the author did a great job.

Narrator Mhairi Morrison and is outstanding!
Thank you Macmillan audio for the alc.

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I was SO relieved - and incredibly excited and grateful - that I was granted access to read this advanced copy immediately following finishing ‘Anatomy’ (Which is the first book in this duology and my favourite read of 2022)! This was such an awesome sequel that was hard to put down! It was written so well that I honestly didn’t know how it was all going to unfold - or who to trust! I don’t want to give anything away but I loved that Hazel was as the same force to be reckoned with in this book as she was in the first. Her intelligence was admirable throughout the series and I loved the quote said by Simon where she changed the face of medicine for anyone trying to follow in her footsteps (specifically women). Not a direct quote - obviously - but that part stuck through me through the remainder of the book and I rallied behind Hazel during her trials and tribulations as if I knew her. I would recommend this series to… everyone who likes to read! It’s a sweet love story that is full of excitement and a strong female lead!

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced electronic version of this book in exchange for n honest review.

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This sequel was really interesting! It was not at all expected after how the first book ended and honestly, it was a wild ride. It definitely went way more into the fantasy genre and was very Frankenstein-esque. I liked the ending the most and how it tied both books together. A duology is the perfect amount for this series, anymore and it would have drug on too much. The romance was more of a subplot which is odd since the books are titled as ..A Love Story though I enjoyed Hazels journey as a woman doctor in the 1800s more than the romance.

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Just wow! I fell in love with the first book, Anatomy: A Love Story. Hazel is an amazing character. Determined, brilliant, clever, doesn’t play by the rules. Everything I love in a female lead. I was really excited to get an advance audiobook of the second book Immortality: A Love Story from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Like the first book, this did not disappoint. We continue to follow Hazel on her journey as a “physician” which quickly leads to her arrest. Earning a reputation for herself as a female physician. She finds herself specifically requested to be the physician of Princess Charlotte, which saves her from execution.

Hazel ends up uncovering more than she expects and in typical Hazel fashion, she’s determined to get to the bottom of everything.

Never a dull moment, this duology has quickly made its way to the top of my favorites.

I really enjoyed the narrator as well. She kept me engaged the entire time.

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Where Anatomy: A Love Story was feminist historical fiction with a touch of romance and a hint of fantasy, Immortality: A Love Story is…well, all over the place. It’s certainly feminist, but the historical and romantic aspects of it are muddled and take liberties with history that make it less engaging than Anatomy. We get to know Hazel a bit better under more pressure than the last book, and the ending of the previous book factors in heavily into the plot. It starts off incredibly slowly, incorporates waaaay more sociopolitical commentary (to the detriment of the plot), and just plain misses the mark that Anatomy hits so often. I read until about 14% on the eARC and got stuck with it, putting it down for nearly a month or so, until I was granted access to an ALC with a pleasant narrator, which helped me get through the rest of the story. I wasn’t pleased at all with this book, and I feel I only finished it because I had it on audio.

This book starts nearly directly after the last one finished, with only about a year to show the effect of Jack’s absence and the heavy loneliness Hazel experiences in her profession as a woman doctor. She has become incredibly skilled, and the community around her and quite far off know about her talent and come to her for medical help. Eventually, as the synopsis states, she is incarcerated for providing medical attention to a woman who has poisoned herself in order to abort her baby. For this, she spends some time in prison and is sentenced to death until she unexpectedly finds herself free and now the royal physician of Princess Charlotte, the granddaughter of George III.

The book picks up the pace a bit while Hazel is at the palace. She meets several historical figures and receives an invitation to join a secret society full of even more historical figures. We find out what happens to Jack after Hazel forms an attachment to a Swedish doctor in residence caring for the insane King George III. Everything plays out like a daytime soap opera, and historical events go out the window in favor of the plot. The whole book seems crammed together with no logical interweaving of the fantastic.

In addition to the history, the synopsis does not quite match the events of the book, either. I did not get the impression that Hazel questioned her sanity in terms of what happened at the end of the last book. There was an anxiety about the safety of her friend, certainly, but not thinking anything did not really happen. Though Charlotte is indeed the daughter of George IV, he is not the reigning monarch in the book—George III sits the throne, though his Prince Regent rules while he is incapacitated. Charlotte’s fate in the book is completely different from historical fact. Sure, this is okay to do with alternate history, but this book is historical fantasy. The fantasy should give way to the history, not the other way around.

On a positive note, the audio narration was pleasant. While it was narrated in a Scottish voice, I was able to speed it up to 2x because the reader's voice was clear and her words well annunciated. The occasional male narrator was also easy to understand and nice to hear. Overall for narration, 5/5.

While I quite liked Anatomy, Immortality felt very haphazard and rushed. The magical/scientific underworld is not seamlessly interwoven into history. The romance is convoluted. The beginning drags. Even the synopsis clashes with what happens in the book. Overall 2.5/5 for the book. Combined rating of 3.5/5, rounded down to 3/5 for the wonky structure.

My thanks to NetGalley for the eARC and the ALC, for which I willingly give my own, honest opinion.

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Dear Immorality; a Love Story,
I absolutely loved Anatomy; A Love Story. It was a unique concept with depth and brilliant characters. It was a tough act to follow up, but you did decent job of it. There were a few things I wasn't the biggest fan of though. I felt that Hazel compromised some of her principles for the sake of love, which felt like a bit of a cop out for me. I loved most of your plot line and the mystery and intrigue that you brought, but your story was a bit all over the place, with no overlaying mystery that Hazel was trying to solve. You were an enjoyable story, but reflecting back on your story, there was a lot that didn't feel like it added to Hazel's story.

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