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Wickedly Trapped

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Wickedly Trapped by A.E. Nalle was a fast paced romantic suspense. Heath, Reid and Kate fit perfectly together. The are able to grow and learn with each other to make a solid foundation for their relationship.

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SUCH AN AMAZING BOOK!! I usually feel like books can’t have a great plot while having great spice but this book has both. I couldn’t put it down. I’m SO EXCITED to read what she comes out with next!!!

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I found this novel to be thoroughly entertaining and would invite others to read it and experiencee this novel for themselves.

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A spicy MFM read that will leave you wanting more!

For the first book in this series, I think Nalle did a fantastic job. I really liked the characters, but also the acceptance and acknowledgement of the diverse relationship type.

The spice/smut within the book probably sits around a 3-4/5 because it involves a fair bit of ménage-à-trois kind of encounters so please be aware of that before you read this book.

The book also features elements of an age gap where the woman is the older person out of the three. I also really liked this about the book because so often it's the other way around.

In terms of the plot/ the main antagonist, I do think that element was a little predictable. There are also a lot of moments in the first half of the book where the MC has a lot of bodily shame and fatphobic thoughts that really didn't sit well with me. Collectively, I think that's why I didn't rate this book as highly as I thought I would.

Overall it's a great first book of a series and I'm genuinely excited for the second book, just make sure you check the TW before reading.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Evernight Publishing for this arc.

MFM adult romance.

There are definitely triggers in this book, so be sure to look for those before reading.

I truly enjoyed this story, as it got me out of a reading slump. However there were quite a few things about the story that made my eye twitch a few times. I wish there would have been more character development for everyone other than Kate. Heath and Reid had zero character development or even background given other than their occupations. Even Jill didn’t have much, as we know she has something from her past but no information is given other than a name.
As a parent, it was also strange that after the first instance of DV, Kate doesn’t go check on her child.
Overall it was a good story, but there were definitely a few plot holes that left me looking for more.
I do plan on reading the next one. I can’t wait to hear Jill’s story.

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the habit of not revisiting blurb before starting a book proved to have surprised me once again. i love kate, i love heath and reid.

there are grammatical errors and the wrong name printed in the book. while i'm not sure whether these has been rectified in the published book, but the wrong name threw me off. i was stuck wondering when did the name Jack appeared and why have i missed him.

despite that, i thoroughly enjoyed this book. i love how kate and the boys and her friends are like family and protective of her. even her daughter stood by her, when i've read more stories than i liked on children dismissing all the bad things their parents did and swayed between two sides.

my heart ached during the hospital scene and i felt my eyes wet. how the boys refused to leave, how jill was worried despite her injuries and the tear-jerking sort of begs from her daughter.

thank you so much for approving me to access this title. i cannot wait to see jill and the detective or Lindsey and Dr Ian in future books with hopes that kate, heath and reid will make a brief appearance.

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I have never in my life been envious of a fictional character ever! But I really wish I had Kate's luck. Two unworldly hot men that just want to please you and only you!? I mean, come on what woman wouldn't be down for that? Besides all of the hot, super spicy content there was and engaging storyline involving Kate's past that I just had to know more about. This one gets 5/5. Thank you to the author and Netgalley for the opportunity to read it.

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🌶️ 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️/5
Female POV
Self love
Self growth
Big life changes.

Kate became pregnant at the young age of 16. She did what she thought was right and married the father of her child. They lived an uneventful life together until Kate’s would came crumbling apart when she found out her husband for the last 19 years was having an affair.

Kate picked up the shattered pieces and moved across the state line to start over. Her first job, her first apartment, her first taste of freedom and independence. Before long Kate finds herself in a situation she never imagine with the Greek gods that lived next door. Kate never felt so loved and appreciated in her entire life, but would that all come crashing down when her past seeks to find her?

I loved this book. I could put it down. Along with the super spicy bedroom scenes, they story line was also mesmerizing and the ending has left me wanting more! Definitely recommend this one!

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I just finished this ARC and I don't know where to start. I loved the story, but I feel it can be much better. Please don't get me wrong, I adore every aspect of the story from Heath to Reid, Jill to Samantha, and Lindsey to Kate. I think it has a lot of potentials and needs some slight tweaking. I believe this is the first book for A.E. Nalle, and she did a tremendous job of giving us a spicy and steamy love story with just the right amount of action 🔥

Wickedly Trapped is a hot spicy story about Kate, a 35-year-old divorcee that has just started her new life when she meets the drop-dead gorgeous Greek God Heath and the dark Viking Reid. After a steamy encounter, she finds herself trapped between them with confusing emotions and nervous butterflies. They begin a smutty throuple until her past rears its ugly head and brings terrors to her newly made independence.

First of all, I need to applaud A.E. Nalle for her body positivity throughout the book. I was saddened by how insecure Kate was of herself, and the way those men of hers praised her, was enough to make me swoon 🥵. I also loved that the age gap was from the woman's side this time instead of it always being the man’s. There's nothing wrong with being 35 with two 26-year-old hot boyfriends! Although, Kate did seem kind of immature. I get that she didn't have any sort of life when she was married to Tom, but the word "girl parts" was said wayyy too much. There's nothing wrong with the word, but I felt like it was highlighted more than once and since the FMC is an adult, other words should have been used. Also, it's better if there was more proofreading because in more than one scene, the characters’ names have been replaced and some words were even written in place of other words. It's minimal, and not really obvious if you weren't focusing much. There wasn't much development of the other characters. We only knew a bit about Jill's life, nothing about Samantha and Emily, nothing about Lindsey, her daughter, and minimal information about Heath and Reid. Also, the ending was kind of rushed and was said as part of an internal monologue.The last part of the book was supposed to be the most important, but it was said as if the author is remembering the things that happened. Even the drama that unfolded between her and her "boys", as she liked to call them (which is cute btw), it was said as part of her monologue. If there were more scenes between them and we were able to read the "ending" as it is during the action, it might have been better.

Well, after all of this, I enjoyed it. It was very smutty 😉, I felt somewhat close to the FMC and that she had to be protected because of her zero-to-non-existent life experience. I enjoyed the MFM throuple idea, especially when the doctor was amused by her shame, or lack thereof 😏😉.

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Whoa! Fire alarm warning! Muy picante! The story line delivery was ok with an insta-lust between the fmc and the 2 younger male love interests. Two thumbs up for the fmc being older. Maybe because the focus was on the sexy times, the author didn’t put as much attention to the story line as I felt that could have been better developed. There was some interesting drama with an abusive ex. But the sexy times were highly entertaining if that is your pleasure.

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When the genre said “erotica/romance”, they really leaned into it! I was expecting something sensual or slow burning. This was not the case. From the first chapter, Nalle make quick work roping the reader in with one of the two sexy male love interests. The chapters are written clear and fast. Each providing a new point in the plot. Nalle makes good work intertwining two-curling spicy scenes with explicit and blush-worthy details. Be warned, this book has kink, sporting a poly relationship and MFM spicy scenes. A good introduction for anyone trying to spice up their reads OR get some ideas for their own bedroom ;).

This book does have hints of romance, with the following tropes shining through: close proximity, age gap, why chose, “touch her and you’ll die”.

This book also had some inconsistencies. The FMC wants to be independent, but immediately falls for the male love interest within the first 3 chapters? Also, noticed there was a typo calling one of the men by the wrong name, which was confusing and required a re-read. The word choice used during the spicy scenes could also be controversial. If you are particular about what words to use in the bedroom, be prepared for very colorful language!

I fully believe all readers should be aware of what they are going to consume. I always provide trigger warnings (TW), so readers can make an informed decision if this reading is appropriate for them.
TW: DV/Assault, Multiple Partners, Gun Violence

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Boy was this hot, hot, hot. The sex was fire but slightly unrealistic. I thought the plot was interesting but the main character was a bit annoying. The MC is someone older and has a daughter in college; the way the MC reacted in certain situations was sometimes annoying to read. Granted, I try to have an open mind and think to myself, “maybe people actually act like this who have gone through what she’s gone through.” Either way, I enjoyed this story and I’m excited that the next will be about her best friend. Now that character is someone I’d like to learn more about.

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Wow that was one spicy read! Wickedly Trapped was a wild romp and I think our patrons who read erotica will definitely enjoy it. We will be purchasing for the collection.

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ARC received from NetGalley. Thank you!


A spicy book detailing a recent divorcee getting her "starting over" ever after in the best way possible; with her two hottie BFF neighbors.

Kate, a mid 30s divorcee, moves to a new town to be closer to her college-student daughter and start over after the end of her 19 year marriage. The marriage was horrible and Kate is looking forward to finding how who she is on her own and proving that she doesn't need her jerk of an ex. Income Heath and Reid who completely rock her world and prove that Kate is worthy of love (and worshipping). As their relationship builds Kate's unfortunate ex comes back into the picture and does his best to ruin everything Kate is trying to build for herself. Heath and Reid are not about to let that happen though.

Never in a book have I been more jealous of a fictional character. I would kill to be Kate, even for a day!! Heath and Reid prove to be awesome characters and alongside Kate create a developed story that is enjoyable to read with more than enough spice to have me fanning myself from all the steam.

If you are looking for a classically written book with full character and story development this is not for you. If you are looking for a well-written steamy romance book full of erotic romps with an engaging storyline and group of characters this is a highly recommended read.

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“Wickedly Trapped” was a steamy, dramatic romance that kept me turning page after page as I watched the relationship between Kate, Heath and Reid unfold. This story gives an interesting look at a freshly divorced and uncertain woman who heads out to discover a new lease on life and suddenly finds herself entangled in a passionate polyamorous relationship while dealing with some of the demons from her past. The steam is hot hot hot and while some of the drama is a little predictable, this was such a fun and enjoyable read.

From a technical stance, this book could use just a little improvement: there was at least one instance of a place holder name that wasn’t changed; a few typos here and there and a few too many instances of Kate releasing breaths she didn’t even know she was holding…but even so, this was truly a fun read.

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This book starts a little rough in the story development phase between the three characters meeting and forming a relationship. As a reader I enjoy the sexy times as much as the next but I need to be emotionally invested with the characters before that occurs otherwise it's just porn and this book gets very close to this feeling. It is not until about midway through the book that the author begins to find a rhythm and voice to the story that makes it feel more like erotica then sex slapped on a page. There are also times the author mixes up character names and personalities that can detract from the read. Overall this was far from the worse erotic fiction story I have read but it does suffer from lack of editing and finetuning.

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I have never been so jealous of a character before. What woman wouldn't want to be sandwiched between two hot, younger men. This book had everything I didn't even know I was looking for. It's a story about a divorced woman taking back the control of her life and moving on to better things. Her daughter just graduated so it was time for her to put herself first for once. She never saw these men coming though. They totally flipped her world upside down(they also did plenty of flipping her body around as well if you know what I mean lol). If your looking for a steamy, who choose, menage romance with plenty of drama definitely read this book. This was the first book by this author I've read but I'll definitely be reading more of her books. I highly recommend it!

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I really enjoyed Wickedly Trapped. The writing was well done and I found myself drawn into the story from the beginning. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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MFM/single POV(fmc)fast burn/reverse age gap/instalust/dirty talk/praise/DP/toys/mild violence/stalking/HEA

Book one of The Wicked Series. This will be an interconnected character series. This book does end with a HEA.

Kate is a 35 year old single mother to a college aged daughter. She is newly divorced and trying to find herself again. She has moved to to be closer to her best friend Jill. It's time to start over. If only she can figure out what that means. Her cheating husband left her self esteem at an all time low. Not to mention their completely lacking sexual relationship. Then she meets Heath… and also Reid 😏 and they have no trouble coaxing Kate wild side.

THISSSSS BOOOK!!!! Ahh! Just all the yes, I promise you that you need this book! Heath and Reid are literal book boyfriend goals. Obsessive, dominant, drool worthy, dirty talking alpha males! 🥵 Jesus.
I loved the body positivity they were always giving Kate, even fussing at her when she talked down about her self. While this book was a great smutty read, there was still a great storyline and plot to follow. This had suspense and some twisted parts that just made this all around a great book! Also I really liked Jill, she was so funny and I’m ready for her book! I will definitely be checking out more from this author!

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The spice is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!

I was not expecting to love this as much as I did.
Kate is in a new town, freshly divorced, and hasn’t been alone in 18 years.
Now she’s free, and stumbles into the life of two best friends, Heath and Reid who love to share.

I enjoyed the rawness of these characters, as well as the vulnerability they have been a threesome. It isn’t conventional for two men to love the same woman so deeply and not be jealous or into each other too.

I will definitely be reading the next one!

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Plot: 4/5
Characters: 5/5
Recommend: Yes!

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