Member Reviews

This is an insightful and interesting guide that is research-based and written in an engaging style. The strategies suggested were simple and well supported by real-life examples which demonstrated how they can be easily implemented. A very useful book!

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Thank you so much to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book! When I read the title of this book I immediately requested it because I knew this was something I needed in my life. Let me tell you, this was one of the most influential books I have read in a long time!

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

Dr. Ryan Martin, known as TikTok's "The Anger Professor," delivers a practical and insightful guide in his book, "How to Deal with Angry People." Drawing on over two decades of research, teaching, and clinical experience, Martin offers ten highly effective strategies for navigating the turbulent waters of anger—whether it erupts at home, in the workplace, on the street, or even online.

1. Understanding the Angry Mindset: Martin delves into the psychological factors that underpin an angry personality. From genetics to gender and other personality traits, he sheds light on what drives anger in individuals.

2. Setting Boundaries: Sometimes, we find ourselves entangled with perpetually angry people. Martin explores the delicate balance of maintaining relationships while safeguarding our own well-being. He discusses when it's appropriate to disengage and even considers the option of terminating toxic connections.

3. Communication Strategies: Armed with research-based insights, Martin provides practical communication techniques. Whether you're dealing with a hotheaded family member, a disgruntled coworker, or an irate stranger on the street, these strategies empower you to navigate conversations effectively.

4. Avoiding Character Assaults: When tempers flare, personal attacks often follow. Martin equips readers with tools to deflect character assaults and maintain their emotional equilibrium.

5. Reaching the Unreachable: Some angry individuals refuse to communicate or remain closed off. Martin offers creative approaches to bridge the gap and foster understanding, even with the most resistant personalities.

6. Case Studies and Real-Life Scenarios: The book weaves in relatable case studies, illustrating how these strategies play out in everyday situations. Martin's engaging storytelling keeps readers hooked.

7. Fact Boxes and Tips: Throughout the book, fact boxes provide quick takeaways, reinforcing key points. Practical tips accompany each strategy, making them actionable.

8. Online Anger: In the digital age, anger spills onto social media platforms. Martin addresses handling online confrontations with grace and resilience.

9. The Emotional Toll: Acknowledging the emotional toll of dealing with angry people, Martin emphasizes self-care and mental well-being.

10. Hope and Empowerment: Ultimately, "How to Deal with Angry People" offers hope. It reminds us that we have agency—even in the face of rage—and that understanding and managing anger can lead to healthier relationships and personal growth.

In this concise yet impactful book, Dr. Ryan Martin provides a roadmap for navigating the stormy seas of anger. Whether you're a seasoned psychologist or someone seeking practical advice, "How to Deal with Angry People" is a valuable addition to your library. So grab a copy, equip yourself with these strategies, and face anger head-on with confidence!

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The book showed some good insights into anger and some useful strategies to deal with the same. However I do feel at times the book lacked any depth

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Helpful strategies for dealing with angry people and finding solutions. I will certainly try some of his suggestions.

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Thank you Watkins and NetGalley for this ARC.

This anger book provided really useful and insightful information into the emotion we all experience but can often be viewed as shameful, scary or just plain negative.

The strategies outlined here provide helpful ways of responding to angry people. It also gives a great, clear understanding of anger and ways to navigate it.

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This book is very interesting as years ago i worked in customer services and my mental health suffered because of constant angry customers that I could not help, it was an impossible horrible job. I wish I had read this book nthen.

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I don't think I'm the target audience for this book, as the angry person in my life if my 4-year-old son but I still found this book a useful resource. There was a good balance of insight into what makes people angry and practical strategies to live alongside angry people. Not every section can be applied to a child, as it's obviously written with adults in mind. But I still came away with a lot of useful information and it made me think about my other interactions too.

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Interesting and well written I just personally couldn’t get into the story. Difficult to follow at times and a little slow. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I enjoyed this book. It was thoughtfully written and had good advice on how and how not to deal with angry people. Look forward to testing its approach.

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Could not get into. DNF at 15%. What I read wasn't earth shattering information. Maybe if I had been able to make it farther....

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I downloaded this because, like many people, I have to deal with other people who are angry at work. The book outlines different reasons why people might be angry. I liked the distinction between anger as a state and as a trait. The book is also clear that the strategies suggested are not for people in abusive relationships who need to get out. As a pretty calm person, I felt that many of the strategies were ones I was already using but they are useful. I was challenged by the need to give up sometimes and disengage and the fact that guilt is a natural reaction but may not be based in reality in the same way that anger is not always. This is easy to read given the heavy subject matter and I recommend it. Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC.

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Pretty solid book. It's not the usual pop science book - it's a little lower level than that. It uses case studies and research papers from the 80s to make its points. It's not the firmest grounds, but what do I know? I can see this being helpful and interesting only to a very limited slice of the population, but again...what do I know?

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I can't get into this book at all and it's no disrespect to the author. I managed to read the first chapter and managed to kind of follow but it's probably because I'm a predominantly fiction reader.

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I am not familiar with the author's work on Tik Tok but I enjoyed this book and it contains lots of useful information on how to deal with angry people. It explains why some people get angry and what happens in the brain when we get angry and it also give 10 tips on how to deal with their anger.

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I found this really useful. I often deal with a lot of angry people by the nature of my job and sometimes in my personal life, and this is a very useful tool for trying to diffuse a potentially volatile situation.

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What an interesting book to read, to have and to give to someone. A first book, manual I dare to say, on how to deal with angry people and with your own anger. To be able to deal with angry people or your own anger, Ryan Martin explains us the importance of understanding anger. Is it a trait or is is it a state? And once you understand anger, he provides you 10 strategies to deal with angry people or your own anger. This book is valuable for everyone who deals with anger or angry people professionally and personally. The strategies work and whenever you fall of the wagon by anger your own or someone else’s, just pick the book and find your strategy. With all the emotional constipation the world has built up these past years during pandemic, this book just might be the answer many of us have been looking for.

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This is an informative and comprehensive book all about what makes us angry, how people can act their anger out and how best to respond to others anger. Ranging from angry parents to work colleagues, online exchanges to family get together through a mixture of case studies and general information a lot is covered. While it may be a heavy topic Martin writes in a conversational style making his points easy to understand and apply to everyday life. Having read this I definitely feel I’ve learned some methods to apply to everyday life when thinking about how to respond to other people’s anger.

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A easy to read book, full of interesting useful tips, I particularly found the case studies very insightful.

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Apologies for missing the date of publication. This book is so useful that I read it in stages absorbing one chapter before starting another.
Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of publication.
I am not alone in noticing how much anger and confrontation there is everywhere at the moment. I recognise anger in myself, my family and my friends as well as in the outside world.
This book is an insightful exploration of anger. Genetics versus environment is discussed. I found the fight and flight explanation particularly interesting.
The strategies for coping with anger are “doable”. The case studies are interesting.
Highly recommended.

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