Member Reviews

The author of Unlikable Female Character presents an intriguing and concise history of how women have been portrayed in American movies and TV, focusing on the characters who are intended to be disliked. The book's premise is well-crafted, and the author does an exceptional job of carrying it out.
One aspect that stood out to me was the author's critique of the idea that female representation must necessarily be feminist in order to be deemed valuable. The book offers an original perspective on the representation of women in popular culture, and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in the topic.

An in-depth exploration of the unlikeable female characters through pop culture history. Bogutskaya traces the use of the term through history, tracks the cultural shift fueled by the 2016 election, and examines the vast subgroups of unlikeable characters.

Really enjoyed this one! Loved learning more about this topic, as told through Bogutskaya’s unique storytelling/writing. I’m always a fan of the “unlikeable female character” for some reason (maybe I empathize lol), so I found this read very fascinating. Well-researched but readable - and loved how she dug into the history, too.
4.5 stars!
Thank you to NetGalley, Bogutskaya, and Sourcebooks for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for review.

Very interesting writing style how she took different subjects and characterized them that way. She took the woman as they were in different genders and different ideas. I like how she mixed history of the past to the future when she was describing these different types of women. I can associate with trainwreck because I live that kind of lifestyle a long time ago. Women are very powerful as you can see in the twenties they ran. Duction companies like very pickford in universal. These women We're trailblazers and they're Had to put up with a water negativity in their lives. I like me west because she had A sexy APP EL. Because she was not afraid of her body she did not have to hair nude in movies. This is a true lady who knows what you wanted like and she did what she need. Did the movie with Kerry Grant who was just a character actor. Because it was a great movie to play that i'm real great dame. I think every generation has somehow women they can look up to be who they wanna be. E v shows together and how she explained each of these women how they became in these titles. Entitled says it all and it really wanted me to read this book. Because I wanted to see how these women were so different.. No I understand how they were themselves doing what they wanted to do

I really enjoyed this book! Not only is the topic something that is endlessly fascinating to me (as a self proclaimed lover of unlikable female characters) but I also had a lot of fun exploring it through Bogutskaya's style. It has research but is readable no matter your understanding level of the material and avoids the dryness that can sometimes come from hard analysis. I'm a deep lover of all things history so this dive into film while examining the tropes that women are often shoved into kept my attention til the very end. I also love love loved all the film recs and can't wait to dive into some of them in my free time!

“And generally speaking, people are accustomed to judging women for the same bad behavior or traits that they accept in men. Hence why the phrase ‘unlikeable female characters’ has become a catchall that refers to any and all female characters, heroines, or sidekicks that dare to not give a damn what other people think about them.”
I was immediately pulled in and I didn’t want to put it down, but tried to slow down and take my time with it. Interesting to read this especially after watching Daisy Jones and The Six, since they severely toned down Daisy to be more palatable/“likeable” on screen compared to how she’s presented in the book.
The book explores the nine tropes that make-up our unlikeable female characters on screen: the Bitch, the Mean Girl, the Angry Woman, the Slut, the Crazy Woman, the Psycho, the Trainwreck, the Shrew, and the Weirdo.
Accessible, easy to understand as a casual reader interested in the topic. I love books about media and sociology so this was right up my alley! It’s filled with plenty of research without being dry, and filled with the occasional funny footnotes that made me giggle. We see the evolution of the “unlikeable female characters” from old Hollywood to the present, and I learned a lot about the evolution of film! I also liked the list of movies at the end with each of the tropes discussed (I have a few new movies to check out)☺️
I was glad that Bogutskaya provided an intersectional view when discussing the archetypes and how they’re usually for white women (also usually thin and rich). She briefly examines WOC and the different stereotypes they’re put into in film and media as variations to the main tropes discussed; she mainly focuses on the use of the “Dragon Lady”, “Angry Black Woman”, and “Spicy Latina” tropes.
I’ve used the term “unlikeable” about characters before when reviewing books, but I didn’t realize the negative connotations the word had behind it when applied to women so after reading this I’m going to try and be better in my reviews. It’s okay to not like a character but I’ll be trying to expand on what I didn’t like about the character rather than labeling them as simply unlikeable, especially because every reader is different in what they do or don’t like about the characters.
I highly recommend checking this out, whether you’re casually interested in the topic or if you’re like me and enjoy reading about media/pop culture influences on society and feminism. I’ll definitely be adding a physical copy to my shelves when it’s released!

If you’re a movie buff, this is the book for you.
Overall, I liked the idea of this book - taking a look at the roles women are constantly assigned within the entertainment industry and standout characters who have broken the mold on these limiting ideas of who a women can be.
But, for me, the book went a little into the weeds. All the examples were great to really drive how the characterization of the Bitch, the Weirdo, etc has evolved over time but some of the descriptions of the films were more about the film than the character/actress.
At the end, the author says she hopes we gained some empathy from reading this book, which I love. Often times I find myself not understanding why a woman in a role is so hated while her male counterpart is doing the same type of things. But, it would of been nice to see that theme of empathy woven into the book if that was the intended take away. So those stark contrasts between male and female characters (like with Gone Girl) but do it for each characterization.
I learned some things about the start of Hollywood that were interesting and overall, this was a good book. If it was an audiobook, I would definitely recommend it as I found it read similar to a podcast.
Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

When we watch a TV show or movie or even discuss a female public figure, the conversation inevitably turns into not a discussion about the character or people themselves, but on the likeability of the female in question. This is nothing unique, but it is deeply fascinating in how art imitates life and how we, as a society cannot fathom a woman being "unlikeable" in the public sphere through positions of power all the way to our TV characters. This book is a fascinating look into why that is.
Unlikeable Female Characters, OUT MAY 9, talks about the origins of the unlikeable female character, breaking them down into 9 categories, ranging from the Mean Girl all the way to the Weirdo. And the result is absolutely stunning.
There are so many things I loved about this book. First, the way the author discusses the variety of "unlikeable" women in popular culture. She picks relevant and popular movies and TV shows to analyze the female characters within them. I knew almost every character she picked, and, if I didn't, she did a fabulous job explaining how those characters fit into our discussions of women and society's inherent need to make them likable. I also really appreciated that she takes the time to discuss female characters of color when possible. She discusses their contributions and even the traps that characters of color face within these categories. I found her writing relatable, her argument fascinating, and her passion for the subject enchanting.
I could go on and on about why I loved this book. I found it is an important cultural study and gives rise to the radical notion that women do not have to be likeable to be complex, fully realized characters. In trapping these characters in the flimsy likeability category, we are underscoring the idea that the value women have is based on their pleasantness, not their humanity. Go do yourself a favor and read this book, as it shines a light on popular culture in a way that I think many have not thought about.
Thank you to Sourcebooks, NetGalley, and the author for the ability to read this book in exchange for an honest review!

This was great! The author takes us through the various categories of “unlikeable” female characters and how they have evolved over time. I’m not a film person so I learned so much about various actors, famous characters and how pre- and post- Hollywood changed with censorship regulations. I wonder how much more evolved we would be without those regs, but despite of, female characters have grown stronger and louder, and hopefully will continue to do so.
**Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher Sourcebooks for a digital ARC - pub date 5/9/2023. This was a fantastic book! Well researched, incredibly read-able, and consciously inclusive. The author starts from a personal place and then takes your veiw upwards to look at the pop cluture landscape as a whole when it comes to women and how media treats women. Why does likeability factor so heavily into how the media (and we) view female characters? Why does it matter? How much of it is based around economics and marketability and how much of it is based around fear and social pressure?
She then chooses the tropes that we all recognize, reflecting back on how they relate to the concept of unlikeability. The Bitch, The Mean Girl, The Angry Woman, The Slut, The Trainwreck, The Crazy Woman, The Psycho, The Shrew, and The Weirdo. We all have heard these terms ad nauseum and we all carry our own baggage with them. So does society and so does the media. How these stereotypes are portrayed - well, what does that say about us and our culture? Not only does Bogutskaya really delve into the definitions and social constructs of these labels for "unlikeable" women but she also provides ample examples from film and TV. You have your standards, the stock examples, but there are also subversions and takes on the stereotypes that have shown up over time and show up now. The likeability of female characters still remains a sadly important topic to media execs but we the audience are starting to move beyond it.
Well, kind of. Bogutskaya focuses on media but she does reference the "real world" examples of Hillary Clinton and how some actresses are harrassed simply because people can't seem to keep their characters apart from their actual selves. Seriously. Poor Anna Gunn. I haven't even seen Breaking Bad but just the synopsis of how awful people online are to the actress because of her CHARACTER on that show being someone they dislike? Wow. Double standard much?
Speaking of double-standards, the author also brings up a lot of the issues there. The difference in reactions to an angry man vs an angry woman, a crazy man or a violent man to the female equivalent. She also makes a point of showing that, even in the women stereotypes, there exist further breakdowns and levels of "acceptability" and "likeability." How angry white women get a very different response than angry women of color. While Bogutskaya does not delve much into sexuality in these sub-discussions, you can just as easily parse between the lines to notice the differences, too.
Overall, this was a great book and provoked a lot of thought... and gave me one hell of a To Watch list!

Bogutskaya has picked out some of the most troubling and interesting tropes that plague female characters today and complicates them further by implicating the viewer AND the actor. Unlikeable Female Characters is a fresh voice in feminist media studies and propels the conversation into a modern age.

This book is a fascinating examination of the types of female characters we see in media, their purposes, and why we love to hate them. Great cultural analysis.

This is such a fun (and infuriating) look through pop culture history and characterization of female characters. While I didn’t necessarily agree with every single opinion point, the author does well at backing up their assertions and I think they are well-presented and logical.

finally justice for skyler white, shiv roy and villanelle all in one book!
I'm really not a non-fiction reader but I really did enjoy this book. I liked the organization of it; it was broken up by unlikeable female character tropes (the bitch, the mean girl, the angry woman, the slut, the trainwreck, the crazy woman, the psycho, the shrew, the weirdo). And it gave a bit of a history of the trope, going back to the hollywood moral hays code era, which was very fascinating to me. I absolutely could have used this book when I was a film/gender and women studies double major in college LOL
The only area I wish it would have dove deeper in was race. I think the author does a pretty good job throughout of mentioning it, but I almost wish it was seamlessly brought up each section instead of being a second point. I think women of color definitely haven't had as many opportunities to play unlikeable characters since they're still fighting for "positive" representation, but I think some classic characters played by women of color could have been brought up.
A really cool (almost) comprehensive look at some of the most interesting characters ever written and the cultural context for these characters and why they are so satisfying to watch.

Interesting book that I will recommend to anyone interested in the topic! I think it’s going to be a hit for the right audience and I am excited to hear other reviews!

Unlikeable Female Characters is an interesting study about feminism in media eyes. Women pop culture wants you to hate actually isnt really right because people love saw this unlikeable, grey characters and villainy type on media but not ready to handle them at real life.
So, I thought the explanation for each section of this book also work for any fiction work not only movies. The author separate all this characters into 9 types and I honestly enjoyed read her explanation about all of them.
The writing style is light, witty and give reader friendly tone. It make this book easy to understand. I found several my favorite characters on the list and happier to get insightful and proper reason why they become standout, great and unforgettable characters.
Off course with limited pages this book cant cover all the study into the deeper aspects. But I love the list and would start watch them one by one.
Thank you Sourcebookexplore NF and Netgalley for provided my copy. My thoughts and opinions always become my own

Throughout history, if a women in film or literature dares to show her messy side, she is usually relegated to the back of the line or just killed off. Bogutskaya talks about bitches, trainwrecks, shrews, and crazies in pop culture and how they liberated women from being nice.
I thought the information the author gave was fascinating because it was stuff I hadn't thought of before. However, it reminded me of being in a film class at college. Not a bad thing but not something I would pick up again.

I love this book! It examines film, literature, history, politics, and underlines all the ways these influence the way society regards women and how we see ourselves. It showcases the media shift in attention to preferring docile people pleasing women to recognizing and applauding bad girl characters who take no shit
Pop culture’s fascination with “unlikable” female characters is dissected in depth. What makes a woman “unlikable?” Should we lean into this? Is this freedom or another trendy cage that society is building around women?
I learned a lot and really reflected as I read through the pages of this one.
I am also obsessed with this cover and need a physical copy for my shelves as soon as it’s published.

I thought this book was an interesting read however it does not go as in depth about women in media as I would have liked. It is a good book for someone staring out on exploring archetypes and stereotypes of women portrayed in popular media. I think the book would have been better off doing less of the archetypes but a more in depth analysis of the archetypes that were selected but that is just personal preference for me. Overall the book was easy to read and digest. Thank you for the arc copy!

Anna Bogutskaya's Unlikeable Female Characters examines nine different archetypes of unlikability: the bitch, the mean girl, the angry woman, the slut, the crazy woman, the psycho, the trainwreck, the shrew, and the weirdo. Each chapter takes on one of these tropes, offering a historical overview and critical analysis. Bogutskaya's conversational style makes her research accessible for every audience.
Though Terri White's Foreward says this is "one of the very first birks to consider the non-nice girls on screen," this is a well-trod topic asking for a depth of critical analysis. Unfortunately, Bogutskaya's work remains surface level, perhaps by virtue of taking on so many archetypes. Within the chapters themselves, the thread of the argument is sometimes muddied as focus shifts between different examples. Some of this confusion might be alleviated if these chapters contained clear definitions of each archetype: what makes a bitch a bitch and not a mean girl? This isn't wholly absent, but it is not as clear as it needs to be to support some of the claims Bogutskaya makes. Considering how the bitch archetype applies to Black female characters (the importance of race is mentioned, but largely underdeveloped throughout), she hesitates to group Cookie Lyon, Annalise Keating, and Olivia Pope in with the other examples because while they may be "ruthless, self-assured, and relentless" they "are not cruel." While we could (and perhaps should) discuss whether being cruel is necessary to being classified a bitch, Bogutskaya does not clarify that definition.
While I broadly agree with Bogutskaya's reading of these characters and the capitalist machinery that continues to reproduce these tropes, we have very different understandings of some of her examples. Early on, she says that "angry women onscreen still scare us. Angry men do not." There is, of course, much to say about the portrayal of men's anger and its acceptability, in this moment, she's talking about the 2019 Joker, a movie where men's anger is dangerous and terrifying. She also discusses Kylo Ren's anger, but does not address the critical reception of Rey whose anger is a plot point in the film.
Bogutskaya's text will be most valuable as an introductory text for those just considering gender and media analysis. It offers interesting historical examples, productively linking them to their modern iterations and introducing other critical media analyses readers might seek out if this text caught their attention.