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Travis by Mia Sheridan

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Travis Hale, the Chief of Police in Pelion, Maine pulls over a woman named Haven Torres as she was distractedly driving.
From there, Travis and Haven develop a friendship that eventually leads to a mutual agreement to be friends with benefits , but with no strings attached as Haven was in town only temporarily.

This is the follow up novel to Archer’s Voice, which was one of my favorite books read in 2022. While this didn’t quite make it to one of my favorite reads, I really enjoyed it. It was nice to revisit some of the characters in the first book as I really fell in love with them. I especially loved Travis’s character development in this book! Mia Sheridan truly has a way with words, especially the spicy scenes she writes. I would absolutely read Archer’s Voice before you read this one, but add them both to your TBR if you’re looking for some romance in your life!

Thank you netgalley for this ARC! You can read this one now ❤️

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I loved this book so much! I really didn’t know what it was about when I started reading it, but I quickly was obsessed! The characters are well developed, and I couldn’t help but love them all!

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“You think too much of me. You don’t know all the details. If you did know…” After reading Archer’s Voice I seriously disliked the character Travis and I was hesitant to dive into a book solely about him because I didn’t know if he could be redeemed. He was horrible to his half-brother, and schemed to make his life miserable. How am I going to care about this character.

Eight years later he is a devoted uncle, the chief of police, no longer runs the town but definitely likes to keep up his appearances (e.g his country club membership in bougie Calliope). He is thinking about proposing marriage to his girlfriend, Phoebe but catches her in a compromising position which brings a halting stop to that relationship. Enter “Haven from California” - a quirky, plant loving vegetarian who has been traveling cross-country with her brother, never staying in one place for more than a season. They develop an unlikely friendship as he tries to help her win the heart of local heartthrob Gabe Buchanan. The more time they spend together the more feelings develop, and the more he doesn’t want to see her go at the end of the season.

“Lose it all, or lose it all.” After the way Travis treated Archer he really deserved to lose it all… but I guess sometimes there is hope that the bad guy can change and get their HEA.

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I was excited to read this book since I loved archer so much. Archer is definitely my top but I loved seeing Travis’s point of view and seeing how his relationship with Archer has grown. It was also nice seeing his own love story in this book

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Best redemption story EVER. Travis is the follow-up to the amazing novel Archer’s Voice, where Travis himself is a bit of a villain. I was curious how Mia was going to make him into a character deserving of love, but through lots of backstory, POV chapters, and a whirlwind romance with the new girl in town, she definitely succeeds!

Travis has gotten through life on his good looks and ability to manipulate others into giving him what he wants. While he isn’t a bad guy, he isn’t the best, despite being the police chief of his small town of Pelion, Maine. When he meets Haven, all he wants is friendship; they have great banter, but they both say they aren’t each other’s type. Travis catches his long term girlfriend cheating on him early on and Haven is only planning on staying in Pelion for a few months, so neither of them is in a position to want a relationship. However, she quickly falls in love with idyllic Pelion, and the tension between her and Travis makes her question her motivation for leaving. Haven just wants to find a place where she belongs - and maybe Travis can help her find that as he learns more about himself and his past.

I love that we get to read Travis’s POV in this story. While he is often ruled by baser emotions like his need for revenge, we also get to see why he acts the way he does. He also clearly grows as a character in this book, especially as evidenced by his growing love for Haven and his “grand gesture” at the end. Haven is wonderful too. She’s such a contrast to Travis’s usual female relationships but that’s really what makes their relationship work so well. The tension through the entire book is absolutely delicious, and I found the spicy scenes in this one to be far superior to Archer’s Voice.

Though there were some hard scenes at the end, I absolutely loved how everything worked out. I’m so curious if there will be more books in this world, as I’ve fallen love with Pelion, Maine almost as much as I have the Hale brothers!

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You gotta love a good redemption story! This had fun banter, romance and lots of drama! I enjoyed the story overall.

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This book started out strong but by the end the drama was just too much. It seemed like drama just for the sake of drama and it didn’t really move the plot along. However, overall, this was an enjoyable read.

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I will admit that Archer’s Voice wasn’t my favorite and Travis was certainly not the most enjoyable character. I did find him more redeeming in this book, and I was certainly surprised by that!!

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Seems like Travis isn't such a bad guy after all! Was very happy to read the second book in this series and get a better perspective on Travis. This was well written and has some spice to it! The book kept my attention the whole time and made it a quick read.

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A wonderfully angst filled story with all the grovelling my greedy heart desired. I wept upon hearing the devastating stories of Travis and Haven as children. But laughed at their meet cute. I loved the eccentric cast of secondary characters. This is my first story by this author and now I have to read her entire back list – especially Archer’s Voice.

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I was excited to dive into this book after having read Archer's Voice last year, and it certainly did not disappoint. Haven and Travis were just such a cute and spicy couple - I really enjoyed reading through their development both with themselves, and each other. Travis definitely had a major redemption arc before and during this book. He was seemingly unredeemable in Archer's Voice, but I actually really liked him in this - and was rooting for his personal development (personally, relationship, and family-wise)

Thank you so much NetGalley, Mia Sheridan, and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for access to this e-ARC!!

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After reading and loving Archers Voice, I was so excited to receive this one! I'm a huge fan of Mia Sheridan, and her books have a great way of always capturing my heart.

I knew going into this one. I wasn't a fan of Travis. If you've read Archers Voice, you will understand why. I also knew that somehow Sheridan was going to change that for me, and she did...

Travis was the main villain in Archers story, so seeing this different side of him was intriguing. Him and Haven had good chemistry, and I enjoyed their story. However, I didn't love this one as much as Archers Voice.

I feel that to really understand this one, you will need to read Archers Voice first. This is part of a series, so I am looking forward to continuing with it.

Thank you so much @netgalley and @read_bloom for this copy.

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I love Travis! Another great book by Mia Sheridan. If you've already read Archer then you're already familiar with Travis. I really enjoyed reading this novel of his redemption from his own point of view. This book is full of intense romance, emotion, and some humor. I can't wait to read more of the Pelion Lake Series!

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Travis Hale is a small town chief of police. And Pelion is the typical everyone-knows-your-business kind of place. He's rebuilding his relationship with his brother who owns the town, and maybe thinking about asking his girlfriend to marry him. When that doesn't quite work out the way he has planned,it changes the course of his life in a major way.

Even though he's sworn off women, he's intrigued when he meets the new brother and sister in town. Haven is lovely, and Travis is smitten, even though he's told himself he wouldn't. There's a really great friends to lovers thing going on between Travis and Haven. The story is told in dual POV, and I really enjoyed Travis's voice as he falls for Haven, and then realizes that it just probably won't work between them. There's plenty of emotions on the page, and I really felt his anguish as he goes through his redemptive arc.

I did find the break-uo-to-make-up at the end a little wild and unusual, but it fit with this couple. They had so much in common with their forward thinking attitudes, the happy-ever-after left me feeling warm and fuzzy. Overall, an enjoyable small town romance.

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After having read Archer's Voice last year, I knew I had to pick up Travis, also by Mia Sheridan. Travis was essentially the villain in Archer's story. I was excited to read this ARC and see if Sheridan could change my mind about Travis.

Travis Hale has always been second best, well at least since he was a kid and his dad left him and his mom for his true love, Alyssa, and the child they shared together, Travis's half brother, Archer. That second best mentality has followed him throughout his entire life, building into a world filled with resentment. Fortunately, Travis has attempted to turn over a new leaf and is on much better terms with Archer and his family. Now, Travis is ready to settle down when he catches his girlfriend cheating on him. Second best again. Travis ends up in a bad spot until he unconventionally meets a girl that makes him look at things differently, Haven from California. The only problem is Haven's stay in Pelion is temporary and Travis can't be second best anymore.

I wasn't sold on Travis changing his ways until late in this book, which actually kept me interested and was super well done. I enjoyed Haven challenging him; he needed that in his life. This was a great story and I loved seeing the better, softer side of Travis.

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UGH YES YES YES we love a good redemption story <3

I loved this so much. This book was everything I didn’t realize I needed. So good.

Thanks to Netgalley for the arc <3

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Travis is the story of Archer's brother and sometime antagonist. In Archer's Voice, Travis is such a dick. He's manipulative and mean and it was only toward the end of the novel that he redeems himself. That being said, I wasn't entirely convinced that I'd like Travis because of his dickish behavior but it turns out that Mia Sheridan knows exactly what she's doing; she not only redeemed Travis, she made me like him.

Very early on, we get some insight into why in the world Travis would be the way he was. While his behavior isn't excusable, it's a little more understandable and then we get to meet Haven. Haven is the calm to his storm. While she's similar to Bree in that she's arrived to the Pelion area in a temporary fashion, it's her brother's current happiness and friendship with Travis that causes her to stay.

Haven and Travis meet when he pulls her over for some reckless driving. They meet up again at his gym and their friendship begins with lots of barbs and snark and an eventual understanding, despite her brother's shenanigans. Haven's running from a past that has damaged her, as is Travis. Neither of them wanted or expected to find their person, but that's exactly what's happened--it just takes a little while for them to get there. Between him being her wing man, their illicit affair, and a colleague of his who goes way off the rails, it's a bumpy road to their HEA. Thankfully cooler and humble heads prevail, and we get to see a future for Travis and Haven that is settled and happy.

While Travis contains a little less angst, it's definitely a fun weekend read.

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I adored this story, I knew it was going to be a good one, yet Mia Sheridan surprised me with this brilliant story. The emotional rollercoaster you think you will get into doesn't compare to the reality of what I went through while reading this book. Travis is a character that was developed in the best way possible, his redemption was a hard one to meet, yet the author did a fantastic job doing just that, he is the chief of police from Archer's Voice, if you haven't read it you should as well, but this one, Travis' story is one you definitely need to read. This story is a dual POV so we get both sides. Haven is a character that has a hard past and so she has some issues that make her run before she gets hurt again. They both coming together showed how they can both help each other in ways they didn't think possible. The story gave me heartache, made me want to throw the book, yell at the characters, and surprised me. So yes, this book is a 5 star read you need to one-click!

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This was an enjoyable romance that I didn't want to put down. I loved the main characters and the story was well developed.

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Travis, this is a book of redemption. We get to revisit Archer and Bree to see how their lives have moved forward. But we also get to see how Travis Hale, Chief of Police get to redeem himself with family and friends after he blows the relationship that he was creating with Haven Torres. Haven on the move falls for Travis but the obstacles keep them from moving forward. How will they work through the turmoil.

Thank you NetGalley for another amazing ARC.

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