Member Reviews

An excellent end to the series, it was great to see Beth pick up the trail of her wastrel not-quite-husband and search for answers. And decide to forge her own path! I liked Julian a lot, he was such a cinnamon roll, I just wanted to hug him. The adventures they got in to while chasing down leads were truly impressive and made me laugh (and caused new a bit of anxiety)! All in all, a fun book!

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This was the third in a series, and the ending was like eating dessert with too much sugar. With so much eagerness to show off the happy endings for everyone, it got a little much, and failed to satisfy. The romance itself was good, it was a fun road trip romance complete with robbers and kidnappings. Two things bothered me, one that Beth was so ignorant of her brothers terribleness and bad dealings, and 2 that they ended up giving a job to their robbers. The end was the worst though, too much wrapping up the series in a sweet little bow.

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I have been very much enjoying this Widow Rules series from Janna MacGregor. The premise was so intriguing – three women meet on the day they assumed they would be attending the reading of their late husband’s will, only to find out all three women were married to that same late husband!

Beth Howell’s story intrigued me quite a bit. Through the series she has made it well known that she plans to find out exactly what Meri did with her dowry. She’s desperate for it, so that she doesn’t have to get married off to the man her brother has picked out for her. And she plans to get her old friend Julian Raleah to help her.

I really loved Beth and Julian together. It was so obvious throughout the story that old feelings these two had for each other have never gone away. They danced around them the entire time. Once they finally succumbed to their desires, the story was oh so steamy! Their sexual chemistry together is off the charts.

I really enjoyed the adventure these two embarked upon, and trying to solve the mystery of exactly what Meri did with her money. It was almost a game of cat and mouse deciphering the clues left in the receipts Beth was working from. And the bit of danger they encountered along the way made for fun reading!

I was waiting the entire way through this book for Beth and Julian to address the elephant in the room of their failed engagement and why Julian walked away from her all those years ago. It was a case of both of them being too stubborn to bring it up over the past eight years. I became a bit frustrated with Beth and her over the top determination to be an independent woman who was never getting married again and her stalwart stubbornness of not needing anyone to love or be loved by. At the same time, several people treated her very poorly and demeaned her character, but she brushed it under the rug and wouldn’t let Julian step in and defend her honor. This contradiction of behavior was confusing to me and didn’t really work for me in the story.

When Beth and Julian finally had the necessary talk and Julian explained exactly what happened all those years ago, I was so happy! Finally, they clear the air and Beth now knows exactly how Julian felt, and still feels about her! And they could have another chance, but Beth still maintained her need to be independent and never remarry. I wanted to shake her!

I was very happy to see that Beth finally got all the answers she’s been seeking across the three books in this story, and I loved the beautiful relationship between her and Julian. I also loved seeing him finally get the life he truly deserved and getting his Marquessate back to its original glory.

I loved Cillian, Julian’s valet, and it was wonderful seeing the whole cast of characters back. The ending was perfect, with Beth, Constance and Kat getting the answers they needed, and the rewards they deserved.

I’m sad to see this storyline end but it was so fun to see each of these ladies find their happily ever after's!

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I loved this book! Sweet, sassy, and a bit sexy, it is a fitting conclusion to the series. Beth became ruined in society when she became Meri's third wife. With her standing in society gone, she is forced to rely on herself and her new best friends, Meri's two other wives.

When she begins a quest to find her lost dowry, she has the man she's always loved accompany her. The journey is filled with twists and turns that challenges them and teaches them more about themselves and each other. The characters are endearing and engaging. I found myself invested in their story and wanting them to get a HEA ending.

If you enjoy the genre, you will love this book. While part of a series, this is a stand alone novel, however, it's so good that you really owe it to yourself to read them all. The author is on my must read authors' list.

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How To Best A Marquess is an excellent historical romance by Janna MacGregor. Ms. MacGregor has once again provided readers with a well-written story, she's also added a spectacular cast and a prize that may not be found. Julian was crushed when Beth's brother denied his request to marry her. Beth was crushed when Julian didn't find another way for them to be together. Years pass and Beth finds herself widowed, along with 2 other women married to her husband. Yes, there was a scandal. Now Beth is on a quest to learn what her non-husband did with her dowery and asks Julian for his help. Their story is packed with drama, humor, sizzle, action and suspense. I loved every page of this book and I look forward to my next book by Janna MacGregor. How To Best A Marquess is book 3 of The Widow Rules Series but can be read as a standalone. This is a complete book, not a cliffhanger.
Psssstt...books 1 & 2 are also awesome!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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How to Best a Marquess is the first book I have read by Janna MacGregor, and I really enjoyed it. I guess I wasn’t surprised to find out that it is the third in a series, but it is very easy to read as a stand alone novel.

The main character, Beth Howell, lives with her wastrel of a brother. Since he squanders money on horses, he hopes to refill his coffers by marrying his sister off to a wealthy old marquess. Beth is determined to remain independent and not be sacrificed. You see, she already married a man her brother chose for her, and it turned out the man had two other wives. He abandons her after taking her dowry, but dies shortly after. She is now a widow but a focus of gossip because of the scandal.

She turns to her almost fiancé, Julian Raleah, of eight years before who is also in financial straits. They go on a journey to follow clues to see what happened to her dowry and if the can salvage it. Since they have always loved one another, the road trip is filled with sexual tension. They are both likable characters, and it is impossible not to root for them.

Although Beth’s brother is somewhat one-dimensional, other minor characters are a delight. I especially enjoyed Cillian, Julian’s valet, who gives advice and philosophizes to Julian. The friendship with two other women who also were wives of Beth’s husband is the only reason knowing the backstories in the other two novels would have been helpful.

All in all, a very satisfying read.

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The last book in the series. Two ex-lovers strikes a deal so Beth can find her missing dowry. The plot is fun... Love both Beth and Julian. They have both suffered so much yet they manage to seize their second chance.... I am glad that everything is resolved happily in this series. A truly HEA for everyone.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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The last book in a series & it's the best one in my opinion.
We have two ex-loves striking a deal to recover Beth's lost/missing dowry which brings about a road trip second chance romance.
How to Best A Marquess was so entertaining! I think the set up for the plot was done really well and it was believable. There's a complicated past between Beth and Julian that provides angst and tension too. The sexual tension between them was palpable! They were both stubborn at times but you understand their reasons. I think the pacing of the romance was well done too.
The mystery was intriguing and kept me interested too. I was anxious to finally get some answers about the cad Meri.
Overall, I enjoyed this addition to the series & am sad to see it end. I would recommend reading the series in order even though this can be read as a standalone. I think you'll just get more out of the story that way. Plus there are reoccurring characters too.
Would recommend to those who enjoy lovers to enemies to lovers, road trip romances, second chance romances, light mystery, angst, family drama, and steam.

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In the third installment of Janna MacGregor's Widow Rules series, this story is of Beth Howell, the third wife of the scoundrel Lord Meriwether Vareck.
Cheated from a real and legal marriage, Beth has been dubbed a scandal in the eyes of the ton. With nothing but her name and her intelligence, Beth sets a course to find the truth to her shambled marriage to Meri.

Determined to find her lost dowry, Beth hires her old flame, the Marquess Julian Grayson. Their brief yet faithful courtship was set to a marriage proposal only to have Grayson walk out on that promise. Although bitter and holding years of grudge for Grayson, Beth knew he was still the best person to accompany her on her dowry quest.

Lord Grayson the Marquess never forgave himself for walking out on his marriage proposal to Beth. Straddled with debt on his Estate and title, Grayson had to let Beth go all those years ago.
But true love always find their way back to each other, or at least in Janna's historical romance stories, and with Beth and Grayson theirs is a force to be reckoned with.

Just Iike the other two widows of Meriwether, Janna writes these heroines with class, charisma, and gumption. While the other two wives shared similar fates as Beth, they found their hard won happily ever after. Will Beth find hers too?

Julian Grayson the Marquess was an interesting fellow. I didn't get much back story on him which I would have liked. The missing years would have been nice to be touched upon but didn't distract me from the overall story. Grayson was intelligent, brilliant, and kindhearted, and eager to bridge the wide gap between him and Beth. The attraction and passion still lingered between him and Beth and he was determined to see if their flame could be re-lit.

I don't want to give too much away, but know that Beth and Grayson's story was heartfelt, sweet, and surprising. Beth was a bit rough around the edges due to the constant manipulations by the men in her life. She too was determined to shed her scandalous past made by her false marriage and rebuild her life.
Will she find her own happily ever after that her dear friends, the other two wives did with their own husbands?
Read "How to Best a Marquess" to find out!
Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martin's Publishing, and Janna MacGregor for the chance to read this delightful story!

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This is an entertaining, well-written, steamy, historical romance novel. It has likable characters, a strong and capable female protagonist, an intelligent and caring male protagonist, an engaging quest, wit, a touch of humor, supportive friends, a quirky valet, a heart-warming romance, and a happily ever after ending. Ms. MacGregor's loyal readers will appreciate the nod to her outstanding Cavensham Heiresses series. This is an excellent addition to the fabulous The Widow Rules series, and can be read and enjoyed as a stand alone, but it is even better when read in order. Ms. MacGregor never disappoints her readers!
Many thanks to Ms. MacGregor, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley, who kindly provided me with an ARC of this wonderful novel. This is my honest opinion.

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The third in the series, Janna MacGregor continues to shine with her latest book, How to Best A Marquees. It's a period drama that includes loads of sexual tension, pining, and chemistry, but also tons of heart, Some readers may find the two main characters frustrating as they do sometimes come off as stubborn and a bit daft, however I didn't mind at all. In my opinion, the character development and the development of a relationship between the two both felt very authentic and well done. I laughed, I cried, I swooned! I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good steamy period drama with a lot of heart and an HEA.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Beth needs to find her money after her husband's passing. She asks her old friend and crush for his assistance. The more time she spends with him, the more she her love for him deepens. I cant wait to read Janna's next book.

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I'm all teary-eyed and absolutely mush after finishing this enchanting book! I loved this so very much and the ending was just the perfect bit of whismy. Janna MacGregor writes with spellbinding magic and spectacular wit. This series conclusion was everything and so much more! My heart is overflowing with joy.

Beth is stubborn and wounded, she the perfect heroine because we get to see so many changes happen within her heart. She's always loved another but fate was never kind to her.

Julian is such a perfect hero! He's strong and dedicated and realizes that past missteps don't have to define his future. He's not willing to let his lady love slip away again, but he knows when to pull back. And that only adds to his worthiness.

If Regency romance makes you melt, please do yourself the honor of reading this unputdownable series. You're going to want to re-read these unforgettable books again and again.

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How To Best a Marquess is the third book in The Widow Rules series. While I really enjoyed the first two books in this set, I didn’t fall for this entry as hard! I was bummed because it’s everything I normally go for in a book!! Second chance romance, witty quips, strong characters… ugh 😩 I thought Julian was endearingly sweet and his butler, Cillian was pure comic relief and a charmer for sure. However Beth…she kept me quite vexed with her never marry again moment’s, especially when it was quite obvious her feelings towards Julian and vice versa. Things dragged out way too long between these two for me to appreciate the ending more then I did. I was disappointed to say the least.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book from Netgalley/St. Martins. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

This is the second book I have read from Janna MacGregor and this has only made me love her writing style even more. I was a little worried as this is the third installment of the "The Widow Rules" series, and I was concerned I would be confused as I missed reading the second book. However, I found out quickly that each book is a standalone story that you can jump into without reading the previous books. I recommend reading the others as it does reference the previous books and will shed more light on each character. But Janna MacGreggor does a good job recapping important information the reader needs. I will be going back to read the second book "Rules for Engaging the Earl" as I forgot how much I love these characters as it has been some time since I read "A Duke in Time". Each book is the point of view of each of the three widows and this is the final installment of this series.

I love historical romance books and this one did not disappoint, how can you not like a victorian era romance? With any romance book, you know exactly how it will end, however, I was surprised at how many times I kept thinking this would take a negative turn and end on a low note. I found myself enthralled with the mystery and unsuspecting twists and turns this book took. There were a few times I was left speechless at the sheer misfortune Beth and Julien faced that I had to double-check that this was in fact listed as a romance book. You don't normally see this kind of plot in a romance and it was refreshing. Don't get me wrong, you still get all the steamy swoon-worthy moments but it was intertwined within the main plot.

I will say the characters were done really well, you can see Janna MacGreggor has grown as an author from the first book in this series. I loved how both Beth and Julian are flawed but both show growth in character throughout the book. Most times I find myself bored by the way characters are written in a romance, as they are extremely unrealistic. With these two they don't shy away from their attraction, but face it as a fact and continue on.

I will finish off by giving this book a 5-star rating as I really enjoyed this book, I honestly don't have anything negative to say about this book. I will definitely be reading more books by Janna MacGregor.

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Julian is great, very romantic, compassionate with loads of patience. They are very compatible and have a great support circle. I'm glad they were given a second chance and get to clear the air. Their story has interesting revelations, is humorous, and adventurous with intense and passionate moments. I didn't like Beth as well as I did Katherine & Constance from Books 1 & 2, although I did like that Beth is very independent, feisty and driven in some areas she seems too immature at times, especially relationship-wise. Appealing second chance.

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After the death of her cheating husband, took her dowry and ran, Beth Howell was financially ruined. Beth turns to the man she loved and was hoping to marry Lord Julian Raleah asking him to help find/claim her dowry. Let the fun begin.

This is a well-written, emotional, fun read. What chemistry between Beth and Julian. Well done.

I received an advance reader copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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💖 Love Finds A Way - Even if there are a few bumps along the way! 💖

“How to Best A Marquess” is the third book in “The Widow Rules” series by Janna MacGregor. In my opinion this story is the best of the series, maybe because I absolutely fell in love with the Hero, Julian Raleah, Marquess of Grayson. I am also a sucker for second chance romances and I liked how the heroine, Beth Howell, stood up for herself. Perfect combination!

Beth Howell needs to find her dowry, post haste. After her good-for-nothing first husband married her―and two other women, unbeknownst to them all―she’s left financially ruined and relegated to living with her brother, who cares more for his horses than he does his blood relatives. If Beth fails to acquire her funds, her brother will force her to marry someone fifty years her senior and missing half his teeth. She’d prefer to avoid that dreadful fate. But her now-deceased husband, Meri, absconded with her money mere days after their illegitimate marriage. To find it, Beth will have to leave town and retrace Meri’s steps if she’s to take her future into her own hands.

Julian Raleah, Marquess of Grayson, cares not a whit for social norms and generally growls at anyone in his path. Grayson has had a heart of stone ever since his engagement to Beth Howell went down in flames―long before she married that cad, Meri, and sealed her own fate for good. But now she’s on his doorstep, asking for use of his carriage and accompaniment on the hunt to find her lost dowry. Surely Grayson cannot go on the road with the woman who has occupied his thoughts for the past decade. Yet, knowing she needs him, how can he resist helping her this one last time? And maybe that’s just enough time to change the ending to their over-too-soon love story.

If you haven’t read a book by Janna MacGregor then you have picked an excellent book to begin with! MacGregor has a way of writing that immediately grabs your attention and her creativity, fun characters, and unique plot twists keep you totally engaged with the book.

Throughout this story I enjoyed the blend of witty dialogue and passionate encounters, here is one example:

“Your kiss . . . reminded me of one of your steam experiments.” He chuckled. “How so?” “It shows promise, but it’s not quite hot enough.” “You want hot?” The heat blazing from his eyes made her squirm in her seat. “The next time I kiss you, I’ll make you burn.”

I also found this book to be quite emotional and it was nice to have a male MC who was actually willing and able to articulate his emotions. Maybe that’s one of the reasons I liked Grayson so much - he bared all - in more than one way! 😉🔥

I also liked the villainous husband, Meriwether, (view spoiler) It was a nice way to wrap up the saga.


▪️Beth’s brother - he was just annoying, unnecessary, and the epitome of everything a man should not be.
▪️I felt like Beth sort of led Grayson on at times. So because he is my newest book boyfriend - I didn’t really like her, sometimes 😉

Overall I have enjoyed this series and I recommend giving it a try!

5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 5 Flames 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 | Top Contender for 2023 🏆🏆

📚Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from St. Martin’s Press publishing via Netgalley. All thoughts, opinions, comments, and interpretations of the story are my own and bias free. I did not receive any money in exchange for this review. Thank you to the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to review. Reviews are cross-posted to social media, goodreads, and blog. 🦄

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I requested to read and review this book for free from St.Martin Publishing Company. This story follows Beth and the journey she needs to take to find her dowry. Will she be able to find it? Did Meri loose it or not? Her friends Kat and Constance will cheer her on. Her past love Julian wants to cheer her own to but can he? Will their past be to much for them to have a future? Forgiveness comes in many different forms. Can terrible decisions in the past make life better in the future? This book is for a mature reader and can be ready anywhere!

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Beth Howell was left financially ruined and dependent upon her brother when it turned out that her scum of a husband who abandoned her after one brief night had ebsconded with her dowry leaving her penniless and socially ruined. If that's not bad enough, it turns out he had two other wives before her meaning she wasn't legally married at all. Desperate to recover her missing dowry, Beth turns to her childhood friend and former almost fiance for help. Lord Julian Raleah, Marquess of Grayson, was the love of her life, but like all the men in her life he walked away with nary a word. However, now Grayson is in need of funds and he'll either need to marry a rich woman quickly . . . or help Beth for half of her dowry. The pair shake hands over a deal and set off on a perilous road trip filled with intrigue, danger, sexy banter, steamy scenes and a healthy dose of humor.

How To Best A Marquess is the third book in The Widow Rules series and ends the series in stunning style. The tension and sexual chemistry between these two main characters is explosive even as they fight the attraction - each for their own reasons. Beth has vowed to never leave herself vulnerable to a man again. Grayson has a heart of stone even as he yearns for the future he thought lost with Beth. He vows to protect her even if she'll never be his and that means helping her recover her lost dowry and preventing her scum bag of a brother who's threatening to marry her off to a man fifty years her senior from getting his hands on it and/or Beth. I loved the inclusion of beloved characters from books one and two in this story. The character and relationship development is outstanding and the setting is authentic. While I may have wanted to knock some sense into these two stubborn characters more than once, I couldn't turn pages fast enough to see what happened.

I highly recommend reading the first two books prior to How To Best A Marquess, but this book absolutely stands alone. I enjoyed Beth and Grayson's story and must admit to laughing out loud at a few of the antics of these two. MacGregor's highly readable and entertaining writing style is evident once again in How To Best A Marquess. Highly recommended to fans of historical romance.

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