Member Reviews

I have followed Meg Adams on Instagram for a while and so naturally, I had to read her book. She did not disappoint. As a fellow millennial, her comics ring true.

Please pick up and have a laugh!

P.S. I share her passion for Halloween and February 15th.

Thank you #NetGalley and #AndrewsMcMeelPublishing for giving me the opportunity to read this.

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Thank you to the publisher for giving me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is a very cute comic about married life, a relationship owning pets etc etc, I really really really enjoyed the art style of things and thought it was super fun to read. It read super quick and you didn't have to linger over pages like you have with some other comics. Overal a very fun comic to read and I definitely laughed out loud with it before.


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Absolutely loved reading this. Relatable from beginning to end, art is extremely fun and it's simply enjoyable to read. Highly recommend!

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Absolute masterpiece. The amount of times I laughed, giggled, chuckled, AND SNORTED.. Perfect for couple humor and situations the fairly average millennial (not an insult as it's also me) might find themselves in or react to.
I really needed this. I wish there were more eloquent words to share but I don't. This is great. Read it.

**Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

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Thank you to Netgalley for letting me read an ARC of Why are you like this? for review purposes.

It is a very nice comic collection that will leave you smiling.
It's good for the soul and it reminds you to be kind to yourself.
Perfect for fans of dogs, Halloween, and life in general.
I recommend it to everyone. There's a little bit of everything in it for anyone.

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This was such a cute read. I loved the illustrations and the relatable humor within a relationship. I like that the subtle hints of a year in a relationship with the main seasonal events or how the holiday's are being presented.

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HA!! Meg and Carson. The fantastic ringmasters of the finest and funniest circus of PNW living I’ve ever seen in illustration. This book will have you laughing out loud, nodding to yourself, and craving “Christmas coffee”. Her style is fantastic and really resonates with me. She visualizes emotion and humor to the highest degree. Bravo!

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I received this copy from NetGalley in exchange for my completely honest opinion.

This a really sweet book about this couple and their day to day lives, showing the good and the bad with their struggles with self-esteem and anxiety,

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This was so cute!! Such a fun enjoyable read. I could really relate to Meg’s comments and would love to read more of her writing!

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This book is adorable! It is such a hilarious yet relatable read. The style that it is written in is fun while the interactions between the hubby, the author and the pets are conveyed in such a fun manner. I recognized many of these snippets of life from my own life as well as the lives of some people that I know. Others were new to me, but I found them to be just as funny. The illustrations are in perfect tune with the writing style. All in all, this is a great read that will definitely bring a smile to your face but most likely a laugh….or two or three. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

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Review to come to my blog in March.

I received this book from Netgalley/Publisher in exchange of an honest review!

I really love this artist and I was so hyped when I saw the book appear on Netgalley! I just HAD to have it! I was curious what comics would be in it and if there would be any new ones. 

I absolutely LOVE how the book started with an introduction, breaking the fourth wall. The artist introduces her hubby and her dogs to the readers along with more. This one was such a fun way to start the book and I just laughed aloud while reading. Perfection!

And then the book started and I just had oodles of fun reading the comics. Several I recognised, but there were others I didn't recognise. I also showed several to my hubby, though at one point he just read along with me. XD He is also a fan of the artist! I really loved the various comics we got, from weird things the artist does, to getting ready for Halloween, to her cute dogs, to feeling OK in your body (I wish I could be so confident), to planting tulips in a very special way (which had me laughing), to the returning sunglasses (they are huge), to her relationship with her hubby, and so much more. I just couldn't stop reading so I read this one in one go. 

All in all, if you are looking for a relatable and hilarious read, I would highly recommend this one!

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This book is ADORABLE. All caps were needed to best express just how much cuteness was in this book. Not just in the fun art style, but because of the sweet snippets of life that the author shares with us about her interactions with her husband, pets, and own inner thoughts. I related to so many of the emotions (that were expressed so cleverly through fun facial expressions) and situations that were conveyed so well through illustrations and only a few words. Anyone can pick up this book and see a bit of themselves in the daily adventures of making dinner, decorating for the holidays, adoring pets, and enjoying the simple joys of life. I have followed this artist/author on Instagram for quite a time and am so glad to see them share their work and self through a book that will make you smile, laugh out loud, and consider some deeper reflection on you.

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This is the most fun I had reading a comics in a while. Meg Adams’ drawing style matches so perfectly the funny and relatable stories told by this collection. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at some of the facial expressions and the way I recognized myself and my loved ones in some of the short strips.

I definitely recommend this book if you’re looking for a short and hilarious read!

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This is the cutest look at life with an extrovert and introvert and so so many of them were me and my husband. I think I showed him half of them like "babe it's us!!!!" so I'd say it went well. For some reason comics have really been speaking to me lately and this was no exception.

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I was having a bad day when I decided to read this graphic novel. Any comic or joke I read rarely makes me laugh out loud but I did it often while reading "Why are you Like this?"
What an absolute delight! I want a relationship like Meg has with Carson, I'm so jealous!!! From the first page where they both welcome the reader is, I think, one of the first times I've seen a comic address me directly. Brillliant and funny.
Meg Adams' artwork is great at showing emotions, the look on Carson's face when she says she nuked yesterday's coffee is priceless and exactly how I would be looking. Horror...pure horror! lol
Highly recommended when you need a laugh.
Thanks to @netgalley and Meg Adams for the opportunity to read this eArc in exchange for my honest and unbiased review

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Why Are You Like This? An interesting question answered in very short, relatable comics by Meg Adams. I had never heard of her prior to reading this. I was attracted to the book because of the description which was a fun take on marriage. It was fun indeed. I am reading this as an Advanced Reader Copy but if I wasn't, I would want to share some of these on social media because they are so relatable. I didn't understand or relate to every single page, but I laughed out loud often enough for my family members in the other room to ask me what I was doing. What I love about this book is how relatable some of the panels felt. You know those quirky things you do or think that make you wonder if anyone else feels or thinks them? Well they are in this book. There are so many things that I couldn't help but laugh at because they were so true. I love the relationship that she has with her husband. As a work of art, the drawings are great. I love how sometimes the drawings are blurry to show movement. I like how her face changes when she is thinking or doing different things. Most of all, I love how real she draws her body. I love that she depicts herself with stretch marks and belly fat. It is so real, I love it.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone that wants a quick, fast, humorous read. Enjoy!!!

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TW: Self-esteem, putting up Christmas decor before celebrating Thanksgiving, anxiety

About the book:Opposites attract” has never rung truer when it comes to vivacious extrovert Meg and her level-headed introvert husband, Carson. Carson makes his coffee with only the finest locally roasted beans; Meg microwaves two-day-old joe. Carson is reserved and rarely opens up to friends; Meg ensures everyone in her life—including her mailman—knows about her hemorrhoid. From the joys of marrying your best friend to the bizarre musings of a twelve-pound pup to the humor and heartbreak of anxiety, Meg’s all-too-relatable comics leave no stone unturned. Dorky and downright hilarious, Why Are You Like This? explores what it means to make fun of oneself and find laughter in the little things.
Release Date: March 7th, 2023
Genre: Comic
Pages: 176
Rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

What I Liked:
1. The art is good

What I Didn't Like:
1. I feel like I've seen this artwork before
2. Most of the jokes fell flat for me

Overall Thoughts:
As a fellow Meg (though I go by Megan) I can say we are all weird. I'd say she forgot to say how she's late to almost everything - because Megan's are always late to everything.

Book was cute. The relationship between Meg and Carson was heartwarming and sweet.

The artwork was entertaining. Reading the book went fast and I wasn't bored or felt like it was drawn out (get it?)

Final Thoughts:
I feel as though this book was "missing something". For the most part some parts were like "Yeah, that's funny or that's sad" , but it was just okay.

I'd love to see what else Meg Adams puts out next.

Recommend For:
• People that like comics
• Strong husband & wife teams
• Dog owners
• Halloween obsessed people

IG | Blog

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for this advanced copy of the book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Have you ever finished a book and not only did you not want it to end, but you feel like holding it and hugging it and jumping up and down frantically? Just me?

I cannot emphasize enough how much I LOVED THIS!!!
It is the perfect blend of relatability, humor, honesty and GORGEOUS ART! Seriously, the talent...
In my humble opinion, I feel this is going to dethrone Pumpkinheads as the required graphic novel reading for fall.

Why Are You Like This? is a wonderful slice of life comic collection that incapsulates so many of what everyone goes through, highlighting self love and being unapologetically yourself. There is so much to love within these pages, especially that so much of it has left me feeling seen and yearning to be as open and vulnerable as Meg Adams. I cannot wait to devour more of her work!

In other words, I need to acquire at least 2 copies upon publishing to keep and maybe gift one to a friend! (maybe)

A huge thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this before it comes out March 7th 2023!

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Oh em gee! This was my first comic book read, but it won’t be my last. I honestly wasn’t sure to expect from this, but I caught myself giggling out loud. My family would look over at me like I was crazy, so I had to read a few pages to them. The pictures went perfectly with it too! This book is so relatable with my husband and even friends! I definitely recommend this! It’s a great book to have around when you want to read and need to laugh too!

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A funny compilation from ArtByMoga, that kept me laughing at each panel. The art is vibrant and colorful, and the facial expressions are priceless! I love how relatable and quirky, and how she captures moments that have happened to all of us.

Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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