Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for a copy of this ARC.

A delightful, relatable collection of comics by Meg Adams, Why Are You Like This? is the perfect coffee table book for family, friends, and guests to laugh and enjoy. I loved reading through the hilarious but understandable comics and I know it would be worth owning so that I could flip through them again and again.

I'll be getting myself a copy for my own coffee table and I suggest others do the same! What a great read!

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I love Meg's comics and regularly read them through her facebook so I was quite excited to see this was available on NetGalley. I'm happy to say this one did not disappoint! While not all the comics are new ones I still thoroughly enjoyed it. If you are a fan of this artist I definitely recommend this one.

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I requested this graphic novel because I needed something fast, that would break the monotony of more extensive and heavier stories and that would make me laugh and this book accomplished all of that and more perfectly. I really liked not only the illustrations but the themes the book dealt with from the internal jokes inside a couple's relationship to the heavier themes such as anxiety or insecurities.

Thank you so much to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for this DRC.

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In a Nutshell: Pretty funny, though not outstanding. Matches the vibe set by the title. Includes quite a few serious/thought-provoking panels as well.

Meg and Carson, a married couple, are a case of ‘Opposites attract’. This collection of comics explores their lives as a couple, with extroverted Meg being weird and vivacious, and introverted Carson trying his best to understand his wife. Adding further spice to their lives are their two dogs Boedy and Luna, who have their own personalities.

As a “couple comic”, I thought that these would be similar to the work of Catana Chetwynd, who also chronicles and sketches her life with her “opposite” John. However, while Catana’s books have a more millennial new-couple kind of feel, Meg’s work comes more like that of a couple who already know each other well and have already learnt to accept each other’s eccentricities.

Furthermore, the focus is not just on Meg and Carson as a couple, but also on them as individuals. Even the two dogs get their own comic strips. Thus the result is quite a mix of comics. There are a few themes across some pages such as Meg’s passion for Halloween, but most comics are quite random. This could work against readers who are looking for a unifying theme across the collection.

The comics themselves are quite funny. Meg’s sense of humour, as is the case with most comic novelists, comes from being able to laugh at herself, and she doesn’t miss an opportunity to pull her own leg. Many of the comics were quite relatable.

A few of the panels focussed on social problems such as body shaming and animals affected by fireworks and so on. These appeared randomly in the book and were in the same art style as the funny strips. While I did love these serious topics (sometimes, even more than the funny ones), I think they took away from the voice of the book. When we are in a humour zone, seeing something serious breaks the flow of the fun.

I did not earlier follow this artist on Instagram so I was not aware of her art style. Sorry to say that the artwork left me with mixed feelings. The drippy-looking noses in about one-fourth of the panels were very distracting for me. (But my daughter, who read the book along with me, found them cute! So I guess this can be put down to individual taste.) At the same time, I loved how realistic the women were. No stick figures but curvy and proud of it.

All in all, this is a good one-time read. It didn’t stay in my mind after the last page but it offered enough fun while it lasted.

3.75 stars.

My thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for the DRC of “Why Are You Like This?”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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I am so excited that Meg made a book! I've been following these comics and drawings since day one and I am 100% purchasing this!

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I totally loved this!

This was adorable & funny & super relatable! I loved the bright artwork too & the style & color palate. This is exactly what I look for when I look for funny graphic novels to read. I loved that it tackles real life situations but in a funny light hearted way. It also had a bit of the absurd/bizarre which I’ve always been a fan of.

My only complaint is that it felt a little short, a tad superficial, which can wind up feeling like a coffee table book, I think this could have used a few extra pages, but as is it was still great. I will def be buying a copy when it’s released as it’s something that I will enjoy going back to. Strong 4 stars.

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saddly i could not read this cause of the format, i try and try and nothing, i try different types of app and nop

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This book was about adding humor to the daily life… and pretty much laughing about yourself. The author put a smile on my face and also made me laugh out loud while I went through these pages, where the little moments with herself, her partner and her two dogs can be both cute and joyful. Would definitely recommend a read for some happy times.

-> Thank you to the author and Andrews McMeel Publishing for an advanced copy of the book via Netgalley.

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I follow @artbymoga on instagram and love seeing her comics on there so I knew I had to read this collection and it did not disappoint. Cute and relatable!

Thank you Netgalley, Meg Adams, and the publisher for an eARC of this book! All opinions are my own.

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It’s ok. I really enjoyed the humor, but the artwork was not my favorite. Most of it was really fun, but I didn’t enjoy the noses. Half of the time the people look normal, but the other half they look awful. This detracted from the humor for me.

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Typical millennial humor a la comics that are meant to be shared on social media. The self care comics felt out of place between all the humor. Cute, funny at times. I was not the target audience for this.

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I am absolutely OBSESSED with this! I had the biggest smile on my face the entire time I was reading it. I have never seen something so relatable in my life. I don't care who you are or what you like, you will love this book! It doesn't matter if you hate comics, pick this up and read it. Trust me, it will bring you so much freaking joy. This is a comic for everybody. It depicts real feelings and moments we all go through in such a funny and entertaining way! If you love dogs, video games, and Halloween, I especially recommend this to you. It is officially going to be my go-to present for all my friends. Seriously, everyone needs to read this one!

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I was familiar with some of these comics from the internet, but a lot were ones I had not seen before. This is a very cute little collection of slice of life one-shots that take you through one full year in the life. Absolutely adorable!

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I have never related to a couple more than I have in this comic. I loved it so much; the illustrations were fantastic, and the story was entertaining and well done. I was laughing at times but overall, the relationship between the characters was very heartwarming and sweet. I really enjoyed this and will be looking forward to more from Meg.

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Meg Adam's comics are funny and deeply relatable as it explores silly relationship moments. I have followed her online for years and having her comics in a book is a treasure.

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This selection of comics by Meg Adams were so funny and relatable. I found myself calling my wife over nearly every few minutes to show her my favourite ones. I also love the art style. I can definitely see this as a perfect coffee table book.

Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for a copy of this e-ARC.

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This was so stinking cute and relatable in so many instances. I love the drawing style and some of the facial expressions and situations had me laughing so hard. Loved it!

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I've been a fan of ArtByMoga for a long time. Her comics are funny, emotional at times and VERY relatables, so I had to pick this one up (Huge thank you to the publisher).

Just as I expected, the drawings felt somehow magical, as all of Meg's work do, filled with those little beautiful moments of her marriage and her parenthood to Luna and Boedy. I felt incredibly moved by those adressing self love and her journey through depression. I only wish the book was a bit longer so I could enjoy more of it.

However, I feel like the structure of the book makes no sense whatsoever. You mix self love and married life, Halloween and summer, etc. when it would be better if it was sorted by theme, for example. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think it's something that I appreciated a lot while reading Love & Pajamas, by Catana Comics, and Oddball, by Sarah Andersen (both books published under the same company).

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Prior to getting this arc I had, every once in a while, chanced upon some of Meg's comics on Instagram - what can I say, I do love a funny little comic, and her art style is equal parts cute and hilarious, and the charm of her dogs is just irresistible. And while I do prefer for comics to have a plot line with a wider scope, I still enjoyed this collection immensely - it's the perfect light read to relax and have a good laugh with.

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Personal rating:
4.25🌟, rounded to 4🌟

Okay so I struggled a little bit with the file type at the start but I figured it out yay! This is a very quick and relaxing read, with a few motivating and reassuring self-reminders sprinkled throughout. I don't think the content's the kind that stays memorable for a long time but it was good while it lasted. Plus I think that's what the author is aiming for anyways so 👍

The graphics is adorable btw! The drawing style, the colour palette were all very much up my street and this collection of comics is without a doubt an appeciated treat for my eyes <3

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free digital copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

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