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The Veil Between Worlds

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A Labyrinth into the Past

Ellie had no idea that when she saw her ex-boyfriend, he would take her centuries into the past. Seventeen years ago, he disappeared without explaining where he went. She was too upset to give him a chance to tell her what happened when he came back. Now, seventeen years later, she is about to discover the truth, and if she wasn't in medieval England, she would not believe it. This is an interesting time travel romance. There is that ex-boyfriend, but there is also a new love interest for Ellie, who goes with them to the past. A medieval adventure with long-dead kings and knights in shining armor follows. Ellie performs what are considered healing miracles for medieval times., and people have been burned at the steak for less. I enjoyed this time travel adventure and look forward to the next book in this series.

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This is the first book I've read from this author and all I can say is "KUDOS"! The story was well written and a fun read. The characters were engaging and the story engrossing. Marvelous Time travel Romance.
Thank you Hope Carolle, Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley for allowing me an advance copy for my honest feedback.

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Ms. Carolle is a new-to-me author so I didn't know what to expect when I picked this up. I don't tend to read a lot of time travel stories, but this one seemed quite interesting when I read the blurb, and I was not disappointed. Ellie is a divorced mother of two. She is looking forward to her vacation to England where she can relax and catch up with her friend Jane. Jane's brother John is Ellie's ex, and when she meets him again, she gets caught up in a strange adventure, and also finds romance along the way. Harry is a charming character, with flaws that gave him a realistic quality. The time travel plot and the method in which they travelled was very interesting and well-crafted.
The premise of the story was intriguing and my interest was peeked all the way through. The story was well-paced with interesting characters, and was an enjoyable read.
I received a complimentary copy from Dragonblade Publishing via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Ellie is a divorced mom of 2 staying with her best friend in England for a holiday. The premise of the story is quite interesting, and I quite enjoyed reading about Ellie's time... back in time.

However, my god she was an irritating character. Her preoccupation with John having gone MIA on her was ridiculous. It was 17 years ago. You were 24. How are you still holding such a fucking ridiculous grudge? It's brought up several times, and each time I wanted to hit her. I also found the reveal of John's motivations to be irritating. He set up this ridiculous rube goldberg machine of bullshit, and the cards all magically fell where he thought they would. It was all just so far fetched and implausible. While the story was historically interesting, it just did not seem believable, and that affected my enjoyment. If you were hoping for a bodice ripper, look elsewhere. No sexybits in this one. I wouldn't even really consider it much of a romance.

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I have to give praise to the writer. This story was executed so well. I loved everything about it. I was so happy to read and follow the story from the narrator position. The story flowed masterfully from one page to the next.
I was able follow continue with where the writer was taking the story. There are moments in the story that seemed real. That was a plus. The characters are amazing, it was though I could visualize them moving through the story from the story. Simply amazing is the story.
Awesome writing from the author. I can not wait to read more book s from this writer. Please keep it up.

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The Veil Between Worlds by Hope Carolle is a fantasy, mostly, except for the parts that are historical fiction or romance. Ellie and her daughters are visiting England: her friend Jane and her kids live there. In the other half of the house lives Jane’s brother, John, who Ellie had dated 17 years earlier until he just disappeared on her for a couple of months with no explanation. Now he is knocking on the door, handcuffed in ancient looking shackles, and begging for help. They call Jane’s friend, Harry, who arrives and opens the cuffs. The next day John shows them a room full of medieval objects that are worth a fortune. He takes Ellie and Harry out to the labyrinth (after dressing them in medieval clothing) and they “time travel” to 1366. It is a rough journey but they survive and because they are taken in by good people, they flourish. When they try to go back, the man at the labyrinth (not quite all there) stops them and says they can return in four days, after they look in each of the four directions, each day until then. Well, they got up to all kinds of mischief.

This was an interesting book because of its “time travel” plot and the way it was handled. They learned plenty about medieval times as well as why none of their adventures or the names of their hosts don’t appear in history books. They both had journeys to to make and things to accomplish/learn before they came back to their own time. The time they spent in the middle ages was pretty accurate and much different than medieval scholar, Ellie, would have thought. They were accepted at face value, something that rarely happens in the modern world and had to communicate with no electronics, which was a novelty. I don’t want to give spoilers, but there is so much to recommend this book. You have to read it to know.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of The Veil Between Worlds by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #HopeCarolle #TheVeilBetweenWorlds

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The premise of this book was intriguing, and I was excited to receive a copy. I was going with the story until they went back to the past. I think the thing I found so odd was how accepting all the people in the past were of these strange people who just showed up. No one seemed to notice Harry's modern clothing or things that were just so out of place. Then my mind went to the "butterfly" effect. If John had spent so much time in the past that someone was singing an old Irving Berlin song, wouldn't that have been reflected in some of the histories Ellie studied? It just seemed odd to me. I enjoyed the story but just really had trouble immersing myself in everything as it was improbable. I understand the author has the right to create her world however they choose, and I get to visit; however, this visit was uncomfortable.

John was odd, one minute seeming to try to win Ellie back and then doing something selfish and icky. Harry definitely blew hot and cold, but there didn't seem to be any natural development of friendship before they kissed madly in the past. Was that behavior the norm then? I really really wanted to like this book more, and I still hope it does well for the author.

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I had trouble connecting with this story and it never really grabbed my attention. I tried to read a few times because I really enjoy time travel romance, unfortunately I just wasn’t able to complete the book.

Thank you for the opportunity to read/review.

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This is the first book I have read by the author and found that whilst she captures the differences between American and British characters very well, I did find the portrayal of Medieval characters a bit confusing. Being a time travel and basically fantasy novel, an author has license to use her creativity in whatever way she chooses, however, I did find the insertion of modern language and references to a band rather than minstrels or musicians in the text a bit jarring. The relationship between Ellie and John made me agitated as John seemed to be a very immature character, but Harry also appears to have his hangups, alternately blowing hot and cold toward Ellie. The adventure into the past fortunately does come to a good conclusion. I received a copy of this romance as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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When Ellie Hartford, a divorced mother of two and professor of Middle English, goes on vacation with her two young daughters to England, she thinks it’ll be a relaxing time to catch up with her friend Jane. They are stunned when John, Jane’s brother & an ex-boyfriend of Ellie, shows up drunk, hand-cuffed in ancient manacles late one night. Handsome and kind neighbor Harry helps get John uncuffed, but the mystery remains what happened to John? & how is he so wealthy? A medieval treasure trove is revealed, that has a direct connection to the haunted labyrinth in Jane’s back garden. Then Ellie & Harry pulled back to the year 1344, to the reign of Edward III, and the founding of the Order of the Garter. Ellie will do whatever it takes to get back to her girls. With her knowledge of the medieval language and culture, she must navigate the intricate world of feudal England, with its tournaments, knights, chivalry, dancing, and feasts.
A new author to me & I enjoyed the book, which was well written with strong characters & a well paced story. I loved the attention to detail of life in the fourteenth century, it was well researched & a good blend of fact & fiction. I really liked both Ellie & Harry but felt their romance played second fiddle to the time travel. There was chemistry between the two but I felt the book ended at pretty much the start of their journey to a HEA. I was most intrigued by Anthony de Lane & would love for his story to be developed
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Enjoyed this captivating time travel romance that had a twist that made it interesting and kept me guessing what had actually happened. The story was fast paced and sufficiently steamy and kept me fully engaged. Definitely worth reading.

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As someone obsessing over labyrinths and in love with romance novels, I couldn't help but read this book!

This is the story of Ellie, a Middle English teacher from US who comes to England to visit her friend who is also the sister of her ex boyfriend from college. Meeting him again, she is enveloped in his strange story - and by walking the labyrinth in the back of their manor - she is transported in 1344. Along with them travels Harry, his best friend from childhood, whom Ellie starts to get close to.

To be honest, this book left me with a lot of mixed feeling. The acknowledgements section put a light on a lot of details from the book. For instance, the fact that the author is trained in Middle English. I do feel if you read Chaucer and understood the world he portrays you would have a deeper understanding of this book.

I, also, felt this is a book in between genders. There is the historical flavor and the adventure. Than there is the romance. As a romance reader, I'm gonna be honest, there wasn't enough romance for me. Especially the sensual tension that I look for, it simply was not there, each male character made his move with so little announcement prior.

Only after getting to third base, does the hero reveals he is pretty much in love with the heroine, it seemed there wasn't much romantic build up. Whoever, Harry is such a charming character. He has his little flaws, but he's one of the most endearing characters in the whole book. His chivalrous ways can't go unnoticed.

It was interesting to get immersed into this world, and I appreciate the author treated it in a positive way, but without shying away from the very crude stuff. I liked a lot how there was thins constant feeling of what will remain in history, would the characters influence some of it?! There were many characters involved from that time, a lot of them had pretty complex stories and most of them were kind and helpful, they made this whole period shine beautiful from the pages.

There was, also, this realness, present throughout the story -what it means to be a mother and a woman in our times. All over the book, Ellie is worried about leaving her daughters, then there is the way her relationship with her ex husband left her, and what it feels to be missing the kind of romantic connection we all want.

And there was the labyrinth. My love. This part I adored. I do feel the author did justice to it. Making it the vehicle of magic, and giving Anthony de Lane, our wise knight crusader, the role of the Labyrinth keeper, and creating his personality in such interesting shades.

While the romance didn't woo me there were a lot of interesting moments in this book and for me, the labyrinth made it all better. Time traveling may not be a new idea but the author's passion for this time made this book unique. I look forward to read the next book in the series, hoping to unravel more about the labyrinth and Anthony de Lane.

I received a copy of thing in order of offer my personal view on it.

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