Member Reviews

It was a good book with great images. The suggestions were simple and easy to apply. But I didn’t learn anything I didn’t already know.

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This is such a great guide to making your home a healthier place to live. It's laid out in an easy-to-understand way, and everything is explained with no judgement and with understanding that not every change will be possible for every person. The pictures are also beautiful and there are several people I want to get a copy of this for. And I'm looking forward to doing what I can in my own home to improve my health!

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I always look for ways to improve my life. The most important thing to me is maintaining a clean and safe space for me, my kid, my husband, and even the cats. This gave me good tips on how to continue that journey.

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Our homes can become cluttered and toxic. In this book you learn tips and strategies to making your home less toxic and more enjoyable. The author goes through each home of the house with suggestions. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for an ARC.

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A Healthier Home: The Room by Room Guide to Make Any Space A Little Less Toxic. By Shawna Holman. 2023. Fair Winds Press (ARC eBook).

A Healthier Home is an informative guide that is easy to understand and makes good use of photographs. Overall, it will be good for those who are interested in introductory material, but may not have too many new insights for those who have read similar material over the years.

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In A Healthier Home, Shawna Holman gives great tips on how to create a less toxic environment for your family. Her step-by-step, common sense examples are really helpful. I will say, the book does cause a little stress and anxiety, even though Ms. Holman specifically states that that is not her intention. There is a fine line between being mindful and making little life-style changes, and I think this book does a great job of highlight that.

At the end of the day, there are toxins literally everywhere, from the air we breathe, water we drink, food we each, clothes we wear, toys we play with, cars we drive, the list goes on. Sometimes it can truly be overwhelming and one might think, "I just give up trying to clean up anything because it is almost an impossible task." This book lets you know that little acts can make a big difference, and it does not have to be a life-changing, monumental overhaul of your whole life. You don't have to give up all the things you love to make your world a tad bit cleaner. I appreciate that Ms. Holman is passionate about her topic of creating a healthier home and appreciate her tips.

Special thank you to the author, Netgalley, and Fair Winds Press for this Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Information overload! There were a lot of toxins I never even thought of before. I’m really glad I read this book. I will be starting slowly but even eliminating a few toxins will help.

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Pictures were lovely. Easy to read chapters and to understand. But I do feel as though it’s just like every other “happy home” guide.
Keep things fresh and clean. Tidy up after yourself. Try using homemade cleaners. Look at ingredients. Things that majority (like 99%) of us already know and we either, a- do then already, or b- cannot afford the time and/or money to do things every day, even though we *really* want to.
Guess which option I am…

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This book is a very helpful guide to making your spaces cleaner + healthier. I think it would be a helpful resource no matter what stage of the natural living journey you are in. I liked the way each section was organized by the room/space in your house. I would definitely pick this one up in paperback for my own house.

I received an e-copy of A Healthier Home via Netgalley. I was not required to leave a positive opinion, and all thoughts shared are my own.

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Every year one of my resolutions is to be kinder to my home. A Healthier Home by Shawna Holman offers resources, ideas, and tips to accomplish a less toxic home. In the introduction she offers a key idea for many, if you feel overwhelmed stick to something small. It is easy for one to become overwhelmed with all of the details of changing a lifestyle, habits and our homes. I personally found the information provided about current toxins in our homes incredibly fascinating and learned a considerable amount!

I love the size of this book. 90 pages packed with info; however, I do wish there were more organizational methods in the forms of checklists or a bit of a list for one to add certain ideas to their planners. I do appreciate how one can take bits and pieces of this book and fit it into their lives.

Thank you NetGalley and Quatro Publishing Group for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own

#AHealthierHome #NetGalley

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I love Shawna! And she wrote and amazing and informative book! I’ve followed Shawna on social media for awhile now and she’s a treasure trove of knowledge. To see it written down in one book makes it that much better for me. I’ve been looking forward to her book since she announced it and I flew through this book soaking it all in. Anyone I come across who is interested in a life a little less toxic, I always reference Shawna and now I have a book to send their way. I will always recommend this book.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy.

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Beautiful book and amazing tips! It’s a great coffee table book and companion. So many useful tips here to make our home a little less toxic! I have learned a lot so far. It has tips to make each room healthier. It’s divided by living room and shared spaces, kitchen and food, bathroom, laundry room, bedroom and outside the home. I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review

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Great spot to start your journey into swapping toxic products. I loved how Shawna goes room by room and gives you practical ways to swap items, and gives you a brief description on where toxins may lie in your home, and even recipes for some cleaners for your house to give a try.

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This was not really the book for me, but there are loads of things in it that may be uselful to others

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I enjoyed reading this book because even though I had heard/read about many of the tips mentioned, it served as a great reminder that I can always be better/do more on my sustainability journey! Plus, there were lots of recipes and new items to make my home healthier that I'd consider in the future, as our budget allows! Shawna certainly lays out many of the dangers to our health in our homes and when it's in front of your face, it's hard to deny that things are not as simple as they used to be. We must be our own health advocates and hope that others will follow and maybe eventually corporations will listen and make healthier changes to their products and in support of our Mother Earth. There's no Plan(et) B!

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Absolutely fantastic! Could not put the book down once I began reading it. Cannot wait for it to be released. Will recommend it to everyone I know!

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A Healthier Home offers a plethora of simple tips for a healthier, less toxic home. The author offers the book as "a place you can come and visit whenever you like".

It can be read from any page you want because it provides advice for various areas of the home, and includes a section on electronic devices and outdoor spaces.

In the book you can find many recipes for making homemade cosmetics and cleaning products; everything is accompanied by beautiful photos.

Some are not so well and widely known or used, for example, mouth tape, which is supposed to improve sleep.
Even though there are many tips in the book, I believe it is mainly intended for the younger population or beginners who are not yet familiar with the toxins that surround us in everyday life.

This is a simple and minimalist guide to a healthier home with many useful recommendations and links at the end of it.

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I really enjoyed this book! The photos were aesthetically pleasing. I think it would make a great coffee table book. I found a lot of the steps and advice helpful. I really loved the opening with the quick start guide & explaining what toxic really is. There was so much great information, like the explanation of common terms and certifications. I enjoyed the way the book was set up; organized by rooms in a house.

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As someone who is prone to be quite messy without a structure to go by I really enjoyed the Tipps and tricks shown in this book! Some Tipps I already knew but it helps to see the bigger picture!

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I enjoyed this book for its to-the-point nature and good tips. The photography was not distracting and provided the overall calming vibe the book was going for. I took notes and will definitely be applying some tips I read in this book and would recommend it to others interested in improving their health or their family's.

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